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Australia's Hanson wears burqa to parliament in bid to ban them


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Australia's Hanson wears burqa to parliament in bid to ban them



Australian One Nation party leader, Senator Pauline Hanson (L) wears a burqa in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra, Australia, August 17, 2017. AAP/Mick Tsikas/via REUTERS


CANBERRA (Reuters) - Australian far-right senator Pauline Hanson wore a burqa to parliament on Thursday as part of her campaign to ban the all-enveloping garment worn by some Muslim women, drawing a quick rebuke from the government and Muslims.


Hanson sat in her seat in the assembly for about 20 minutes covered by the black burqa before removing it to call for them to be banned in public for national security reasons.


"I'm quite happy to remove this because this is not what should belong in this parliament," Hanson, who leads the far-right One Nation party, told the Senate.


"If a person who wears a balaclava or a helmet in to a bank or any other building, or even on the floor of the court, they must be removed. Why is it not the same case for someone who is covering up their face and cannot be identified?"


Hanson, who first rose to prominence in the 1990s because of her strident opposition to immigration from Asia and to asylum seekers, has in recent years campaigned against Islamic clothing and the building of mosques.


Her party has four senators, which gives it influence in parliament when closely contested legislation is being voted on.


Attorney-General George Brandis rebuked Hanson.


"I am not going to pretend to ignore the stunt that you have tried to pull today by arriving in the chamber dressed in a burqa," he said, drawing applause from members of the Senate.


"We all know that you are not adherent of the Islamic faith. I would caution and counsel you with respect to be very, very careful of the offence you may do to the religious sensibilities of other Australians."


Adel Salman, vice president of the Islamic Council of Victoria state, said Hanson's action was "a mockery of her position".


"It is very disappointing, but not surprising as she has sought to mock the Islamic faith time and time again."


(Reporting by Colin Packham in CANBERRA and Tom Westbrook in SYDNEY; Editing by Robert Birsel)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-17
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The Australian Attorney General was spot on in his damnation of Hanson's stupidity.


"Senator Hanson, for the last four years, I have had responsibility pre-eminently among the ministers subject to the Prime Minister for national security policy. “And I can tell you, Senator Hanson, that it has been the advice of each Director-General of security with whom I have worked and each Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police with whom I have worked that it is vital for their intelligence and law enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the Muslim community and to ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on that.”




Even the current US Administration's State Department condemns One Nation's vilification policies.




Hanson's economic polices are just as asinine. Thankfully it appears her support base is eroding as fast as Trump's as the spotlight is focused on her and her three Federal Senators, who include the conspiracy nutcase, Malcolm Roberts.


Edited by simple1
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This ex fish and chip monger,  who is totally ignorant and of very low inteligance is a hateful racist. The fact that she is supported by  quite a large number of Australians is really is sad.  And it seems that some people on this forum support her too. Fortunately most Australians despise her.

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"If a person who wears a balaclava or a helmet in to a bank or any other building, or even on the floor of the court, they must be removed. Why is it not the same case for someone who is covering up their face and cannot be identified ?"


I invite someone to explain to me the difference between a [face-covering] balaclava, a [face-covering] helmet, and a Niqab/Burka, from a security-standpoint.

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8 minutes ago, andersonat said:



"If a person who wears a balaclava or a helmet in to a bank or any other building, or even on the floor of the court, they must be removed. Why is it not the same case for someone who is covering up their face and cannot be identified ?"


I invite someone to explain to me the difference between a [face-covering] balaclava, a [face-covering] helmet, and a Niqab/Burka, from a security-standpoint.

Yes, I can agree from the security point of view.  But all the islam huggers don't see it like that.  They would rather call everyone racists.  Far easier to do that than look at it constructively.  I do think she was a bit stupid doing what she did, but on the security side she has a valid point.  If they don't like going out with out wearing one then they have a choice, stay in or move to a country of their brethren.  

Security is paramount in today's world and should come before hurting a few feelings 


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45 minutes ago, gamini said:

This ex fish and chip monger,  who is totally ignorant and of very low inteligance is a hateful racist. The fact that she is supported by  quite a large number of Australians is really is sad.  And it seems that some people on this forum support her too. Fortunately most Australians despise her.

Are you quite certain about the last statement, or is P.C. to do so.

If the muslims reach a 10% part of the population, your ideas will change, very fast but too late.

Just have a look what is going on in Europe.

By the way, her acting is not racial, but religious.

Quite a difference.


Edited by hansnl
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Actually you can make a whole host of fairly legitimate arguments as to why burqas in public places are undesirable.


Hanson didn't make any of those arguments. She in fact undermined them by pulling this stunt. She is a bigot and islamophobe and this was a stunt to garner support from other Australian bigots, plain and simple. It worked because bigots are also idiots, and she knows how to play to them.


Now, anyone trying to make a legitimate argument against burqas in public are going to look like a bigot, so thanks, Hanson, you self-serving racist twerp.


Edited by Thakkar
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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

The Australian Attorney General was spot on in his damnation of Hanson's stupidity.


"Senator Hanson, for the last four years, I have had responsibility pre-eminently among the ministers subject to the Prime Minister for national security policy. “And I can tell you, Senator Hanson, that it has been the advice of each Director-General of security with whom I have worked and each Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police with whom I have worked that it is vital for their intelligence and law enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the Muslim community and to ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on that.”




Even the current US Administration's State Department condemns One Nation's vilification policies.




Hanson's economic polices are just as asinine. Thankfully it appears her support base is eroding as fast as Trump's as the spotlight is focused on her and her three Federal Senators, who include the conspiracy nutcase, Malcolm Roberts.


I doubt the current US Administration could even find Australian on the map, let alone know anything about its politics!

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41 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Actually you can make a whole host of fairly legitimate arguments as to why burqas in public places are undesirable.


Hanson didn't make any of those arguments. She in fact undermined them by pulling this stunt. She is a bigot and islamophobe and this was a stunt to garner support from other Australian bigots, plain and simple. It worked because bigots are also idiots, and she knows how to play to them.


Now, anyone trying to make a legitimate argument against burqas in public are going to look like a bigot, so thanks, Hanson, you self-serving racist twerp.


does the definition of a bigot not make most of the people on the planet an idiot then?  I would suppose that a non racist would be bigoted to a racist person and vise versa.  Or is that word just reserved for racist people?

Edited by Caps
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1 minute ago, Thakkar said:

Get a dictionary.

noun....a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions 


unless you are of course talking about synonyms that case you would be prejudiced towards other people opinions 


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1 minute ago, Caps said:

noun....a person who is intolerant towards those holding different opinions 


unless you are of course talking about synonyms that case you would be prejudiced towards other people opinions 


I thought I knew what you were saying, then realized I don't know know what you mean, still don't.

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There is disagreement in Islamic circles as to what extent Quran advocates the wearing of the burqa. However, The Quran does not specifically mention the burqa or tell women to wear such extremely confining clothes. Instead, it instructs men and women to dress and behave modestly in society (24:31), which the Ulama or “Scholars” do agree upon. Modern day Muslims base their authority regarding the burqa on the hadith or collected traditions of life in the days of prophet Muhammad. It is important to note here that these “collected traditions” have no place in Islam. Most followers of these traditions know little of their origins or authenticity.


[33:52] No women are lawful for you beyond this, nor for you to replace them with other wives even if you are attracted by their beauty, with the exception of what your right hand possesses. You must be content with those already made lawful to you. God is watchful over all things. 

The significance of the underlined words is that they confirm that God never commanded women to cover their faces. If the Burqa was a command from God, as some claim, then how can any man be attracted to a woman's beauty (as in 33:52)? Naturally the woman's beauty, which God is speaking about, is the beauty of her face. If the Burqa was a command from God then the words in 33:52 would become meaningless and obsolete.


Now let us review what the Quran says about the topic of a dress code.

For women: Cover your chest (24:31); Lengthen your garments (33:59) and for both sexes; The BEST garment is righteousness and modest conduct (7:26).

The word burqa is not to be found anywhere in the Quran, but as it falls under the heading of hijab which is used in Quran we should explore its use. The Arabic word hijab can be translated into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word include screen, barrier, cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider etc.
The word hijab appears in the Qur’an seven times, five of them as “hijab” and twice as “hijaban”. See 7:46, 17:45, 19:17, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51. None of these “hijab” words are used in the Quran in reference to what the traditional Muslims call today “the dress code for Muslim woman”. Hijab in the Qur’an has nothing to do with a woman’s dress code.


It is a crime that so many men who have coaxed, or pressured, or demanded that their women wear the burqa, or that their daughters wear a hijab prematurely, are most probably unable or unwilling to read the Quran and uphold its tenants, being totally dependent on the interpretations incorrectly preached to them by immoderate clerics and cultural exhortations not based on pure religion. The problem with so many clerics in powerful positions within many Islamic communities around the globe, is that these religious leaders do not allow for intellectual freedom, or personal interpretation when it comes to matters of self assessed modesty and female dressing because of the narrowness in which they view women’s supposedly intemperate sexuality and the lack of self-control in men.


Surely in this day and age, human beings can be trusted to walk down the street, safe in the knowledge that a glimpse of hair will not cause a riot. A veil worn in any form should be a personal and independent choice, free of social pressure. A shroud should not be used to effectively excise a woman from the society in which they live and the possibilities of the freedoms we should all enjoy.

Edited by thequietman
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1 hour ago, gamini said:

sad to see hateful racists on this forum.

Racist?????  Since when has islam been a race, it's no more a race than the Church of England, Buddhism or being a Jehovah Witness.  Australia is also a free country and people can wear what they like and if Pauline wanted to wear the burka to work she is free to do so.  I thought it complimented her.

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3 hours ago, simple1 said:

The Australian Attorney General was spot on in his damnation of Hanson's stupidity.


"Senator Hanson, for the last four years, I have had responsibility pre-eminently among the ministers subject to the Prime Minister for national security policy. “And I can tell you, Senator Hanson, that it has been the advice of each Director-General of security with whom I have worked and each Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police with whom I have worked that it is vital for their intelligence and law enforcement work that they work cooperatively with the Muslim community and to ridicule that community, to drive it into a corner, to mock its religious garments is an appalling thing to do and I would ask you to reflect on that.”




Even the current US Administration's State Department condemns One Nation's vilification policies.




Hanson's economic polices are just as asinine. Thankfully it appears her support base is eroding as fast as Trump's as the spotlight is focused on her and her three Federal Senators, who include the conspiracy nutcase, Malcolm Roberts.


So you're quite ambivalent then!

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1 hour ago, tartempion said:

All male muslims should be required to wear the burqa, not doing so is discrimination against women.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

All female office workers should be made to wear a suit, collar and tie; not doing so discriminates against men!

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2 minutes ago, Thechook said:

Racist?????  Since when has islam been a race, it's no more a race than the Church of England, Buddhism or being a Jehovah Witness.  Australia is also a free country and people can wear what they like and if Pauline wanted to wear the burka to work she is free to do so.  I thought it complimented her.

No she's not a bigot.."Hanson, who first rose to prominence in the 1990s because of her strident opposition to immigration from Asia..."

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