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McCain has blood clot removed, will recover in Arizona next week


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17 minutes ago, tomwct said:

McCain shouldn't have been re-elected last year, but Trump pulled him along with many other Republicans, which are part of the Swamp. McCain was a terrible candidate running against Obama. Many in the Swamp really do not care who wins an election because they are more interested in keeping their country club jobs and catering to the lobbyist/special interests and not the voters. McCain is part of the problem in Washington and not a solution. As a Vietnam Vet and Republican this will be McCain's last term. I do hope he has no complications from his procedure.

You obviously know nothing about his accomplishments.  He's fought against the "swamp" many times.  He's far from a terrible candidate.  He's one of the better politicians, IMHO.


Research his efforts on campaign reforms.  Automatic budget cuts.  Support for native American Indians.  Far from one of the worst politicians.

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8 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You obviously know nothing about his accomplishments.  He's fought against the "swamp" many times.  He's far from a terrible candidate.  He's one of the better politicians, IMHO.


Research his efforts on campaign reforms.  Automatic budget cuts.  Support for native American Indians.  Far from one of the worst politicians.

Here's a snippet from an editorial about John McCain. It sums up nicely how his reputation as a maverick is undeserved.

"It is also a reminder that McCain's once-bedrock credibility dangles by a thread because of a torrent of cowardly flip-flops - whether you're talking about his record on climate change, immigration reform, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, Roe v. Wade, the gay marriage amendment, or the Bush tax cuts.

Every policy reversal was made out of fear that the Tea Party will shove him into retirement with another self-serving troglodyte."


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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Here's a snippet from an editorial about John McCain. It sums up nicely how his reputation as a maverick is undeserved.

"It is also a reminder that McCain's once-bedrock credibility dangles by a thread because of a torrent of cowardly flip-flops - whether you're talking about his record on climate change, immigration reform, repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell, Roe v. Wade, the gay marriage amendment, or the Bush tax cuts.

Every policy reversal was made out of fear that the Tea Party will shove him into retirement with another self-serving troglodyte."


I agree he past his prime, but he does have a list of accomplishments that's impressive.  No denying that.


That's an editorial.  Somebody else's opinion.

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Never liked the guy but he is an American Hero, being a POW and tortured by the Vietcong. Never liked his politics, but he was a straight shooter and was a formidable politician.


Setting politics aside, he has brain cancer, as announced this hour and I wish him the very best.

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1 minute ago, craigt3365 said:

Research the political leaning of the billionaire owners of this site.  Biased to put it mildly.



You're confused. Just because facts appear in an editorial, that doesn't invalidate them. Nor do the political opinions of the owners invalidate the facts. 

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

You're confused. Just because facts appear in an editorial, that doesn't invalidate them. Nor do the political opinions of the owners invalidate the facts. 

I just don't like to bash a man when's he down.  And McCain's in big trouble.

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43 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

You obviously know nothing about his accomplishments.  He's fought against the "swamp" many times.  He's far from a terrible candidate.  He's one of the better politicians, IMHO.


Research his efforts on campaign reforms.  Automatic budget cuts.  Support for native American Indians.  Far from one of the worst politicians.

Biggest problem is he never met a war he didn't like. Sending arms to rebels has also armed ISIS, Iraq to this day he claims he would do the same thing again, on and on and on. Other points I agree but a war hawk for sure.

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1 hour ago, tonray said:

Biggest problem is he never met a war he didn't like. Sending arms to rebels has also armed ISIS, Iraq to this day he claims he would do the same thing again, on and on and on. Other points I agree but a war hawk for sure.

Not necessarily.  He was against several military actions by the US.  And supported several others.



McCain voted against a 1983 resolution allowing President Reagan to keep U.S. Marines deployed as part of the Multinational Force in Lebanon, on the grounds that he "[did] not foresee obtainable objectives in Lebanon."[1]


In 1993, McCain opposed military operations in Somalia, saying it was "an unfocused mission that lacks an objective";


McCain similarly opposed Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti in 1994.[78] He was initially opposed to U.S. military involvement in the Bosnian War, voting against the George H. W. Bush administration on a 1992 resolution that would have authorized "demonstrations of force" in conjunction with the Operation Provide Promise humanitarian relief effort there

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3 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Wow.  Yes, breaking news.  Terrible news.  Let's hope for the best.  They're talking about chemo and radiation.  Yuck.  Survival rates are low.  It's the same kind of tumor that killed Ted Kennedy.




Is it really worthwhile to spend the money involved on chemo and radiation on somebody aged 80?

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11 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Is it really worthwhile to spend the money involved on chemo and radiation on somebody aged 80?

It's breaking news, but from what I've read, he's back home trying to figure out what he's going to do.  It doesn't look good.

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35 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Is it really worthwhile to spend the money involved on chemo and radiation on somebody aged 80?

I think it is more about the chances of being cured. My dad had cancer and no way were the effects of treatment worth the extra time it gave him. Keeping people breathing just for the sake of it like Reagan was makes zero sense. Nancy must of had a screw loose to do that.

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1 hour ago, pegman said:

I think it is more about the chances of being cured. My dad had cancer and no way were the effects of treatment worth the extra time it gave him. Keeping people breathing just for the sake of it like Reagan was makes zero sense. Nancy must of had a screw loose to do that.

Agree with you to a large extend.


But IMO even with a low cure chance a treatment like this could be done on a 5 year boy, but not on an 80 year old man.

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An 80 year old doesn't need all the chemo/radio and pain. Retire (should have done that years ago) and gracefully enjoy peacefully leaving this place as we all have to one day. He has money so his end should be pain free and somewhat of his choosing. Most of us die horribly and about 20% peacefully in bed - he's lucky.


Edited by LannaGuy
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8 hours ago, stevenl said:

Is it really worthwhile to spend the money involved on chemo and radiation on somebody aged 80?

Yes, that is what makes us civilised.


I am not a particular fan of his policies BUT he has spent his entire lifetime in unswerving service to his country and I am saddened to hear that he is now afflicted with an aggressive brain tumour. Where is God when it comes to people that have dedicated their lives to the service of others? Answer...........he isn't there at all. McCain deserved to die peacefully in bed in his 90's surrounded by his family, Grandkids and Great GrandKids. 


This is not something he will recover from.


He will deserve a nice spot in Arlington if his family members wish it.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, that is what makes us civilised.


I am not a particular fan of his policies BUT he has spent his entire lifetime in unswerving service to his country and I am saddened to hear that he is now afflicted with an aggressive brain tumour. Where is God when it comes to people that have dedicated their lives to the service of others? Answer...........he isn't there at all. McCain deserved to die peacefully in bed in his 90's surrounded by his family, Grandkids and Great GrandKids. 


This is not something he will recover from.


He will deserve a nice spot in Arlington if his family members wish it.


1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, that is what makes us civilised.


I am not a particular fan of his policies BUT he has spent his entire lifetime in unswerving service to his country and I am saddened to hear that he is now afflicted with an aggressive brain tumour. Where is God when it comes to people that have dedicated their lives to the service of others? Answer...........he isn't there at all. McCain deserved to die peacefully in bed in his 90's surrounded by his family, Grandkids and Great GrandKids. 


This is not something he will recover from.


He will deserve a nice spot in Arlington if his family members wish it.

Spare us the drivel please?  'where is God'?  he's 80 not 40  


Let him die with some dignity and I hope it's pain free but spare us the political, patriotic call please?  he's 80 and should have retired years ago  so he's had a good innings already

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Yes, that is what makes us civilised.


I am not a particular fan of his policies BUT he has spent his entire lifetime in unswerving service to his country and I am saddened to hear that he is now afflicted with an aggressive brain tumour. Where is God when it comes to people that have dedicated their lives to the service of others? Answer...........he isn't there at all. McCain deserved to die peacefully in bed in his 90's surrounded by his family, Grandkids and Great GrandKids. 


This is not something he will recover from.


He will deserve a nice spot in Arlington if his family members wish it.

Disagree, this has nothing to do with civilization.


If an old dog gets really sick we put it out of its misery to spare further suffering, but with humans we often prolong suffering and spend millions.


I don't know if that is the case here, but imo we're quite often more human towards old dogs than old humans.

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Give this great man, his doctors, and his family a break and the dignity to make his own medical choices. It comes off as crass to suggest he shouldn't fight it. Not our business whatever choices they make including euthanasia which should be legal.



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14 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Give this great man, his doctors, and his family a break and the dignity to make his own medical choices. It comes off as crass to suggest he shouldn't fight it. Not our business whatever choices they make including euthanasia which should be legal.



Well we agree on one thing at last!  euthanasia should be legal i agree 100% and it's practised widely by doctors. A little extra morphine here and there and they are blessed by those who suffer. McCain is no great, in my eyes, but he believed in what he did and as much as I loathed Thatcher and her policies I respected her the same way I respect McCain and I wish him no ill-will. If I were 80 I'd rather go gracefully and I hope he chooses this option.  Fighting in some 'heroic way' is useless and brings more pain in its stead at 80. But his choice.

Edited by LannaGuy
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I think that most people, regardless of age, give treatment a shot. Initially, at least. Then there's how the body reacts, which side effects are experienced and how severe they are. Some people reconsider after a while, some keep it up until the end. Financial issues aside, it is a personal choice, or at most, one that includes people close to the patient. Not always something outsiders can weigh in on, really.


IMO, it's easy enough making rational decisions with regard to others, or before one draws the short straw. Guess it looks different when it directly applies to one self or to close ones.



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12 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

Well we agree on one thing at last!  euthanasia should be legal i agree 100% and it's practised widely by doctors. A little extra morphine here and there and they are blessed by those who suffer. McCain is no great, in my eyes, but he believed in what he did and as much as I loathed Thatcher and her policies I respected her the same way I respect McCain and I wish him no ill-will. If I were 80 I'd rather go gracefully and I hope he chooses this option.  Fighting in some 'heroic way' is useless and brings more pain in its stead at 80. But his choice.

I don't read anyone on here has said he should 'fight in some heroic way'.


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The thaivisa advance burial committee holds forth…..jeez.


i think its a personal family issue with the family being the only ones with the right to decide the way forward.


there are no happy endings to brain cancer.



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