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Backlash against Trump intensifies after his comments on Virginia violence


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It amazes me how the left and the media continue to hammer President Trump. As far as Trump is concerned, it goes in one ear and the out the other. When he wins re-election, you'll see a bunch on crying on CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS and the print media. It only makes Trump stronger and the left weaker!


Man that is funny. The only reason it "goes in one ear and out the other" is there's nothing there to catch it.


It's a derogatory term.


When your mother said it was going in one ear and out the other she wasn't complimenting you.





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The most striking thing to me was that during his boasting/bravado scenes I can sense a scared, pathetic, and damaged man, which is why he has to associate with a 'gang' or movement to give him strength. Real men don't need movements to feel secure.

If he is the fellow I think he is I saw a video clip of him demonstrating his personal arsenal to a journalist in a hotel room - all for "personal protection" of course.
He had two assault rifles, one of which was loaded, which he waved around and then tossed onto the bed, and two pistols, one strapped to his lower leg and one stuffed into his underpants, both of which he produced like a bizarre magician and pointed all over the place, with his finger on the trigger. At no stage whilst he was waving this collection of loaded bundooks around did he even glance at a safety catch. I should imagine that long before a assassin gets near him he will have shot himself, and quite possibly a number of his pals...
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49 minutes ago, JAG said:

If he is the fellow I think he is I saw a video clip of him demonstrating his personal arsenal to a journalist in a hotel room - all for "personal protection" of course.
He had two assault rifles, one of which was loaded, which he waved around and then tossed onto the bed, and two pistols, one strapped to his lower leg and one stuffed into his underpants, both of which he produced like a bizarre magician and pointed all over the place, with his finger on the trigger. At no stage whilst he was waving this collection of loaded bundooks around did he even glance at a safety catch. I should imagine that long before a assassin gets near him he will have shot himself, and quite possibly a number of his pals...


18 minutes ago, iReason said:


Yup. The same guy.

Is he also the guy who turned up crying on YT or somewhere because he heard he might be getting arrested?

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18 minutes ago, Slip said:
1 hour ago, JAG said:

If he is the fellow I think he is I saw a video clip of him demonstrating his personal arsenal to a journalist in a hotel room - all for "personal protection" of course.
He had two assault rifles, one of which was loaded, which he waved around and then tossed onto the bed, and two pistols, one strapped to his lower leg and one stuffed into his underpants, both of which he produced like a bizarre magician and pointed all over the place, with his finger on the trigger. At no stage whilst he was waving this collection of loaded bundooks around did he even glance at a safety catch. I should imagine that long before a assassin gets near him he will have shot himself, and quite possibly a number of his pals...


37 minutes ago, iReason said:


Yup. The same guy.

Is he also the guy who turned up crying on YT or somewhere because he heard he might be getting arrested?

Yep, same girly man.

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Next week's magazine covers don't look good for Trump. Just three examples. Pretty sure every major magazine will be similar. Meanwhile, National Enquirer and InfoWars will show "the genuine shocking pictures of the love child spawn of HRC and an alien"



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Here's what white supremacists could do, to get their ya-ya's out about their paranoia, conspiracy theories, and feelings-of-having-no-worth.....


Congregate at a secluded island somewhere.  Make a bonfire.  Dance around it, carrying rag dolls depicting browns, blacks, gays, jews.  Shoot guns in the air while sticking needles in the rag dolls, and chant whatever 3rd Reich anthum is dear to their hearts.   Maybe that will get some of their testosterone-driven angst out, and they can come back to the mainland and act like decent people, contributing positively to the communities they hail from. 


Better than that, they can find places where blacks, browns, gays and Jews hang out - maybe at a pick-up basketball game or a blues concert, and make some friends.  And realize that people are people - all having similar foibles, fears, aspirations, things-they-laugh-at, and so on.



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As so often, The Economist nails the Square Head!


"Far from being the saviour of the Republic, their president is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office." ?

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35 minutes ago, Grouse said:



As so often, The Economist nails the Square Head!


"Far from being the saviour of the Republic, their president is politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office." ?

....and that's putting it in gentleman's language.  I would use other adjectives, but they're not allowed on ThaiVisa.

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51 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Congregate at a secluded island somewhere.  Make a bonfire.  Dance around it, carrying rag dolls depicting browns, blacks, gays, jews.  Shoot guns in the air while sticking needles in the rag dolls, and chant whatever 3rd Reich anthum is dear to their hearts.   Maybe that will get some of their testosterone-driven angst out, and they can come back to the mainland and act like decent people, contributing positively to the communities they hail from. 


Great idea. But, see there's a serious flaw in that idea. The flaw is in the letting them coming back part. ?

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President's arts and humanities committee resigns over Trump's Charlottesville response


"Supremacy, discrimination and vitriol are not American values."


"Your values are not American values, the members wrote in their resignation letter dated Friday."


"If this is not clear to you, then we call on you to resign your office, too."




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On ‎17‎/‎08‎/‎2017 at 9:34 AM, 212Roger said:

The "Unite The Right" has the right to protest, just like the leftist liberals.  Also, they had a permit to protest.  The left started the dispute, all while the police sat on their hands.  To quote Rambo, the left "drew first blood."

Need some history lessons?

Here you go:


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Let the games begin...


Trump Tells Aides He Has Decided to Remove Stephen Bannon


"President Trump has told senior aides that he has decided to remove Stephen K. Bannon, the embattled White House chief strategist who helped Mr. Trump win the 2016 election, according to two administration officials briefed on the discussion."


"The president and senior White House officials were debating when and how to dismiss Mr. Bannon."


"A person close to Mr. Bannon insisted the parting of ways was his idea, and that he had submitted his resignation to the president on Aug. 7, to be announced at the start of this week, but it was delayed in the wake of the racial unrest in Charlottesville, Va."






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12 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Next week's magazine covers don't look good for Trump. Just three examples. Pretty sure every major magazine will be similar. Meanwhile, National Enquirer and InfoWars will show "the genuine shocking pictures of the love child spawn of HRC and an alien"




"The True Face of Donald Trump"


i'm I'm detecting a theme here...



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Carl Icahn Resigns as Special Adviser to President Donald Trump


"Billionaire investor Carl Icahn resigned his position as special adviser to President Donald Trump on Friday,  saying he didn’t want “partisan bickering” to cloud the work of the administration."


"In his resignation letter to Mr. Trump, Mr. Icahn makes no mention of the recent rallies and violence in Charlottesville, Va."


"Mr. Trump has faced intense criticism by business leaders over his reaction to the behavior of white supremacists at the rallies, where a counterprotester died after being hit by a car.





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These boys sure don't know their  history.

Just days after the tragedy in Virginia, this clueless boob steps forward with this:


Mike Pence Compares Donald Trump To Teddy Roosevelt, Who Said White People Were The 'Forward Race'


“In President Donald Trump, the United States once again has a president whose vision, energy and can-do spirit is reminiscent of President Teddy Roosevelt,” Pence said in comments reported by Guardian correspondent Ben Jacobs."


"Roosevelt was known for calling white Americans “the forward race,” and minorities “the backward race."


"He said of Native Americans, “I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are,  and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.”



The hits keep on coming...

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Trump could lose honorary law degree after Charlottesville remarks


"The board of trustees at Lehigh University – based in Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania – will decide whether to rescind the president’s doctor of laws status when it next convenes in October."


"If Trump is stripped of his degree it would be the second time controversial remarks have cost him an honorary academic qualification,  Robert Gordon University, in Aberdeen, revoked Trump’s honorary doctorate in 2015."


"A spokeswoman for Lehigh confirmed the board of trustees will weigh the matter at its next meeting on 25 October."


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Pastor first to quit Trump's evangelical advisory board: 'There was a line'


"A.R. Bernard announced on Twitter Friday that "it became obvious that there was a deepening conflict in values between myself and the administration."


"When he vacillated over the last week, especially over Charlottesville, I had come to the point where I had to make a decision to more than just step away," Bernard told CNN's Don Lemon on "CNN Tonight."


"When you vacillate like that, it means that there's not a set of core values that you have determined to guide your thinking, your decision-making."




Grab a lifeboat while you can. :thumbsup:

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5 more charities drop Mar-a-Lago fundraisers


"Five more charities announced Friday they were dropping plans for fundraising events at President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, as the administration continues to feel the backlash from business groups after the president’s handling of the violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, last weekend."


"Susan G. Komen, a multimillion-dollar nonprofit that raises money for breast cancer research; the International Red Cross; The Salvation Army; the Autism Association of Palm Beach County; and Big Dog Ranch Rescue in Loxahatchee Groves, Florida, all said they were pulling events from Mar-a-Lago’s upcoming winter fundraising schedule, according to local reports."


"They joined the Cleveland Clinic, the American Cancer Society and the American Friends of Magen David Adom, all of which announced Thursday their decision to move their events off-site, bringing the total of charities to pull events from Trump’s estate to eight."






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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

Predictably, good for comedy as well:



Speaking of Ivanka's dad's love rival, Kushner (a Jew) : won't he be replacing Bannon (a white supremacist) on some of Bannon's duties?


what was that catchy slogan Trump's "nice people" Nazi marchers were chanting again?

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