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Trump tweets mock video of himself tackling, punching CNN logo


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1 minute ago, sanemax said:

When you post humorous posts, it would be helpful if you added a smiley face :smile: afterwards, just  to make it quite clear that you are not being serious , just to avoid confusion .

    Same as when people make humorous videos , they should make quite clear that its humour and not intended to be taken seriously


Taking my post in its entirety, and not just the part you clipped, I'd say I'm being deadly serious.



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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


Taking my post in its entirety, and not just the part you clipped, I'd say I'm being deadly serious.



You are suggesting that Polands first Lady was worried that Trump would sexually assault her and thats why She didnt go close to him ?

   You are suggesting it wasnt a personal snub, She was avoiding the possibility of Trump sexually assaulting her ?

    As She did offer her hand to Trump a few seconds later , its quite clear that the possibilities that you gave are very unlikely, bordering on the absurd

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Let's forget about handshakes; liberal versus conservative; Republican vs Democrat.  I want to know what Trump is going to do about Healthcare in America. He cannot seem to understand that America has one of the worst Healthcare systems in the World where people go broke trying to pay for it and Big Insurance and Big Pharma as well as Government indecision abetting it.


Trump supporters say he is for the working man; the average citizen. He has an opportunity right now to veto any Republican Healthcare plan which is by conservative estimates will take money from the poor and middle class to support a tax cut for the wealthy and force millions off the healthcare insurance roles.  Don't be fooled by politician rhetoric indicating insurance prices will decrease- they will once deductibles are raised; coverage slashed; and limits on produces introduced. A person will be paying for insurance they can never use. 


If Trump really cares about the average American-let him propose a single payer healthcare system run by the Government and universal in nature- everyone is covered; no one goes broke; Big Insurance is eliminated and Big Pharma has to reduce its prices radically.


If he is not even willing to stand by Americans on this issue why should I believe he will do anything else to actually help the middle class and the poor.  Spending billions on a useless border wall and increasing the defense budget, which is already the largest in the World to an ungodly sum of almost $700 Billion per year while  ignoring healthcare; ignoring a real tax reform that favors the middle class; failing to support an increase in the minimum wage and constantly harping on his own image is one of the reasons so many people are anti Trump.


Trump needs to stop hiding behind the White House walls and using Twitter and his minions to complain about poor media coverage and do something for the American people. So far, he has done nothing except talk and most of it is BS.

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25 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I want to know what Trump is going to do about Healthcare in America.

A good question and post.


Well he has already shown what he is going to do. He came back from Europe and headed straight for his Golf Course telling the Senate to work on a 'beautiful health bill'. God forbid that with the most crucial bit of legislation needed by the American people we might expect the President to work with his Senate on a few all nighters over the last few days so that he can take the lead. (I guess he needs to save his energy for his dinner with Macron on Wed/Thu this week). The truth is Trump wants nothing to do with the process so that he can blame others when it collapses. The man is a snake oil salesman and I simply can't comprehend those people we see on here with at least half a brain that support him.

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40 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You are suggesting that Polands first Lady was worried that Trump would sexually assault her and thats why She didnt go close to him ?

   You are suggesting it wasnt a personal snub, She was avoiding the possibility of Trump sexually assaulting her ?

    As She did offer her hand to Trump a few seconds later , its quite clear that the possibilities that you gave are very unlikely, bordering on the absurd


We've learned that, with this president, any absurdity is possible: put a large stack of contentless folders on a table and declare that they prove you've disassociated yourself from all Trump businesses. End of story and no supporter or Republican questions it.


Or, since you seem to have an eye for absurdities, how's this:


A sitting president tweeting a vid of himself bashing a prominent representative of the Third Estate to his tens of millions of followers knowing that it would be picked up by every major news outlet.*


My speculation, while absurd on the face of it, is merely a line item on a litany of absurdities when it comes to President Trump.




* bringing us neatly back on topic.

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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

Or, since you seem to have an eye for absurdities, how's this:

A sitting president tweeting a vid of himself bashing a prominent representative of the Third Estate to his tens of millions of followers knowing that it would be picked up by every major news outlet.*



   Donald is a human and that is what people do

It was a satirical video , Youtube and face book is full of similar videos

It could be said that the POTUS should not act in such a common way

Maybe he should sit on his perch , keeping his normal self to himself and  getting his publicists  to portray himself as something that he isnt

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1 minute ago, sanemax said:


   Donald is a human and that is what people do

It was a satirical video , Youtube and face book is full of similar videos

It could be said that the POTUS should not act in such a common way

Maybe he should sit on his perch , keeping his normal self to himself and  getting his publicists  to portray himself as something that he isnt


Yes. Especially if what he is, is a vengeful, indecorous, imbecilic buffoon.



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He might want to try and do something for the middle class and poor that actually works instead of building $20 Billion border walls; raising the defense budget to $700 Billion when it is already the highest in the World or arguing with journalists over nonsense.


When Trump does something that benefits all Americans he will get credit for a job well done. Now, he is getting criticism because his agenda is not helping anyone. It's really that simple.

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I watched the above video and I also remember many of the statements Trump made.  Trump is clever- he uses the things many Americans are concerned about and uses a bogeyman as a reason why these things exist. It's either Mexico that is the problem or China or Obama but his solutions are feeble ; lack any real details and are simplistic.


He lacks a real understanding of geopolitics; the World economy and its concepts and how to really make America great again.  He refuses to acknowledge that materialistic capitalism has placed so much wealth in the hands of a few that the rest of America and even the World cannot live a decent life.  He just can't understand that America and the World needs a redistribution of this wealth so everyone has a fair share. If Governments redesign a tax program that takes 30% of monies from a person who earns $10 million a year- they are still wealthy; but imagine what that 30% infusion of money does to someone earning $30 Thousand a year. It gives them life- a living wage.


When Mr Trump starts talking about real issues and causes and real solutions then he will get respect and praise.

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1 minute ago, Thaidream said:



When Mr Trump starts talking about real issues and causes and real solutions then he will get respect and praise.

Never then.

I really don't understand your optimism that there will ever be a WHEN in this case. 

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I don't believe he has the ability or the wherewithal to do it. I am simply answering the Trumpsters  as to why there is opposition to Trump. As I have said- he offers no solutions to complex problems. He wants people to believe that costly border walls and huge defense budgets are going to solve America's complex problems. 


He uses bluster and  bogeymen to blame for everything- he might want to look in the mirror and examine his own motivation.

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3 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

I don't believe he has the ability or the wherewithal to do it. I am simply answering the Trumpsters  as to why there is opposition to Trump. As I have said- he offers no solutions to complex problems. He wants people to believe that costly border walls and huge defense budgets are going to solve America's complex problems. 


He uses bluster and  bogeymen to blame for everything- he might want to look in the mirror and examine his own motivation.

Again, he won't. That's not in him.

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26 minutes ago, Jingthing said:
28 minutes ago, Thaidream said:



When Mr Trump starts talking about real issues and causes and real solutions then he will get respect and praise.

Never then.

I really don't understand your optimism that there will ever be a WHEN in this case. 


Here's a plausible scenario. Since Trump is all about himself, has no ideology beyond "winning" and has no qualms about turning on a dime to contradict himself or throwing whoever he needs to under the bus:


He announces he is in favor of repealing Obamacare and replacing it with single payer universal healthcare. "I've said it before: I'm gonna take care of everyone"


Boom! 65% approval ratings right away. Dems signal full support. GOP hates him, but don't know how to oppose this without risking complete bloodbath in the midterms. For this to work, Trump's timing has to be just right.


For the next few months, everyone but Mueller forgets about "that Russia thing"


In this bizzaro world we're living in, that doesn't seem so far fetched.




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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:


Here's a plausible scenario. Since Trump is all about himself, has no ideology beyond "winning" and has no qualms about turning on a dime to contradict himself or throwing whoever he needs to under the bus:


He announces he is in favor of repealing Obamacare and replacing it with single payer universal healthcare. "I've said it before: I'm gonna take care of everyone"


Boom! 65% approval ratings right away. Dems signal full support. GOP hates him, but don't know how to oppose this without risking complete bloodbath in the midterms. For this to work, Trump's timing has to be just right.


For the next few months, everyone but Mueller forgets about "that Russia thing"


In this bizzaro world we're living in, that doesn't seem so far fetched.




Yeah, but you know he'll botch this up somehow, so eh...


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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


Here's a plausible scenario. Since Trump is all about himself, has no ideology beyond "winning" and has no qualms about turning on a dime to contradict himself or throwing whoever he needs to under the bus:


He announces he is in favor of repealing Obamacare and replacing it with single payer universal healthcare. "I've said it before: I'm gonna take care of everyone"


Boom! 65% approval ratings right away. Dems signal full support. GOP hates him, but don't know how to oppose this without risking complete bloodbath in the midterms. For this to work, Trump's timing has to be just right.


For the next few months, everyone but Mueller forgets about "that Russia thing"


In this bizzaro world we're living in, that doesn't seem so far fetched.




I've mentioned this a number of times before. Yes, he could do that and it would turn things around. But he won't. No way. Not plausible even in trump bizarro world which is where we're at now. 

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

I've mentioned this a number of times before. Yes, he could do that and it would turn things around. But he won't. No way. Not plausible even in trump bizarro world which is where we're at now. 


To quote the generic expert witness from a thousand courtroom dramas:


"Anything's possible. But is it plausible? Who knows?"



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4 minutes ago, Thakkar said:


To quote the generic expert witness from a thousand courtroom dramas:


"Anything's possible. But is it plausible? Who knows?"



Don't bet the house on it. 

He's not a traditional republican or a traditional anything, but he took over the republican party in a hostile takeover. 

If he really cared about health care for the poor and sick, he wouldn't be enthusiastically supporting the pile of crapola that is being cooked up as trumpcare. 

If that fails, then we get into an unknown zone, but to think he's going to ally with Bernie Sanders (Crazy Bernie to him) is a bridge too far. 

There are two more realistic outcomes to trumpcare failing.

trump and the republicans continuing to aggressively sabotage ACA and wait for later when they might get the votes just based on that change.


Allying with moderate democrats to support ACA with some fixes as if trumpcare fails, that is the law of the land and ethically should be supported. 

I bet on the former. He's that sleazy. 


Edited by Jingthing
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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Don't bet the house on it. 

He's not a traditional republican or a traditional anything, but he took over the republican party in a hostile takeover. 

If he really cared about health care for the poor and sick, he wouldn't be enthusiastically supporting the pile of crapola that is being cooked up as trumpcare. 

If that fails, then we get into an unknown zone, but to think he's going to ally with Bernie Sanders (Crazy Bernie to him) is a bridge too far. 



It wasn't so much a hostile takeover as deftly putting on the garments the Republicans had spent decades preparing. He took their dog whistles, turned it into a vuvuzella and blew it loudly. When it worked, they had no choice but to follow like the children of Hamlin.


It is precisely because Trump doesn't care that he can say and do whatever he thinks will work for him IN THE MOMENT. He won't support universal healthcare because it's the right thing to do, but because he thinks it'll work to get him out of his current hole.


Not saying it's likely, just that I wouldn't rule it out. I certainly wouldn't bet the house on it though. I'm not averse to putting down a few hundred bucks on some pretty long odds.



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5 hours ago, ELVIS123456 said:

CNN is exactly the same - but a FAR LEFT BIAS.

Media credibility is what this story is about - CNN has none.

How did CNN go in the last ratings? Last of MSM?


CNN is not far left bias.  To the left?  Absolutely.  CNN has credibility, just not with those who don't want to hear what they have to say.  Trump specifically.


As noted below, don't confuse their talk shows with their news reports.  Same with Fox News.  Pure reporting of news is normally pretty good.




Do not confuse CNN’s talk shows with actual reporting of news.


Ratings?  I don't really look at those.  I'll make up my own mind.

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my memory is not all that great so i may be mistaken with this.  wasn't there a time (at least in USA where i'm from), when both sides of a political 'discussion' were provided by the news channel.  the anchor would be the 'moderator' of sorts.  from time to time, they would only have one side as the other side of 'the issue' refused to show up.  i realize the networks have 'both sides' on some shows, say a one hour program that is done once a week and replayed a several times during the week.  but now, it seems like the actual news reporters for hour to hour, day to day stuff are showing political bias on a regular basis.  so 90% of the time (a guesstimate), you are getting one side of the issue.  so now you have to watch two or three stations to make sure you get balanced reporting.  in my mind, the major news outlets have turned into propaganda machines, not news reporting.  it would really be great if they could dial it back a bit and add more of 'the other side' to the reporting they do.

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It's true- the TV news has adopted more of  bias towards one philosophy of governance. It used to be when there was an actual debate and all sides were represented. Most of the cable networks are there just for the money they bring in and the ratings. In my mind Foxs new is the worst. I watch it regularly simply to prove my point that it is the Donald Trump network although a few of their veteran news people like Chris Wallace actually present a coherent and fair report.

CNN and some of the others are more slanted to the Democrats philosophy but they often have people on that do differ on issues.  Somewhat more balanced.


In order to get a more balanced view I watch some of the International news outlets such as Australian ABC; BBC; Japan English and Al Jazeera.


I am afraid the days of Walter Cronkite; Dan Rather;  David Brinkley and others from that era are gone. Those people simply presented the news- good, bad and ugly with little personal content.

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1 hour ago, Thaidream said:

It's true- the TV news has adopted more of  bias towards one philosophy of governance. It used to be when there was an actual debate and all sides were represented. Most of the cable networks are there just for the money they bring in and the ratings. In my mind Foxs new is the worst. I watch it regularly simply to prove my point that it is the Donald Trump network although a few of their veteran news people like Chris Wallace actually present a coherent and fair report.

CNN and some of the others are more slanted to the Democrats philosophy but they often have people on that do differ on issues.  Somewhat more balanced.


In order to get a more balanced view I watch some of the International news outlets such as Australian ABC; BBC; Japan English and Al Jazeera.


I am afraid the days of Walter Cronkite; Dan Rather;  David Brinkley and others from that era are gone. Those people simply presented the news- good, bad and ugly with little personal content.

If you think Fox news is something, you should hear most of the radio stations in the US, especially those outside the big cities. They are radical far right.

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It doesn't surprise me- most rural areas have always leaned right- they think America is being overrun by Mexicans and that there are Muslim terrorists behind every bush. Perfect fodder for Trump and his minions. If they only realized the truth they would join the rest of us who know that  the American political landscape is part of the wealthy establishment that is destroying the country. Trump is part of the selfish wealthy cabal that doesn't even know we exist.

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On 7/3/2017 at 6:16 AM, webfact said:

tweeting a mock video of himself tackling and repeatedly striking a man with a CNN logo super-imposed in place of his head

presidential behavior for sure; no wonder so many people consider him a fool

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The story is about the PRESIDENT of the country tweeting a video showing the most powerful man in the country bashing a representative of the Third Estate whose job it is to speak truth to power.


In their jobs to speak truth to power, they may at times get it wrong, they may be biased, they may even be malicious. But when the most powerful man in the country sends a clear message that he would bash them—THAT is an attack on a major pillar that makes democracy work.


It isn't trivial. It isn't a joke. He is The President. The Press are watchdogs.

The video is chilling in that context.



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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

The story is about the PRESIDENT of the country tweeting a video showing the most powerful man in the country bashing a representative of the Third Estate whose job it is to speak truth to power.


In their jobs to speak truth to power, they may at times get it wrong, they may be biased, they may even be malicious. But when the most powerful man in the country sends a clear message that he would bash them—THAT is an attack on a major pillar that makes democracy work.


It isn't trivial. It isn't a joke. He is The President. The Press are watchdogs.

The video is chilling in that context.



Also chilling was his wife's reply to this. 



Melania Trump: Donald will punch back ten times harder - video


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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

How's her anti cyber bullying campaign going?

Or did she decide to go after plagiarism instead?


Keep up, man. Her latest cause is The absolute sanctity of Third Marriages.



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