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Erdogan tells Turks in Germany to vote against Merkel


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Erdogan tells Turks in Germany to vote against Merkel

By Bulent Usta


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Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan makes a speech during a ceremony to mark the 16th anniversary of his ruling AK Party's foundation in Ankara, Turkey, August 14, 2017. REUTERS/Umit Bektas


ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan on Friday said German Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats were enemies of Turkey and called on Turks in Germany to vote against major parties in next month's elections.


The comments, some of Erdogan's harshest yet against Merkel, drew a furious response from Merkel, her government and some Turkish organisations in Germany, illustrating the widening divide between the NATO allies and major trade partners.


"I am calling on all my countrymen in Germany: the Christian Democrats, SDP, the Green Party are all enemies of Turkey. Support those political parties who are not enemies of Turkey," Erdogan said after Friday prayers in Istanbul, urging ethnic Turks in Germany to "teach a lesson" to those parties.


Ties between Ankara and Berlin have been strained in the aftermath of last year's failed coup as Turkish authorities have sacked or suspended 150,000 people and detained more than 50,000 people, including German nationals.


"We will not tolerate any kind of interference," said Merkel in response at a campaign event in the western city of Herford, while her foreign minister Sigmar Gabriel described the remarks as "unprecedented" interference with Germany's sovereignty.


Germany has voiced concern that Erdogan is using the coup as a pretext to quash dissent. Erdogan, an authoritarian leader whose roots are in political Islam, has accused Germany of anti-Turkish and anti-Muslim sentiment.


Gabriel urged ethnic Turks to use their vote regardless. "Let's show those who want to set us against each other that we are not playing their game," he added. Community leader Atila Karaborklu accused Erdogan of wanting to divide Germany's Turkish community.


Germans go to the polls on Sept. 24 for elections where Merkel is running for a fourth term. Her conservatives enjoy a comfortable lead over the Social Democrats (SPD), their current coalition partner and major rival.


Western governments, particularly Germany, have expressed apprehension at Erdogan's tightening grip on power. In April, Turks narrowly backed a referendum to change the constitution and grant Erdogan sweeping executive powers.


In the run-up to the referendum, German authorities prevented Turkish politicians from speaking to rallies of Turkish citizens in Germany, infuriating Ankara.


Turkey also blocked Berlin lawmakers from visiting their troops stationed in southern Turkey. The troops were later relocated to Jordan.


Merkel has also said there would be no expansion of a customs union or deepening in EU-Turkish ties, comments which infuriated Turkey.


-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-08-19
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40 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

If Turks in Germany can vote, ie., as German citizens, they're not going to behave as Erdogan's countrymen. If there's one reason Turks migrated to Germany, it's to flee Erdogan's fascist government.

Whilst this article indicates a high level of support for Erdogan amongst Turks in Germany it may not be a reflection of the attitudes of Turks who have become German citizens.

However, it is still worrying that Turks in Germany show a higher level of support for Erdogan than their fellow citizens who actually reside in Turkey. Maybe that just shows their lack of awareness of what is actually happening in their homeland. 



More than 63 percent of the Turkish population in Germany cast "yes" votes in last Sunday's referendum on enhancing the power and scope Turkish presidency.

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3 hours ago, sweatalot said:

As much as I agree with voting against Merkel - this baboon should better shut up. He has no right at all to give any recommendations about German matters.

Unfortunately, Erdogan & his many supporters in Turkey would no doubt say the same thing in reverse. "What right do Germans have to interfere in our internal political matters?"


'Westerners' are always blithely ignorant of the fact that what they regard as 'universal values' - liberalism, democracy, human rights and so on - are not necessarily thought of as 'values' or very important in other civilizations. Take Thailand for example ...


Such countries take 'Western' commentaries on their affairs as just the usual Western arrogance & condescension. And their reaction is not to 'learn from the superior West' but to tell them to p/off.

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3 hours ago, Srikcir said:

If Turks in Germany can vote, ie., as German citizens, they're not going to behave as Erdogan's countrymen. If there's one reason Turks migrated to Germany, it's to flee Erdogan's fascist government.

Most Turks living in Germany were there long before we knew the name Erdogan.

Those who are allowed to vote must have the German citicenship. Turks who came to Germany bc of Erdo cannot be eligible for German citicenship that fast.


Anyway, concerning Merkel: this time I'm in line with Erdo, Putin and Trump. :partytime2:

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Most Turks in Germany voted for SPD in the past. When they now do NOT vote on this party, exactly Merkel will grow in % and therefore power after the election. So Merkel will thank Erdogan for his advise.

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7 hours ago, sweatalot said:

As much as I agree with voting against Merkel - this baboon should better shut up. He has no right at all to give any recommendations about German matters.


he has all the rights there are to recommend how Turks ought to vote in order to serve Turks and Turkey's causes,

it is still a free world,even baboons have rights.

You might discuss howwise it is to do what he does, but surely nothing really wrong with it.


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5 hours ago, dabhand said:

Whilst this article indicates a high level of support for Erdogan amongst Turks in Germany it may not be a reflection of the attitudes of Turks who have become German citizens.

However, it is still worrying that Turks in Germany show a higher level of support for Erdogan than their fellow citizens who actually reside in Turkey. Maybe that just shows their lack of awareness of what is actually happening in their homeland. 



More than 63 percent of the Turkish population in Germany cast "yes" votes in last Sunday's referendum on enhancing the power and scope Turkish presidency.


what you say about Turks in Germany and Erdogan support is quite right I would expect,

and I think that you will find similarities in many countries, many countries.


) did brexit have a higher degree of support among UK expats in LoS than in UK?

) did Trump on average have a higher degree of support among US expats in LoS than in US?

) how popular were Obama and Obamacare among US expats in LoS?


The most French/Swedish/Italian/Argentinian people you find are those living outside their home countries.


expats are a very very conservative bunch


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Erdogan has brought turkey from a young democracy back into a dictatorship. The arrests of critical human rights activists, researchers, journalists, teachers, scientist,

lawyers, writers, artists counts much over ten thousands. Erdogan is a danger for europe and the free world.


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14 hours ago, tomacht8 said:

Erdogan has brought turkey from a young democracy back into a dictatorship. The arrests of critical human rights activists, researchers, journalists, teachers, scientist,

lawyers, writers, artists counts much over ten thousands. Erdogan is a danger for europe and the free world.


Details of the reasoning behind the arrest are not noted in the article but seems that Erdogan's reach has extended to Spain.



A German-Turkish writer who is a known critic of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been arrested in Spain. Dogan Akhanli, who has written extensively on human rights in Turkey, was detained at the request of Turkish authorities in the city of Granada. German Green MP Volker Beck said the move was politically motivated and that he had requested that Mr Akhanli should not be extradited to Turkey.

It is unclear on what grounds the arrest warrant was issued.

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