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Tens of thousands sign petition to get 'My Mate Nate' booted out of Thailand


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5 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

The bigger you are the more you can do. A very big foreign  (Thai) company, bgrim company (privat company) have lots of influence in thailand.

THey started already in 1878 and now very big in Thailand. 

Though you cant do anything in electricity for instance , they can and as shown Energy, Building & Industrial Systems, Healthcare & Lifestyle, Transportation, Real Estate, Digital. All kind of things a "normal" foreigner cant do in Thailand. Harald Link is the CEO , a philantropist(?).

I bet lots of big foreign (Thai ?) companies are working in Thailand with more power to bend all to them. Money talks.

As i understood you can buy land with a, now , FULLY functional Thai company. Many used this construction in the past, but now 

Thailand is checking more and more when you are new in town.


I don't understand your point. Mr Link is a Thai citizen.

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Wow you have a searchengine for this?

My point is the "bigger" you are , the more possible there is . Money talks, connects.

The issue, i replied to, was you cant own land in Thailand. So i am intrigued, how it would be possible and

specially with foreign companies. So i brought up bgrimm. I assumed the company was foreign and ran

in foreign hands, as Harald came from Germany.

Many professions are forbidden for foreign in Thailand living people to do. Even if it would improve situations. 

So with Bgrimm im aswell thinking , how do they do that. Ofcourse Bgrimm put the foundations in way earlier

years as being supplier for medicines for the Royal house.


As you mention Harald Link is a Thai citizen and so answering my question.

If Harald Link is Thai then it explains why he can do all those things, which another cant. 

From what i know, it is very hard to get Thai citizenship. The application, after you complied to all demands, 

has to be aproved with the top ranked government officer and is very rare.

Im aware Harald could have earned the status, but also implies you have to be top of the bill to earn it.


And now im way out of line answering in a wrong topic



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