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Trump presses Putin at first meeting on interference in U.S. election


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Tillerson for the US, and Lavrov for Russia, both gave summaries after the meeting.  They differed widely.  Mainstream media commentators agreed more with Lavrov's assessment than with Tillerson's.  Tillerson is Trump's spinmaster lapdog, so he says what he thinks the American public want to hear - rather than telling the truth.  I don't like or trust Lavrov, but Tillerson is worse.  At least Lavrov has a pair.  


Tillerson drawls like a cartoon hound dog, and has about as much IQ and credence as one.


Note, neither Putin nor Trump had the balls to come out and tell the public what they discussed.  

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4 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Trump's visit to Europe this time was sure better than the last time . He didn't piss off anyone further than he already has and he didn't push anyone out of the way although his Podesta tweets from Europe made no sense. 

He still refuse to accept the fact that Russians hacked into the American election and tried to influence it.  There is much more to this story that will be revealed.

Now he come back to America and let's  see him tell his team and the Republicans to scrap their ridiculous healthcare bill. At last glance- Trump wanted them to repeal and replace later which is the worst scenario. A better one would be to go to the Democrats and work out a compromise with everyone having their input. The best scenario would be Medicare for everyone. How about doing something for the American people instead of posing for pictures and sending out midnight tweets. 

                            Trump's fatally flawed Health Care bill is only part of his plan to shield very rich Americans (particularly him and his family) from paying taxes.  Americans haven't yet seen Trump's plan to do the same by way of the budget bill.   It will be, for America's middle class, like being hit by trucks from both sides.  Trump has barely got started on his America-harming plans.  Hopefully, he'll be too sidetracked by tweeting about Mika bleeding on the chin, to be able to focus on harming the US more than he already has.

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4 hours ago, soalbundy said:

and you know nothing, nooooothinnnnng, OK ?

Trump, using Joe Pesci's mafia voice:  "we didn't see nothin', we didn't do nothin' wrong.  We're both really good guys, you got that?  That's what we tell the cops."


Putin:  "Hey, my friendski.  It's you who are in hot water.  I can do whatever I want.  I own Russia."


Trump; "Yea, I know, I know.  I just wanna get our stories straight, so when the pesky press people start asking questions, we don't contradict each other, you know whadimean."


Putin:  "You're the one with press corps.  You should do what we do in Russia:  We at the Kremlin tell the newspapers what to write.  Simple."

Trump;   "Yea, tell me about it.  I'm working on that now.   It's tougher than you think.  Americans have this silly notion about a free press, and all that.  Gimme some time.  I'll shut them down."

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Well as everything has a meaning. When they shook hands, why Trump helt his hand flat?

Normally you hold your hand straight forward.

SO it means you are in my hand, ill catch you or im weaker and you are the power?

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16 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Well as everything has a meaning. When they shook hands, why Trump helt his hand flat?

Normally you hold your hand straight forward.

SO it means you are in my hand, ill catch you or im weaker and you are the power?

Ah the handshake. You mean the one below! If you gave a handshake like that at any US Business school you would be out on your ass. I doubt that Trump University were showing this as a good business handshake. It is submissive, recognises the others authority etc. Putin has some serious crap on Trump and Trump knows when he has to play the puppy. Trump is completely out of his depth on the world stage. For those in any doubt, Trumps hand is on the right. Making America Ashamed Again.



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14 minutes ago, xtrnuno41 said:

Well as everything has a meaning. When they shook hands, why Trump helt his hand flat?

Normally you hold your hand straight forward.

SO it means you are in my hand, ill catch you or im weaker and you are the power?

Palm up indicates that you accept that the other party are the dominant one.  I doubt that Trump understands that though, much too complicated for him.

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59 minutes ago, jb61 said:

When if fact it is only 3. When the nyt made their correction, they still said 4 agencies. They had to be corrected.


"No. The New York Times correction is still wrong. It is 3 not 4. ODNI is a an oversight body not an agency."


Really sad desperation. Cringeworthy actually.

Ya got nothin'



How about their assessment and your complete deflection of it?


And BTW, the list of agencies comes from the link you posted.



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15 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

Palm up indicates that you accept that the other party are the dominant one.  I doubt that Trump understands that though, much too complicated for him.

And touching the other party's leather strap means you want them to tie you up and whip you later…..lol.

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3 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

And touching the other party's leather strap means you want them to tie you up and whip you later…..lol.

You are simply belittling known body language cues that are recognised throughout the business world. I know of no self respecting US businessman that would shake someone else's hand like Trump shook Putin's.  It was an epic FAIL. Trump established to the world he is Putins bitch. MAGA.

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23 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

he established to you …what you desperately want to believe.


He established it to a few more people than me   :coffee1:   If Trump had it tattooed on his forehead you would argue it is just his right of expression and it means nothing. MAGA



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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

And touching the other party's leather strap means you want them to tie you up and whip you later…..lol.

Didn't realise that you were a mason?


I know it must be hard to accept that your boy doesn't measure up and that he is way out of his depth with the grown-ups at the G20.

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A number of posts have been edited and/or removed.   Please only post using approved sources and some of the far out sites have known credibility issues.


Also, try to stop with the bickering and stay on the topic.  


Thus far all I have gotten is this:


--There were 17 intelligence agencies that said it was Russia.

--No there were only 3.

--No there were 4.

--No there were 3.   (Ad infinitum)


--Trump is Putin's bitch.

--No, he's not.

--Yes, he is.

--No, he's not.   (Ad infinitum)


--They are both into S & M.  



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2 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Didn't realise that you were a mason?


I know it must be hard to accept that your boy doesn't measure up and that he is way out of his depth with the grown-ups at the G20.

what nonsense….he had an awesome G20…gave a great well respected speech….no faux pas…except the fabricated one by the msm on a vague notion of body language. the tools at time actually said putins left hand is covering his heart indicating trust issues, trumps left hand is covering his pelvis indicating he wants to protect himself against the alpha male putin…..these guys'll spout any garbage to sell magazines.

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8 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

what nonsense….he had an awesome G20…gave a great well respected speech….no faux pas…except the fabricated one by the msm on a vague notion of body language. the tools at time actually said putins left hand is covering his heart indicating trust issues, trumps left hand is covering his pelvis indicating he wants to protect himself against the alpha male putin…..these guys'll spout any garbage to sell magazines.

Actually I agree with you, we are all trying to make something out of nothing. The G20 has produced nothing of note and that is why the media are scratching around for anything to fill the pages.  In turn we are all searching for something to take from summit.  Can't see how Trump had an awesome summit though.  He didn't make any real faux-pas but he was pretty much sidelined by the others and had nothing to say that anyone wanted to listen to.

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

what nonsense….he had an awesome G20…gave a great well respected speech….no faux pas…except the fabricated one by the msm on a vague notion of body language. the tools at time actually said putins left hand is covering his heart indicating trust issues, trumps left hand is covering his pelvis indicating he wants to protect himself against the alpha male putin…..these guys'll spout any garbage to sell magazines.

Donald Trump 'behaving like a dictator by leaving underqualified socialite daughter to fill in for him at G20'

(The picture - tweeted by a Russian official - was later deleted)


" Nicholas Kristoff, a columnist for the New York Times, said: “Ivanka fills in for her dad beside Xi Jinping. To me, it feels banana-republicky for the US to be represented by an inexperienced daughter.” 





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This is what happens when you elect a geriatric: :laugh:


Donald Trump 'behaving like a dictator by leaving underqualified socialite daughter to fill in for him at G20'


"Pulitzer-winning journalist Anne Applebaum, said: “Because an unelected, unqualified, unprepared New York socialite is the best person to represent American national interests.”


"Bloomberg News said that Ms Trump had taken her father’s position at the table on at least two occasions on Saturday."


"Matthew Dowd, a political strategist who led George W Bush’s reelection campaign in 2004, said there would have been outcry among supporters of Mr Trump had Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton sent in their children."



And the poor confused one couldn't even find his ride the other day when it was right in front of him,

while a waiting Military aide had the door open for him. SAD.





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17 hours ago, Rancid said:

Is it just me or am I the only one that would like to actually see some proof that Russia was able to influence the US elections?


Because the claims about Hillary's emails were denied by Wikileaks as being Russian, but said it was a Democrat insider. Many suggest the guy that was murdered.


If they prove it, then OK, time to start attacking the Russians as fair game, so why haven't they? Or is media innuendo and unsubstantiated hearsay what we take as truth these days?

The murder of the Democrat insider you are referring to was a story on Fox News (Hannity I think), and it was RETRACTED by Fox. A retraction from Fox is  pretty rare so this story was definitely complete bullshit.

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Putin thinks Trump believed his election denials

"Russian President Vladimir Putin says he thinks U.S. President Donald Trump believed his in-person denials of Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential vote."


"Putin spoke Saturday after the Group of 20 summit where he and Trump had their first face to face meeting."


"Putin says he thinks his answers satisfied Trump, but added that Trump's opinion would be better sought from the U.S. president himself."





Haley: 'Everybody knows that Russia meddled in our elections'

"United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley on Saturday denied that President Donald Trump accepted that Russia did not interfere in the 2016 election, as Russian officials have suggested, adding that "everybody knows that Russia meddled in our elections."


"Putin on Saturday told members of the G-20 in Hamburg, Germany, that he thought that Trump was satisfied with his interference denials, according to the AP."


"Host Dana Bash pressed Haley on why Trump won't categorically say that Russia interfered in the 2016 election in public."



The gang that can't shoot straight.

Except into their own foot. :laugh:


America will be great again once it's rid of all these inept fools.



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17 hours ago, Rancid said:

Is it just me or am I the only one that would like to actually see some proof that Russia was able to influence the US elections?



Prosecutors and investigators are going to reveal their sources and evidence during an ongoing investigation.

Just for you.



But, stayed tuned, it's just beginning...

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13 hours ago, iReason said:

*Deleted post edited out*


"The assessment was made by four intelligence agencies —

the Office of the Director of National Intelligence,

the Central Intelligence Agency,

the Federal Bureau of Investigation and

the National Security Agency."


^^^^ Not good enough for you?


You Trumpeteers are so desperate...

(your first link goes nowhere BTW) Page not found


Their official report here:



Key Judgments:


"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election."


"Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency."


"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."



No worries, while the Trumpeteers whine on, the wheels of justice continue to turn.  


America already is great. A nation of laws. And that ideal will prevail.  There will be no pandering to a small minority of uninformed voters who were conned by a huckster.  This abomination who has infested the White House will be removed.

Just a matter of time...


Especially when Mike "has a story to tell' Flynn starts singing like a canary.

Oh how I hope you are correct; rule of law prevails. My view is Putin's punk has/is removing all influential officials and installing only ones who pledge allegiance to him. Other who have some morality e.g. ethics chairman are quitting b/c of the fat circus clown's corruption.

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13 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Tillerson for the US, and Lavrov for Russia, both gave summaries after the meeting.  They differed widely.  Mainstream media commentators agreed more with Lavrov's assessment than with Tillerson's.  Tillerson is Trump's spinmaster lapdog, so he says what he thinks the American public want to hear - rather than telling the truth.  I don't like or trust Lavrov, but Tillerson is worse.  At least Lavrov has a pair.  


Tillerson drawls like a cartoon hound dog, and has about as much IQ and credence as one.


Note, neither Putin nor Trump had the balls to come out and tell the public what they discussed.  

Photo by Woodchild2010 source http://www.flickr.com/photos/woodchild/5335939044/

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13 hours ago, dunroaming said:

Well we all know that it's a circus.  In this case it was the ringmaster meeting the circus clown. 

Yes and as someone previously stated:

If you elect a clown expect a circus. My home country it being attached and we have no elected officials who give a damn. PATHETIC bunch of self-serving SOB's.

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