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Enter at BKK or go through Laos

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 I entered Thailand last October on a 6 month multi-entry tourist visa(USA Passport) stayed the 6 months then got one 30 day extension. I left Thailand for a week then came back on a visa exempt entry and got a 30 day extension on that entry. I left Thailand on July 18. I plan on coming back to Thailand for a few weeks next week. I would like to avoid all the hassle I read about at BKK for people who have long stays. My questions are do you think I will get extra attention at BKK and maybe denied entry? Would it be easier to fly to VTE and cross overland into Thailand? If I go overland through Laos will I be ok trying to go visa exempt or would it be better to take a day and get a tourist visa in VTE? Of course either way I'll have the 20000 Baht, a ticket out of Thailand, and a print out of hotel reservation along with bank and investment statements to show where my money comes from. I also have a second passport with no stamps in it at all, but since they link them up I don't think using it will matter. Thank you all very much for any advice you may be able to give.

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9 minutes ago, globetrekker said:

I also have a second passport with no stamps in it at all, but since they link them up I don't think using it will matter.

2 functioning passports from same country ? neat trick; i find it interesting that due to the vagaries of thai immigration, people are strategizing the friendliest means and places to enter the country

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11 minutes ago, YetAnother said:

2 functioning passports from same country ?


Only 2? I have three valid UK passports all legal and above board. Thai immigration know about two of them and yes, the database is smart enough to link them (and it made that link back in 2011 when I was between work permits).


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Looking at what you posted I would say you should not have problem entering at Bangkok.  

Just have the 20k baht and a ticket out of the country within 30 days to show incase you are asked for it.

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5 hours ago, globetrekker said:

Would it be easier to fly to VTE and cross overland into Thailand?

Always easier - almost no chance of denial if you don't have 2 land-border Visa-Exempts this calendar-year.  As well, the IOs in that area seem to want to help you cross the bar to enter - are helpful - vs the ones at the Airport who are trying to prevent it.  But, as always, it can vary by the particular IO.


5 hours ago, globetrekker said:

If I go overland through Laos will I be ok trying to go visa exempt or would it be better to take a day and get a tourist visa in VTE?

Always better to have a Tourist Visa than come in Exempt.  There are special rules for exempt 'abuse' (though defined poorly, beyond the 2-land-crossing rule which is clear) that don't exist for Tourist Visas.


5 hours ago, globetrekker said:

Of course either way I'll have the 20000 Baht, a ticket out of Thailand, and a print out of hotel reservation along with bank and investment statements to show where my money comes from.

Excellent.  So far, I don't recall a case where someone presented bank/investment statements at an airport and had those considered, but it cannot hurt.


5 hours ago, globetrekker said:

I also have a second passport with no stamps in it at all, but since they link them up I don't think using it will matter.

The 2nd passport only helps in that there are not a bunch of stamps staring the IO in the face.  Also makes entering faster, as they seem to examine every page in a passport.  But, yes, he will likely see your history in the computer.  You might get asked if you have entered on another passport before (as a test - happened to me), to which a truthful answer is recommended. 

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I can think of two reasons why an American Citizen would have two active passports:

1) You are Diplomat for the US State Department?

2).You frequently travel between countries that have diplomatic issues(Israel and all nations in the GCC-Gulf Cooperation Council).  Countries like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are par of the CCC.  


How about this.  Fly into the other ports of entries in Thailand:  Chiang Mai or Phuket.  You can fly from China and S. Korean directly into CNX.  You can fly HK Express from Hong Kong to Phuket. 

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I have two UK passports.  I've swapped them around at my convenience when entering Thailand and, although they probably know I have two, an Immigration Officer has never mentioned it to me.

Both passports were obtained at the same time, they both have the same photo and exp dates, the only difference is the passport numbers.  One ends in 4, the other has the same number but ends in 5.


I've had a Non O visa in one passport and when it expired used my other passport on visa exempt for over a year without any issues.  I used to get asked if i had a visa but just used to say "No, only staying for 3 weeks" and was always allowed entry.  The worst grilling i had at immigration in Swampy was over two years ago when the IO checked every page of my passport, once I told him i was married to a Thai he asked me to get a visa next time (which i did).  This guy never mentioned my two passports which is surprising if they are supposedly linked.


If i was you, i'd fly back into Thailand and use the new passport.  But of course, if you meet the requirements for a visa, get that first and be sure to take the required cash with you.




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2 hours ago, sqwakvfr said:

How about this.  Fly into the other ports of entries in Thailand:  Chiang Mai or Phuket.  You can fly from China and S. Korean directly into CNX.  You can fly HK Express from Hong Kong to Phuket. 

There are plenty of reports that would suggest Phuket is far more risky than Bangkok. Flying direct to Phuket would be my last choice if I had any doubts about how immigration would react to my entry.

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