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Thai wife problems


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3 minutes ago, oldhippy said:

And when one realizes that it has gone too far, one has already invested so much in the relationship, that it is difficult to end it.

Not so much financially (only fools would do that), but emotionally.

Women have taught me, my emotions have no value.

And I have come to understand it doesn't actually matter to me which woman is in my bed at night.


I have lived with my new 'emotions' for nearly 10 years now and it makes life so much easier and pleasant.

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2 minutes ago, MaeJoMTB said:

You have to do it at the start, not at the end.

Relationships can never be rebuilt, they only ever get worse.


Clean break, new SIM, new email, move house with no forwarding address.

If she knows where you work, you're in deep doodoo.

Work on a remote severs, hosted, in US, Swiss, NL, to name a few, it more like digital nomad voodoo than doodoo.


She's a good girl, with many good quality's, is not interested in shiny stuff, think she's a bit of an introvert that likes to read books and stay at home.





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Been burned hard, few times, climbing the white mountain, before.


My father marriage, is more like a his own private prison, he's still in love with her, child hoods 1st love, but she gives nothing, zero, does nothing for him, zero, and just has a hysterial meltdown every day with the 24/7 white noise of complains that she unloads on him, have told him many times, walk away, non of my siblings like her, in fact most detest her behaviour and she never did anything for us, she's just a cute, trophy wife, that slept till noon, last time she cooked a dinner for me was in 1997, it was reheated leftovers, she managed to <deleted> that up, adding frozen weggies at the end, it became a mushy wet soupy mess, with my work now, I go back home once a  year, and stay in my country side flat, away from the city, I'll prob see my mother two times a year now at best, its for the best, my poor father still keeps trying to hold it all working, the old saying, when he's dead in a few years, finally kicked the bucket, she's just gonna stand over his grave, and complain.



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Have you concidered medical treatment for your gf? Would she agree?

The symtoms point at some form of schizofrenia, perhaps "borderline" syndrome.

I have friends back home with a psychotic (adopted) daughter. They started with social workers, psychologists, next psychiatry, nothing helped - until medical drugs were prescribed (lithium if I remember well). And that helped!

My wife refuses any such things unfortunately.

PS. Wanting to help your gf is very noble of you, but it is NOT your duty. As you are still at the beginning of the relationship, NOW is the time to decide if you can cope with this for the rest of your life. Maybe you should think of the advise you gave to your father?





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Same with my dear mother, refuses to admit, that she has any mental problems, hard, NO, to any question if she'd visit : social worker, psychiatry, and never to take any pill, that just impossible as she has no problems, but she'd be happy to try and recommend 'happy pills' to any kid thats acting up.


I'm quite sure will get the same reply out of the gf, should I ask, lets see, hard refusal.


lets see how this goes, indeed should learn from my fathers mistakes.



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@oldhippy  @Rc2702


Update, whole hysteria-train-derailment was a your average activity that normal people do in public spaces, its just that I was near dead from a heatstroke, could not take part 100% but was there focused and alive, was enough to set the internal seething anger mechanism in motion.


Example, both sit down and have cake, you fail starting to eat the cake at the same time, she becomes distant and cold.


Did have somewhat of an discussion about the issue, but indeed was hard to get information, suggested a code she could say in public, as to not loose face.


Example, Pineapple Pizza [ Yes i like pizza with Pineapple, Bacon and Chilly ] 


but wanted her to find her own secret code word, to tell me, this might work, lets see, oldhippy, maybe your gal can conjure up her own secret word, when she's moody.


Thanks for the good read Rc2702

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11 hours ago, Hamuraii said:

@oldhippy  @Rc2702


Update, whole hysteria-train-derailment was a your average activity that normal people do in public spaces, its just that I was near dead from a heatstroke, could not take part 100% but was there focused and alive, was enough to set the internal seething anger mechanism in motion.


Example, both sit down and have cake, you fail starting to eat the cake at the same time, she becomes distant and cold.


Did have somewhat of an discussion about the issue, but indeed was hard to get information, suggested a code she could say in public, as to not loose face.


Example, Pineapple Pizza [ Yes i like pizza with Pineapple, Bacon and Chilly ] 


but wanted her to find her own secret code word, to tell me, this might work, lets see, oldhippy, maybe your gal can conjure up her own secret word, when she's moody.


Thanks for the good read Rc2702

Maybe the seating arrangement upsets her or something. I tend to face away from crowds and views. She can't just be going silent for no reason. There is a trigger.

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Well she did it again, in a new awesome style.


We where talking, she was on her phone, and a farang name popped, up, text on the screen wrote, 'awww, so your still unhappy' right in my face.


I asked her, who is this guy ?, instant story about oh its just this guys that I used to know and he has as gf, they are having arguments, smile.


Instant knowing, she was emotional from last Sunday, on 'Line' some farang saw the easy pickup and went for the kill.


Come this Thursday, at her place, she's shifting over a notebook, handwritten in her language, but failed to write the Farang at the top, she failed to notice me seeing this.


20min later, she cancels our weekend activities, stating she needs to help out 'farang name here' due to banking issue, need to go to police station, to translate' I called her on the lie, that its a bank to bank issue, you just ask the bank to sort out the error, no need to get the police into the matter, she quickly fell into another lie, stating it was a pre paid card and by accident a random person got installed the funds, -ok she's so full of shit and really bad at this.


To day, get a text, Sorry Will be Very Busy to Day, Sorry if I don't answer text until 'late'  send 15:00 


@ 20:00ish I sent her a text, how is the date going ?


got reply that quickly got deleted.


Asked how are you doing later on, no reply.


Hey chav sudden new bf, Farang m8, if your reading this, have fun this weekend with my gf, this evening and to morrow in the 'bank' 






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5 hours ago, xylophone said:

I don't understand why you are putting yourself through this, because there is no need to, and as others have said you have a choice and there are many other good ladies out there, perhaps much more suited to you than this one.

But then again maybe you revel in the pain and heartache/misery that this girl inflicts upon you, along with the rollercoaster and mind games, and of never knowing quite what she's doing, where she is or with whom?


Agree with you. Though some people find it hard to take a step back and try and see everything from an outsiders perspective because you feel you’ve invested too much (time or money or whatever).

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6 hours ago, xylophone said:

I don't understand why you are putting yourself through this


There is a certain self inflicting pain that you have to go through.


Myself, I'd take it until the end just to make sure, without a grain of doubt that the person is truly awful and heartless. It helps with being emotionless and less involved with later relationships when you take it like a bitch. 


I just hope his next post won't be "it's all my fault" again.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/30/2018 at 2:03 PM, MaeJoMTB said:

Never do needy!

Never ask what's wrong!


Walk away, let them run after you, if they don't there are plenty more to have a go with.

MTB........these are Farangs you're talking to !    they don't get it   :passifier:

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On 1/30/2018 at 2:03 PM, MaeJoMTB said:

Never do needy!

Never ask what's wrong!


Walk away, let them run after you, if they don't there are plenty more to have a go with.

MTB........these are Farangs you're talking to !    they don't get it   :passifier:

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎3‎/‎02‎/‎2018 at 10:36 AM, MaeJoMTB said:

Nah, she's been seeing this guy for months.

Walk away, new SIM, new email address, never contact her again, don't even say goodbye.


Needy SMS/txt ......... I did say not to, but you don't listen.

There's 1,000,000 nicer Thai girls waiting to meet you.

Yep, it's not as if a reasonably sane male needs the drama is it. 

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