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Trump warns 'fire and fury' if North Korea threatens U.S., Pyongyang weighs Guam strike


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1 hour ago, attrayant said:

Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one.  As we learned from the Clinton impeachment, a single untruth is enough.  Agent Orange has lied multiple times, every day he's been in office, so there you go.

No time for that. He needs to be unplugged now. #25Amendment

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News flash.:whistling: This just in. trump is crazier than Kim Jong Un. :crazy:




Trump has been making ominous threats his whole life
Bluster from the president can increase the dangers of miscalculation or cause a dangerous downward spiral of brinkmanship.

“I think Americans should sleep well at night, have no concerns about this particular rhetoric of the last few days,” Tillerson said on Wednesday. This was an unusual, perhaps even unprecedented statement. The secretary of state seems to have been telling Americans — and the world — to ignore the rhetoric, not of the North Korean dictator, but of his own boss, the president of the United States.




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On 8/10/2017 at 8:09 PM, Jingthing said:

Irrelevant. The Washington Post remains a very great newspaper. Deal with the content. Not your weak deflection. 

Right ...



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That you disagree with what comes from a truly unbiased new source does not make it wrong, any more than you agreeing with a right-wing propaganda mill like fox makes what they say true.

The truth is the truth, regardless of what you think.
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1 minute ago, mogandave said:



That you disagree with what comes from a truly unbiased new source does not make it wrong, any more than you agreeing with a right-wing propaganda mill like fox makes what they say true.

The truth is the truth, regardless of what you think.

Your last sentence is indeed correct.  But to call the WP "a truly unbiased news source" is absurd.

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On 8/11/2017 at 8:43 AM, attrayant said:

Impeachment is a political process, not a judicial one.  As we learned from the Clinton impeachment, a single untruth is enough.  Agent Orange has lied multiple times, every day he's been in office, so there you go.

Never once under oath.  Slick Willy lied under oath.  Big difference.

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On 8/9/2017 at 11:06 AM, FitnessHealthTravel said:

Seriously this just goes on and on. At some point the DNK will pass the point where it will go for it and then all hell will break loose. They have nothing to lose. Guam is a smokescreen, Japan and South Korea will fall in hours of this starting for sure. They need to take this very, very seriously. Kim Jon has been schooled for this, he knows nothing else and will not settle, ever. The US needs to take these guys very seriously and stop mocking them. They will destabilize this region for decades if this starts from their side first, that's for sure.

This has me thinking. If NK did major damage to Japan,how much would that effect trade for Asia? 

  Would it be beneficial to America and negative to Asian economy? If it hurts Japan real bad may be very good for Europe and America. Japan was a big part in creating the problems the world has now. So maybe pay back time..

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20 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

This has me thinking. If NK did major damage to Japan,how much would that effect trade for Asia? 

  Would it be beneficial to America and negative to Asian economy? If it hurts Japan real bad may be very good for Europe and America. Japan was a big part in creating the problems the world has now. So maybe pay back time..

It's astonishing to me that someone can be so ignorant of economics. If you keep this up, you may be the next US President.

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3 hours ago, mesquite said:

Why would you read an incredibly biased site like MRC? And then use one of their ridiculous articles to blast the Washington Post?  Bizarre.






These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward conservative causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage conservative causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Right Bias sources.

Factual Reporting: MIXED


And you feel for it.  LOL

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3 hours ago, mesquite said:

Never once under oath.  Slick Willy lied under oath.  Big difference.


Do you really think that not being under oath makes it okay to lie?


And no, it doesn't make a difference.  It's entirely up to congress to determine what kinds of transgressions constitute "High Crimes & Misdemeanors" means.

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I sure some of you more knowledgeable men here can answer this for me. 

 If it comes down to fire and fury and the missiles start flying.and get intercepted etc. Would it simply be the nation that ran out of missiles first would lose? Once it starts what will end it?

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3 hours ago, mogandave said:



That you disagree with what comes from a truly unbiased new source does not make it wrong, any more than you agreeing with a right-wing propaganda mill like fox makes what they say true.

The truth is the truth, regardless of what you think.

No because his 'truth' is the only one, much like his 'glorious' leader, never mind contradictions, falsehoods, hyperbole and outright lies.......its the TRUTH get it?:passifier:

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10 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

I sure some of you more knowledgeable men here can answer this for me. 

 If it comes down to fire and fury and the missiles start flying.and get intercepted etc. Would it simply be the nation that ran out of missiles first would lose? Once it starts what will end it?


I would hope that bombing of NK would cease as soon as we could be assured that the threat was neutralized and their crazy leader had been deposed by our crazy leader.  There are just too many unknowns and wild cards in this situation to speculate further.  China might even try to move in and occupy a neutralized North Korea.  It's anyone's guess as to what happens next.  If China stays out, I'd hope to see a whole lot of humanitarian aid rushed in from the south and its allies.

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16 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

I sure some of you more knowledgeable men here can answer this for me. 

 If it comes down to fire and fury and the missiles start flying.and get intercepted etc. Would it simply be the nation that ran out of missiles first would lose? Once it starts what will end it?

After all the other posts you have made today and now the one above, I am left thinking only one thing. Do your parents allow you to use the computer all day without a break?

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36 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

He's lied many times under oath.  Do some research before posting.



You knew that I meant when he was president.  Civil lawsuits before he was president mean nothing and there is no proof he lied. in those.  Stop trolling, though being a "made guy" I know you don't have to.  BTW how many times have you been suspended?  I would guess none.

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37 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Why would you read an incredibly biased site like MRC? And then use one of their ridiculous articles to blast the Washington Post?  Bizarre.




And you feel for it.  LOL

Wasn't it your old buddy JT who recently wrote look at the content?  Time to get real.

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4 hours ago, mesquite said:

Never once under oath.  Slick Willy lied under oath.  Big difference.

Boy you really set the bar low for people you are willing to follow. So you acknowledge and admit it is ok for Trump to be a lying sob as long as it's not under oath? The FACT is he has lied under oath, you do not know much about your leader. He also took the 'OATH OF OFFICE', and you think it's ok for him to lie to you all after that. Wait until he testify's before the Grand Jury and see how many times he will take the 5th. Of course the way he is going to try and avoid such a problem is to start a war in which millions could die just to try and save the useless, valueless sicko lives of him and his clone of a son.


1 minute ago, mesquite said:

You knew that I meant when he was president.  Civil lawsuits before he was president mean nothing and there is no proof he lied. in those.  Stop trolling.

There is plenty of proof. The fact he opens his mouth and noise comes out is also living proof of his continued lying. That you support him over some strange loyalty to a political party I find truly mind blowing. A cock is a cock regardless of his culture, race, colour or political party and Trump is the biggest cock of them all.

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4 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Boy you really set the bar low for people you are willing to follow. So you acknowledge and admit it is ok for Trump to be a lying sob as long as it's not under oath? The FACT is he has lied under oath, you do not know much about your leader. He also took the 'OATH OF OFFICE', and you think it's ok for him to lie to you all after that. Wait until he testify's before the Grand Jury and see how many times he will take the 5th. Of course the way he is going to try and avoid such a problem is to start a war in which millions could die just to try and save the useless, valueless sicko lives of him and his clone of a son.


There is plenty of proof. The fact he opens his mouth and noise comes out is also living proof of his continued lying. That you support him over some strange loyalty to a political party I find truly mind blowing. A cock is a cock regardless of his culture, race, colour or political party and Trump is the biggest cock of them all.

Don't like Trump?  Next time run a viable candidate.  BTW I am not registered with any political party.

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13 minutes ago, mesquite said:

You knew that I meant when he was president.  Civil lawsuits before he was president mean nothing and there is no proof he lied. in those.






Impeachment for Behavior Prior to Assuming Office


In 1912, a resolution impeaching Judge Robert W. Archbald and setting forth 13 articles of impeachment was reported out of the House Judiciary Committee and agreed to by the House. The Senate convicted Judge Archbald in January the following year.




The articles of impeachment brought against him alleged misconduct in those positions as well as in his previous position as U.S. District Court Judge of the Middle District of Pennsylvania. Judge Archbald was convicted on four articles alleging misconduct in his then current positions as a circuit judge and Commerce Court judge, and on a fifth article that alleged misuse of his office both in his then current positions and in his previous position as U.S. District Judge. While Judge Archbald was impeached and convicted in part for behavior occurring before he assumed his then-current position, the underlying behavior occurred while he held a prior federal office. Judge G. Thomas Porteous, in contrast, is the first individual to be impeached by the House and convicted by the Senate based in part upon conduct occurring before he began his tenure in federal office.



Page 15.  Officials can be impeached for any reason, regardless of when it happened.


And once again, impeachment is not a judicial process. There is no "trial", no evidence presented, no witnesses questioned and no jury to render a verdict. It is entirely a political process, requiring only a simple majority vote from the House and a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate.

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4 hours ago, mesquite said:

The funniest thing of all about what you quote is not only is the article a complete and utter made up lie, you have not even read the tweet that the 'author' (that term should not be used) is writing about. The WP DID NOT insult anyone. They say that thousands of people will pitch up at an area of farmland to watch the total eclipse with their smart phones to live stream home the eclipse BUT they will have a problem, as there is an issue with connectivity. As A RESIDENT says "you are lucky to get one bar of reception out here and we are only 15 miles from town'.


Quoting that article above to call the WP 'biased' is  one of the most disingenuous and ridiculous things I have seen on this site. The article is a lie and you are a liar for saying it says something which is blatantly untrue. Why don't you do us all a favour and try to block yourself and see if that can stop you using your account.

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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:





Page 15.  Officials can be impeached for any reason, regardless of when it happened.


And once again, impeachment is not a judicial process.  It is a political one, requiring only a simple majority vote from the House and a two-thirds majority vote in the Senate.

So what's the holdup?  Impeach him. 

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5 minutes ago, mesquite said:

Don't like Trump?  Next time run a viable candidate.  BTW I am not registered with any political party.

It is nothing to do with running a viable candidate. I didn't vote for any candidate, but this a**hole is now on the verge of leaving my children in a world contaminated by fresh nuclear radiation. Do you really think the Chinese are going to sit back and allow nuclear strikes on their borders? Seoul is 30 km from the border, you think a nuclear strike will work to take out all the N Korean artillery buried inside mountains?


Can anyone recommend any websites where in order to join discussion an IQ test is required?

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Just now, Andaman Al said:

It is nothing to do with running a viable candidate. I didn't vote for any candidate, but this a**hole is now on the verge of leaving my children in a world contaminated by fresh nuclear radiation. Do you really think the Chinese are going to sit back and allow nuclear strikes on their borders? Seoul is 30 km from the border, you think a nuclear strike will work to take out all the N Korean artillery buried inside mountains?


Can anyone recommend any websites where in order to join discussion an IQ test is required?

Nah its time to drop him in the ignore bin as its obvious its just trolling and often just trolling to get the last word in.

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

He's lied many times under oath.  Do some research before posting.



Before he was president, lying under oath would result in a conviction for perjury.  Do you have a link to Trump's convictions for perjury?  I don't recall him ever being charged, let alone convicted, but I could be wrong.

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