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Honest Thais


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In my life I've lived in alot of countries, each ,years at a time;

Honduras, Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala. Cambodia, Burma  .I find thais as honest/dishonest as most other places. I walk alot and find them to be very considerate  at least in CM when I'm trying to cross the street. I also find them to more appreciative than I thought when I do a favor for one.Or sometimes thet really can be quite kind and do something nice for you for no reason, which has happened to me.

But that being said. They can be EXTREMELY spiteful and vindictive and phony . So it's a crapshoot..


Overall the worst people I've encountered based on living over a year in each country based on their warmth,kindness, honesty, welcoming strangers etc.. were , in order worst to best IMO












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I think most Thais are honest, based on my experience with them. I've also met a couple of falangs here who were scam artists. One stiffed me for 2000 baht. The other was trying quite hard to get me to invest in his bar.


One experience I'll post is a security guard at my condo who asked if he could borrow 500 baht from me. I gave it to him, and was quite prepared to write it off as he'd done a couple of things for me in the past.

I'd completely forgotten about the 500 baht, and was pleasantly surprised a month later when he gave it back to me.

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When pondering if someone is a person of integrity or a shifty, then their national flag isn't really the best way to cut the cake.


Similar to how some people like to defend their cult-ure, others abandon it and look for fresh lands, and others yet travel and try to bring their form of culture with them.  It's not really much to do with nationality, but personal values they uphold (whether self created or they've just rubbed shoulders with their peer group).  Some people just don't have any and are derelict humans. others are silent saints.

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I'm married to a Thai man and he is one of the most honest men I have ever met. He would comment though about farang men and their experience with Thai girls...it is like going to the pound...sometimes you get a good dog and other times you understand why the previous owner let them go. 

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To be honest in the years I have been here I have only had shit to deal with from farangs.


The farang thing is mainly due to them mistaking my laid back attitude to some sort of weakness, oh how they have been mistaken.....They have paid the price... :stoner:

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13 hours ago, The Dark Lord said:

I have met both the good and the bad but what has always amazed ( and upset) me is the lack of empathy or sorrow once caught with their fingers in the cookie jar. Several times it got the distinct impression that they were trying to somehow lay the blame on me for them not repaying or stealing the car or whatever. 


I could give stories of both of both types but I am sure most have encountered them in daily life.


i do take offence at the poster who intimated that you get what you deserve ( meet people like you)  and I call that utter nonsense. I have been nothing but supportive to my wife's kids, never been in anyway dishonest. Paid the vast majority of the cost of the sons new house which I discovered had been completed but he, his rotten wife and their spawn preferred to stay at our house and make zero contribution to any of the costs (age mid 30's) and allowed their spawn to damage virtually everything they touched.


so i requested that hat they move into the house that I had financed and immediately I was hated. I was told it was too far from work ( 20 km) so too tired to drive home at night.


a couple of months later I discovered that in a pique of hatred towards the farang he had taken out a loan against the car I bought new three years ago in order to buy them a new car themselves. Now refusing to repay that loan and I am pretty sure the repo or loan sharks will be circling shortly. 


I am am no longer there as it was all too much for me but I have advised the wife to drive it to a piece of waste land and burn the <deleted> thing. Then let's see who is in the cackar. 


Lying does come easily to the Thais in my experience  not always with malicious intent but lying is still lying. 


Pretty sure the apologists will have something to say but frankly there is little they can say to piss me off now. I left and those who delude themselves by making excuses for every fault they encounter will one day wake up. 

True, i think lying comes easy in the Thai make-up because it's entwined with the ridiculous loss of face attitude, which is a shame as most Thais i find to be decent people, and as you say say the lie is not meant to be malicious but is there none the less! 

Edited by maxcorrigan
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1 hour ago, Thingamabob said:

Together with my Thai wife for 33 years, married for 27 years. I could not have been better looked after by anybody. Loyal and honest woman. and beautiful as well. 

I concur after being married for 25 years. Your wife and mine sound like they are twins.

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In my life I've lived in alot of countries, each ,years at a time;
Honduras, Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, Guatemala. Cambodia, Burma  .I find thais as honest/dishonest as most other places. I walk alot and find them to be very considerate  at least in CM when I'm trying to cross the street. I also find them to more appreciative than I thought when I do a favor for one.Or sometimes thet really can be quite kind and do something nice for you for no reason, which has happened to me.
But that being said. They can be EXTREMELY spiteful and vindictive and phony . So it's a crapshoot..
Overall the worst people I've encountered based on living over a year in each country based on their warmth,kindness, honesty, welcoming strangers etc.. were , in order worst to best IMO

Interesting ratings there. Based on the likelihood that these countries may have presented different challenges due to your age, activities and interests at the time you were visiting each country, plus the likelihood that your extended traveling has brought you more experience and a degree of greater tolerance or even acceptance of otherwise new and previously unacceptable local cultural and societal mores, it would interesting to see these same 8 countries rated in terms of how old you were when you spent your year there. Maybe rate them from when you were youngest to the present?

Having spent time in Honduras, I don't expect it to get any better grades BTW. The bay islands were nice but the mainland was just plain scary.
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Just now, Ron19 said:

I concur after being married for 25 years. Your wife and mine sound like they are twins.

I "knew" some Swedish twins a few years ago...


Then there was that mother and daughter thing I had going on in Ponca City one weekend.



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