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Witness for marriage extension required every year

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I visited immigration recently to for my second one-year extension based on marriage.


One thing I hadn’t realised was the need for a witness. I thought that was only needed for the first application?

The very helpful IO said it was required every year.

Luckily my wife found someone working in town who could pop into the Udon office there and then, and happened to have a copy of their ID & house registration with them. At least I’ll be aware for next year.


I was also given a variation of the Foreign_National_Information.pdf form to fill in. I had religiously had taken a pre-filled one I found on TV with me so many times in the past, but it was never requested.


With the one I filled in at immigration, I ignored questions about social media and email address, also hospitals I’d visited. I don’t think they gained any extra details.

The only details I filled in they have already: passport details and my wife as a contact (already on one of the extra forms we filled in at the office for my extension for marriage).

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oh yes in Jomtien you are requested to show up with a witness every year when you are married , having no kids. But the rule appers to be only applicable to Jomtien. The witness is also to have a housebook from Pattaya.




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35 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

they still require that intrusive form ? thought it was dropped

Maybe it has been dropped in the metropolis, but in Udon as it's just made an appearance, the news might filter through to here next year.


A little OT now:

Two years ago when the idea of informing immigration if you moved location was starting to be enforced (in some offices), I went into Udon Immigr, and had printed & pre-filled TM28 and TM30. I asked them which one was more relevant for my situation. After looking at both, and seeming bemused someone was offering information, the IO went for TM28 and stapled it in my passport.

Couple of days ago requesting my Non O marriage extension, the IO, without asking, filled in a TM30 for me to sign and stapled that, together along with the original TM28 using one staple.

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2 minutes ago, fvw53 said:

Immigration Police visits us every year after application for Non Imm O visa extension...and we need to have during their visit 2 witnesses registered in our tambon.

At Udon, the one witness needs to go with us to the office, second year onwards. The first year we also had the visitation and needed two witnesses for that.

As we know, it seems to depend on which immigration office you come under as to how they interpret the rules.

I take it's a marriage extension, not retirement? Which office do you deal with?

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2 minutes ago, ubonjoe said:

That is not normal only a home visit is required for the first application at most offices. Which office is that?

Pathum Thani / and they have their own camera to take photos

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Here in Samut Prakan 3 Immigration officers will visit your home every time you apply for extension. They normally call and give me a few hours notice, so I have time to find a witness.  The visit ends with a photo-session in the livingroom, bedroom and outside the home.

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I just finished my marriage extention switching from retirement and our landlady we rent from came. I asked IO if I needed to do that next year and they said no only first time. This was in Maptaput.

I did get a visit a couple weeks later. No problems.


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5 hours ago, roobaa01 said:

oh yes in Jomtien you are requested to show up with a witness every year when you are married , having no kids. But the rule appers to be only applicable to Jomtien. The witness is also to have a housebook from Pattaya.





What rule applies only to Jomtien ?



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27 minutes ago, bberrythailand said:

What rule applies only to Jomtien ?

"Bringing a witness every year" - but maybe other offices too.  And maybe only if you don't have children. 
There is no way a "bad guy" with a fake marriage could pay a 2nd person to show up and lie - right?  Sigh.

The home-visit makes sense, though.  That would actually create more difficulties for "bad-guys."

The irony is, pick a good Thai gal and keep her around long enough for the visit, and he might realize they are good companions - then, no need to fake anything.

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2 hours ago, Beats56 said:

I just finished my marriage extention switching from retirement and our landlady we rent from came. I asked IO if I needed to do that next year and they said no only first time. This was in Maptaput.

I did get a visit a couple weeks later. No problems.


This is interesting, as I just changed from an extension based on retirement to an extension based on marriage, so the 2nd extension based on marriage will be due end January.


Since I got the extension based on marriage and them coming out to take a photo with us in it and the house in the background, I have obtained the Tabien Bann (yellow book), yes went jumped through all of the hoola-hoops, and also got pink ID, just wondering if that has any weight, the immigration office in Sakon Nahkon is relatively small and the guys there are familiar with us. 


If the Tabien Bann doesn't have any weight and I require a witness, will take the neighbour as she is good value for the 200 baht plus lunch that we give her for the 3 hour round trip.


Its just come to mind that I am going there early August to do my 90 day reporting, so will ask the question then and update the reply to this post for any others who go to Sakon Nakhon, that is unless someone who goes there is reading this and can answer the question for me. 

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14 hours ago, baansgr said:

Its becoming more reminisence of my time living in Cuba under Castros rule. Home visits from the military with 2-3 hour grillings and searches.

For sure its not simple living in this country , too much red tape . I hear that the systems in some other Asian countries are much more straight forward .

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Non O. I dont have strangers invaiding my privacy. Dont have to take pictures all around the house. Dont have to produce witnesses to say i live here. Dont have to go through the bulshit every year. Just saying there are other legal ways to live here.

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19 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

That is not normal only a home visit is required for the first application at most offices. Which office is that?

Is that also the case in Chaeng Wattana (Bangkok)? I hope not, because it seems a bit awkward especially since I heard that they start questioning neighbors. I feel uneasy about neighbors, many of whom I've never talked to in my life talking about me behind my back. Most neighbors where I live keep to themselves, they don't talk to each other and there are also quite a few westerners who live in my moo baan. Mind you, I have a good relationship with some neighbors, the rest there is simply no relationship because I like to keep my affairs private (just like they do) and they have never talked to us the whole time I've been living here.

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19 hours ago, fvw53 said:

Immigration Police visits us every year after application for Non Imm O visa extension...and we need to have during their visit 2 witnesses registered in our tambon.

Surely these two witnesses could simply be family members living with you? Let's say your wife's sister and brother live with you, they could be the witnesses?

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2 minutes ago, jimster said:

Surely these two witnesses could simply be family members living with you? Let's say your wife's sister and brother live with you, they could be the witnesses?

Not sure about that. For my first year marriage extension, they specifically wanted neighbours.

Also (as the OP) when I went to Udon earlier in the week for my second year extension, the one witness they needed to turn up at the office was not allowed to be "immediate family" according to the IO.


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Just now, bluesofa said:

Not sure about that. For my first year marriage extension, they specifically wanted neighbours.

Also (as the OP) when I went to Udon earlier in the week for my second year extension, the one witness they needed to turn up at the office was not allowed to be "immediate family" according to the IO.


What if you don't know your neighbors? My neighbors are factory managers and the like who work overnight shifts and are often gone for days at a time. What would they think of some neighbor they have never even said hi to in 5 years asking them to take a day off work for a visa extension? Seems a bit odd and certainly awkward (for both parties). There must be another way. I could think of friends, but they live in another part of town.

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11 minutes ago, jimster said:

Surely these two witnesses could simply be family members living with you? Let's say your wife's sister and brother live with you, they could be the witnesses?

Jomtien told me the witnesses cant be a relative  and are required every year if you don't have children.

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19 hours ago, bluesofa said:

At Udon, the one witness needs to go with us to the office, second year onwards. The first year we also had the visitation and needed two witnesses for that.

As we know, it seems to depend on which immigration office you come under as to how they interpret the rules.

I take it's a marriage extension, not retirement? Which office do you deal with?

We had a visit from Udon Thani IO on my first marriage extension (having switched from retirement due to the fall in GBP) and were told back then, that it would be their only visit. This is backed up by three of our neighbours who have lived here for several years.


I shall know for sure in September, when my next extension is due.

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2 minutes ago, johng said:

Jomtien told me the witnesses cant be a relative  and are required every year if you don't have children.

What if you have a newborn child? Sorry to be nosey, I'm looking at converting to a marriage extension sometime in the near future, probably next year.


I hope Bangkok is easier going, especially since they are so busy, maybe they are easier on the requirements.

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17 minutes ago, jimster said:

Is that also the case in Chaeng Wattana (Bangkok)? I hope not, because it seems a bit awkward especially since I heard that they start questioning neighbors.

They only do one for the first extension and contact you to arrange the visit. Never heard of them talking to neighbors. If they did it would only be to confirm you are living with your wife which could be a simple question like have you seen Mr so and so coming and going from the house.

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Just now, ubonjoe said:

They only do one for the first extension and contact you to arrange the visit. Never heard of them talking to neighbors. If they did it would only be to confirm you are living with your wife which could be a simple question like have you seen Mr so and so coming and going from the house.

I understand. As mentioned, I have no issues with neighbors whatsoever, but I do like my privacy respected. Some of my neighbors have elderly family members living with them who are home most of the time, nothing wrong with them, but it would be weird if there was a discussion about me/us all of a sudden after having been living happily and undisturbed for years. Much of the time our neighbors are absent and some neighboring properties have been unoccupied in months/years.

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13 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

We had a visit from Udon Thani IO on my first marriage extension (having switched from retirement due to the fall in GBP) and were told then, that this would be their only visit. This is backed up by three of our neighbours have lived here for several years.


I shall know for sure in September, when my next extension is due.

I'd suggest you check with Udon first, as it could be a pain if you arrive without a witness, to be told that you need one.

As I said, although the IO said no immediate family, my wife asked if her sister-in-law would be acceptable. That would be OK, as long as she hadn't changed her surname when she got married.

In the end, the person she found who worked ten minutes away, I had never seen before. The IO wasn't worried about that (no disrespect), it did seem to be more of a paperwork exercise.

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