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Joe Arpaio, 'America's toughest sheriff', found guilty of violating judge's order


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4 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Justices are simply politicians in black robes.  Susan Bolton was appointed by Bill Clinton so of course she ruled to throw Joe Arpaio in jail.

If he doesn't die of old age first, Joe will win in an appeal with a conservative judge.

Years ago I saw Joe being interviewed by Katie Couric.  She accused him of reinstating the chain gangs in Arizona.

Joe vehemently denied the charge, pointing out that there were never any chain gangs in Arizona until he became sheriff.  He did not reinstate them; he started them.

One minor flaw in your argument. The judge who requested that Arpaio be prosecuted for criminal contempt was appointed by George W. Bush.


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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

No flaw at all.  The Bush's never liked Arpaio.

Well, then, I guess all the Supreme Court Justices except for Gorsuch will be voting against Trump and anyone perceived as being his allies since they were all appointed by either, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, or Barack Obama.

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4 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Well, then, I guess all the Supreme Court Justices except for Gorsuch will be voting against Trump and anyone perceived as being his allies since they were all appointed by either, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, or Barack Obama.

I wouldn't rule that out.  The Bush's hate Trump.  I believe those justices may well vote for any decision that would be perceived as helping to remove Trump.

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Four time Gold Glove winner Mark Grace served four months on his second dui...in the tents.  I wrote a letter to Joe asking g about the frivolous meal expenses for the prisoners.  Seventy five cents per day is triple what they spend in Cambodia on prisoners.  Don't forget the Newt Gingrich Leadership series that was compulsory.

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1 hour ago, mesquite said:

I wouldn't rule that out.  The Bush's hate Trump.  I believe those justices may well vote for any decision that would be perceived as helping to remove Trump.

Seeing as you suggest to people they get "clued up" by reading the Twitter rants of Hollywood actors I am not surprised you wouldn't rule that out.

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16 hours ago, mesquite said:

Justices are simply politicians in black robes.  Susan Bolton was appointed by Bill Clinton so of course she ruled to throw Joe Arpaio in jail.


If he doesn't die of old age first, Joe will win in an appeal with a conservative judge.

Years ago I saw Joe being interviewed by Katie Couric.  She accused him of reinstating the chain gangs in Arizona.


Joe vehemently denied the charge, pointing out that there were never any chain gangs in Arizona until he became sheriff.  He did not reinstate them; he started them.


Joe was indeed tough on criminals -- some criminals.  Glenn Campbell got popped for a DUI and was said to have served time in Joe's tent city, but a New Times investigation suggested he served his time at a more comfortable air conditioned private cell in Mesa in exchange for the rousing concert at the tent city in honor of Joe.  A similar thing happened to one of the Drinkwaters (influential family in the PHX area).  One them got popped also for DUI, served her sentence at the Mesa facility and lo and behold her father just happened to donate $10,000 to Joe's campaign fund after she was released.


Well, as a little bit of followup to my own post, woke up this morning and saw that Glen Campbell has died.  RIP.  http://edition.cnn.com/2017/08/08/entertainment/glen-campbell-dies/index.html


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  • 3 weeks later...

Pardoned before sentencing.


Trump makes a mess for Arizona GOP with Arpaio pardon



Arpaio, meanwhile, was easily ousted last year after 24 years in office as Maricopa County sheriff. Democratic challenger Paul Penzone won 56% to Arpaio's 44%.  That means a substantial share of Trump's supporters in Maricopa County -- more than enough to swing the key county, which made up about half of Trump's margin of victory and the entire state -- voted against Arpaio last year.





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"Former White House ethics chief Walter Shaub described what he thinks Trump's motives are behind the Arpaio pardon. He believes that Trump was testing the waters for future Russia investigation pardons and sending a clear message to the targets of Mueller's investigation"


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Report: Trump asked Sessions to consider dropping Arpaio prosecution


"President Donald Trump asked Attorney General Jeff Sessions this past spring whether he would drop the federal case against Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, but was rebuffed at the time, according to The Washington Post."


"Sessions told Trump it would be inappropriate for him to interfere in the federal case against Arpaio, one of Trump's most ardent allies, according to three people with knowledge of the conversation who spoke with the Post."


"Trump eventually decided to let the case go to trial with the plan of pardoning Arpaio if he was convicted, according to the report."




That would be obstruction of justice.

Where have we heard that before? :whistling:



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Schiff: Trump's Arpaio pardon undermines Russia probe


"Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said Saturday that President Donald Trump's pardon of former Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio could reverberate in the Russia investigation."


"The ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee wrote on Twitter that Trump-aligned witnesses might be inclined to not cooperate with investigators, since the president has shown his willingness to pardon allies."


"Special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation has picked up steam in recent weeks."




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Arpaio pardon flouts constitution, ex-White House officials say


"Bob Bauer, former White House counsel to president Barack Obama, wrote on the Lawfare blog: “Trump went ahead with the pardon, and reasons having nothing to do with injustice, or the public welfare, can explain it."


"Bauer, a professor at New York University School of Law, added: “It all seems to come down to that: Trump disrupted the operation of the criminal justice process to score a political point, and he believes that the ‘complete power to pardon’ gives him all the space he needs for this maneuver and requires of him only the most pro forma, meaningless explanation of his action."


“He has managed, however, to make a very clear statement about the ‘rule of law’ in his government, and he has miscalculated if he somewhat imagines that it will not come back to haunt him.”


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Top Republican Paul Ryan condemns Joe Arpaio pardon


"Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan made clear his criticism of the pardon: “Law enforcement officials have a special responsibility to respect the rights of everyone in the United States,” said his spokesman, Doug Andres, in a statement."


“We should not allow anyone to believe that responsibility is diminished by this pardon.”


"Other prominent Republican critics include Arizona Senator John McCain and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush."



That's right.

When you are pardoned, it is an automatic admission of guilt.


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