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Yingluck says her bank accounts confiscated, money withdrawn


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12 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Anyone out there still in doubt about the "verdict" that hasn't yet been completed by "the judges"?

AND, they are trying to keep people in masses away from the verdict hearing?

Jesus Christ, Kermit the Frog could see through this one!


I may be wrong, but as far as i understand the August ruling has nothing to do with the 35 Billion Baht compensation.


August ruling is a criminal case, to proof her negligence, where the compensation is a different civil case of which I'm not sure a verdict date is even set already

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11 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

There's a trouble brewing, guilty before the court ruling, won't go down well among the red shirts, and am sure internationally this will put Thailand a little further in the sh-t, oy !

How much deeper can it go, I wonder...

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Are policy decisions illegal now? It did not reach the poor farmers as the objective was to subsidize production. Is it illegal? She (not sure the decision process was that simple) chose an objective over another by keeping dams shut. Is it illegal?

It was grandly irresponsible and caused incalculable flood damage to much of the nation.

They ignored expert advice on the dams and must pay the price.

They ignored expert advice on the Rice Pledging Scheme and must pay the price.
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8 minutes ago, Nickymaster said:

I am sure that many posters who have a strong opinion about the case weren't even in Thailand when the stealing by Yingluck's team happened. Just because she looks innocent. Wake up guys, she is corrupt as hell.





 Isn't that one of the qualifications to be a Thai politician? or high up in any government department/armed forces?


  The thing is, the PTP in all it's many guises did actually give some slops from the trough to the rural poor, which is more than any other incarnation of Thai government have done so... Ipso Facto, the poor love them.....

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Raiding her bank accounts before the verdict is such a big provocation to her supporters that I have difficulty in believing it was lack of forethought, but calculated.

Maybe they are trying to increase the size of the 'mob' to attend the court decision and cause a lot of disruption.

Then maybe say ' We did everything good for you but you people show that you refuse reconciliation. Now we have no alternative but to stay longer. It's your fault'!!!

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1 minute ago, sujoop said:

 Both cases of extreme self-serving malfeasance and massive losses resulting from the corruption ridden rice scheme and exacerbated floods are directly inter-connected and highly relevant to this case.

What is highly relevant is the fact that a coup occurred and the junta is going after their political enemies and seizing their assets without going through the judiciary process. In another words, daylight robbery. 

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10 minutes ago, sujoop said:

 Both cases of extreme self-serving malfeasance and massive losses resulting from the corruption ridden rice scheme and exacerbated floods are directly inter-connected and highly relevant to this case.

How would you know that? ?

Have you been chatting to the judge. 

The decision has not been made. 

Get in line and hold your horses. 

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13 hours ago, Prbkk said:

This man doesn't know when to leave well-enough alone. Yingluck is finished as a political leader but the cretins advising Prayuth seem to want to turn her into a martyr and are doing a pretty good job of doing so. The ham-fisted buffoonery gets worse by the day and it's not lost on those who have supported ( and will continue to support) the various iterations of Thaksin-led parties. 

Your absolutely correct. This situation is worrying cos F Troop are fanning the Red flames. As an aside one day with little to do I ventured into the Thai Museum for Corruption in Bangkok. After a brief walk through I asked the young man conducting the tour .... " Is Thaksin Shinawatra the only man guilty of corruption in Thailand?" He smiled sheepishly. Almost the entire exhibition details the ins and outs and ups and downs of Thaksin and virtually nobody else.

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The combined contradictory features or paradox is that the Generals nephew does not have to go to court until the new laws are changed. She wont go anywhere. Her presence may be the catalyst for further change in the country.


This mob bought the airport bomb machines; how battle ready are the new toys or are they lemons?

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26 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

Perceptive and this is what I believe also.


From Prayuth's veiled threats last week that it will be the peoples' fault if reconciliation fails to the numerous warnings about gathering to support YL.


The pressure is building. 

It appears the pressure is indeed building. Note in the 'other' paper Red Shirt leader Weng is making familiar threats again (paraphrasing)  that on Aug 1 and 25 the turnout will be bigger and then the 'handling of people'  coming to the court on those days 'will be difficult'  and finally stating that  'If mistakes happen',  the Govt will cause damage to themselves'..... (sounds like a veiled threat or the outline of a plan to do something and blame the Govt/Army?)


One wonders what the Red Shirt leader is either party to, or has prior knowledge of? (seen this movie before, usually really kicks off following seizure of 'family' funds, or losing a court case that didn't get swayed by a pastry bag full of cash  delivered via Thaksin's lawyer ). One also wonders if Thaksin will once again take to the the airwaves and beseech supporters to 'Come to protest and bring YOUR kids'  (while his kids all jetted off on sudden overseas shopping junkets in 1st class... and Chalerm to Singapore) just before all heck broke out after confiscation of Shinawtra 'family' assets last time .

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23 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:
29 minutes ago, sujoop said:

It appears the pressure is indeed building. Note in the 'other' paper Red Shirt leader Weng is making familiar threats again (paraphrasing)  that on Aug 1 and 25 the turnout will be bigger and then the 'handling of people'  coming to the court on those days 'will be difficult'  and finally stating that  'If mistakes happen',  the Govt will cause damage to themselves'..... (sounds like a veiled threat or the outline of a plan to do something and blame the Govt/Army?)


One wonders what the Red Shirt leader is either party to, or has prior knowledge of? (seen this movie before, usually really kicks off following seizure of 'family' funds, or losing a court case that didn't get swayed by a pastry bag full of cash  delivered via Thaksin's lawyer ). One also wonders if Thaksin will once again take to the the airwaves and beseech supporters to 'Come to protest and bring YOUR kids'  (while his kids all jetted off on sudden overseas shopping junkets in 1st class... and Chalerm to Singapore) just before all heck broke out after confiscation of Shinawtra 'family' assets last time .

Of course people that voted for YL will want to show support for her. How the Army decides to handle that is on them. They brought about this show trial after all. 


Let's just hope the Army don't shoot innocent civilians in temples from the Skytrain tracks or murder journalists covering the violence if it kicks off again. 


Remember it is all about reconciliation apparently. Funny way of going about it though.

Let's also hope there are no more 'men in black' snipers on rooftops etc, or armed combatants within the crowds  to 'kick it off'  or to create false flag martyrs again...  To keep this relevant, must add 'poor Yingluck'....(for going along with 'Thaksin thinks, Pheu Thai does') which has unfortunately come home to roost.


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8 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

unless they were watching those acc,s and the money going out.i agree a lot has left the country and only alittle is left.big brother help me,i,am losing some of the wealth I accuiqed

Can you state this as fact?

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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

Anyone out there still in doubt about the "verdict" that hasn't yet been completed by "the judges"?

AND, they are trying to keep people in masses away from the verdict hearing?

Jesus Christ, Kermit the Frog could see through this one!


Anyone out there actually heard, read, or been told of any actual defense by Yingluck or he defense team to the actual charges?


Still not seen one report of any attempted explanation as to how appointing yourself Chairperson and then never bothering to attend meetings; ignoring all external warnings of serious issues; treating people with scorn, derision and intimidation who warned internally of serious issues, and failing to take any noticeable real action isn't gross negligence.


Given that absolutely no defense against the charges have been offered, the result would seem somewhat predictable, even to Kermit the Frog.

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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

What is highly relevant is the fact that a coup occurred and the junta is going after their political enemies and seizing their assets without going through the judiciary process. In another words, daylight robbery. 


They are going after the assets of people involved in one particular debacle that was riddled with fraud. Either for negligence, which Yingluck still doesn't seem to have put up a defense for; or for fraud as those involved in fake G2G deals are charged with.


As for the actual seizure and withdraw of Yingluck's back accounts. The seizure of assets has been announced for some time. The only mention of any seizure so far is the bank accounts. The only source of the reported withdraw of cash from those accounts is Yingluck.


Does she have a track record of only and always telling the truth?


Could this be a little white lie? Aimed at inciting some of the more gullible supporters? Getting a bit more desperate as the verdict looms?


Must be worried about that verdict when you know you've never offered any form of explanation in defense.

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22 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

always playing the victim card; sure she is being persecuted; not unprecedented here on power changes

Now she has an appreciation of how foreigners feel fighting the utterly corrupt judicial system. The lesson is even when you are Prime Minister you cannot combat the system.

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6 minutes ago, Nip said:

Now she has an appreciation of how foreigners feel fighting the corrupt judicial system. 

and lacking juries sure doesnt help; perhaps the idea was that it would be very difficult here to put in place a system that 'summoned' potential jurors, then vetts them , then informs them via the trial and judge, then arrives at a legally sanctioned decision

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