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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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Whether one is liberal or conservative; Republican, Independent, or Democrat- as Americans and even other nationalities want an America that is vibrant; fair and equitable. 


Donald Trump is not ignorant- he graduated from the Wharton School o Business- University of Pennsylvania which is hard to get into and considered a top University. However, Trump is a product of his life experience. He comes from a well to do family and admits his father  'loaned' him $1million to go into business. He is a native New Yorker and has done business with typical New Yorkers- hard talking; hard bargaining and often crude.  To be honest, many Americans do not care for native New Yorkers and the way they talk.


I doubt Donald Trump ever did an hour of manual labor in his life. He has no real concept of how a middle class American lives and certainly no knowledge of the issues the poor face each day. According to numerous reports- his way of conducting business is fast and loose; let's others work out the details; and as a result he has become involved in numerous lawsuits for non payment; issues of using eminent domain against small homeowners and generally following the precepts of materialistic capitalism and the more recent - "Greed is Good". philosophy.


When Trump announced his run for the Presidency- I was quite interested in seeing what is agenda involved and what his plan was to -Make America Great Again-. I listened directly to his speeches; heard his word; watched how he conducted himself; saw the debates and ignored the press coverage.


I cam to the conclusion Trump was the flim flam man- a euphemism for a person who will promise you everything and deliver nothing. I was offended by his language; his speeches using spectres of racism and misogyny; and ultra nationalism. He had no real agenda; no real plan; and  tried to use his alleged vast management experience and wealth to fool Americans into believing he would be different and look after the average American's interests.


His cabinet choices are mostly a disaster- choosing people from the banking industry and Wall Street- the same entities that created the 2008 financial meltdown that caused Americans to loose homes, jobs, cars and their lives. This isn't draining the swamp- it's bringing it into the house. I don't need a media outlet to tell me about the background of these people. I know who they are and I know the philosophy they represent- one that will shield the wealthy and take more money from the middle class and the poor.


All one has to do to prove my narrative is to look at the Healthcare bill passed y the House and the Senate version and supported by Trump. This bill is a disaster- it gives the wealthy a tax break; it reduces medicaid; it  will force millions off healthcare due to high costs and lack of government support. If passed, it will literally-at some point- kill people because they can't get medical care.This isn't  the media reporting this- it is respected offices such as the Congressional Budget Office plus reading the bill itself which is available on the net.





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On 7/4/2017 at 1:07 AM, Jingthing said:

trump sourced his violent video from a notorious hard core bigot. His reddit name is quite apt -- HanAssholeSolo.


I actually read the reddit  where these rabid white supremacist trumpist trolls congregate. Full of every kind of vile bigotry you can imagine. 




Anyone that doesn't get how toxic the trumpist movement is, should do the same.


That's the most enthusiastic core of his base. He'll never lose them. This is how white supremacist fascism takes a hold on the USA. 




Yep and they would feel confident 45 will assist them if/when they start another civil war. Many Whites are petrified of being in "the minority." They really want Jim Crow era back. And they know 45 gives them their best chance at this. 

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2 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

Yep and they would feel confident 45 will assist them if/when they start another civil war. Many Whites are petrified of being in "the minority." They really want Jim Crow era back. And they know 45 gives them their best chance at this. 

Well, I do think the most rabid racist trumpists are a minority but they do tend to have a lot of GUNS.

Since gun control in the USA is impossible under 45, there is an argument that non-trumpists should consider arming themselves more just as a matter of self defense. 

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9 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Whether one is liberal or conservative; Republican, Independent, or Democrat- as Americans and even other nationalities want an America that is vibrant; fair and equitable. 


Donald Trump is not ignorant- he graduated from the Wharton School o Business- University of Pennsylvania which is hard to get into and considered a top University. However, Trump is a product of his life experience. He comes from a well to do family and admits his father  'loaned' him $1million to go into business. He is a native New Yorker and has done business with typical New Yorkers- hard talking; hard bargaining and often crude.  To be honest, many Americans do not care for native New Yorkers and the way they talk.


I doubt Donald Trump ever did an hour of manual labor in his life. He has no real concept of how a middle class American lives and certainly no knowledge of the issues the poor face each day. According to numerous reports- his way of conducting business is fast and loose; let's others work out the details; and as a result he has become involved in numerous lawsuits for non payment; issues of using eminent domain against small homeowners and generally following the precepts of materialistic capitalism and the more recent - "Greed is Good". philosophy.


When Trump announced his run for the Presidency- I was quite interested in seeing what is agenda involved and what his plan was to -Make America Great Again-. I listened directly to his speeches; heard his word; watched how he conducted himself; saw the debates and ignored the press coverage.


I cam to the conclusion Trump was the flim flam man- a euphemism for a person who will promise you everything and deliver nothing. I was offended by his language; his speeches using spectres of racism and misogyny; and ultra nationalism. He had no real agenda; no real plan; and  tried to use his alleged vast management experience and wealth to fool Americans into believing he would be different and look after the average American's interests.


His cabinet choices are mostly a disaster- choosing people from the banking industry and Wall Street- the same entities that created the 2008 financial meltdown that caused Americans to loose homes, jobs, cars and their lives. This isn't draining the swamp- it's bringing it into the house. I don't need a media outlet to tell me about the background of these people. I know who they are and I know the philosophy they represent- one that will shield the wealthy and take more money from the middle class and the poor.


All one has to do to prove my narrative is to look at the Healthcare bill passed y the House and the Senate version and supported by Trump. This bill is a disaster- it gives the wealthy a tax break; it reduces medicaid; it  will force millions off healthcare due to high costs and lack of government support. If passed, it will literally-at some point- kill people because they can't get medical care.This isn't  the media reporting this- it is respected offices such as the Congressional Budget Office plus reading the bill itself which is available on the net.





In Gwenda Blair's 2001 book, "The Trumps: Three Generations of Builders and a President," she said Trump transferred into Wharton from Fordham University with help from family connections. The president's older brother, Freddy Trump, knew an admissions counselor at Wharton, she said. 




Was Trump really a top student at Wharton? His classmates say not so much




School officials have refused to comment on Trump since he declared his candidacy, even declining to address basic facts about his history there. Penn’s student newspaper, The Daily Pennsylvanian, has always enjoyed good access to Wharton leaders, but when reporter and Wharton student Corey Stern saw in some old records that Trump had once served on a Wharton board of overseers, the school wouldn’t confirm it one way or the other. “If it was Donald Trump’s name, no, no comment on anything,” Stern says.



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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

You can't be serious.  You guys have got to stop believing anything that comes out of Trump's mouth or the White House.  Most of it is massive exaggerations or outright lies, mixed in with tiny kernels of truth.

You can't be serious.  You guys have got to stop believing anything that comes out of CNN's mouth or the DNC.  Most of it is massive exaggerations or outright lies, mixed in with tiny kernels of truth.

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1 minute ago, ELVIS123456 said:

You can't be serious.  You guys have got to stop believing anything that comes out of CNN's mouth or the DNC.  Most of it is massive exaggerations or outright lies, mixed in with tiny kernels of truth.

You know darn well that's not true.  So where do you get your news? 

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When Donald Trump does something to help the struggling middle class and the poor such as going to a single payer healthcare system- then I will believe  that Trump actually cares about the average American. As of now, Trump shows me he cares only about himself and what others think of him and frankly, there are not many people who think too much of him.

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I watched the video and also the original with the Wrestling one- funny for a few seconds- until one realizes that it represents a President trashing the media because the President is afraid of the actual narrative which is his record- the laughter stops real quick at that point and the reality  sets in the Donald Trump represents everything that is wrong with America.

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1 hour ago, cocteau2x said:

what if I made a gif like this? .. but, instead showed a picture of ME beating the shit out of Trump ./.. 

Would I get a visit from the Secret Service? .. or have some Trumptards at my door? .. Or have FOX News screaming bloody murder and bleeding out of all their holes?

Or Trump tweeting how UNFAIR it all is


I wish I knew how to make a gif like that ... I am surprised someone hasn't done it yet


You don't have to speculate. A comedienne did a photo shoot with a mock severed Trump head. She was criticized by many in all sides. She was severely, rabidly and ruthlessly attacked by the same right wing media and commenters who are saying the Trump tweet was a joke and we should all get a sense of humor.


The said comedienne lost her job, withdrew the picture and apologized publicly.


Trump has neither been fired, withdrawn his tweet or apologized.


A metaphorical bashing of an entire news organization by a sitting president that the news organization covers and criticizes (whether fairly or not is irrelevant) is, we are told is just a joke and we snowflakes should just get over it.


The normalization of a bastardized presidency continues.



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21 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

You can't be serious.  You guys have got to stop believing anything that comes out of CNN's mouth or the DNC.  Most of it is massive exaggerations or outright lies, mixed in with tiny kernels of truth.


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1 hour ago, CutiePi said:

Anything that explodes the heads of Democrat voters, the fake news media, and other assorted lefties I'm all in favor of.


I'd suggest the correct word to describe your feeling is "schadenfreude".


But you shouldn't be delighting. Democrats' heads aren't exploding. What we are witnessing is a collective despair as people around the world watch, frame by frame, the decline of a major world power going from being in a position of potential greatness to being a farcical sideshow.


It isn't pretty except to that portion of humanity that delights in watching things burn down.




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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I'd suggest the correct word to describe your feeling is "schadenfreude".


But you shouldn't be delighting. Democrats' heads aren't exploding. What we are witnessing is a collective despair as people around the world watch, frame by frame, the decline of a major world power going from being in a position of potential greatness to being a farcical sideshow.


It isn't pretty except to that portion of humanity that delights in watching things burn down.




Yes, trump winning was the best thing that ever happened to people that want to see the USA decline into a banana republic as rapidly as possible. On that account, he's a YUGE WINNER. 

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CNN threatening to dox the guy, if he does not comply.

Who are they, the thought police now! Disgusting!


CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.


CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.



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8 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


I'd suggest the correct word to describe your feeling is "schadenfreude".


But you shouldn't be delighting. Democrats' heads aren't exploding. What we are witnessing is a collective despair as people around the world watch, frame by frame, the decline of a major world power going from being in a position of potential greatness to being a farcical sideshow.


It isn't pretty except to that portion of humanity that delights in watching things burn down.




I would suggest in return that the ones trying to "burn down" the country, both literally [nee Antifa, BLM, Code Pink, James Hodkinson, et al.] and figuratively are all those, including the leaders of the Democrat Party, that are leading and enflaming The Resistance.  

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Just now, Thaidream said:

 such as going to a single payer healthcare system-

at one time he said he was for this ... I agree .. SINGLE PAYER the only way to go ... Medicare for all 

Or .. how about just giving EVERYONE they same healthcare protection the congress gets ... LOL ... like that will ever happen

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Just now, PattayaJames said:

CNN threatening to dox the guy, if he does not comply.

Who are they, the thought police now! Disgusting!


CNN is not publishing "HanA**holeSolo's" name because he is a private citizen who has issued an extensive statement of apology, showed his remorse by saying he has taken down all his offending posts, and because he said he is not going to repeat this ugly behavior on social media again. In addition, he said his statement could serve as an example to others not to do the same.


CNN reserves the right to publish his identity should any of that change.



He should be DOX'd ... though I doubt CNN would post anything more than his name ... a full Dox would include his phone, address, etc


you know that FOX would not hesitate if the situation was reversed .. 


why aren't people making competing/opposite vids? ... I will stop following this discussion .. 


like all these things .. political ... no one ever changes their minds .. 

just a lot of name calling .. 

and chest beating .. 


we will see if Trump gets removed for mental incompetence .. LOL .. THAT would be funny

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It is obvious from the exchange of opinions on this board just how polarizing a figure Donald Trump is- and it appears there is no middle ground where  there is agreement. I will base my future opinions on what I hear from Mr Trump directly either in news bites or when he holds a press conference. I will also be watching him in regards to the Healthcare bill and also around the August/September time frame when it is time for a new budget and a bill to raise the debt limit. All these are critical issues.  I am hoping against hope for the best but I am prepared for the worse.  I have never seen a leopard change his spots.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

When Donald Trump does something to help the struggling middle class and the poor such as going to a single payer healthcare system- then I will believe  that Trump actually cares about the average American. As of now, Trump shows me he cares only about himself and what others think of him and frankly, there are not many people who think too much of him.

But enough to make him president of the United States.

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Trump got lucky- there were enough desperate people in America who really believed he would make America a great country again. It's not happening. Instead, he has made America the laughing stock of the World. Actually, he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.  Oh.... i forgot... 3 million illegal aliens voted for his opponent including those from Mars and Venus. Good grief- does anyone actually believe that drivel?

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Let's put it this way....all will agree that his etiquette, public manners and temperament are questionnable and can cause trouble....as for the politically incorrect, he is a world class champion...


But on deeper thoughts....what has he done worse that his predecessors?...Now I'm no fan of Trump's dogma of world politics, don't get me mistaken, but I think BUSH, Jr. and Sr. assorted with Obama, have a decent record of harm they caused either locally or globaly, then Trump has done, till this day any case...he has not started to invade a country or started a single war to this day...


So what's the point?

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:

Trump got lucky- there were enough desperate people in America who really believed he would make America a great country again. It's not happening. Instead, he has made America the laughing stock of the World. Actually, he lost the popular vote by almost 3 million votes.  Oh.... i forgot... 3 million illegal aliens voted for his opponent including those from Mars and Venus. Good grief- does anyone actually believe that drivel?

Being a member of the reality based community, I don't believe in things like "luck" and I doubt the President does either. He MADE his luck by campaigning hard on the issues that mattered to people...not on empty vacuous slogans like his opponent. Oh, and he also campaigned in Wisconsin.

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We can go back and forth all day and year and  no one is going to change my mind except Trump himself.  I will say it again- when he starts to actually support things that will help middle class and poor Americans  and stop being a rude,  narcissistic man and show me that he can control his anger and demeanor I will give him credit .  His first test will be this weekend in Hamburg, Germany at the G20 meeting.  His next test will be the Healthcare bill. If he fails these first 2 tests after all the hullabaloo that he has caused I will know for sure he is a lost cause.

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Just now, Thaidream said:

We can go back and forth all day and year and  no one is going to change my mind except Trump himself.  I will say it again- when he starts to actually support things that will help middle class and poor Americans  and stop being a rude,  narcissistic man and show me that he can control his anger and demeanor I will give him credit .  His first test will be this weekend in Hamburg, Germany at the G20 meeting.  His next test will be the Healthcare bill. If he fails these first 2 tests after all the hullabaloo that he has caused I will know for sure he is a lost cause.

I'm not sure what you expect the President to do at the G20 confab that will "help" middle-class and poor people. I mean, he has already thrown out the job-killing Paris Climate Accord. He also appears to be on the cusp of imposing counter-vailing tariffs on dumped steel exported to the United States. My understanding is that the G20 meeting is more to discuss geo-strategic issues and overall trade themes and not specific policies to address micro-level economic issues.

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22 minutes ago, CutiePi said:

I mean, he has already thrown out the job-killing Paris Climate Accord. He also appears to be on the cusp of imposing counter-vailing tariffs on dumped steel exported to the United States.

How are you taking yourself seriously?

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CNN has blackmailed a 15 year old to apologise and delete the original meme, under threat of his personal details being publicly announced. #CNNBlackmail is the highest trending issue on the internet. Even the BBC is across it:


Broadcaster CNN has been accused of "blackmail" following its investigation into the identity of the creator of a controversial gif shared by President Donald Trump.



Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accused CNN of "blackmailing a private citizen" and tweeted: "When Trump goes low CNN goes lower: threatens to dox artist behind 'CNN head' video if he makes fun of them again".


CNN or the Clinton News Network as we called them during the election, and FNN (Fake News Network) as we call it now, has yet again shown itself to be a biased arrogant vindictive bunch. But just like all their other anti-Trump fake news, this one is going to bite them back big time:




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10 minutes ago, ELVIS123456 said:

CNN has blackmailed a 15 year old to apologise and delete the original meme, under threat of his personal details being publicly announced. #CNNBlackmail is the highest trending issue on the internet. Even the BBC is across it:


Broadcaster CNN has been accused of "blackmail" following its investigation into the identity of the creator of a controversial gif shared by President Donald Trump.



Wikileaks founder Julian Assange accused CNN of "blackmailing a private citizen" and tweeted: "When Trump goes low CNN goes lower: threatens to dox artist behind 'CNN head' video if he makes fun of them again".


CNN or the Clinton News Network as we called them during the election, and FNN (Fake News Network) as we call it now, has yet again shown itself to be a biased arrogant vindictive bunch. But just like all their other anti-Trump fake news, this one is going to bite them back big time:




Age is irrelevant. If someone has published something which defames any organisation (and this went to hundreds of millions of people), then any organization has the right to defend itself and demand whatever type of remedial action it wants. Lucky the 15 year old doesn't have to ask his parents to sell their house to pay for this one.


This is NOT CNN's fault and their action is exactly the same type of action that Trump is so well known for.


The only one 'vindictive' in all of this is the King of Vindictiveness himself - Trump.

Edited by Andaman Al
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