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Trump warns 'fire and fury' if North Korea threatens U.S., Pyongyang weighs Guam strike


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( May 21) 

"Military Times has constructed a detailed picture of what war on the Korean Peninsula might look like, based on numerous interviews with current and former military officials, international experts and intelligence assessments of the North Korean military’s capabilities. Anybody that assumes this could be knocked out in 30 days would be dead wrong," said retired Army Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling. "There would be literally thousands, tens of thousands, some say more than 100,000 civilian casualties."



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24 minutes ago, Morch said:

Kim consistently baits the US (and currently Trump). Be it threats, missile tests, nuclear experiments, aggressive statements, a host of illegal activities and limited military engagement with South Korea.

I do get your point but how I read it is slightly differently.  I think that Kim is consistently giving the finger to the USA and the more they try to restrict his nuclear ambitions the more he does it.  The USA have resisted rising to this until along comes Trump who takes everything as a personal attack against him and that is how he responds.  I accept that Kim has also made this personal and the baiting is from both sides.  My point was that this latest statement from Trump was made to get Kim to respond as he has, hence my baiting remark.  They are both dangerous and unstable.  The question now is who will lose the plot first.  In the meantime Tillerson is trying to reassure the American public telling them they can sleep easy in their beds....  Hope his is right.

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It's time for everyone to relax. It turns out that Trump has authorization from the highest authority to rain fire and fury on Kim Jong Un et alii.

‘God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un,’ evangelical adviser says

"Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, one of President Trump’s evangelical advisers who preached the morning of his inauguration, has released a statement saying the president has the moral authority to take out North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“When it comes to how we should deal with evil doers, the Bible, in the book of Romans, is very clear: God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary — including war — to stop evil,” Jeffress said. “In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un.”


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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's time for everyone to relax. It turns out that Trump has authorization from the highest authority to rain fire and fury on Kim Jong Un et alii.

‘God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un,’ evangelical adviser says

"Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress, one of President Trump’s evangelical advisers who preached the morning of his inauguration, has released a statement saying the president has the moral authority to take out North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

“When it comes to how we should deal with evil doers, the Bible, in the book of Romans, is very clear: God has endowed rulers full power to use whatever means necessary — including war — to stop evil,” Jeffress said. “In the case of North Korea, God has given Trump authority to take out Kim Jong Un.”


One of the greatest hypocrisies in American history is how the religious right have embraced the man-child - a non-believer, serial "sinner" and the antithesis of all the teachings of Jesus. 

A picture says more than a thousand words so here goes: :bah:

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35 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I do get your point but how I read it is slightly differently.  I think that Kim is consistently giving the finger to the USA and the more they try to restrict his nuclear ambitions the more he does it.  The USA have resisted rising to this until along comes Trump who takes everything as a personal attack against him and that is how he responds.  I accept that Kim has also made this personal and the baiting is from both sides.  My point was that this latest statement from Trump was made to get Kim to respond as he has, hence my baiting remark.  They are both dangerous and unstable.  The question now is who will lose the plot first.  In the meantime Tillerson is trying to reassure the American public telling them they can sleep easy in their beds....  Hope his is right.


It may be debated if Trump says things which are carefully planned to elicit a response or if he's just being Trump. Considering that Tillerson is (again) doing his best to put things on track, and voices different views at a different tone, I'd guess that this is a rehash of events related to the crisis in the Gulf.


People talk a lot about Trump's supposed motivations for destabilizing the situation, less so with regard to Kim's. If he's not a complete imbecile, he ought to have sussed out Trump by now. What's to be gained from painting Trump into a corner?

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7 hours ago, i claudius said:

One problem is that i doubt kim boy could land a strike on THE USA but if it kicks off us in Thailand would get the fallout

Sent from my SM-A720F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Unlikely to go nuclear, but if you look at maps of prevailing winds it's more likely the US would be a recipient of nuclear fall out from North Korea - clever Trump! Watched a news report this AM from West Coast US, people on the street couldn't pin point North Korea on a map - LOL

Edited by simple1
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10 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I do get your point but how I read it is slightly differently.  I think that Kim is consistently giving the finger to the USA and the more they try to restrict his nuclear ambitions the more he does it.  The USA have resisted rising to this until along comes Trump who takes everything as a personal attack against him and that is how he responds.  I accept that Kim has also made this personal and the baiting is from both sides.  My point was that this latest statement from Trump was made to get Kim to respond as he has, hence my baiting remark.  They are both dangerous and unstable.  The question now is who will lose the plot first.  In the meantime Tillerson is trying to reassure the American public telling them they can sleep easy in their beds....  Hope his is right.

Let's not forget all the nations that have been trying to sort this problem out for decades.  The US gets the most press, but it's not the only nation involved.  Even China and Russia are backing the latest resolution.  Luckily!


Trump's a nut.  Luckily, most already know that.  Sadly, so is Kim.  Making a threat against Guam was pretty stupid.

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9 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

I wasn't asked. I find it disgusting that at a crucial time the leftist media is trying yet again to discredit Trump.

It has nothing to do with leftist media.  And everything to do with his ridiculous tweets.  Even the righties are asking him to STOP! LOL

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Just now, thehelmsman said:

Can't stand the tweets myself. Wished he would completely stop.

Then don't blame the "leftist" media.  It's not their fault!!!! LOL  His BS tweets are reported on around the world by every media outlet.

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2 hours ago, thehelmsman said:

I wasn't asked. I find it disgusting that at a crucial time the leftist media is trying yet again to discredit Trump.

Probably not necessary since he so effectively discredits himself. To quote Trump is to discredit him.

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Just now, thehelmsman said:

A handful of people are polled and headlines read "All Americans" hilarious reporting.

You do understand that you cannot really ask EVERY american to have a result...it is a poll.

Trump supporters have  less and less arguments to counter facts it seems....you should really stop trying and open your eyes...Trump needs nobody to make a fool of himself...

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3 minutes ago, Golgota said:

You do understand that you cannot really ask EVERY american to have a result...it is a poll.

Trump supporters have  less and less arguments to counter facts it seems....you should really stop trying and open your eyes...Trump needs nobody to make a fool of himself...

Weak....keep on trying. The crazy left drool over these meaningless polls.

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Just now, thehelmsman said:

Weak....keep on trying. The crazy left drool over these meaningless polls.

Well your argument was the poll was inacurate because it didn't ask the question to EVERY american...I think this is quite weak. But again, follow the Orange Agent...he does wonders it seems!

Trump cannot handle North Korea and majority of people in the world knows it.

Can you tell me how the Republicans can be "left drools" as some of them ( more and more) suggest Trump is unfit for this situation with NK and being a Potus in general..

This good old McCain, such a Lefty!

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2 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Weak....keep on trying. The crazy left drool over these meaningless polls.

So it's just "The crazy left that drool over these meaningless polls?"

Trump celebrates poll that puts his approval rating at 50%

President Trump celebrated the results of the Rasmussen Reports daily presidential tracking poll, which put his approval rating at 50% on Friday.


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4 hours ago, simple1 said:

Unlikely to go nuclear, but if you look at maps of prevailing winds it's more likely the US would be a recipient of nuclear fall out from North Korea - clever Trump! Watched a news report this AM from West Coast US, people on the street couldn't pin point North Korea on a map - LOL

Once when i was in L.A i was talking to some Americans  and said i was from England ,and a woman said Oh do you live near the capitol  Paris and she was not joking . the ones who i know here in Thailand seem quite switched on ,but those i met in the States seemed "nice but dumb"

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49 minutes ago, thehelmsman said:

Weak....keep on trying. The crazy left drool over these meaningless polls.


You'd quote and "drool" over such polls if they showed what you wanted.

And may want to get a bit more clued in about polls in general.

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1 hour ago, i claudius said:

Once when i was in L.A i was talking to some Americans  and said i was from England ,and a woman said Oh do you live near the capitol  Paris and she was not joking . the ones who i know here in Thailand seem quite switched on ,but those i met in the States seemed "nice but dumb"

Did you meet all 300 million of us or just a handful?  Perhaps it may have been the company you keep whilst on holiday. 

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22 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:


It seems to me that many who post here are confused, or just plain ignorant, about the powers of the President of the US, or leaders of most other countries, with perhaps the exception of North Korea, and a few like minded authoritarian regimes.


The President doesn't make decisions in isolation....he's the final link in the chain, after taking the advice of the military strategists, intelligence agencies, etc., and then makes a decision on which way to proceed.


Rhetoric is part of the 'game', and the clown who leads NK needs to be reminded that if he sticks his head up far enough, it will be chopped off, so a bit of bluster in response is par for the course.


I haven't seen posts here advocating the use of nuclear weapons, as some poster (jcsmith I think) above, alluded to, and I'm sure that would be the very last resort after exhausting ALL other options.


My guess is that the US could neutralize every missile site in NK, without too much difficulty, using conventional weapons before KJU could say, "<deleted> you.".  They would be well aware of every location of missiles, etc., in NK.


It seems to me that many who post here are confused, or just plain ignorant,

We just had a nuclear irony strike.


Funny how you think the POTUS takes counsel from all his military advisors. You mean like he did with the transgender issue when he said he consulted with all his Generals, and in fact he did not consult with one. Funny that the White House admin say that Trump 'improvised' when he started the 'fire and fury' speech. All he had in front of him were notes on the opioid crisis. Despite knowing that the press would ask about N Korea, Trump never bothered to discuss possible answers and responses to journalists with anyone. Both Gen Kelly and McMaster were 'surprised' by Trumps rhetoric about 'fire and fury' (that would be an understatement I think and I am sure both Generals were creating their own 'fire and fury' about what was said) according to White House officials.


The fact that some of you condone a nuclear strike or even a conventional war in the region is quite an incredible display of insanity. N Korea just in the conventional sense would result in at least 3 million dead in the first 3 weeks. Do you think Kim Jong will wait for the US to fly in all their armour and troops (that alone will take a month for starters). The N Koreans can easily bring down 60-80 000 artillery shells on Seoul per hour until they run out of ammo. I imagine all you gung ho idiots would not be so keen to start a conflict if the same artillery pieces were aimed at New York or Washington or any other US city you care to mention. For those of you sat playing your computers it will just be another welcome distraction and a different bit of news, after all maybe 3 million dead but they are only 'gooks' after all eh!! ( i bet the right wing Trump support base use that exact term). The sooner Elon Musk gets the Mars shuttle going and carts off all the war mongers to another planet the sooner we will have peace and stability on the planet, but with at least 35% of Americans needing transport there with their guns I won't hold my breath that I will be lucky enough to see 100 million idiots flown off planet in my life time. Maybe my great great great grandkids, if there is anything left for them by then.



Rhetoric is part of the 'game', and the clown who leads NK needs to be reminded that if he sticks his head up far enough, it will be chopped off, so a bit of bluster in response is par for the course.

No it is not and it is not a game. As General Clapper said yesterday, the Kim Jongs have been doing this for years and what America should do is watch and ignore the rhetoric. Isn't it funny how 6 months ago it was going to take N Korea several years to design a war head according to intell, and now we are suddenly told they have the miniaturised nukes already. So Kim Jong has suddenly solved a problem in 6 months the west have been trying for years to do. That's quite handy to justify a war that Trump desperately needs. Does it remind you of anything else - like WMD's landing in 45 mins?



My guess is that the US could neutralize every missile site in NK, without too much difficulty, using conventional weapons before KJU could say, "<deleted> you.".  They would be well aware of every location of missiles, etc., in NK.

Good job you are not on the Presidential advisory panel then because your 'guess' is total crap. They do not know the locations of 500K arty pieces and they don't have 500K cruise missiles to hit them with even if they did. Neither do we know the locations of the miles and miles of tunnels that N Korea have dug that will allow 500 K N Korean soldiers to enter into South Korea wearing...........South Korean uniforms! Intel DO know this but I doubt the likes of you and CoCo the Clown are interested. War is ok but just 'Not In My Back Yard', the US NIMBY's will be chomping at the bit.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Did you meet all 300 million of us or just a handful?  Perhaps it may have been the company you keep whilst on holiday. 

Sorry, i was not saying that i dont like Americans most that i have met through my life have been ok.but i have found that so many of them know very little about anything outside the States.

Ps i wasnt on holiday


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On 8/9/2017 at 6:23 AM, F4UCorsair said:

The left wing loonies may now be happy that they have a strong, decisive leader who will, if necessary, take on this vertically challenged worm in North Korea.   Nah.....too much hate against the Republicans.


If the previous administration had balls, the situation would not have deteriorated to what we now see.

It seems that LOTUS (Liar Of The United Sates) Trump has the same highly arrogant, controlled and intelligent ministers and advisers as you would like to be. The US are able to shot an apple of your head standing on the moon. But history improves that they are not able to win a war in Asia. Guess why?


Wrong analysis in Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Iraq certainly was one reason for that.


Trump, far away of being as intelligent as his predecessor, would make the same mistake starting a war. China officially condemns the NK fat boy. But why don't work all the sanctions against NK ? Because the Chinese – and probably the Russians – don't like to have the USA as an immediate neighbor. Therefore they support Kim secretly. That means, the „worm“ Kim has giant worms in the background.


And don't forget Trump aims at diverting the public of his numerous flaws and failures. No problem for him, because he will not lose any member of his family or any $ in a new Korean war.

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Most Americans do not have a sense of History or Geography  and have no time to travel because they are busy working 12-14 hours a day to pay for healthcare; their children and taxes but that is a different issue. Their ignorance is not out of stupidity but of exhaustion.


Donald Trump needs to be muzzled and I hope the Generals have told him to shut the hell up as his mouth will antagonize an already tense situation. There is no way he will make a first nuclear strike and if ordered I doubt the order would be carried out. At this juncture Kim has not sruck anyone or any thing but his talk is bellicose and threatening.


I also believe while Trump may want to strike N Korea with conventional weapons, he has been warned by the American Military Command that a war will be costly in the terms of deaths and money and he would be widely condemned for starting a war.The only way forward is negotiation- and to get to that point- no bellicose rhetoric is going to work.  the US went to the United Nations for sanctions and got the support of China and Russia.  If N Korea continues on with its nuclear and missile program , the US can then go back to the UN and discuss further action against N Korea to include reconstituting a United Nations Force.


If NOrth Korea would be silly enough to attack the US or its territory of Guam- either with conventional or nuclear weapons this would unleash both the US; Nato;  Japan and possibly other Nations to retaliate with America under the United Nations mandate.


Anyone who is advocating a first  strike by America on North Korea by nuclear weapons is mad and even conventional weapons would cause the deaths of  thousands of Americans; possibly a million South Koreas and the destruction of Seoul.  It's easy to advocate war when one is not at the center of the conflict and has no real skin in the game. I can assure, as a former American soldier, the US military does not advocate war because they know what war is like. The US military has a contingency for every possible situation and the cost associated with it in terms of lives and money- but that does not mean they are advocating any type of first strike.

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