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Trump says U.S. is 'locked and loaded' in North Korea confrontation


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39 minutes ago, billd766 said:


Really? And you know this how?


Do you have privy access to all the US secrets? Do please tell us all.

Their tech is decades behind….just look at their previous launches and tests….disastrously funny.


Fat Kim is just a brat who wants attention…..President Trump called him on it and now the fat boy is squirming.


He won't be firing anything at guam….if it does it will just fall in his own backyard.


The big danger now is fat kim collaborating with the US' enemies and supplying them with portable, dirty devices.

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4 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Their tech is decades behind….just look at their previous launches and tests….disastrously funny.


Fat Kim is just a brat who wants attention…..President Trump called him on it and now the fat boy is squirming.


He won't be firing anything at guam….if it does it will just fall in his own backyard.


The big danger now is fat kim collaborating with the US' enemies and supplying them with portable, dirty devices.

Did you get this information from the same sources that told you that the Mueller investigation has uncovered nothing?

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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Their tech is decades behind….just look at their previous launches and tests….disastrously funny.


Your original weaselly statement was "we all know fatty kim doesn't have the tech to pull this off….".  What exactly is "this"?  He certainly has the capability to cause a lot of death and destruction around him.  Japan is the third biggest economy in the world.  The subsequent global economic impact could be disastrous.


The Infographics Show: North Korea vs South Korea, a military comparison



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7 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

Fatty Kim is just trolling Trump….looks like he's winding up a bunch of bingo players in isaan too.

He is trolling Trump, and Trump is taking the bait.  The result is:  Trump is losing respect/credence, and Kim comes out looking less crazy than he ordinarily does.  


Trump has blabbed himself into a corner.     Yesterday it was '.....they should be very nervous'.   Today it's 'locked and loaded.'     Yesterday it was '......if he launches any weapons.'     Today it's 'if he makes any more threats.'


You see the pattern?  Trump is making threats like the boy who cried wolf.    If Trump doesn't follow up on his threats, he looks increasingly hollow and shrill, like a crazy woman who daily yells at her husband, "if I ever catch you with another woman, I'm going to cut your dick off while you sleep!":


If he does follow-up, he starts WWIII.



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1 hour ago, billd766 said:


Well the USA didn't do too well in either Afghanistan or Iraq. That is nothing be ashamed of in Afghanistan as no invader since Ghengis Khan has done well.


As for the first Iraq war the US and the co-alition had months to build up their massive forces in a Saudi Arabia before starting a fight. Back in 1950 the US and the UN almost lost the war and in those days they had far more men under arms, more equipment and more logistics


Nowadays they don't have the manpower, equipment, shipping logistics nor a big enough friendly country to do it in, nor will they have the time to build up their strength as KJU has most of S Korea targeted already. In addition KJU and N Korea don't care about collateral damage to either N or S Korea. They will get just the one shot at it, but this time I don't think China or Russia will help them.


Boots on the ground are the only real way to win and without logistical support the boots will wither and die.


N Korea already has a massive amount of boots on the ground, plenty of logistical support and they are the home team playing on their home ground.

we can only speculate - you as well aw me -

In the NK this was coming for years and they had years and years, more than enough time to prepare. If they didn't - shame on them. 

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2 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

we all know fatty kim doesn't have the tech to pull this off….so why get all bothered about it.


just another excuse to attack trump…..predictable.

We probably do know fatty Kim doesn't have the tech to pull it off, so why are we getting un-named intel telling us that in the last 6 months Kim has gone from being decades behind to on a par with the best tech in the West with miniature warheads? Smack of the WMD claims?


It is not an excuse to attack Trump it is an excuse for Trump to attack whoever he wants. He is getting so cocky with his terminator talk with NK he has also just issued a threat to another sovereign territory - Venezuela !  The man is a lunatic. Even his S of S and S of D are not agreeing with any of Trumps bluster.


4 hours ago, ezzra said:

What N. Korea doesn't have is the second strike capabilities while the US

might be hurting but will vaporize N. Korea to dust once and for all,

but when you have an unpredictable and aggressive person who don'st

relay care how many of his people will perish, that this is anybody game...

So we vapourize North Korea and all of the blast and contamination will conveniently stop at the North Korean borders for us. Good news, China, Russia and South Korea should be all up for it then and it will bring back happy memories for Japan.  :whistling:



but when you have an unpredictable and aggressive person who don'st

relay care how many of his people will perish, that this is anybody game...

True that - Trump seems happy to have US sons and daughters brought back by the container load in body bags in order that he and his 3 little piggies can stay at the trough.


4 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Let the war begin.

Yeah right, as long as it is never on your soil right!  :coffee1:


7 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Again referring to Kim, Trump added, "If he utters one threat ... or if he does anything with respect to Guam or any place else that's an American territory or an American ally, he will truly regret it, and he will regret it fast."

So Trump has now drawn a red line and he always complained about Obama drawing a red line. So if Kim JU now utters one more threat will it result in the death of millions with Trumps pre-emptive attack that he has just promised.


3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

If he named his party something with Democrat in it every one would love him. 

No we wouldn't. That comment displays a lot about your complete lack of understanding of the whole situation surrounding Trump.

Edited by Andaman Al
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1 hour ago, aslimversgwm said:

You lunatic you! We don't all have a death wish. Or do you think you'd survive a nuclear holocaust? What a benile response.

I am one that is willing to be taken out id it benefits the world. I would gladly die if it helped to bring the world back to its senses.

 The world needs order back. Borders have to be respected and protected against all people  that includes refugees. and illegals.  People have to stay in their home countries and work things out. America has to stop bullying small nations . America needs to let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. Capitalism with a military hammer is not capitalism it is military control.

  I say have a get go. Drop the worlds population and make them work to recover and most people will be to busy to think of becoming a refugee or illegal and will

stay home and rebuild.  The world is over crowded and no one has the answer. The answer is simple have a war that takes out millions.

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6 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Drop the worlds population and make them work to recover and most people will be to busy to think of becoming a refugee or illegal and will

stay home and rebuild.  The world is over crowded and no one has the answer. The answer is simple have a war that takes out millions.

So here we have the spokesman for the Eugenics Weekly News Channel.  We want a reduction in world population except for my family.


Ok of you go lets see your commitment. Start with you your family, Mother, Father, kids and grand kids, leave a video of your start to the reduction to world population and we will try and whip up some support and get a few hundred million to follow you. Or are you advocating a mass slaughter of innocents just to satisfy your synapse challenged thought processes on how to solve the worlds problems.


Any Idea how many world problems would be solved if governments, in particular the US decided not to spend trillions of dollars a year building war machines? The very things that cause war - hunger, poverty, water shortage would all be solved. Your idea of trying to build a peaceful planet by commencing that operation with a mass slaughter of civilians (who conveniently will not be American) is kind of flawed don't ya think?

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Here is a far more perceptive take than appears in most of the press about on what's going on with North Korea

North Korea is more rational than you think

But when I spoke to scholars and historians of North Korea, they uniformly rejected the idea that Kim is a lunatic. His ruthlessness and fierce rhetoric should not be confused with irrationality, they explained. Instead, he should be understood as extremely calculating and disciplined when it comes to maintaining his grip on power — just as his predecessors (his father, Kim Jong Il, and his grandfather and the country’s founder, Kim Il Sung) were.


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24 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

I am one that is willing to be taken out id it benefits the world. I would gladly die if it helped to bring the world back to its senses.

 The world needs order back. Borders have to be respected and protected against all people  that includes refugees. and illegals.  People have to stay in their home countries and work things out. America has to stop bullying small nations . America needs to let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. Capitalism with a military hammer is not capitalism it is military control.

  I say have a get go. Drop the worlds population and make them work to recover and most people will be to busy to think of becoming a refugee or illegal and will

stay home and rebuild.  The world is over crowded and no one has the answer. The answer is simple have a war that takes out millions.

Where do you get this kind of nonsense? HBO? We are talking about the real world and not some entertaining tv-series. 

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1 hour ago, zzidenn said:

Where do you get this kind of nonsense? HBO? We are talking about the real world and not some entertaining tv-series. 

In  my humble opinion this is not nonsense it is reality. I do not watch TV so it did not influence my thinking.. A war is the answer may not be pretty but puts everything back in true perspective. Counries and citizens will be too busy rebuilding to bother with illegal act  activities. The people smugglers of refugees will be out of business and no need for a fence in America.And borders will mean borders. And people will not care about political correctness but about getting things done to get back to a better life.

  The world is steadily going down the tubes. Soon they will need reservations in countries like Germany for the ethnic groups to maintain their culture in their own country. becuase the refugees and illegals do not respect the culture or the people or the country as soon as they step foot on foreign soil they start making demands for it to change to suit them. A good war would keep these selfish ungrateful bunch at home.

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

In  my humble opinion this is not nonsense it is reality. I do not watch TV so it did not influence my thinking.. A war is the answer may not be pretty but puts everything back in true perspective. Counries and citizens will be too busy rebuilding to bother with illegal act  activities. The people smugglers of refugees will be out of business and no need for a fence in America.And borders will mean borders. And people will not care about political correctness but about getting things done to get back to a better life.

  The world is steadily going down the tubes. Soon they will need reservations in countries like Germany for the ethnic groups to maintain their culture in their own country. becuase the refugees and illegals do not respect the culture or the people or the country as soon as they step foot on foreign soil they start making demands for it to change to suit them. A good war would keep these selfish ungrateful bunch at home.

So in your version of reality,  war doesn't result in refugees? Maybe you should start watching TV. Or at least get out of your cave once in a while.

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5 hours ago, billd766 said:

Trump also has no idea of the number of deaths and collateral damage a nuclear war will cost nor who will be affected by it.

After Armageddon in the Korean Peninsula, Japan, and possibly Guam/Marianas. Trump press conference at golf his course:

"Nobody knew thermonuclear bombs could be so devastating. Who knew, amirite? Now watch this swing."



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8 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I like the direction this is taking. " end of life as we know it"  Life as I knew it has already ended. Borders crossed by illegals with support to do it by misinformed people. Political correctness,crippling every one. Women lib enabling the uniformed and easily lead. The world is now a basket case. It is not the world I know.

  I say let them go at it and maybe it will be a correction on what the world needs.Make nations make strong stands and stand by them. No more political correctness.  Get down and get the job done. 

   Let the war begin.

Wow its the ' missing link ' , how did you avoid evolution and where you been hiding ?

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6 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

we all know fatty kim doesn't have the tech to pull this off….so why get all bothered about it.


just another excuse to attack trump…..predictable.

You are correct in saying that Trump should chill out and leave politics to the big boys , your second sentence however is a contradiction and therefore reads as nonsense.

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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I am one that is willing to be taken out id it benefits the world. I would gladly die if it helped to bring the world back to its senses.

 The world needs order back. Borders have to be respected and protected against all people  that includes refugees. and illegals.  People have to stay in their home countries and work things out. America has to stop bullying small nations . America needs to let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. Capitalism with a military hammer is not capitalism it is military control.

  I say have a get go. Drop the worlds population and make them work to recover and most people will be to busy to think of becoming a refugee or illegal and will

stay home and rebuild.  The world is over crowded and no one has the answer. The answer is simple have a war that takes out millions.

I miss Washington Square , sipping a Chang and listening to all the ancient loonies crying over the 'sell out ' that was Vietnam. Where do you and your 'military ' buddies drink at now ?

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1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

A war is the answer


Ok, but you and your loved ones first. The rest of us will be right behind you, I swear.


1 hour ago, lovelomsak said:

. A good war would keep these selfish ungrateful bunch at home.

As proven by the Syrian, Libyan, Iraq, and Afghanistan conflicts?

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2 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

In  my humble opinion this is not nonsense it is reality. I do not watch TV so it did not influence my thinking.. A war is the answer may not be pretty but puts everything back in true perspective. Counries and citizens will be too busy rebuilding to bother with illegal act  activities. The people smugglers of refugees will be out of business and no need for a fence in America.And borders will mean borders. And people will not care about political correctness but about getting things done to get back to a better life.

  The world is steadily going down the tubes. Soon they will need reservations in countries like Germany for the ethnic groups to maintain their culture in their own country. becuase the refugees and illegals do not respect the culture or the people or the country as soon as they step foot on foreign soil they start making demands for it to change to suit them. A good war would keep these selfish ungrateful bunch at home.

Wow, what a hateful, inhuman, and unreal view you have of the world. To believe that somehow preserving your own “culture” -- whatever “culture” you come from and regardless of the fact that all cultures are naturally evolving all the time -- is more important than the lives of people who are not clones of you, is barbarism. If this kind of exclusion to the point of exporting war is what your “culture” is all about, then your culture should be wiped from the face of the earth.

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11 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Wow, what a hateful, inhuman, and unreal view you have of the world. To believe that somehow preserving your own “culture” -- whatever “culture” you come from and regardless of the fact that all cultures are naturally evolving all the time -- is more important than the lives of people who are not clones of you, is barbarism. If this kind of exclusion to the point of exporting war is what your “culture” is all about, then your culture should be wiped from the face of the earth.

Please do not think my outlook is culture based I am a loose cannon  I am not a spokesman for my culture. . But I do respect culture and borders which now it seems many do not. Perhaps Germany was a poor  example when I think of it now with their history. I should have used Sweden.or France.

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19 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Please do not think my outlook is culture based I am a loose cannon  I am not a spokesman for my culture. . But I do respect culture and borders which now it seems many do not. Perhaps Germany was a poor  example when I think of it now with their history. I should have used Sweden.or France.

Germany is a pretty good example in fact. Germany endured the worst century imaginable from 1914 to 1990, and today 80 million Germans still speak German as a native language, eat bratwurst and sauerkraut, listen to polka music (well, maybe not so much anymore!), and are as obsessive/compulsive about keeping records as ever before. The country has emerged from being an international pariah to becoming one of the most progressive and open and nonviolent countries on the planet, happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children. And Germany gives them a chance to do that. If, today, you can get better döner kebabs on street corners in Berlin than you can in Istanbul, that’s a plus for Berlin!

I’m totally an open borders person -- not tomorrow, not in our lifetimes, but as an ultimate goal for humankind. Open borders lead to less conflict. To me, nativism is devolutionary.

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49 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

Germany is a pretty good example in fact. Germany endured the worst century imaginable from 1914 to 1990, and today 80 million Germans still speak German as a native language, eat bratwurst and sauerkraut, listen to polka music (well, maybe not so much anymore!), and are as obsessive/compulsive about keeping records as ever before. The country has emerged from being an international pariah to becoming one of the most progressive and open and nonviolent countries on the planet,

53 minutes ago, Cory1848 said:

happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children. And

, you can get better döner kebabs on street corners in Berlin than you can in Istanbul, that’s a plus for Berlin!

I’m totally an open borders person -- not tomorrow, not in our lifetimes, but as an ultimate goal for humankind. Open borders lead to less conflict. To me, nativism is devolutionary.

Very good reply. We are getting off topic here and I probably started it  So I should stop now. 

  Lets agree that you are open borders and I am closed and leave it at that. As far as borders are concerned.

  Just one thing I opening do not agree with in your post

is happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children

  I think it is in the millions and the Germans are not to happy with it from what I see.

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20 minutes ago, lovelomsak said:

Just one thing I opening do not agree with in your post

is happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children

  I think it is in the millions and the Germans are not to happy with it from what I see.

So the plan of you and your fellow buddies at the Eugenics society is round them all up and bomb them all? If they are not the same as you, kill them all and then humanity will have a chance? (Hasn't that been tried in a few places around the world? So what is the difference between Eugenics and genocide?) Well it would have no chance as your replies so far are inhuman, and leaving people behind with your thought process would be no progress for humanity at all. Thinking a good nuclear war (well away from you and your family) would be a nice pleasant reset for the world and rid humanity of all it's woes is a very bizarre idea. Do you by any chance wear a tin foil hat while you are not watching TV? Do you watch info wars and things like that?

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11 hours ago, ezzra said:

What N. Korea doesn't have is the second strike capabilities while the US

might be hurting but will vaporize N. Korea to dust once and for all,

but when you have an unpredictable and aggressive person who don'st

relay care how many of his people will perish, that this is anybody game...

That  may be  so.  But! In the  event of  nuclear  conflict  there  can and will be  no specific  limitation of  effect  or  control . Nor initiation of  other involvement on similar   lines. 

It is not too late to shut  down the  contrivement ! Better it  be  done  sooner than  too late ! The  world is   too  small  for a snake with   two heads !

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