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What have I done?

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There's been numerous threads on this forum on the passing of the good old days, which many of us appreciate, and lament.  But what have you done to stem the tide?  Are you part of the problem, or do you take up arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them?


For my part, I have made sure my son can sing the Z-Cars theme tune, and The Archers.  What have you done? 


Dee de deeee de dee dee deeedle, de dee deee, de deedum  deee...


spellcheck made are that harder than it needed to be

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Not unusual for me to find my wife singing an Elvis song....Go outside & find my 9 year old singing Love Me Tender (but she has an uncanny memory for songs)....Scooby Doo & a few other oldish cartoons are on CN....

We can't arrest the future or live in the past but small remembrances once in awhile are nice....

Between a decent (40k songs), but not overused, home karaoke & sound system & splitting the listening music between classic rock & current Thai helps keep some nostalgia alive....

They'll probably carry some of it forward.....


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41 minutes ago, bbi1 said:

I really have no idea what this thread is all about and what the OP has posted in the 1st post. Seems like a bunch of gibberish nonsense posted.

Just follow - take it in bbi steps - it might explain itself....

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3 minutes ago, pgrahmm said:

Just follow - take it in bbi steps - it might explain itself....

No, it doesn't. Seems like he's been smoking too much of that green stuff with all those "Dee de deeee de dee dee deeedle, de dee deee, de deedum  deee..." or the D & E letter keys on the keyboard have somehow gotten stuck and is playing up.

Edited by bbi1
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5 hours ago, bbi1 said:

I really have no idea what this thread is all about and what the OP has posted in the 1st post. Seems like a bunch of gibberish nonsense posted.

The way I read it is:- What are you doing to ensure that things from your past are not completely forgotten by future generations of your family?


But not to be taken too seriously.

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What have I done to stem the tide? Nothing, b/c it's beyond my control. The good old days were the good old days b/c our money went farther here and more locals (women) appreciated us for having it. There was also some charm in the way Thailand was somewhat isolated and innocent to what goes on in the rest of the world. But you can't stop progress. Kiss the good old days goodbye.

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1 hour ago, eldragon said:

The good old days were the good old days b/c our money went farther here and more locals (women) appreciated us for having it.

The young chicks these days are smarter, they want the younger dudes not the oldies. It's only the real desperate ones who still don't mind doing their father and grandfather equivalents.

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I put my phone away when I'm in company.  I was Down At The Doctor's (you'll have to YouTube that yourself, it's too difficult for an auld geezer like me to post links from my phone) and there was a charming little girl playing and smiling while her parents were focussed on their phones.

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