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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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Neither you nor the other poster actually commented on that. Simply stating others "don't understand" isn't an explanation. To be clear, I don't think that you know. There were more than one reason for Trump's victory, dismissing anything that doesn't fit the narrative won't change that.

I agree there were multiple factors and one of them started his career in the KGB.
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3 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

Lets face it - there are people who hate Trump and there are those that dont and are supporters of someone that has 'stuck it' up the politically elite globalists and their media supporters - like me :)


Yes, and that's a common characteristic for a lot of the die-hard man-child supporters. It's not that they really care that the individual they're supporting is a total fraud it's more that they want to point their noses at the "elites".

Goes to show that democracy has its limitations.

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12 minutes ago, Morch said:
6 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

I think I can speak for the President when I say:  I do not want to even try to garner your support. :smile:


I don't think so. Trump seems to be rather obsessed with adulation. There got to be some punchbags, sure. But bottom line, does seem he wants everyone to support him.

He wants to be loved, but on his own terms. In his own mind, he is the heroine in a Jane Austin novel! Even if he's never read a Jane Austin novel.

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7 hours ago, Rigby40 said:
7 hours ago, Thaidream said:

If he wants to garner my support let him stop using abusive rhetoric; let him stop attacking people personally; let him stop pursing a useless border wall. Instead, speak softly- put out programs that will give Americans Universal Health care; give us a fair and equitable immigration policy; give us tax reform that will distribute wealth from the 1% back to the 99%; give Americans free college Tuition; give us the infrastructure bill and finally gives us a foreign policy that makes sense. Let him do just one of these things and you will see a positive media response.


In other words pander to liberals and socialists for a pat on the back by the establishment media? 

Um.. do you even understand why he won?


Um...Because instead of pandering to people who wanted everyone to have healthcare and a chance at a decent education, he pandered to a motley collection of racists, misogynists, nativists, scoundrels and fools?


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11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

It is not fun. Some redneck will go out soon enough and lay into a reporter in the same way that Mr Pres has just 'told him to do'. 

I am not sure what your fitness regime must look like…but i guess it involves a lot of stretching.

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

trump was the symbol of old fashioned racists and misogynists. 


Pest or cholera.

At least there is a chance that after 4 years of Trump people will come to their senses. That is, if the democrats find a decent challenger.


euh I believe in English it is plague or cholera?

Edited by oldhippy
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5 hours ago, maewang99 said:

we really do live in a small world now. 

I read a recent book on the UN and thought I'd be bored to death. not. world opinion and discussion is very important.  it was even decisive in the Cuban Crisis.... discussions outside the Security Council but directly between Russians and Americans... and why we go to the UN before we go to Iraq... etc.

this is cool. it's important with how the Trump thing will play out too.

now, can I say something crazy on this?

is there anyway we could ever get rid of the permanent members of the Security Council?

their vetoes?


because if we could we just might be ready to solve a lot of persistent and very nasty problems...... for everyone..... think of all the messes created by foreign exchange situations... trade.... labor rules and no rules at all... Climate.... resort to terrorism.. international bonds and bank loans.. that would go away not with everyone using Bitcoin.. but everyone using blue money.... and then we could have blue aircraft carriers.... Kim Jung Un would have no need for nukes.... etc etc etc.... imagine......... and all it would take technically, as the first step....is to agree by some kind of plebiscites amoung the old powers electorates.... to agree to give up our veto power? yes? or just plum crazy?


it's the USA that wouldn't like it.  because the blue money right now is green. but the USA is in trouble. in the last crisis we all turned towards the dollar... but things have a way of switching around and running in cycles.... as to everything, it just seems.


It's one of the best posts I've read in months, the UN avoided using the 'Genocide' word so many times when it was set up after the 2nd world war to prevent genocide again, Balkans and the worst for me Malawi .............

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16 minutes ago, oldhippy said:


Pest or cholera.

At least there is a chance that after 4 years of Trump people will come to their senses. That is, if the democrats find a decent challenger.


euh I believe in English it is plague or cholera?

more than 1 pestilence although it is mostly known as the black death

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3 minutes ago, Basil B said:

Anyone know what software I need to make a Mock Video of me punching Trump's head, and kicking him the nuts to boot..:crazy: 

You've got the seed of a great idea there. Someone should take that wrestling video and edit it to show Trump bashing himself. Because that's what he is doing, in effect, when he creates videos like that. Should be simple enough to substitute his face for the CNN logo.

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I'm so old I remember when Republicans lost their sh!t after seeing a pic of Obama with his feet on the table. "How undignified!" They gasped as they clutched their collective pearls.


Now it's clear what they meant: in their eyes, the real indignity was a black man being their president.


A white supremacist president behaving imbecilically—that's just being presidential!




Edited by Thakkar
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6 hours ago, scorecard said:


is your comment in regard to Fox News?

This is why you people are losing so badly these days. You're completely out of touch and it REALLY shows.

Fox News, MSNBC, CNN etc I'd be happy to see them all go bye-bye.

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26 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

This is why you people are losing so badly these days. You're completely out of touch and it REALLY shows.

Fox News, MSNBC, CNN etc I'd be happy to see them all go bye-bye.

wow using BOLD, is that the same as saying TRUTH?


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trump sourced his violent video from a notorious hard core bigot. His reddit name is quite apt -- HanAssholeSolo.


I actually read the reddit  where these rabid white supremacist trumpist trolls congregate. Full of every kind of vile bigotry you can imagine. 




Anyone that doesn't get how toxic the trumpist movement is, should do the same.


That's the most enthusiastic core of his base. He'll never lose them. This is how white supremacist fascism takes a hold on the USA. 



Trump’s CNN Tweet Appears to Have Originated From Racist, Islamophobic, Misogynist Reddit Troll



Edited by Jingthing
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2 hours ago, Basil B said:

Anyone know what software I need to make a Mock Video of me punching Trump's head, and kicking him the nuts to boot..:crazy: 

No, but hopefully very soon there will be a real video available on the Internet of the man-child receiving a proper Golden Shower by a couple of Russian "fans".

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2 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

This is why you people are losing so badly these days. You're completely out of touch and it REALLY shows.

Fox News, MSNBC, CNN etc I'd be happy to see them all go bye-bye.

Which says a lot about you, and nothing of it is good.

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6 minutes ago, Rigby40 said:

I really could care less what you think, normie.

A clueless supporter of the man-child calls me a normie.:passifier: We all know you guys don't exactly light up the night sky but even you can surely do better than that?!

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1 minute ago, Becker said:

A clueless supporter of the man-child calls me a normie.:passifier: We all know you guys don't exactly light up the night sky but even you can surely do better than that?!

Screech on fella.

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Is he mentally 10 years old ? 


Keep the tweets coming Donald, you are digging yourself a grave and it's getting deeper and deeper. 

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20 hours ago, SouthernDelight said:

I too find it quite refreshing that the press/media is getting a taste of some of their own medicine; Other heads of state will follow eventually.

What do you mean "press/media is getting a taste of some of the own medicine"???????? 


Where has the media reported falsehoods? Perhaps a mistake occasionally - which they correct - but never deliberately. Please let me know something I'm apparently missing.

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51 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Where has the media reported falsehoods? Perhaps a mistake occasionally - which they correct - but never deliberately. Please let me know something I'm apparently missing.

I've posted numerous times on this issue and wouldn't you know, they always get deleted. Must be hitting a nerve. 

Anywho, here's just a drop in the ocean of reported falsehoods:


CNN selectively edits woman's words calling on rioters to burn down suburbs. CNN originally edited the video literally claiming she was calling for peace. Only until they realized that original unedited footage of the event had made it's way across the internets and after people called them out on their BS did they apologize. Another example of the lied to public destroying MSM fake news in realtime.




I'd be more than happy to provide you with more examples if you have a few minutes hours days to spend taking a look at them.

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1 minute ago, Rigby40 said:

I've posted numerous times on this issue and wouldn't you know, they always get deleted. Must be hitting a nerve. 

Anywho, here's just a drop in the ocean of reported falsehoods:


CNN selectively edits woman's words calling on rioters to burn down suburbs. CNN originally edited the video literally claiming she was calling for peace. Only until they realized that original unedited footage of the event had made it's way across the internets and after people called them out on their BS did they apologize. Another example of the lied to public destroying MSM fake news in realtime.




I'd be more than happy to provide you with more examples if you have a few minutes hours days to spend taking a look at them.

I think the only nerve you are hitting will be that from the mods.

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