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Trump fires communications chief Scaramucci in new White House upheaval


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Trump fires communications chief Scaramucci in new White House upheaval

By Roberta Rampton and Ayesha Rascoe



White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci talks to the media outside the White House in Washington, July 25, 2017. REUTERS/Yuri Gripas


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump fired his communications director, Anthony Scaramucci, on Monday over an obscene tirade, just over a week after naming him to the job, sources familiar with the decision said, in the latest staff upheaval to hit the Republican's six-month-old administration.


The move took place on the first day of work for Trump's new chief of staff, retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, who sources said was seeking to impose order and discipline on a White House riven with factions and backbiting.


"There's a new sheriff in town," said Barry Bennett, a former Trump campaign adviser.


An administration official said Kelly had asked for Scaramucci's removal.


"A great day at the White House!" Trump tweeted on Monday evening.


The departure of Scaramucci followed one of the rockiest weeks of Trump's presidency in which a major Republican effort to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system failed in Congress and both his spokesman and previous chief of staff left their jobs as White House infighting burst into the open.


Scaramucci was damaged by comments he made to The New Yorker magazine last week in which he attacked then-White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon, in profanity-laden terms.


"The president certainly felt that Anthony's comments were inappropriate for a person in that position," spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.


In a change from previous procedure at the Trump White House, all staff will now report to Kelly, including Trump's daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner, Sanders said.


A Republican official close to the White House said Kelly had been given wide authority to impose order on the unruly Trump White House.


“Things will run with regular order,” the official said, adding that even the president's daughter and her husband, who both have senior roles at the White House, are "not above the law."


At a dinner on Saturday night at Trump's hotel near the White House, Trump told Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to expect some staff changes, the official said. Kelly attended the dinner as well.


Scaramucci, an abrasive New York financier, was named to the communications role only 10 days ago. He founded the SkyBridge Capital hedge fund investment business in 2005.




Tensions in Trump's inner circle erupted last week when Scaramucci assailed Priebus and Bannon, two of the West Wing's most senior figures. He accused Priebus of leaking information to the media. Priebus later resigned.


Trump appeared on Monday with Kelly in the Oval Office and in a Cabinet meeting where he predicted the new chief of staff would do a "spectacular job." He praised Kelly for his tenure overseeing border security issues at the Department of Homeland Security.


"With a very controversial situation, there’s been very little controversy, which is really amazing by itself," Trump said.


Republicans fear that staff chaos at the White House could derail any attempt to revive efforts to repeal and replace the Obamacare healthcare law and a plan to overhaul the U.S. tax system.


The U.S. dollar hit a more than 2-1/2-year low against the euro on Monday on month-end portfolio adjustments and uncertainty over the U.S. political outlook after Scaramucci's departure.


Aside from domestic challenges, Trump is weighing how to respond to North Korea's latest missile test - a sore point between Washington and Beijing. Trump has been critical of China, North Korea's closest ally, saying it should do more to rein in Pyongyang.


He is also dealing with several investigations into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and has been frustrated that the probes are also looking into potential collusion by his campaign. Moscow rejects the charge it tried to swing the election in Trump's favour, and Trump denies his campaign had anything to do with such interference.


(Additional reporting by Steve Holland and Mark Hosenball; Writing by Alistair Bell and Steve Holland; Editing by Peter Cooney)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-01
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White House had Scaramucci escorted off the grounds after his dismissal: report


Following his short 10-day career as the White House communication director, Anthony Scaramucci was escorted off the White House grounds by security, CNN is reporting.

Speaking with host Brooke Baldwin, CNN White House correspondent Jeff Zeleny described the man known as “The Mooch” leaving the White House.



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2 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He made a mistake, realised that and took action. Nothing wrong with that, better than let it be.

Do you really believe that Trump realized on his own that he made a mistake or would even admit to it?  No, Kelly made it clear that if Trump wanted him to come in and clean up the toxic mess, Trump would need to give him full authority over all personnel matters.  Which means the Mooch had to go.  Trump had no choice.  One thing I've noticed about Trump is that he's very good at taking orders from Generals.

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A White House Source Just Revealed The Real Reason Trump Fired Scaramucci


The official statement from the White House says that “Scaramucci felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate,” but the New York Times reports that it was Kelly’s decision to fire the new communications director. Still, a piece seems to be missing as to how the president could be forced into a total one-eighty on his latest prized pupil in such a short amount of time.

An anonymous White House source provided that missing piece to Olivia Nuzzi, Washington correspondent to New York Magazine, and she promptly shared the revelation on Twitter (below).



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it's so disapppointing that the Mooch won't be able to comment on this from the White House: 


Trump dictated son’s misleading statement on meeting with Russian lawyer



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3 hours ago, webfact said:

"The president certainly felt that Anthony's comments were inappropriate for a person in that position," spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters.

In the phone call he should have talked about where to grab women or male porn stars.

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2 hours ago, stevenl said:

He made a mistake, realised that and took action. Nothing wrong with that, better than let it be.

                                Except that Trump makes mistakes hourly.  Let's hope he doesn't make some really big mistakes, like nuke Iran or N.Korea or Hainan Island (re; the S.China Sea).  Hundreds of little mistakes, like hiring  potty-mouth mafia-wannabe Scaramucci, we can handle.  But starting WWIII will be a bigger matter.   Trump can't say, a few days after starting a war,  'wow, sorry folks.  Who knew it would be such a big deal?  I mean Seoul was a big city, but I guess you're gonna have to excuse me for getting it wiped out.  Sorry.  Next time, I'll think about it, before pressing the red buttons.'

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                                         How many hours between the Mooch's statement; '.....suck his own dick' until Mooch's firing?  30?  45?   That's how long does it takes for Trump to realize what those words mean. If it was up to me, I would have fired Mooch in a NY minute (well, of course I never would have even considered hiring such a cad in the first place).  Maybe Trump needed 30 to 40 hours to see if it was physically possible for Bannon or himself to suck their own dicks - before deciding it was an inappropriate statement for a top WH official to voice publicly.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

                                         How many hours between the Mooch's statement; '.....suck his own dick' until Mooch's firing?  30?  45?   That's how long does it takes for Trump to realize what those words mean. If it was up to me, I would have fired Mooch in a NY minute (well, of course I never would have even considered hiring such a cad in the first place).  Maybe Trump needed 30 to 40 hours to see if it was physically possible for Bannon or himself to suck their own dicks - before deciding it was an inappropriate statement for a top WH official to voice publicly.

Actually the story appeared on July 27. So at least 72 hours had passed before the Mooch was restored to the consoling arms of the Export Import Bank.

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Just now, boomerangutang said:

I feel sorry for the comedians who were getting their careers supercharged - by satirizing the Mooch.  No sooner do they get their parodies hammered out, than the Mooch gets booted.  Darn.  All that comedic gold mine dumped out on the sidewalk.

Trump has just despoiled a huge American natural resource. I think he did it out of a desire for vengeance on Stephen Colbert.

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27 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Guess the general is more valuable than the 10 day wonder. 

  I  hope he lasts longer and helps the President. Geezer

General, shmeneral - everyone who works near Trump is going to get dumped on, sooner or later.  


'dumped on' is a phrase commonly used to describe a person who gets the shaft by another person or entity.   Oxford dictionary will probably add a new idiom; 'trumped on'  to indicate getting shat upon quickly and massively.    Trump did it to Comey, to Spicer, to Priebus, to Scaramucci, and others,  .....and there are many more who Trump will eventually 'trump-on.'   The WH clean-up staff will need snow shovels to shovel out the piles of shit that Trump leaves in his wake.

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Having  general in the position that the very soft and weak Priebus occupied before, is a good idea. It is possible he might begin to reign in the chaos. I think he will not hesitate to put his foot up the ass of anyone in the very white house, including Trump, and will slap the crap out of anyone acting up. They need that desperately. He might even take Trumps phone away, and stomp on it, which needs to be done by someone. He is tweeting himself into oblivion. 


But, I will miss Gucci. He was very entertaining. Frankly, I think he was dismissed due to the fact that he told the truth. He called out Priebus for what he was. A lying, two faced, back stabbing, weak punk. Trump does not like truth. Truth scares him. He abhors the truth. 

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24 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

General, shmeneral - everyone who works near Trump is going to get dumped on, sooner or later.  


'dumped on' is a phrase commonly used to describe a person who gets the shaft by another person or entity.   Oxford dictionary will probably add a new idiom; 'trumped on'  to indicate getting shat upon quickly and massively.    Trump did it to Comey, to Spicer, to Priebus, to Scaramucci, and others,  .....and there are many more who Trump will eventually 'trump-on.'   The WH clean-up staff will need snow shovels to shovel out the piles of shit that Trump leaves in his wake.

He has reportedly already reamed out Jared several times for being an idiot. The only reason he is still there is marriage and early on when everyone was saying "President Bannon must be impeached" he almost ditched him except he realized that at that point his Breitbart base would bail. He is toxic and it is no wonder he has destroyed so much in his life without remorse.

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Trump tweets just 7 words after firing Scaramucci

"Trump’s first tweet since firing Anthony Scaramucci from his position as White House communications director Monday was highly anticipated, but left many confused."


"The seven word tweet seemed incongruous with the circus that followed upon the announcement that Scaramucci

would no longer be working at the White House.






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11 minutes ago, tonray said:

He has reportedly already reamed out Jared several times for being an idiot. The only reason he is still there is marriage and early on when everyone was saying "President Bannon must be impeached" he almost ditched him except he realized that at that point his Breitbart base would bail. He is toxic and it is no wonder he has destroyed so much in his life without remorse.

Who is 'he' in your post, .....Trump or Kelly?  

Bottom line, Trump is abysmal at picking good people.  

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2 minutes ago, Dave67 said:

Trump fires communications chief Scaramucci in new White House upheaval


Scaramucci replied, "Baba bing bada bong get the <deleted> out of here"

I think Scaramucci said to Trump;  "I told everybody that the fish rots from the head down, and that you and I aren't rotten fish.  But now I think one of us is a rotten fish head, and it ain't me."

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Does Scaramucci still love Trump body and soul?  .....and swear that Trump 'is the smartest person I ever met.'  (doesn't say much for the people Scaramucci has met in his lifetime, does it). 


Maybe it's time for the Mooch to go to a private room in his 58 million dollar mansion and suck his own dick. He can do it next to a life-size poster of The Don.  Then he'll feel better.

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