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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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Just now, dutchisaan said:

I think the only nerve you are hitting will be that from the mods.

I care not.

They can't stop the millions of people across the world from watching youtube videos which expose fake news media outlets. And they certainly aren't going to do anything about us raising our children to distrust the mainstream media.




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This proves once again that being wealthy doesn't mean that you are well mannered, sophisticated in any way or have any decorum. I hope those that voted for this buffoon are happy they have inflicted this awful creature on the world.


There is nothing at all staesmanlike about Trump. He's in the same club as Duterte, Mugabe and other despots.

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7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump sourced his violent video from a notorious hard core bigot. His reddit name is quite apt -- HanAssholeSolo.


I actually read the reddit  where these rabid white supremacist trumpist trolls congregate. Full of every kind of vile bigotry you can imagine. 




Anyone that doesn't get how toxic the trumpist movement is, should do the same.


That's the most enthusiastic core of his base. He'll never lose them. This is how white supremacist fascism takes a hold on the USA. 




Awww...you're helping the Trump fans on TV find new friends. They can't say you never do anything for them.



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19 hours ago, Rigby40 said:

In other words pander to liberals and socialists for a pat on the back by the establishment media? 

Um.. do you even understand why he won?


As a non white person who grew up around racists, I *felt* I knew why Trump won. But everyone kept telling me I was wrong—that it was really economic anxiety. Well, turns out my spidey sense was right:



On Monday [July 3] researchers released the most comprehensive survey data yet aimed at understanding what actually went down in Election 2016. The group includes academics but also right-leaning outlets such The Heritage Foundation and left-leaners like the Center for American Progress.



They [voters] did flock to Trump. But the reason they did so in enough numbers for Trump to win wasn’t anxiety about the economy. It was anxiety about Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.


Here’s how they put it in academese: “What stands out most, however, is the attitudes that became more strongly related to the vote in 2016: attitudes about immigration, feelings toward black people, and feelings toward Muslims,” writes George Washington University professor John Sides. He notes that the media focused on less-educated whites, but negative racial attitudes fueled by Trump were a big motivator for college-educated whites, too.


A substantial share of Trump voters “appeared to embrace a conception of American identity predicated on birthplace and especially Christian faith,” Sides found.


It makes sense, considering the candidate himself was maligning Mexicans and openly calling for banning Muslims.


“I’ve got three words for you: scared white people,” 

“I get it, nobody wants to be told what they don’t want to hear,” Parker says. “People want there to be a more innocent explanation, about jobs or trade or something. But sorry, everyone — it just isn’t there. My plea to people is we ought to start focusing on what’s real.”





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15 hours ago, Jingthing said:

That plays into the sexism that was a major factor as well.

No it does not, just because someone does not like Hillary, that does not make them sexist.

Just because someone does not like Obama, that does not make them raciest.

Just because someone doesn't like you, that dose not make them homophobic.

And just because you do not like a conservative white male, that does not make them a white supremacist.

Stop with all the unfounded allegations against people, with differing views to you.

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11 hours ago, Jingthing said:

trump sourced his violent video from a notorious hard core bigot. His reddit name is quite apt -- HanAssholeSolo.

Totally unfounded. The clip may have originated there and by that poster, I have no idea.

But that does not mean Trump sourced it there, it is all over the internet, he could have sourced it from a million places.

Most probably, someone sent it to him.

You are being dishonest. 


Edited by PattayaJames
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13 hours ago, Foozool said:

Am I dreaming that he is the US President ❓?

No this is not just a dream, it is an absolute nightmare. ?



"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." (Kurt Vonnegut)


Replace "high school class" with "fellow posters"....

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Totally unfounded. The clip may have originated there and by that poster, I have no idea.
But that does not mean Trump sourced it there, it is all over the internet, he could have sourced it from a million places.
Most probably, someone sent it to him.
You are being dishonest. 

Hans took credit.
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Oh right, lets just say Trump sourced it there then. Good enough.

In any case it's totally disgusting that any president would broadcast such violence promoting trash. This situation is not trivial. The orange clown is repeatedly proclaiming that the press is the enemy of the people. That is the type of thing that leaders like Hitler do. It is shocking to come from an American president. True American patriots from the left, center, and right get that.


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We may joke about This man child's twitter shenanigans, but daily we risk becoming immune to ever lower levels of presidential behavior. With that in mind, I learned a new word today: mithridatize


It means to ingest ever higher doses of a poison, leading to eventual immunity.


The word derives from Mithridates VI, king of Pontus (now in Turkey) 120-63 BCE, who is said to have acquired immunity to poison by ingesting gradually larger doses of it.


The story goes that after Mithridates' defeat by Pompey, he didn’t want to be captured alive. So he tried to end his life by taking poison. That didn’t work as he had become immune, so he had a servant stab him with a sword.


Since last November there are increasingly more days when I feel I could really do with a servant willing to stab me with a sword. Am I alone in this?




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On 7/3/2017 at 1:49 PM, Thaidream said:

This is isn't about conservatives or liberals or Republicans or Democrats. This is about the President of the United States spending time on twitter denigrating journalists with who he has a personal quarrel with because he is watching television and doesn't like the narrative. Now his supporters are trying to pass off his latest  tweet as 'a joke'  Not many people laughing with you Mr President- but many laughing at you.


Trump claims the media is against him. He refuses to understand that the people who disagree with he  and his agenda is  because he is coming across as a narcissistic meglomaniac who uses coarse and rude langage; who attacks people personally; and who is viewed as not being competent due to lies and deceit. In addition, he has overly criticised and made highly offensive remarks to America's allies such as Australia; German; France and South Korea. He has shown more support of countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt which are ruled by unrepresentative governments,


Instead of accepting that there are people who do not agree with him by not responding just as previous Presidents have done, he calls his opponents names and tries to blame what he calls fake news.  Trump even refuses to believe he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes and spins a tale of 3 million illegal immigrants lining up to vote for Clinton. If there is such a thing as fake news- that one has to head the top of the list.


If Donald Trump wants to be taken seriously as President, he needs to stop watching television and go to work and actually present a positive piece of legislation that puts Americans to work. He needs to stop responding to every alleged slight as a personal vendetta. This man is not only denigrating the office of the Presidency but he is making America the laughing stock of the World.

He is not capable of being different. Mental illness can not be switched off/on. He is not competent to lead America. If he is not removed there will be grave consequences to many individuals/countries. Mark my words.

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6 hours ago, Thakkar said:


As a non white person who grew up around racists, I *felt* I knew why Trump won. But everyone kept telling me I was wrong—that it was really economic anxiety. Well, turns out my spidey sense was right:



On Monday [July 3] researchers released the most comprehensive survey data yet aimed at understanding what actually went down in Election 2016. The group includes academics but also right-leaning outlets such The Heritage Foundation and left-leaners like the Center for American Progress.



They [voters] did flock to Trump. But the reason they did so in enough numbers for Trump to win wasn’t anxiety about the economy. It was anxiety about Mexicans, Muslims and blacks.


Here’s how they put it in academese: “What stands out most, however, is the attitudes that became more strongly related to the vote in 2016: attitudes about immigration, feelings toward black people, and feelings toward Muslims,” writes George Washington University professor John Sides. He notes that the media focused on less-educated whites, but negative racial attitudes fueled by Trump were a big motivator for college-educated whites, too.


A substantial share of Trump voters “appeared to embrace a conception of American identity predicated on birthplace and especially Christian faith,” Sides found.


It makes sense, considering the candidate himself was maligning Mexicans and openly calling for banning Muslims.


“I’ve got three words for you: scared white people,” 

“I get it, nobody wants to be told what they don’t want to hear,” Parker says. “People want there to be a more innocent explanation, about jobs or trade or something. But sorry, everyone — it just isn’t there. My plea to people is we ought to start focusing on what’s real.”





For an in-depth analysis of the Trump supporters have a look at the special report in the latest issue of The Economist. It's a lengthy piece consisting of several articles but well worth the time and effort. Very interesting and thoroughly depressing. It confirms that his base is not interested in debating the issues at all. It's all about (mis)perceptions.


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3 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

No it does not, just because someone does not like Hillary, that does not make them sexist.

Just because someone does not like Obama, that does not make them raciest.

Just because someone doesn't like you, that dose not make them homophobic.

And just because you do not like a conservative white male, that does not make them a white supremacist.

Stop with all the unfounded allegations against people, with differing views to you.

And just because someone thinks Trump is a lying a**hole does not make them a 'libtard', 'snowflake' or 'crybaby loser' because 'their' person lost (generally said to people that didn't even have a vote in any US election). So how about YOU start applying YOUR standard.

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On 7/3/2017 at 2:41 PM, ELVIS123456 said:

 I will just say exactly the same thing as was said by young Rigby a little while ago:


Wrong. And because you people don't understand why he was elected, you will keep losing.

I postulate that 45 defenders voted for him because of what he is NOT e.g. refined, logical, smart, educated, caring, fair-minded, spiritually evolved, empathetic, self disciplined, emotionally balanced, and with a high moral character - to name a few.

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32 minutes ago, Becker said:

For an in-depth analysis of the Trump supporters have a look at the special report in the latest issue of The Economist. It's a lengthy piece consisting of several articles but well worth the time and effort. Very interesting and thoroughly depressing. It confirms that his base is not interested in debating the issues at all. It's all about (mis)perceptions.



I've just began reading the series of articles, starting with the last one first, and it is depressing. I'm not as pessimistic as the Economist though, but discussions of that would be way off topic.



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Grizzled political observers can recall—it was just less than three years ago, though it feels like many more—when conservative media were branding Barack Obama a raging narcissist. Little could they, or anyone else, have imagined that in the near future the president of the United States would be the sort of person who recycled fan videos created on internet message boards devoted to idolizing him.



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5 hours ago, PattayaJames said:

No it does not, just because someone does not like Hillary, that does not make them sexist.

Just because someone does not like Obama, that does not make them raciest.

Just because someone doesn't like you, that dose not make them homophobic.

And just because you do not like a conservative white male, that does not make them a white supremacist.

Stop with all the unfounded allegations against people, with differing views to you.


Tell your last line to your idol.

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I and many others do not base our opinions of President Trump on CNN. We base our opinions on the words of Donald Trump himself which we can view on numerous sources such as Fox News; CBS Amereica; Japan NTT English; Al Jezeera: Australian ABC; and others.


It is Donald Trump himself who is distorting facts; self agrandizing; being rude and insensitive and generally not providing a cogent agenda that will make America a Great country.


If one  listens to a variety of news sources- one finds that Mr Trump has a less than favorable rating in all areas of his agenda; he is also looked unfavorably by almost all foreign countries and their leadership.  Is everyone else lying and every news outlet around the World against Trump and providing fake news?  That is not the case.


I will be watching Trump on the World stage this weekend and see how he comports himself with other leaders of the World and then I will want to see how he responds to the recent North Korean missile  launch.


Mr Trump needs to accept the fact that he is not well liked anywhere in the World including his own country and stop blaming it on the media. He needs to look in the mirror and do a self assessment.

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Sorry- but that is a very poor example of a fake news report-  A fake news report involves a completely made up report- Such as -unnamed sources indicate xxxx plans on sending 50,000 troops to North Korea tomorrow- when it is not true and there is no real source.


Differences of opinions; criticisms of policy; dislike of  a person's choice of words;  criticism of a person's demeanor- are not fake news. You may agree or not agree. If one does not like the nature of the report- change the station or go to a new website. This is why I listen to many sources of news from around the World and form a consensus on what took place.


Trump is using the 'fake news' theory to hide the fact that he is unpopular; his policies are wrong and not going to work; and he has a negative rating everywhere. Trump is using the Josef Goebbels strategy of information:  If you tell enough people a lie- often enough- they will eventually believe it is the truth.

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When Donald Trump does something positive that causes positive reaction from the American people; when he gives a speech or a sound bite that uses a soft , understated tone; and when he engages in positive and proper discourse with foreign leaders- the media will report it as positive news.  

However, when Trump tweets personal insults to a variety of people; misrepresents basic facts; and is rude to foreign leaders- these are negatives that will be reported by the media as such.


It's up to Trump to change the narrative to something positive-  not up to the media to report something positive that just isn't there.

Edited by Thaidream
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40 minutes ago, Thaidream said:


I will be watching Trump on the World stage this weekend and see how he comports himself with other leaders of the World and then I will want to see how he responds to the recent North Korean missile  launch.


He will be the Boss as usual. All eyes, all cameras on him. Will be fun, that's for sure.

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5 minutes ago, observer90210 said:

Not such a surprise...and he's kind of amusing to the rest of the world...dangerous but amusing still...


but well...who is to blame? the guy tweeting or the guys who voted for him?

 He is a aberration  (I hope) ,  soon will be gone,and the damage done repaired (I hope) but those who voted for him are here to stay.

I find the people who voted for him to be much, much more dangerous, it says something about our country that is not very desirable IMO

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The World will be watching Trump this weekend


Let's hope the scenario goes better than this:


Trump and son in law Jared in the meeting hall-


Trump to Jared:     Look there's Merkel- That hag really needs a face lift!


Jared to Trump:     Shhh.  She's coming our way


Merkel to Trump:  Guten Morgen. Herr Trump!  (Merkel moving on)


Trump to Jared:    Did Merkel say something about my hair.  Wait till she sees Twitter tonight!


Jared to Trump:    I'll explain it to you later.


Trump greeting Macron:  Hey Frenchie!  How did you like those frog legs I sent you.


Macron to Trump:      Not Funny Donald!


Trump to Macron:    Lighten Up! I sent May a bag of limes.  Can't you people take a joke?


Trump eyeing Putin;    Vlady- finally we meet again.  Forget about Crimea.Forget about Syria.          

                                         Those Russian hookers still around?


Putin to Trump:             (Big Smile from Putin)  Donald-  I have a surprise for you!!!


Trump to Jared:            Cancel all my evening appointments!  I'm going on the piss!


Jared (under his breath):   Good Lord!  The freaking meeting has even started yet!!


In the background- that old  Trump favorite song plays :  And the beat goes on..

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