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Trump Jr. emails suggest he welcomed Russian help against Clinton


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30 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

you cant win a court case by saying what are the odds….lol.

Sorry to burst your bubble but many people have been banged up when it was shown that the probability of a particular instance occurring was so remote to be completely unlikely that it did not occur. I am sure the prosecutor who eventually works with Mueller will be relying on a lot more juicy burger filled evidence than that though.

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32 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

............In an office on the floor directly below Trumps office!! To consider that Trump senior was not briefed about this meeting is inconceivable. It will all come out.

Remember the brouhaha about suspicious goings on with the Server located in ...........Trump Tower?!!!!!!


There is a sense of dread emanating from this White House and the Republican Party. What will next drop from this poisonous tree, this duplicitous gaggle tweerking their open asses for the Russian bear's snout.

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What a giggle Putin must have had when the occurred at the G20 Meeting last week:


"Trump led off the meeting [with Putin] by expressing concerns that Russia had meddled in the U.S. election, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said."


Tillerson must now feel like a real male appendage. It was the President's son who was seeking to facilitate the very meddling that the President was expressing concerns about! But of course the President didn't express this concern - both he and Putin had a giggle together because they BOTH knew that Don Jnr, Kushner and Malefont were at the meeting with Putin's girl. So unless Tillerson was in on the joke he must feel right foolish having said what he did. Betrayed perhaps, but certainly less trustful of this CiC.

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1 hour ago, Becker said:

What happened to the "fake news" and "nothing burger" spin?

Guess the burger had some meat in it anyway. In fact, it turned out to be a whopper!



that looks like mock meat…..looks like meat but composed artificially of soy, gluten and other unspeakable stuff…doesn't even taste like meat.

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34 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

that looks like mock meat…..looks like meat but composed artificially of soy, gluten and other unspeakable stuff…doesn't even taste like meat.

Mock meat on a nothing burger sounds like a million dollar idea there for a new food stall for Trump rally's. Maybe served with Russian Gulag Fries sprinkled with salt from siberian mines. Go make your fortune JHolmesJr.

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40 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

that looks like mock meat…..looks like meat but composed artificially of soy, gluten and other unspeakable stuff…doesn't even taste like meat.

Let me refrace that for you;

That looks like mock meat;

Yes it looks like Trump.

It's composed artificially of soy and gluten and other unspeakable stuff;

Yes, Trump, his family and his die hard trumpeteers look like gluten and other unspeakable stuff.

Doesn't even taste like meat;

Yes you are right, it doesn't taste like meat, lt looks like a Trump steak.

You are so smart to get all your information, just by looking at a picture of a hamburger.

Wy don't you start eating your nothing burger, and if you are getting hungry you can always eat a other one.

Bon appetite!

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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

that looks like mock meat…..looks like meat but composed artificially of soy, gluten and other unspeakable stuff…doesn't even taste like meat.

Yes, it looks about as real as the man-child's claims he knew nothing about this. Looks about as real as just about anything he's ever promised or claimed about anything.

I wonder what kind of person would endlessly bleet on about HRC and her role in Bengazi (a big fat nothing after several years of GOP led investigations) and her use of a private mail server (how COULD she!!!!) and then defend the moral abomination currently residing in the WH and his treasonous actions.

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36 minutes ago, Foozool said:

is it that important to become a president by selling own country ?!!!!!

For Trump it is all about winning.   There are no rules in his version of the game, either you are a winner or loser (reminds me of someone who said, 'for us' or 'against us').   It doesn't matter who you step on to get what you want.   


In government, a great deal of how things work is by compromise .   It's about the process, not just the result.   For Trump, there is no process.   He will throw anyone under the bus to get his way.   

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5 minutes ago, Credo said:

either you are a winner or loser


Exactly that is what life is about, unfortunately not too many people realize this, and that why they never become winners.


The second one at the finish is the first loser.


Go Trump. go.




Edited by janclaes47
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19 minutes ago, janclaes47 said:


Exactly that is what life is about, unfortunately not too many people realize this, and that why they never become winners.


The second one at the finish is the first loser.


Go Trump. go.




In the case, it is the American people that are losers.   

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Obviously the current news cycle is filled with this story.  Everyone can postulate about the emails and the meeting and it all makes for rather uninteresting reading.  In the end this will be "trumped" by the next news cycle.  Why anyone thinks it is some kind of violation or collusion to come by information which might shed a bad light on a political opponent from a source foreign or domestic is beyond me.  I have not witnessed an election yet where there was not some delight in getting damaging information on a political opponent in a political campaign. This is nothing new and whether Don Jr. had met with John Doe in Omaha some guy from Latvia, or some woman from Russia, there is nothing against the law in listening to what a person has to say.  I don't even find it unethical.  Nothing was gained from the meeting, it went now where, and nothing was advanced.  The only thing this story does at all is feed into the conspiracy theorists ideas that something nefarious happened between the Trump campaign and the Russians. I would remind all the to date, none of the investigations by the Senate, the House, the FBI, or Special Counsel Mueller have brought forth anything at all.  I will say that I hope the Mueller team works faster than the other teams which have learned nothing in 6 months. It seems that Mueller is a decent guy, has pissed off some on the right by the selections he has made to help with the investigations, but hopefully will, in the end, be the definitive report on whether something did or did not happen.  Unfortunately there are some who will never be satisfied no matter how it turns out.  I doubt that there is anything to this whole Russian matter in so far as collusion with the Trump campaign and I will be more than happy when the matter is concluded so that the media can focus on more important matters.

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13 hours ago, Neurath said:

And all along Putin knew about the meeting and, unless he's truly and unbelievably stupid, Donald Trump MUST have known that Putin knew about it.How could the President not know this. Why has he lied about it and covered it up.


I understand that the AF1 flight back from G20 was fraught with arguments as to how to present this picnic hamper full of turd burgers to the public. There was hair pulling and scratching and biting and mutual accusation.


There is very damaging leaking coming from people very very close to this president.


You "understand" do you?  Pray inform this civilized forum whence your "understanding" comes.

Methinks you've been watching too many TV spy series.

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3 hours ago, Trouble said:

Obviously the current news cycle is filled with this story.  Everyone can postulate about the emails and the meeting and it all makes for rather uninteresting reading.  In the end this will be "trumped" by the next news cycle.  Why anyone thinks it is some kind of violation or collusion to come by information which might shed a bad light on a political opponent from a source foreign or domestic is beyond me.  I have not witnessed an election yet where there was not some delight in getting damaging information on a political opponent in a political campaign. This is nothing new and whether Don Jr. had met with John Doe in Omaha some guy from Latvia, or some woman from Russia, there is nothing against the law in listening to what a person has to say.  I don't even find it unethical.  Nothing was gained from the meeting, it went now where, and nothing was advanced.  The only thing this story does at all is feed into the conspiracy theorists ideas that something nefarious happened between the Trump campaign and the Russians. I would remind all the to date, none of the investigations by the Senate, the House, the FBI, or Special Counsel Mueller have brought forth anything at all.  I will say that I hope the Mueller team works faster than the other teams which have learned nothing in 6 months. It seems that Mueller is a decent guy, has pissed off some on the right by the selections he has made to help with the investigations, but hopefully will, in the end, be the definitive report on whether something did or did not happen.  Unfortunately there are some who will never be satisfied no matter how it turns out.  I doubt that there is anything to this whole Russian matter in so far as collusion with the Trump campaign and I will be more than happy when the matter is concluded so that the media can focus on more important matters.


Excellent ...one of the most intelligent and clear-sighted contributions to this hysterical thread.

Undesirable as Trump may be as a human being (judging him through the lens of the MSM), it is instructive to see how all those "insiders" in Washington DC, threatened with a reduction in their normal access to WH mandarins, have attacked him relentlessly since the election he won (apparently) without Russian aid.

 Outsiders like Sanders, Trump and Corbyn are a real threat to any country's establishment, cos they don't promise to  play by the rules.


Forget Russia.  Trump will only be toppled (after four years) when his base of supporters wake up to his inability to deliver the goods he was promising in the election campaign.


Edited by blazes
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1 hour ago, blazes said:


Excellent ...one of the most intelligent and clear-sighted contributions to this hysterical thread.

Undesirable as Trump may be as a human being (judging him through the lens of the MSM), it is instructive to see how all those "insiders" in Washington DC, threatened with a reduction in their normal access to WH mandarins, have attacked him relentlessly since the election he won (apparently) without Russian aid.

 Outsiders like Sanders, Trump and Corbyn are a real threat to any country's establishment, cos they don't promise to  play by the rules.


Forget Russia.  Trump will only be toppled (after four years) when his base of supporters wake up to his inability to deliver the goods he was promising in the election campaign.


Trump may  be an outsider to the political process, but the policy he wants are 99 percent in favor of the 0.1 percent and against the middle class, working class, and the poor.

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12 hours ago, Credo said:

For Trump it is all about winning.   There are no rules in his version of the game, either you are a winner or loser (reminds me of someone who said, 'for us' or 'against us').   It doesn't matter who you step on to get what you want.   


In government, a great deal of how things work is by compromise .   It's about the process, not just the result.   For Trump, there is no process.   He will throw anyone under the bus to get his way.   


I dunno about no rules. He seems to have a rule against criticism. Or rather, challenging his perception of reality. These are no no's. Almost all of his tweet storms and tantrums are a result of the above rules being ignored. With regard to throwing people under the bus, it would be interesting to see how far that goes. But so far, I don't know that really happened - Flynn wasn't fully denounced, Sessions is still on the team, and doubtful it would apply to family.

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22 minutes ago, Morch said:


I dunno about no rules. He seems to have a rule against criticism. Or rather, challenging his perception of reality. These are no no's. Almost all of his tweet storms and tantrums are a result of the above rules being ignored. With regard to throwing people under the bus, it would be interesting to see how far that goes. But so far, I don't know that really happened - Flynn wasn't fully denounced, Sessions is still on the team, and doubtful it would apply to family.

Not only was Flynn not fully denounced, Trump actually sent him a message to "Stay strong". This to someone who was and is under investigation. I don't think he has ever said an unkind word about Flynn. And for someone who has accumulated  a massive history of publicly uttering and tweeting unkind words, that's remarkable. The same goes for Paul Manafort, at least as far as I can recall or find. Trump, the man who blames everyone for his misfortunes but himself, has been remarkably mum in these 2 cases.

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There was an amazingly bizarre interview with Trump from the Christian Broadcasting Network in which Trump claims it's more likely Putin favored Hillary over him.

Here's the CBN link to a transcript of the entire speech:


The Washington Post excerpts that part of the speech which is relevant:



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19 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

There was an amazingly bizarre interview with Trump from the Christian Broadcasting Network in which Trump claims it's more likely Putin favored Hillary over him.

Here's the CBN link to a transcript of the entire speech:


The Washington Post excerpts that part of the speech which is relevant:



He seems to live in his own make believe world.  Ignoring what he doesn't like, making stuff up, etc.  He's a very bizarre individual.  From your link:


During the election, there was some thought that perhaps Russia was merely doing this to destabilize American democracy, not to benefit a specific candidate. But Trump takes things a step further here by suggesting — rather implausibly — that Putin in fact favored a President Clinton or at least didn't want a President Trump.



And yet, some still support him. :unsure:

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51 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Not only was Flynn not fully denounced, Trump actually sent him a message to "Stay strong". This to someone who was and is under investigation. I don't think he has ever said an unkind word about Flynn. And for someone who has accumulated  a massive history of publicly uttering and tweeting unkind words, that's remarkable. The same goes for Paul Manafort, at least as far as I can recall or find. Trump, the man who blames everyone for his misfortunes but himself, has been remarkably mum in these 2 cases.


I think that he does value loyalty, hence the throwing under the bus thing might not exactly apply. But the loyalty issue goes back, IMO, to the other "rules" - cannot abide criticism or something challenging world view. Looking at it from another angle - If Trump is, at least in his own mind, infallible, then denouncing someone previously hailed as the best choice etc. would be problematic.

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49 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

There was an amazingly bizarre interview with Trump from the Christian Broadcasting Network in which Trump claims it's more likely Putin favored Hillary over him.

Here's the CBN link to a transcript of the entire speech:


The Washington Post excerpts that part of the speech which is relevant:



From the Guardian in the UK.



Donald Trump says Vladimir Putin wanted Hillary Clinton to win presidency




President Donald Trump, battling allegations that Russia helped him win the White House, claimed on Wednesday that Vladimir Putin would have preferred a Hillary Clinton victory – despite US intelligence saying the Russian leader directed a covert effort to help defeat her.

“We are the most powerful country in the world and we are getting more and more powerful because I’m a big military person. As an example, if Hillary had won, our military would be decimated,” Trump said.

“That’s why I say, why would he want me? Because from day one I wanted a strong military, he doesn’t want to see that.

Trump says he is a 'big military person'  :cheesy:  The draft dodger in chief with bone spurs that he cannot remember which foot they were on.


Does this guy believe we are all as stupid as Donald Jr ?




Trump thinks we are all children. Now he tries to change the narrative in the vain hope we will all now believe - oh Putin wanted Clinton to win, oh we need to leave Donnie alone then. It gets more ridiculous by the day.

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10 minutes ago, Morch said:


I think that he does value loyalty, hence the throwing under the bus thing might not exactly apply. But the loyalty issue goes back, IMO, to the other "rules" - cannot abide criticism or something challenging world view. Looking at it from another angle - If Trump is, at least in his own mind, infallible, then denouncing someone previously hailed as the best choice etc. would be problematic.

That would explain his kind words about and lack of criticism towards Putin.

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