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Savage attack on foreigner in Krabi holiday zone - attacked by four men as he lay helpless on the ground

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43 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Ridiculous generalisations don't really offer much, other than providing an provocative, but ill-considered, rant! 

My feelings are provocative? I did say "some" obviously there are many good Thai people. 

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I shall explain a little bit more clearly. Not all Thai people are a certain way, all people are different. However, I think there are certain patterns among certain people and the way we are educated influences how we act. I don't think there is a problem with Thailand. Thailand is a great place. They should keep Thailand Thai and protect it from western influences. Nationalism is a quality and I admire the Thai for their fierce nationalism. I had hoped that western people would have similar strength but we don't and we should not take this out on the Thai in attempting to brow beat them into following our western multiculturalisms. 


The problem is with western people and our expectations of the rest of the world. We are taught from a very, very young age that race does not matter, that all people are equal. Well, this is true; but is not common practice around the world. The west is living in denial. We have embraced this feminist multiculturalism anti nationalist attitude insanity to cult like proportions. We need to accept that the reality of the world does not fit our Utopian vision. There are very clear, very real racial divisions in the world, most Asian cultures have at least a somewhat racist view of western people. Some see us as dirty monkeys. That's fine, it is their country and we really have no right to visit; it is a privilege which they kindly allow. The issue I have with nationalism is in acting on these principles by beating people to death or attacking them violently. You either want tourists; or you don't. If you accept tourists you have an obligation to ensure they are kept safe from racial violence. If I invite someone into my house I don't beat them up if they dislike my tea. 


And if you want to say it is because western men get drunk and have sex with girls... who are you kidding ? Asian men do it too. They do it much, much better than we do. GoGo clubs in Pattaya are full of very handsome young Asian men. In the west such a large group of handsome young men attending such a brothel together would be unthinkable.  These young Asian men seem to be treating it as a bonding exercise. The girls seem to love them; yet no one judges them ! But if a white person does it then they're disgusting sexpat... This is a double standard, which I suspect is to manipulate us through our feminist system, but whatever, your country. I don't care. Just don't use it as an excuse to beat people up. Don't decide that all white people are disgusting monkeys therefore beating them up is okay . That kind of racism is not healthy. It is just wrong. Protecting your culture and way of life is admirable but once you start hurting people out of cruelty, you lose me. 


Edited by Iamtoofat
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Somehow-despite the provocation- you have to be better than a bunch of dumb thugs.  I expect this was the only mistake the farang made, yet it was a telling one.


As for explaining, excusing, legitimising the way Thais act on the road....don't try and kid a kidder!:smile:

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2 hours ago, Iamtoofat said:

Farang are friendly as <deleted>, here to have fun.  Thai see farangs as second class people who are merely tolerated so if a farang step one step out of line then the Thai will sometimes murder them or make them pay. I have seen a Thai be so rude and incompetent at their job but if a farang says "hey hurry up" omg; they want to kill the farang. Delusional old people talk about culture and being polite to Thai... I  how many countries is it the customers dirty to charm the business ?  Where else will you be killed by a tourism operator for a wrong word ? Where else do you have to tip-toe around the locals ? Here you can be murdered for arguing with a worker in a tourist area. All off these excuses about "drunk farang" or "rude farang" are proving my point above.  Just because you don't like someone or they're drunk doesn't mean you can kill them it is the reason farang are seen as second class - a Thai has the right to disagree but a farang dies not.  You better be a good little farang and spend your money and do as we say or else. What ? Thai never drink ? Thai always perfect ? Sorry to those who have invested so much here, but it's just race hate. All off this shows me how much of a delusion we live in in the west believing that different cultures are as accepting of us as we are of them. 

In short, total and utter 3rd world mentality.   


On a footnote, its so easy to see how Singapore left the rest of the region for dust!!!

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45 minutes ago, Iamtoofat said:

I shall explain a little bit more clearly. Not all Thai people are a certain way, all people are different. However, I think there are certain patterns among certain people and the way we are educated influences how we act. I don't think there is a problem with Thailand. Thailand is a great place. They should keep Thailand Thai and protect it from western influences. Nationalism is a quality and I admire the Thai for their fierce nationalism. I had hoped that western people would have similar strength but we don't and we should not take this out on the Thai in attempting to brow beat them into following our western multiculturalisms. 


The problem is with western people and our expectations of the rest of the world. We are taught from a very, very young age that race does not matter, that all people are equal. Well, this is true; but is not common practice around the world. The west is living in denial. We have embraced this feminist multiculturalism anti nationalist attitude insanity to cult like proportions. We need to accept that the reality of the world does not fit our Utopian vision. There are very clear, very real racial divisions in the world, most Asian cultures have at least a somewhat racist view of western people. Some see us as dirty monkeys. That's fine, it is their country and we really have no right to visit; it is a privilege which they kindly allow. The issue I have with nationalism is in acting on these principles by beating people to death or attacking them violently. You either want tourists; or you don't. If you accept tourists you have an obligation to ensure they are kept safe from racial violence. If I invite someone into my house I don't beat them up if they dislike my tea. 


And if you want to say it is because western men get drunk and have sex with girls... who are you kidding ? Asian men do it too. They do it much, much better than we do. GoGo clubs in Pattaya are full of very handsome young Asian men. In the west such a large group of handsome young men attending such a brothel together would be unthinkable.  These young Asian men seem to be treating it as a bonding exercise. The girls seem to love them; yet no one judges them ! But if a white person does it then they're disgusting sexpat... This is a double standard, which I suspect is to manipulate us through our feminist system, but whatever, your country. I don't care. Just don't use it as an excuse to beat people up. Don't decide that all white people are disgusting monkeys therefore beating them up is okay . That kind of racism is not healthy. It is just wrong. Protecting your culture and way of life is admirable but once you start hurting people out of cruelty, you lose me. 


What a load of codswallop!

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5 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

True, but I really hope Thailand never becomes like Singapore!!

In certain respects i totally agree.  However, whats been accomplished there must be so so embarrassing for those so pre occupied with "face" and other such BS.....

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3 hours ago, carmine said:

I don't think its hatred because they don't care that much.  More so a smattering of xenophobia tinged with a chip on the shoulder because farangs have more money.


3 hours ago, steven100 said:

I don't believe it's because of more money ....  I think it's a hate farang thing because they come to Thailand, always drunk in bars and taking girls to hotels, and generally disliked.

A combination of both I expect.


Having said that, I've been helped out a few times by Thais when I needed help - and its been offered help a few times when they thought I might have a problem.


I've also been taken aback when leaving my handbag on the floor (not wanting to drag it through meat) whilst picking up various meat items in a supermarket  - and had locals come up and warn me 'pick it up - unsafe'!


In short, they don't all automatically resent/dislike/hate us.

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3 hours ago, carmine said:

Oh come on thats just nonsense!!  You are judging the vast majority on the poor behavior of the minority.  God forbid i was to judge all Thais by the deplorable behavior of their minority of drunken thugs.


Anyway, if anyone is blinkered and stupid enough to "hate" all foreigners off the back off the behavior of a tiny minority then they are clearly a knuckle dragging moron whose opinion isn't worth a light anyway.

But this thread is about some young locals that beat up badly a foreigner for no/little reason?


I think its safe to assume that those involved weren't keen on 'farangs'?

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15 hours ago, speedtripler said:

In 2000 or 2005 i would have agreed with you


But In the last decade or so I have seen a big decline 


Thais are less friendly and more aggressive if they don't get what they want, especially towards foreigners of all races.. 





Not true. Tourism and immigration have increased. There are many more 'know it all' foreigners who believe they are superior to local population, act like they own everything and can do whatever they want.

Respect, learning local culture goes a long way. Due to social media, everyone read about it more often than 10 years ago and think the numbers are spiking.


There are many ways to avoid escalation in a situation. Few minutes more in traffic, a scratch on a vehicle does not worth fighting for.

Smart people walk away from trouble, even if they feel/know they are right.


If someone see drunks or a group of people, what is the point to stop and start arguing with them? Humans can learn from past and others experinces  and there is always a choice. 

Fight or flight even among animals. Survival is more important, then becoming a dead or handicapped hero. We can not control others action, but can control ours.


 4 against 1 or  a tall 100 kg person against a 60 kg, short person fight is wrong both ways. 

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person.




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2 minutes ago, khunOo said:

Not true. Tourism and immigration have increased. There are many more 'know it all' foreigners who believe they are superior to local population, act like they own everything and can do whatever they want.

Respect, learning local culture goes a long way. Due to social media, everyone read about it more often than 10 years ago and think the numbers are spiking.


There are many ways to avoid escalation in a situation. Few minutes more in traffic, a scratch on a vehicle does not worth fighting for.

Smart people walk away from trouble, even if they feel/know they are right.


If someone see drunks or a group of people, what is the point to stop and start arguing with them? Humans can learn from past and others experinces  and there is always a choice. 

Fight or flight even among animals. Survival is more important, then becoming a dead or handicapped hero. We can not control others action, but can control ours.


 4 against 1 or  a tall 100 kg person against a 60 kg, short person fight is wrong both ways. 

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person.




1) I am on a holiday. I am not Thai. Thai is not my concern.

2) Who asks who is better ? I don't care if I am a better or you are better : again - I come for a holiday. This is not a contest. 

3) Give me a break ! 60 year old men don't go around starting battles. Most have bad arms, bad shoulders, couldn't fight if they wanted.

4) Thai would not DARE fight real farang warriors, farang fighters. If a group of 12 rugby players go out drinking no one will start fights with them. 

5) Farang generally don't fight. The one's that do are very, very tough. Maybe 188 to 198 cm, 100-120kgs, very big long arms, probably take steroids. Always have groups of friends. DO you want to fight them ? I don't. They would crush me. This is why when I hear stories about "Violent farangs" I laugh because I know that you have no idea what you are talking about. You are just beating up an old man or a nerd, not a "thug" farang.  What would you think if a group of white youths beat up a 7/11 cashier ? Because that is basically what these Thai thugs are doing.


Thai women are usually friendly though. . I like Thai ladies :)

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19 minutes ago, Iamtoofat said:

1) I am on a holiday. I am not Thai. Thai is not my concern.

2) Who asks who is better ? I don't care if I am a better or you are better : again - I come for a holiday. This is not a contest. 

3) Give me a break ! 60 year old men don't go around starting battles. Most have bad arms, bad shoulders, couldn't fight if they wanted.

4) Thai would not DARE fight real farang warriors, farang fighters. If a group of 12 rugby players go out drinking no one will start fights with them. 

5) Farang generally don't fight. The one's that do are very, very tough. Maybe 188 to 198 cm, 100-120kgs, very big long arms, probably take steroids. Always have groups of friends. DO you want to fight them ? I don't. They would crush me. This is why when I hear stories about "Violent farangs" I laugh because I know that you have no idea what you are talking about. You are just beating up an old man or a nerd, not a "thug" farang.  What would you think if a group of white youths beat up a 7/11 cashier ? Because that is basically what these Thai thugs are doing.


Thai women are usually friendly though. . I like Thai ladies :)

On my holiday to a foreign country I would not read Thaivisa by keyboard warriors and keyboard Sherlocks.

Have you been there and witnessed the events?

Generalizations, hearsay, histeria is what this thread has become.

3.), 4.) 5.) know it all, superiority complex

Rest my case!



Edited by khunOo
Improved expression
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1 minute ago, khunOo said:

On my holiday to a foreign country I would not read Thaivisa by keyboard warriors and keyboard Sherlocks.

Have you been there and witnessed the events?

Generalizations, hearsay, histeria is what this thread has become.

3.), 4.) 5.) know it all, superiority complex




You view everything through the lense of what race is superior. That is not right, no race is superior. I understand you are angry because farangs have more money, but we are not your enemy. We don't think we are superior, we don't think badly of Thai people, it is all in your head.



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9 minutes ago, Iamtoofat said:

You view everything through the lense of what race is superior. That is not right, no race is superior. I understand you are angry because farangs have more money, but we are not your enemy. We don't think we are superior, we don't think badly of Thai people, it is all in your head.



No one is angry.  Actually most farang I know have much less money than me. Especially the ones live in Thailand and post all day & night on Thaivisa   :)

And nothing wrong with it, if you have lot of free time and this is your entertainment.


Maybe you need to reread your posting or understand it. Certainly sounds like superior complex.


"3) Give me a break ! 60 year old men don't go around starting battles. Most have bad arms, bad shoulders, couldn't fight if they wanted."   WERE you THERE to SEE WHAT  have UNFOLDED?

"4) Thai would not DARE fight real farang warriors, farang fighters. If a group of 12 rugby players go out drinking no one will start fights with them. " FARANG would not dare fight real Muay Thai Champions, especially a group of Muay Thai fighters! Sounds ridiculous isn't it?

"5) Farang generally don't fight. The one's that do are very, very tough. Maybe 188 to 198 cm, 100-120kgs, very big long arms, probably take steroids. Always have groups of friends. DO you want to fight them ? I don't. They would crush me. This is why when I hear stories about "Violent farangs" I laugh because I know that you have no idea what you are talking about. You are just beating up an old man or a nerd, not a "thug" farang.  What would you think if a group of white youths beat up a 7/11 cashier ? Because that is basically what these Thai thugs are doing. "


HAVE YOU BEEN in PATTAYA or elsewhere seeing drunk foreigners starting a fight? You have no idea what you are talking about. Did you understand my posting?

"4 against 1 or  a tall 100 kg person against a 60 kg, short person fight is wrong both ways. 

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person."


Violence and argument over nothing is waste of time.

Try to have the last world all the time is immature.



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well it is what it is I'm afraid.  My point being that the most farang the Thais see are mostly drunk and disorderly, misbehaving and swearing and they feel the farang has no respect for Thailand or it's culture and they only come here to get drunk and get girls.

Unfortunately that's the only type of foreigner that normally ends up on Thai news channels or in newspapers.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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1 hour ago, khunOo said:

No one is angry.  Actually most farang I know have much less money than me. Especially the ones live in Thailand and post all day & night on Thaivisa   :)

And nothing wrong with it, if you have lot of free time and this is your entertainment.


Maybe you need to reread your posting or understand it. Certainly sounds like superior complex.


"3) Give me a break ! 60 year old men don't go around starting battles. Most have bad arms, bad shoulders, couldn't fight if they wanted."   WERE you THERE to SEE WHAT  have UNFOLDED?

"4) Thai would not DARE fight real farang warriors, farang fighters. If a group of 12 rugby players go out drinking no one will start fights with them. " FARANG would not dare fight real Muay Thai Champions, especially a group of Muay Thai fighters! Sounds ridiculous isn't it?

"5) Farang generally don't fight. The one's that do are very, very tough. Maybe 188 to 198 cm, 100-120kgs, very big long arms, probably take steroids. Always have groups of friends. DO you want to fight them ? I don't. They would crush me. This is why when I hear stories about "Violent farangs" I laugh because I know that you have no idea what you are talking about. You are just beating up an old man or a nerd, not a "thug" farang.  What would you think if a group of white youths beat up a 7/11 cashier ? Because that is basically what these Thai thugs are doing. "


HAVE YOU BEEN in PATTAYA or elsewhere seeing drunk foreigners starting a fight? You have no idea what you are talking about. Did you understand my posting?

"4 against 1 or  a tall 100 kg person against a 60 kg, short person fight is wrong both ways. 

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person."


Violence and argument over nothing is waste of time.

Try to have the last world all the time is immature.



"Try to have the last world all the time is immature."


Try telling that to a few "keyboard warriors" on ThaiVisa!

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7 hours ago, steven100 said:

well it is what it is I'm afraid.  My point being that the most farang the Thais see are mostly drunk and disorderly, misbehaving and swearing and they feel the farang has no respect for Thailand or it's culture and they only come here to get drunk and get girls.

The Thais that see the farang getting drunk and disorderly etc are the ones that hang around the bars anyway, otherwise how would they see them? Plus, these are the Thais that seem to hang out in groups looking for the first opportunity for a "rumble".

You seem to neglect the fact that there are many "farang" who don't go to "bars" for their entertainment, but maybe the beach/hotel pool during the day, restaurant at night, and back to the hotel for a nightcap, so Thai don't see these people?

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5 hours ago, khunOo said:

Not true. Tourism and immigration have increased. There are many more 'know it all' foreigners who believe they are superior to local population, act like they own everything and can do whatever they want.

Respect, learning local culture goes a long way. Due to social media, everyone read about it more often than 10 years ago and think the numbers are spiking.


There are many ways to avoid escalation in a situation. Few minutes more in traffic, a scratch on a vehicle does not worth fighting for.

Smart people walk away from trouble, even if they feel/know they are right.


If someone see drunks or a group of people, what is the point to stop and start arguing with them? Humans can learn from past and others experinces  and there is always a choice. 

Fight or flight even among animals. Survival is more important, then becoming a dead or handicapped hero. We can not control others action, but can control ours.


 4 against 1 or  a tall 100 kg person against a 60 kg, short person fight is wrong both ways. 

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person.





Posting more nonsense I see, get a life 


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5 hours ago, khunOo said:

On my holiday to a foreign country I would not read Thaivisa by keyboard warriors and keyboard Sherlocks.

Have you been there and witnessed the events?

Generalizations, hearsay, histeria is what this thread has become.

3.), 4.) 5.) know it all, superiority complex

Rest my case!



And how long have you lived in Thailand? If a long time you will be aware that in this small town of Ao-Nang, just a few years ago,a group of so called young musicians KILLED an elderly American tourist outside Centre Point. Now go check out,what punishment they received.

Edited by nontabury
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Oh, a bunch of enraged dickless Thai dudes kicking an unconscious guy down on the ground. Wow, you never see that in Thailand.


If the story is true and the idiot farang came at a group with the intent to fight, then ya, he deserved getting his clocked cleaned. By Thais just don't let up after they win... they'll keep going till they've broken some bones and caused brain damage or worse.

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53 minutes ago, nontabury said:

And how long have you lived in Thailand? If a long time you will be aware that in this small town of Ao-Nang, just a few years ago,a group of so called young musicians KILLED an elderly American tourist outside Centre Point. Now go check out,what punishment they received.

Did you read my post?

People regardless of nationalities and races should be held liable for their actions. BTW: There are no excuses for kicking repeatedly an unconscious person. 

Some police are incompetent and corrupt, including some judges. Injustice can happen everywhere.


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They hate us with their eyes.   Maybe Thailand invade Australia one day. If you can't see the Thai' s hate; you have atleast mild autism. 

Thais hate you because so many of you have moved to Thailand and live in poor areas witb poor people. They're jealous that you have more than them and the relationship between you and them is unequal.
If you lived in a rich area and were of a comparable social and financial status as your Thai neighbours, I doubt you'd have many problems, but so many low-income farangs swamping poor parts of Thailand is going to end in tears for many farang.
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