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At G20, Ivanka Trump takes the spotlight - and a seat


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I know, why not have all the leaders bring their kids to the next meeting. That would be fair!


They could have all sorts of Party games! What fun! Republicans, communists, Alternatve for Germany, En Marche!, Conservatives, Likud ?


Pass my embarrassment sensitive sunglasses would you?

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5 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

I guess Ivanka has not spoken to the Chinese president about the jailed journalists who have made a report on the textile factories where she produce her fashion collection.

Chinese bosses did that - as a favor for Ivanka.  

Similarly, Saudi millionaires donated to Ivanka's newly hatched do-good organization, in order to gain favor with her and her dad.


                        Note, the Chinese have invited Ivanka and Jared to visit China on an official visit. Chinese will put out the red carpet, and all the trimmings of a royal visit.  It will be interesting to see how much deeper Jared will be, by then, in the thick of indictments.  


                         Just today, a major news outlet had a VIP lawyer who claimed Kushner should be considered treasonous, if the very recent news of him + Don Jr and Manafort (meeting with a Russian who is close to Putin) prove to be true.  No one in the Trump organization has denied the meeting.  Instead, they're doing what they always do, when their prior denials are proved wrong:  try to spin it to sound like nothing happened.  Yet Don Jr said himself: the premise for the meeting was to gather dirt on the HRC campaign.  

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"The Ivanka Trump Guarantee"


"She has played her role dutifully, pretending to care about women’s upward mobility just enough to soothe the complacent and provide plausible deniability for her father.

And, inexplicably — perhaps because hope has been thin on the ground since November — some people seem to be taken in. If Ms. Trump says she was dismayed by her father’s announced ban on transgender people in the military, well, I guess it’s true. What a nice moderate lady! If Ms. Trump says that America is no place for Nazis and white supremacists, are we going to tell her she’s wrong? She probably just forgot to mention that some of those Nazis and white supremacists were marching in explicit support of her father. That can happen. As a working mom myself, I know it can be hard to keep all these details straight!"



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