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Trump says U.S. is 'locked and loaded' in North Korea confrontation


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Somehow I think China's stance on staying neutral if fat boy starts something, will probably be enough the stop him trying. Donald Trump is merely giving back to fat boy a little bit of what he and his family have been giving others for years. When I hear of 150,000 US citizens being evacuated from South Korea, then I will worry. I'm sure China cares for its 1 Million citizens currently residing there too. Best thing would be for fat boy to take a chill pill, find a decent barber and continue stuffing his face and get fatter in the hope he puts enough strain on his heart to kick the bucket. If by chance he is stupid enough to actually launch an attack, then I have no doubt the US will respond 100 fold, they have to, N Korea could never be allowed a second bite at the cherry.

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Just another war mongering Republican. Has the USA gone any length of time without a war since WW2? No it hasn't. World's policeman for a democracy loves war under Republicans. Remember WMD's in Iraq? Lesson already forgotten by Republican and Trump's too stupid and self centered to know anything in world history, let alone learning from it.

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5 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

Better a war with NK now than in ten or twenty years. I just hope and pray that the US actually kills most of the NK, none of this destroying military sites only. If it is worth Nuclear bombs then bomb it all.

This casual talk of tens of millions in horrific casualties is delightful, but try and justify double pricing at a fried rice stall and all one hears is, "The horror, the horror!"

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9 hours ago, Rancid said:

Even those in the US military admit N Korea just wants the bomb for its own protection...from the US. Perhaps they observed Qaddafi, Assad and Sadam, not hard to come to the conclusion if you don't carry a big stick then the masters of regime change will eventually come a knocking to introduce some freedom and democracy from 10,000 feet.


Really can't fathom the armchair generals that get their rocks off seeing the US turn 3rd world countries into stone age countries, the civilian death tolls are in the millions and has caused the refugee crisis that is turning Europe into a Muslim enclave, how is this good? Seems many a sociopath is afoot...


Seems that when we see 4 Thai guys beat up a single foreigner we all talk about what gutless b*stards they are, so how is the US blasting little countries with small militaries and little air defense somehow construed as being brave? It's not plain and simple gutless bullying?

Epic post ...but will whoosh like a F22 straight over the heads of most on these forums.

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15 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

Epic post ...but will whoosh like a F22 straight over the heads of most on these forums.

And also Iran. Iran has been judged by virtually everyone to be in compliance with it's denuclearization agreement. Trump has made it very clear that by hook or by crook and against the judgement of all other parties to the agreement, that he will find Iran in violation.

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6 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

In  my humble opinion this is not nonsense it is reality. I do not watch TV so it did not influence my thinking.. A war is the answer may not be pretty but puts everything back in true perspective. Counries and citizens will be too busy rebuilding to bother with illegal act  activities. The people smugglers of refugees will be out of business and no need for a fence in America.And borders will mean borders. And people will not care about political correctness but about getting things done to get back to a better life.

  The world is steadily going down the tubes. Soon they will need reservations in countries like Germany for the ethnic groups to maintain their culture in their own country. becuase the refugees and illegals do not respect the culture or the people or the country as soon as they step foot on foreign soil they start making demands for it to change to suit them. A good war would keep these selfish ungrateful bunch at home.

i am from Germany and whatever you think you heard, does not reflect reality.   Germany takes as many immigrants as possible because we can and we have the infrastructure to do so. There will always be haters and uneducated groups that try to blame anything and everything out of fear and missing intellect on war striken people.


We have a culture that welcomes people and embraces them, there is no such thing as a German culture without  a bit of Turkish, French, Italian, Spanish, Greek and even American culture. Time moves forward  and the world is one.


Please do your homework before you assume things like this, it is false and misleading. Wars have never solved anything and only lead to pain and destruction. 


Americans build reservations, Americans put ethnic groups in different parts of town. We include people.


Educate yourself, i'm tired of this idiocracy, xenophobic and racist bullshit.


Why do you live in Thailand, or do you think your better than other people so you get the right to choose where you like to be? since boarders are so important to you!?

 its absurd 

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3 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

Very good reply. We are getting off topic here and I probably started it  So I should stop now. 

  Lets agree that you are open borders and I am closed and leave it at that. As far as borders are concerned.

  Just one thing I opening do not agree with in your post

is happily absorbing countless thousands of refugees who want nothing more than to provide decent lives for themselves and their children

  I think it is in the millions and the Germans are not to happy with it from what I see.

again, don't talk about things that you obviously know nothing about. read the news, warch tv and educate yourself before you spread wrong information.

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1 hour ago, uptheos said:

Somehow I think China's stance on staying neutral if fat boy starts something, will probably be enough the stop him trying. Donald Trump is merely giving back to fat boy a little bit of what he and his family have been giving others for years. When I hear of 150,000 US citizens being evacuated from South Korea, then I will worry. I'm sure China cares for its 1 Million citizens currently residing there too. Best thing would be for fat boy to take a chill pill, find a decent barber and continue stuffing his face and get fatter in the hope he puts enough strain on his heart to kick the bucket. If by chance he is stupid enough to actually launch an attack, then I have no doubt the US will respond 100 fold, they have to, N Korea could never be allowed a second bite at the cherry.

you are absolutley right, i have talked  many of my chinese friends to understand the hesitant behaviour of the chinese government and everybody agrees that too much is at stake and too much can go wrong. 

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Backers of Trump (albeit comprising v. few people, not even his Sec. of State or any Pentagon top brass) seem to miss the idea that a war on N.Korea = millions killed on both sides.  Either they aren't much bothered about the carnage which will ensue, or.......?


As with all problem countries, IT'S ONE OR A HANDFUL OF LEADERS WHO ARE THE PROBLEM, not the teeming masses.  99.9% of Koreans are people trying to raise families, make ends meet, live from week to week.   It's only the top 0.1% who are saber rattling.  Similar %'s in the US. 


Overpopulation is and will continue to be partially restricted by a plethora of factors.  A partial list includes; disease, insect bites, starvation, suicides, barren adults, chemical poisoning, lung and heart failures, pollution, accidents, and so on.

Do right wing saber-rattlers want to add nuclear war to that list?   



Edited by boomerangutang
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31 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

manu saadia ? (‪@trekonomics‬)

9/8/17, 13:00

Think about this: we went from Mooch's potty mouth to nuclear trash talk in about 8 days.

You're right.  Trump is many screwy things, not least a media clown.  On a daily basis, his advisers hand him all sorts of ways he can divert the public's attention away from the Russia-Trump probe, which is now focused on financial issues.   Trump's two favorite children are being scrutinized, as is Jared.   Nothing, not even nuclear war, is too dire for Trump to consider - in order to shield himself and the people who flock around him.   Melania may also be on the Special Council's radar.  

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9 hours ago, zzidenn said:

Americans put ethnic groups in different parts of town.


9 hours ago, zzidenn said:

Please do your homework before you assume things like this, it is false and misleading.

Well said of your self.

The US Constitution guarantees freedom of travel and association. People who gather in similar ethnic areas do so at their own choosing. Typically it's for cultural comfort. There is no "put."


The only legal ethnic gatherings are American Indian Reservations wherein Native Americans have semi-autonomy to control their Lands and Government (to the extent consistent with federal laws). Non-Native Americans are free to live on a Reservation only if purchased or leased land from the tribe or individual tribal member. But even then they would have no rights like a tribal member such as having a vote on  Tribal Council matters.


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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

You're right.  Trump is many screwy things, not least a media clown.  On a daily basis, his advisers hand him all sorts of ways he can divert the public's attention away from the Russia-Trump probe, which is now focused on financial issues.   Trump's two favorite children are being scrutinized, as is Jared.   Nothing, not even nuclear war, is too dire for Trump to consider - in order to shield himself and the people who flock around him.   Melania may also be on the Special Council's radar.  

Whenever yo refer to Jarad, may I ask you use his full title: "Ivanka's dad's romantic rival"


Thank you.



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Apparently NK's 'front;line" against the South is far too well protected and deep to be knocked out by the US attack.

therefore before any holocaust unleashed by the US a frenzied attack on South Korea would wipe out millions of people (check the distance between Seoul and NK).


So if Trump decides to take any direct military action he must be prepared to sanction the extinction of millions of Koreans.

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41 minutes ago, cumgranosalus said:

Apparently NK's 'front;line" against the South is far too well protected and deep to be knocked out by the US attack.

therefore before any holocaust unleashed by the US a frenzied attack on South Korea would wipe out millions of people (check the distance between Seoul and NK).


So if Trump decides to take any direct military action he must be prepared to sanction the extinction of millions of Koreans.

I don't think that's where NK keeps their nukes.


The SK and U.S. have been on the other side of that front line for years.

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33 minutes ago, rijb said:

I don't think that's where NK keeps their nukes.


The SK and U.S. have been on the other side of that front line for years.

Come on! - It's nothing to do with nukes! the NK already has the potential to launch a devastating attack on SOUTH KOREA - this doesn't require nukes or ICBMs it just requires a lot of people to die.


at best NK could unleash a mere handful of nukes which may well be shot down of fail...that is not the problem - if Trump attacks - provoked or not - the NK can release hell and there is nothing the US can do to stop the initial outburst.

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1 minute ago, cumgranosalus said:

Come on! - It's nothing to do with nukes! the NK already has the potential to launch a devastating attack on SOUTH KOREA - this doesn't require nukes or ICBMs it just requires a lot of people to die.


at best NK could unleash a mere handful of nukes which may well be shot down of fail...that is not the problem - if Trump attacks - provoked or not - the NK can release hell and there is nothing the US can do to stop the initial outburst.

SK and the U.S. have been preparing for that "initial outburst" for years.  Hell is a two-way street.

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21 hours ago, lovelomsak said:

I am one that is willing to be taken out id it benefits the world. I would gladly die if it helped to bring the world back to its senses.

 The world needs order back. Borders have to be respected and protected against all people  that includes refugees. and illegals.  People have to stay in their home countries and work things out. America has to stop bullying small nations . America needs to let the rest of the world deal with their own problems. Capitalism with a military hammer is not capitalism it is military control.

  I say have a get go. Drop the worlds population and make them work to recover and most people will be to busy to think of becoming a refugee or illegal and will

stay home and rebuild.  The world is over crowded and no one has the answer. The answer is simple have a war that takes out millions.

Why does ThaiVisa seem to attract these quite insane contributors? Or is it because they've lost any sense of reason or sanity living here in their little bubbles with no contact with normal, rational beings?

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9 hours ago, rijb said:

SK and the U.S. have been preparing for that "initial outburst" for years.  Hell is a two-way street.

THey cannot knock out / neutralise a NK attack - get your facts straight.


the whole point is that NK is deeply entrenched in bunkers and can't be neutralised - any hostility would be tit for tat so millions would die.

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1 hour ago, cumgranosalus said:

THey cannot knock out / neutralise a NK attack - get your facts straight.


the whole point is that NK is deeply entrenched in bunkers and can't be neutralised - any hostility would be tit for tat so millions would die.

What facts do you dispute?  That the SK and U.S. have been preparing for an attack?  Or that hell is a two-way street?


The rest of the 'facts' in your post come from you.

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2 hours ago, rijb said:

What facts do you dispute?  That the SK and U.S. have been preparing for an attack?  Or that hell is a two-way street?


The rest of the 'facts' in your post come from you.

Hell is a two way street? That is a fact? Have you been there? Can you prove the existence of life beyond the grave?

What nebulous flapdoodle. 

As for your macho stance far away from the prospect of any hostilities which may forfeit your own life, it isn't going to happen anyway. You will need to satiate your longing for blood and death elsewhere. 

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3 hours ago, baboon said:

Hell is a two way street? That is a fact? Have you been there? Can you prove the existence of life beyond the grave?

What nebulous flapdoodle. 

As for your macho stance far away from the prospect of any hostilities which may forfeit your own life, it isn't going to happen anyway. You will need to satiate your longing for blood and death elsewhere. 

The metaphor was introduced by a previous poster.  It's probably over your head.  Who helped you with the word 'nebulous'?


I'm ex-military and have no longing for blood and death.  You pulled that accusation out of your butt.

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4 hours ago, rijb said:

The metaphor was introduced by a previous poster.  It's probably over your head.  Who helped you with the word 'nebulous'?


I'm ex-military and have no longing for blood and death.  You pulled that accusation out of your butt.

Correct. A metaphor not a fact.


Nobody helped me with the word 'nebulous', I can assure you. I taught myself a whole host of fancy words while you would have been otherwise engaged in peeling potatoes and digging latrines, but hey, each to their own.


If you have no longing for blood and death I would imagine that joining the Quakers would have been a better choice than joining the military...

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Just now, baboon said:

Correct. A metaphor not a fact.


Nobody helped me with the word 'nebulous', I can assure you. I taught myself a whole host of fancy words while you would have been otherwise engaged in peeling potatoes and digging latrines, but hey, each to their own.


If you have no longing for blood and death I would imagine that joining the Quakers would have been a better choice than joining the military...

My lottery number was 12, during Vietnam war draft.  No potatoes.  But, I did a lot of grunt work.  :smile:

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4 minutes ago, rijb said:

My lottery number was 12, during Vietnam war draft.  No potatoes.  But, I did a lot of grunt work.  :smile:

Something of a floccinaucinihilipilification, then.


See, I told you I knew a whole host of fancy words....

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