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Drunk cop who set up drink driving stop ordered out!


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Drunk cop who set up drink driving stop ordered out!



Picture: Thai Rath


NONG KHAI: -- The governor of Nong Khai has reacted swiftly to a video of a cop who set up an impromptu traffic stop in the middle of the road.


San Thananta attached to the Na Ngiw police was evidently drunk. He had parked his 191 patrol vehicle in the middle of the road.


The tanked up cop was trying to stop members of the public


Several people including a woman who posted a video online had told him what he was doing was wrong - at the very least he should be by the side of the road.


He spoke almost incoherently in the cab of his pick-up.


When provincial governor Phaisan Leusomboon saw the clip on Facebook the reaction was quick. He ordered the complete and indefinite transfer of the cop to inactive duties at HQ.


And he ordered an immediate investigation into the cop's behavior that he said has tarnished the image of the police.


Source: Thai Rath

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2017-07-24
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Not in any way "tarnishing the image" of the police - simply reinforcing the image of the police.


I was once stopped by a cop on a motorbike so blind drunk he struggled to put it on its side stand and staggered over to our car.  He was unable to stand properly so leaned on the car to talk with alcohol breath to us.

1st 'reason' - we went through a red light.  Nope, it was still green

2nd 'reason'  - we were not wearing our seat belts.  Erm, we are still wearing them


I told him I would switch to English and then I pretended to call the British Embassy.   He then just said he wants some money for some more whiskey.


Tarnishing the image.... LOL


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40 minutes ago, webfact said:

He ordered the complete and indefinite transfer of the cop to inactive duties at HQ.

Well whoopee! If it was a member of the public, they would have been arrested and got a heavy fine or imprisonment, but the Provincial Governor thinks that is not necessary. The man should be sacked forthwith, AND face criminal charges for the drink driving and possibly a further charge of bringing the force into disrepute. Even though the latter is quite laughable given the reputation of the police already.

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Yet again a Thai policeman drunk on duty, and all they can say is we will investigate. !!Bloody pathetic !!

Had that been joe public, arrested, locked up fined etc etc.

When are the authorities going to rain in all these corrupt/ drunken <deleted> holes?

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

When provincial governor Phaisan Leusomboon saw the clip on Facebook the reaction was quick.

The country is run by Facebook.  No decision is taken unless it has been brought to the attention of the ruling classes by bad publicity.  With the reputation of the police tarnished beyond redemption why is there no decisive strong action?  Why is the drunk cop not behind bars?

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it's getting to point where you can't sell underage girls or be blind drunk on duty anymore without some a hole putting you on facebook.


whats the point of being a Thai policeman anymore?


Edited by NCC1701A
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54 minutes ago, mikebell said:

The country is run by Facebook.  No decision is taken unless it has been brought to the attention of the ruling classes by bad publicity.  With the reputation of the police tarnished beyond redemption why is there no decisive strong action?  Why is the drunk cop not behind bars?

 "Why is the drunk cop not behind bars?"

Quite simply because he prefers to spend his time in bars getting drunk.

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Can't understand why Prayut is complaining about the lack of public spirituality. This fool of a copper seems to have consumed plenty of it.

Having his name struck from the distribution list (inactive duties) will be a severe penalty and will take a bit of explaining to wifie and mia noi when they have their budgets cut.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

He ordered the complete and indefinite transfer of the cop to inactive duties at HQ.


And he ordered an immediate investigation into the cop's behavior that he said has tarnished the image of the police.

says it all about the so-called 'rule of law' here; what we get is 'transfer' and 'image'

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1 hour ago, darksidedog said:

Well whoopee! If it was a member of the public, they would have been arrested and got a heavy fine or imprisonment, but the Provincial Governor thinks that is not necessary. The man should be sacked forthwith, AND face criminal charges for the drink driving and possibly a further charge of bringing the force into disrepute. Even though the latter is quite laughable given the reputation of the police already.

Sacking cops is never easy in almost all countries of the world, especially in the west.  Civil Service protections and mandatory arbitration make removing incompetent, corrupt and dangerous police a nightmare and even when initially successful, frequently over-ruled at a later date, often awarding back pay and damages.

The truth is that "Moving to an inactive post" is often the only option for immediate action. 

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4 hours ago, mikebell said:

The country is run by Facebook.  No decision is taken unless it has been brought to the attention of the ruling classes by bad publicity.  With the reputation of the police tarnished beyond redemption why is there no decisive strong action?  Why is the drunk cop not behind bars?

Facebook or not, things happening is a pleasant change 

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1 hour ago, dotpoom said:

Hardly ordered out as the header states......more like ordered sideways...."He ordered the complete and indefinite transfer of the cop to inactive duties at HQ.".


Ironic that the dregs have a fast track to HQ.

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Ah the poor lad, must have had a bad day and needed a bit of cash to buy some more of that wonderful Thai Whiskey for himself as he is only half way towards being drunk. Got to laugh at the examples they set as Policeman.

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"Inactive" but paid duties, I would think. Somewhere out in the waving rice is a huge warehouse with hundreds of thousands of policemen staring vaguely into space, but collecting their paychecks at month,s end. Any policeman found guilty of criminal activities, or shaking down the public, should be immediately fired and replaced with a suitable candidate, and this is the only way the police force can be re-organised into a respectable body of law enforcement. Is this going to happen ? 555555555 !

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