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Van ploughs through crowd in Barcelona, killing about 12


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52 minutes ago, tezzainthailand said:

Invading a country (Iraq), unsettling it's population, plundering its resources, creating political instability, creating a flow of refugees, sowing the seeds of terrorism (Abu Grahib, etc.) .  You call that kindness?  Weakness, definitely.


So invading a country to stop a man from sytematically trying to wipe out a race of people should not have happened?  Yes i know about the WMD lies too but that was just one of the things.  What would you have suggested we do as so called civilised countries?  Throw a street party!  Go give them all a hug!  Buy them all a council house!   What have we plunderd?  If you are going to say oil, then that is not the case, the iraqis get paid handsomely for the oil and rip off all the people coming in to get it out of the ground for them becasue they are too thick, lazy and corrupt to do it themselves. If they spent the money for the oil wisely they could be a good country, but they would rather wittle it away and loose it in the corruption 

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11 hours ago, observer90210 said:

The danger in the modern dynamics of terrorism are that the perpetrators are usually not under police scrutinity and are generally not known radicals.


The current patterns call for any frustrated Tom, Dick, Harry or Hassan to evacuate their inner anger or frustrations in mass murder.


Keep in mind that ISIS has an equal amount of europeans who have converted to the crimininal spree.


Not much to do with any brainwashing ideology or whatsoever. Just a bunch of frustrated western or arab nitwicks who get a kick out of a kill.


And that what makes the whole issue all the more dangerous and complicated to erradicate.




Whilst I think its inherant in the 'religious' indoctrination, via extremist 'preachers' of hate against all things and people not THEM, to fill any mind open and conducive to such evil with perpertrating acts of it.. I do also agree that all such ideologies make the perfect 'excuse' for those who just want to kill and harm for its own utterly sick sake!! It just gets worse through indoctrination, when these no-lifes actually listen to the hatred espoused and tell themselves - that is, LIE to themselves - that they cause all this terrible and needless suffering for a reason!! Yes, they do.. their own twisted sickness!!!

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Clearly a more organised cell than the recent attacks.  Terrible loss of life and hopefully all involved will be captured and face the full weight of the law.  We are certainly living with the threat of terrorist action every day and there is no easy way to deal with it.  I am off to Spain in a weeks time for a family holiday.  Guess the security will be pretty tight!

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36 minutes ago, katana said:

Interesting read, 'Mohammed's Koran: Why Muslims Kill For Islam'.
If you click on the 'Look Inside' feature on the left hand side of the page you can read the first few pages of the book which have relevance to the Barcelona attack and other terror attacks.


And, in the interest of balance, let's check out what the Bible says on killing...


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An absolute tragedy and almost unstoppable!

My heart goes out to all those who have been directly affected by this criminal act!


For those not directly affected, many now will be scared that they may also get caught up in a terror attack at some point.

People become scared and then agree to changes in the law that have not been properly thought through.


IMHO, The biggest mistake that has been made to date is to have highly publicised all the details of each and every terrorist attack.


The terrorists use this as experimental data and then select the terror method that suits their agenda best.


Using a vehicle to cause death, injury and make the population scared has been increasing and now they are more and more efficient.

These criminals are continually learning how to better inflect terror, pain and death.

Unfortunately our Western and European Authorities are not taking any real measures to counter them!


How does Japan get away with almost no Muslims in their country?
Why doesn't Europe and the rest of the Western world follow suit?


Oh yes, Human Rights....


What about the rights of the people living in the West?

Why do we allow these criminals in at all?

The west is generally Christian.

The Middle East and some parts of Asia are Muslim.

We need segregation until the Muslims accept that humans are one people that live on this one planet.

The Americans already know how to do this, they did it with Americans of Japanese roots during WW2.

South Africa practised it with white or Black only areas etc.

This is never a perfect solution, but what else could we do?

Our tolerance is leading to our demise!

The UK now has Muslim MP's, Muslim City Counsellors, high ranking policemen and others in places of authority etc.

These are the people who create laws and enforce them.......


OK, back in the day, Christian missionaries travelled the world to spread their religions and recruit more followers.

However, I am not aware that the choice to convert or not was death, as it is with the Muslim "missionaries".

Just look at the terrible problems in Africa where thousands of Christians are being murdered by Muslims -

and worse, women and children being takes as sex slaves.


The pendulum of Political correctness has swung too far in the West.

Time to change that with perhaps some good old fashioned eye for an eye stuff.


If you are a liberal and are offended by this post and it's suggestions to segregate, then open your home and accept these "friends of yours" into your family and take responsibility for their integration and actions.

Stop forcing them on me and my neighbours!!!!


Time to demolish Mosques?

These are the places where hate speeches are made and terror events are planned and supported.

Many of the Clerics commit treason with their hate speeches and inciting people to riot and commit acts of terror.


We already have enough laws, don't create more, use the ones we already have!


Creating new laws is a lazy knee jerk reaction.

Just done to give the impression that "Something is being done".

Enforce existing laws NOW!








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And EU thretening Poland with 200k eur per every refugee they refuse and sanctions. There was never terrorist attack in PL and its pretty safe to walk streets. Brusells can't stand we racist dont take them. Its everyday headlines in PL news.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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Interesting to reflect on what ISS have said over the last few years.

The initial concept as I read it was to make every infidel (read westerner) to eventually have a gutful of the terror and start to persecute 'normal' muslims to cause the 'normal' muslim to rise up i.e. total war between the west and the muslims.

Very similar concept to Charlie Manson and his plan for black/white war.

The ISIS  stated methodology was to invoke a mass migration (can't remember the actual word but apparently its something mohammed did).

This has been achieved and is still ongoing.


The second was to use whatever means to kill infidels and thereby cause terror.

This is being achieved and will be ongoing.


Seems they have achieved 2 out of 3...not bad for an organisation that has only been around for a few years.


Where will it end?


Either full on war, or the 'normal' muslim has to rise up against this.

Not much chance of that happening in my view.

Edited by tryasimight
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6 hours ago, zydeco said:

Just wait until they start derailing several high speed trains. That'll bring moving goods and people to a complete stop.  And how are you going to detect what goes on with every meter of railroad track. More vulnerable than these, what shall we call them, not drive-bys but drive-ins.

You obviously have very limited knowledge with reference to railway permanent way and infrastructure.


Active rail safety systems/Digital signalling systems/Track side CCTV/Signalling CCTV/ Station CCTV/Fibre Optic Cabling/ SMS/TCA/ATP / etc etc.... all high speed rail is monitored in one way or another, although to the layman this will not seem the case

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1 hour ago, laislica said:


How does Japan get away with almost no Muslims in their country?
Why doesn't Europe and the rest of the Western world follow suit?




The Pew Research Center estimated that there were 185,000 Muslims in Japan in 2010. Anyone know what percentage of the total population that is?

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The real sadness is we're not allowed to criticise their Stone Age beliefs for fear of being Islamophic, and so it goes on, and will do until we say religion is as offensive as Nazism is. It will all be forgotten in a week, just like the poor children blown up in Manchester. British media are much more interested in migrant welfare at Grenfel Tower!

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1 hour ago, Xaos said:

And EU thretening Poland with 200k eur per every refugee they refuse and sanctions. There was never terrorist attack in PL and its pretty safe to walk streets. Brusells can't stand we racist dont take them. Its everyday headlines in PL news.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

I am pleased Poland are saying no to the EU and i hope they continue to do so and not have the problems other countries are having

Maybe they can join the UK and we can have our own EU....EXIT UNION

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1 hour ago, loogkreung said:

. British media are much more interested in migrant welfare at Grenfel Tower!

That's a shame , migrants should stop demanding too much or UK should send them back to the desert .  London x 2 Manchester x 1  Terrorism wins. 




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6 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:
7 hours ago, laislica said:


How does Japan get away with almost no Muslims in their country?
Why doesn't Europe and the rest of the Western world follow suit?




The Pew Research Center estimated that there were 185,000 Muslims in Japan in 2010. Anyone know what percentage of the total population that is?

Total population of Japan 127 million.

Therefore 185 thousand divided by 127 million x 100 = < 0.15%

So not so many then?


UK total pop 65.45 million
Muslims 2.8 million in 2011
or 4.3% according to the census in 2011.
Clearly a lot more now!

and BTW, most of them live in England.

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Most estimates of the Muslim population give a range around 100,000 total.[9][10][21] Islam remains a minority religion in Japan, and there is no evidence as to whether its numbers are increasing.


Most of those are foreigners. 

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15 hours ago, laislica said:



How does Japan get away with almost no Muslims in their country?
Why doesn't Europe and the rest of the Western world follow suit?


Oh yes, Human Rights....








What are you on about? Maybe not a lot of Muslims want to go to Japan. No evidence that Japan is purposely restricting Muslim immigration. Japan is not real friendly to immigrants of any sort. And its population is declining.

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and another islam. terror attack in turku finland. europe would be nearly a 100 %  safer without islam look at poland , hungary, czech republic, slovakia. however left wing politics put in bigotry moral value first instead of its own native citizens.




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On 8/18/2017 at 6:02 AM, smedly said:

sorry but  where have you been, at least 90% of all terror attacks in Europe have been carried out by people "known to the authorities"


The problem is - what defines the point of intervention, well with EU human rights involved  - a person would pretty much need to have a bomb strapped to themselves and you would still need to prove intent and that they weren't out for a pleasant stroll


Like I said in my post above, what identifies the threat needs to change, we have muslim clerics preaching that western values are destroying islam - what do they possibly hope to achieve by this, there are only three options that I see


- people that support it act on it with a terrorist event

- stop preaching this divisive nonsense and integrate properly into the society 

- the authorities need new legislation and powers to step in and deal with it before it leads to a terrorist event


what currently hampers the UK from doing anything ....................... EU human rights laws 


I am all for human rights but those propagating hate and division need to be dealt with, this is the age we are now in, the happy happy all together thing is not working any more


Time for change and new laws to deal with these people and redefine what needs to be dealt with

I fail to see your point. They are vetted and checked when arriving in these lands. :)


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4 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

What are you on about? Maybe not a lot of Muslims want to go to Japan. No evidence that Japan is purposely restricting Muslim immigration. Japan is not real friendly to immigrants of any sort. And its population is declining.

When it is declining it is their problem and they deal with it and they do not need anyone else advise on that. If they decide not take any immigrants it is their right.

Opposite is EU fascist government who decided that they need fight the dwindling birth rate of EU citizens by hordes of illegals.

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4 minutes ago, rtr4 said:

When it is declining it is their problem and they deal with it and they do not need anyone else advise on that. If they decide not take any immigrants it is their right.

Opposite is EU fascist government who decided that they need fight the dwindling birth rate of EU citizens by hordes of illegals.

"Fascist government" encouraging 'illegals' - LOL. At this stage has it been identified economic refugees / visa over stayers (illegals) were members of the terror cell?

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21 hours ago, Caps said:

So invading a country to stop a man from sytematically trying to wipe out a race of people should not have happened?  Yes i know about the WMD lies too but that was just one of the things.  What would you have suggested we do as so called civilised countries?  Throw a street party!  Go give them all a hug!  Buy them all a council house!   What have we plunderd?  If you are going to say oil, then that is not the case, the iraqis get paid handsomely for the oil and rip off all the people coming in to get it out of the ground for them becasue they are too thick, lazy and corrupt to do it themselves. If they spent the money for the oil wisely they could be a good country, but they would rather wittle it away and loose it in the corruption 

If you want a good outcome you play the percentages.  As evil as he was, their was relative stability under Saddam.  There are plenty of evil dictators in the world, why did America pick that one?  You don't believe America and its sycophantic allies invaded Iraq because they had the best interests of the Iraqi people in mind do you?  If America had the interests of the Iraqis in mind they had could have tried other methods but instead invaded and ripped apart the country.  Some people like Dick Cheney did nicely out of  raping that country though.  

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