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Yingluck says her bank accounts confiscated, money withdrawn


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15 hours ago, darksidedog said:

This is the part I find funniest. By telling everyone to stay away from the sentencing, they are admitting what is going down, and I think enough of our politically savvy, though not always too smart locals have worked that out. The foregone conclusion of a political witch hunt, and the perceived stay away challenge to all those who oppose the Junta, could potentially be, the very catalyst that causes the Empire to collapse.

God, i hope so.

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

“My bank accounts have already been confiscated and the money in the accounts have been withdrawn,” she added in his message.

can't be so much. Her brother probably told her from the beginning to transfer assets to Singapore. Same to do with shares of several companies. I think he was a good adviser.

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14 hours ago, sujoop said:

So many facts conveniently ignored by many such as documented rice scheme collusion, connected cronies, fraud and the inter-connected massive damage of flooding exacerbated by Yingluck's Govt ordering dams kept shut to get rice crops in (to kick their rice scheme off, at any cost). But the saddest ignored FACT in all this is the  poorest farmers were not even part of the scheme (which the 'other' paper has documented mostly enriched connected cronies, middlemen, Pu Yai's and already wealthy rice millers, large farmers and large agri landlords - basically the mob who control influence and  'get out the vote' for Thaksin plus influences who gets a chanote or Nor sam gor upgrade authorisation,  or new road/water/power etc in NE Villages) Not many will go against the local Pu Yai's and millers/people of influence in NE Villages, which works hand in hand with the Shinawat family political machine. Meanwhile, many on here shamelessly cry  about the 'poor persecuted Shinawat family'...



You deliberately miss the point , if monies have been confiscated then the powers to be have declared her guilty before the court has passed judgement.

Is that right , are you defending that ?

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49 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

The Army were shooting live ammo at unarmed protesters weeks before the mysterious 'men-in-black' were even mentioned.


Selective memory?


Would you like to reference that please?


Just in case your memory might be playing tricks.

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2 hours ago, hugh2121 said:

No sanctions against Thailand and it's coup.

Prayut has a great idea!  Seize the assets of all Prime Ministers who have had corruption in their government since the beginning of government!  

It's a good way to refill the now empty Thai treasury. Wait a minute! What happened to all the money?  (From 770 billion to 70 billion) Corruption again?  Not possible...More taxes on soda and sugary drinks please!

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9 hours ago, steven100 said:

oh dear  .....   so her billions of baht from dubious rice scams.. sorry schemes has been confiscated ....

how the heck is she suppose to go shopping now ....   !!   :shock1:

I've yet to see any sources which say that she personally benefitted from the rice-scheme  ...  do you have a link, please ?


The scam was her brother's idea, to help win the 2011-election for his party, and it worked.


It cost the country a lot of public-money, she chaired the committee responsible but allegedly failed to attend a single meeting of it, so negligence seems a slam-dunk  ...  but how did she personally benefit financially ?



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I'm not sure what to think about this one.

I remember reading that there were no assets in her name.

With so much dishonesty in the media, it's hard to say.

Yes, Yingluck is partially responsible for what happened in the rice scheme.

After all, it happened on her watch.

However, a lot of the corrupt operatives were already in place before she took office.

Yingluck put her trust in the wrong people.

Also, Yingluck is taking "the hit" because of some things Thaksin pulled off.

Hopefully, a final resolution that is fair for everyone occurs.

The future does look very good for Thailand.







Yingluck Shinawatra Thaksin 10 30 14 nature nice.jpg

Edited by RickTik
adjusting spelling on a word
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Oh stop all the whining.  Whatever's actually been taken, if anything, Big Brother could make up with a stroke of the pen from all HIS ill-gotten gains.   ... and not even notice the difference.  The funniest part of all this is the return of the drama queens sternly warning all the rest of us about a building groundswell of outrage just on the verge of turning into uncontrollable, violent unrest.  Really guys.  Get a grip. 

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14 hours ago, Nip said:

Your absolutely correct. This situation is worrying cos F Troop are fanning the Red flames. As an aside one day with little to do I ventured into the Thai Museum for Corruption in Bangkok. After a brief walk through I asked the young man conducting the tour .... " Is Thaksin Shinawatra the only man guilty of corruption in Thailand?" He smiled sheepishly. Almost the entire exhibition details the ins and outs and ups and downs of Thaksin and virtually nobody else.

That's what the old elite wants people to believe and amazingly enough even a few foreigners buy into that load of ****.

Sad, very sad.

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14 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Anyone out there actually heard, read, or been told of any actual defense by Yingluck or he defense team to the actual charges?


Still not seen one report of any attempted explanation as to how appointing yourself Chairperson and then never bothering to attend meetings; ignoring all external warnings of serious issues; treating people with scorn, derision and intimidation who warned internally of serious issues, and failing to take any noticeable real action isn't gross negligence.


Given that absolutely no defense against the charges have been offered, the result would seem somewhat predictable, even to Kermit the Frog.

Sounds a bit like a few others closer to your support who do exactly the same but still take their pay and push family members forward to fill their pockets. Kermit the Frog as you call him is very much like the rest of the countries in the world who know whats going on here, as we all had it happen 50 or more years ago. The French had a great way of dealing with this one upmanship corruption as history shows, same will happen here just wait and see.

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16 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


They are going after the assets of people involved in one particular debacle that was riddled with fraud. Either for negligence, which Yingluck still doesn't seem to have put up a defense for; or for fraud as those involved in fake G2G deals are charged with.


As for the actual seizure and withdraw of Yingluck's back accounts. The seizure of assets has been announced for some time. The only mention of any seizure so far is the bank accounts. The only source of the reported withdraw of cash from those accounts is Yingluck.


Does she have a track record of only and always telling the truth?


Could this be a little white lie? Aimed at inciting some of the more gullible supporters? Getting a bit more desperate as the verdict looms?


Must be worried about that verdict when you know you've never offered any form of explanation in defense.

Again please share your evidence otherwise sounds like a lot of dribble. Were you in the court room?


Again the big floods back a few years that caused damage to the Thai economy. There was a flood mitigation report done circa 2006 to manage flooding of Bangkok by a eminent Thai Professor (he passed away a year or two ago). Abhisit was the Prime Minister at the time. Now he and the Bangkok Governor didn't go ahead with the project because some restaurants would loose a view. I wrote extensively on this at the time and is posted here on TV. He was also the head of the Government when 90 people were shot.


You don't research anything Bare. Your feelings aren't facts.


I would like to introduce you to "Google" where you will be able to obtain some information.

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Well if I am sensing this correctly, if found guilty, people would be baying for blood because all the money had left town? 

It should have just frozen all the accounts until after the trial. 

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43 minutes ago, bheard said:

Am I right in assuming the current govt will publish a list of all monies taken and where it ended up?


43 minutes ago, bheard said:

Am I right in assuming the current govt will publish a list of all monies taken and where it ended up?


43 minutes ago, bheard said:

Am I right in assuming the current govt will publish a list of all monies taken and where it ended up?

Em ,NO .  Maybe they froze her money till the verdict outcome  rather than confiscate ,in order for the money  not to be shipped abroad out of the jurisdiction ? 

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