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Trump backtracks on cyber unit with Russia after harsh criticism


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4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

This is news to me .

How do you know this ?

Putin wants to take back the Eastern Block ?

Putin wants to rebuild the USSR ?

Now let me ask you this .

If Putin wanted to spread Communism, then why did he (allegedly) want Trump as POTUS , the Right wing capitalist, over the Left Wing, communist leaning Clinton? 


Russia definitely aims to reassert it's former glory. That doesn't have much to do with Communism.

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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:

This is news to me .

How do you know this ?

Putin wants to take back the Eastern Block ?

Putin wants to rebuild the USSR ?

Now let me ask you this .

If Putin wanted to spread Communism, then why did he (allegedly) want Trump as POTUS , the Right wing capitalist, over the Left Wing, communist leaning Clinton? 

Hey, exciting news. Not only is there no cold war, there is no  communist government in Russia.  Instead, the current leadership is pushing nationalism and revanchism as its ideology. Which means regaining control, over their former territories. So far they've effectively snatched away pieces of Moldova, Georgia, and the Ukraine.  And they make threatening noises about doing it in other countries where there's a sizeable ethnic Russian population. Hillary Clinton was quite belligerent about Russian agression. On the other hand, donald Trump denied it was even going on. And he still refuses to say an unking thing about Putin. Now do you understand?

Edited by ilostmypassword
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33 minutes ago, sanemax said:

The cold war is over , the Berlin wall has come down , Russians no longer want to expand communism , they are no longer public enemy No 1

USA /Russian hostilities have thawed over the last 20 years , so expect further flaws .  


Are you even aware of what has been going on recently?


Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections 


Key Judgments:


"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election." 


"Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton,

and harm her electability and potential presidency."


"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."





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7 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Which means regaining control, over their former territories. So far they've effectively snatched away pieces of Moldova

Which parts of Moldova have been been snatched by the Russians?

Russia and Moldova do not even share a border

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7 minutes ago, iReason said:


Are you even aware of what has been going on recently?


Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections 


Key Judgments:


"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election." 


"Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton,

and harm her electability and potential presidency."


"We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump."





Lets be honest , as the USA has spent the last 50 years interfering in other Countries Politics , funding , bombing, invasions , sanctions,. 

   Its quite hypocritical of the USA complaining that other Countries try to influence their own election results

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Which parts of Moldova have been been snatched by the Russians?

Russia and Moldova do not even share a border


There was a long topic dealing with Transnistria and related issues a while back.


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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Lets be honest , as the USA has spent the last 50 years interfering in other Countries Politics , funding , bombing, invasions , sanctions,. 

   Its quite hypocritical of the USA complaining that other Countries try to influence their own election results


It could be quite hypocritical, but it doesn't make the Russian intervention legit, nor does it imply that the US should shrug and ignore it.

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36 minutes ago, sanemax said:


48 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Please stop, you can find other forums where you can communicate with US traitors. Putin happens to think that the downfall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened. Now he has money and capitalism (of a sort) behind him, he intends to rebuild what was taken/given away. 

This is news to me .

How do you know this ?

Putin wants to take back the Eastern Block ?

Putin wants to rebuild the USSR ?

Now let me ask you this .

If Putin wanted to spread Communism, then why did he (allegedly) want Trump as POTUS , the Right wing capitalist, over the Left Wing, communist leaning Clinton? 


You see what you do, you read whatever you want to. Where have I mentioned in my post that Putin has a desire to "spread communism", don't I say quite clearly that now Putin has 'money and a form of capitalism'?


How do I know this? I take a real life interest in global current affairs and am not blinded by a partisan allegiance to an utter fool. For you to suggest that Clinton is leaning towards being a communist is beyond ridiculous. This discussion is pointless because you do not know enough and you do not care to look beyond partisan politics. It's futile, you are unable to see the wood for the trees and can never change your position so stop. I am definitely right of centre, but I am able to see what this crooked family are doing to the nation. For the last 3 decades Trump was an out and out Democrat. He has run Republican to fulfil a vendetta against Obama, there is no other reason. Now he is not just Republican he is an extreme version and possesses no skill set or knowledge that can help him or the country progress. He is surrounded by supporters whose idea of great entertainment is reality TV and watching bar fights. America needs change now or before you know it, it will be 4th or 5th on the world league tables of influential countries. A bit of a drop from being leaders of the free world don't you think?

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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

There is that old saying "Keep your friends close and your enemy's closer"

Working together with people , rather than against them, is better all round

Put the idea out there , speak with all parties involved and then decide how to proceed .

   Explore ideas and possibilities 

Here are the people you want to 'work together with', the ones that wanted a joint cyber task force. How quickly they show their colours.



Russia 'ready to expel 30 US diplomats' in sanctions row


Russia is ready to expel about 30 US diplomats and seize US state property in retaliation for Washington's sanctions, Russian officials say.

The threat came from Russian foreign ministry sources, quoted by the daily Izvestia. Other Russian officials have made similar statements recently.



Thank God we didn't give them the keys to our cyber security systems first. Their intentions seem perfectly honourable don't they.............NOT!

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17 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

For you to suggest that Clinton is leaning towards being a communist is beyond ridiculous.

That isnt what I said though .

I made the point that Clintons Political views are Leftist and Communism is also Leftist , so if Russia wanted to spread communism, or a left leaning political policies, they would have supported Clinton, was my point

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:

That isnt what I said though .

I made the point that Clintons Political views are Leftist and Communism is also Leftist , so if Russia wanted to spread communism, or a left leaning political policies, they would have supported Clinton, was my point

It is what you said! Your exact words.



If Putin wanted to spread Communism, then why did he (allegedly) want Trump as POTUS , the Right wing capitalist, over the Left Wing, communist leaning Clinton? 

Nobody , in particular me mentioned that Putin wanted to spread communism, that was made very clear. You are making it up as you go along. Are you Donald Trump Jr?

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11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

. Putin happens to think that the downfall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened. Now he has money and capitalism (of a sort) behind him, he intends to rebuild what was taken/given away. You are foolish to consider this rabid leopard will change it's spots. If you cut Putin in half you would find a hammer and sickle inside him. 

Here in your reply here, You clearly state that Putin is a Communist and he wants take back, the things that were given away . I take it that you mean the ex Soviet states that are now independent.     You said that Putin is a Communist who wants to expand his communist ideals and take back former soviet states.

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23 minutes ago, sanemax said:


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

. Putin happens to think that the downfall of the Soviet Union was the worst thing that ever happened. Now he has money and capitalism (of a sort) behind him, he intends to rebuild what was taken/given away. You are foolish to consider this rabid leopard will change it's spots. If you cut Putin in half you would find a hammer and sickle inside him. 

Here in your reply here, You clearly state that Putin is a Communist and he wants take back, the things that were given away . I take it that you mean the ex Soviet states that are now independent

   You said that Putin is a Communist who wants to expand his communist ideals and take back former soviet states.


Are you currently taking illegal substances? Put me on your ignore list, I have no wish to communicate with someone that can arrive at such a 'fake news' made-up conclusion. Trump deserves you and you deserve him.

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9 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Are you currently taking illegal substances? Put me on your ignore list, I have no wish to communicate with someone that can arrive at such a 'fake news' made-up conclusion. Trump deserves you and you deserve him.


It's the same guy who relentlessly Trolled on about a completly off topic "snub" on the Trump CNN bashing tweet thread.

For two days.


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54 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Are you currently taking illegal substances? Put me on your ignore list, I have no wish to communicate with someone that can arrive at such a 'fake news' made-up conclusion. Trump deserves you and you deserve him.

What else could you have possibly meant ?

"Cut Putin in half and there will be a hammer & sickle"

He is still old an school communist ?


" He intends to rebuilt what was taken from Russia ?"

The Soviet empire


  "He will not change his spots"

He wants the World to be Communist


  The conclusion that I drew from your post was that you were saying that Putin is a stanch Communist, who wants to rebuild the Communist empire with a view to World communism

   Correct me if Im wrong



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2 hours ago, sanemax said:

That isnt what I said though .

I made the point that Clintons Political views are Leftist and Communism is also Leftist , so if Russia wanted to spread communism, or a left leaning political policies, they would have supported Clinton, was my point

You really need to get your posts sorted out into reality and fantasy because you are so off target most of the time.  Clinton leaning towards communism!  Beyond fantasy my friend

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Just now, dunroaming said:

You really need to get your posts sorted out into reality and fantasy because you are so off target most of the time.  Clinton leaning towards communism!  Beyond fantasy my friend

Read the post to which you replied to for an explanation .

I merely stated that both Clinton and Communism are of the Leftish persuasion.

Correct me if Im wrong 

   That was posted in the context of Putin trying to spread communist ideology by helping Trump win the election

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8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Read the post to which you replied to for an explanation .

I merely stated that both Clinton and Communism are of the Leftish persuasion.

Correct me if Im wrong 

OK, you're hereby corrected. Calling Clinton a "leftist" depends on what you define as center. If you're a Breitbart/Rush Limbaugh kind of a guy then almost everyone is a leftist. In the real world only the most ignorant would make the connection.

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26 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Read the post to which you replied to for an explanation .

I merely stated that both Clinton and Communism are of the Leftish persuasion.

Correct me if Im wrong 

   That was posted in the context of Putin trying to spread communist ideology by helping Trump win the election

In the UK Clinton would be seen as right of centre.  Then you have centre, then you have left of centre, then you have left wing, then you have hard left (socialist) then you have the lunatic left and then you have communist.  But apart from anything else Putin left communism behind a long time ago so I am afraid you are way off target with that as well.

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23 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

In the UK Clinton would be seen as right of centre.  Then you have centre, then you have left of centre, then you have left wing, then you have hard left (socialist) then you have the lunatic left and then you have communist.  But apart from anything else Putin left communism behind a long time ago so I am afraid you are way off target with that as well.

OK, Elections are usually contested by the left wing and the right wing .

The USA has two right wing parties, both  Democrats and Republicans are right wing, OK, fair enough

    BTW, it wasnt myself who said that Putin was still a Communist, I was replying to someone who clammed that 



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On 7/10/2017 at 2:56 PM, darksidedog said:

Well this is something new. I have never seen Donald backtrack on anything before. Normally he just lies his way out of things and denies he ever said whatever it was in the first place.

It might be helpful to all of us to read information which might give us a better understanding of 45. I think this link does:


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On 7/10/2017 at 5:43 PM, Andaman Al said:

Lets see the reaction from Trumps OWN people. This is why Trump has retracted. Clown in Chief, and you defend him - how embarrassing. I assume you do not value reputation or credibility.



Rachel Maddow shows what the 45 regime has "given" to our enemy. She states the facts. Oh how I enjoy her and her detailed explanations of the 45 regime. 

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On 7/10/2017 at 6:06 PM, simple1 said:

I just read a comment in the media which really crystallised the reality of Trump for me. If he were behaving in the same manner as a CEO in a publicly listed company, he would by now have been removed by the Board.

Hell... with actions/statements like 45's someone on a HS student counsel would be gone a long time ago also. Oh but if he was a Democrat then he would have been tarred and feathered and run out of town. But everyone knows "the family values" party (formerly known as Reagon republicans) has been destroyed. It now has no values / ethics / morality. 

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7 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

When will star gazed 45 defenders realize 45 does NOT care a/b America/Americans or the office of The President of The United States?

Perhaps when their personal (or relative's) health care is taken away by "trumpcare"? :coffee1:

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