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Man-shredding bear is depressed and unhealthy

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I have ever known a beer that dont like honey. Just ask Winnie the Pooh. But a handful of gras and a patt on the head, even Winnie would go mad.

Quot from Winnie.

It is more fun to talk with someone who doesn't use long, difficult words but rather short, easy words like "What about lunch?” 


It's time that bear took the orange robe and promised to dedicate some time to making merit for the drunk idiot, offer him a pawful of berries in compensation. Everybody wins.

5 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

The vast majority of bear species - as every person with even the most rudimentary education knows - are pure carnivores

I would think omnivore is a more accurate description - berries. plant matter (roots, shoots, leaves, flowers etc), nuts- all feature heavily on most species' diets. Although I'd agree theyre opportunistic predators and there's nothing wrong (in their view) with either fresh, raw and bloody or eye-watering stench of rotting carcass to tickle a bear's fancy.

Two exceptions I can think of - the polar bear has little opportunity  or interest in vegetarian delights, while the panda suffers at the other extreme.  Koala bears are also strictly vegetarian, but they are bears in name only.

5 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

I see a few clumps of cooked rice strewn about the filthy floor of a tiny prison cell. No wonder that poor creature is depressed and disturbed. It all amounts to severe animal abuse no matter how much "compassion" the self-styled "caretakers" claim in their human arrogance.


The vast majority of bear species - as every person with even the most rudimentary education knows - are pure carnivores. I am not at all surprised the bear took the opportunity to get its paws on some some fresh meat when the "source" stupidly presented itself.


Why do Thai people insist that every animal they keep must be as fond of rice as they are anyway? It's sheer ignorance - or probably indifference.  Or both.


"Thai animan differen fom  farang animan.. Lub ly too mutt." Not so!


Free that bear and avoid any temples that keep caged animals. It's a disgusting practice - especially for people who like to call themselves Buddhists. 

Bears are not pure carnivors the eat a lot of vegetation fruit and berries

On 8/4/2017 at 1:41 PM, MaksimMislavsky said:

It's none of the bear's fault

The bear was just being a bear. 


A bit surprised anyone expected anything different.

On 04/08/2017 at 1:52 PM, BuaBS said:

And yet you'll probably eat meat or fish today , like all days.

Because if you forget for a minute that we can talk to each other because of evolution we have two eyes in the front of our heads to work out the distance to our prey and we have teeth, (well I used to have ? ) designed to eat meat we are predators who enjoy eating what we kill.

On 04/08/2017 at 1:38 PM, DM07 said:

Before or after he tried to eat the @#$%^&?

On a serious note (and meant as a rethorical question): doesn't have Thailand any animal rights- laws, that prevent a bear to be held under such garstly circumstances?


They don't even have laws to prevent humanity, to see a Thai prison sometime

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