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UK hopes of EU trade talks this autumn 'will be dashed', says Slovenian PM


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On 8/21/2017 at 6:18 PM, mfd101 said:

There is a 40+ year history to all of this. At every stage - entering the club, staying in the club, and now leaving the club - the Brits have demanded special treatment, with not much more justification than their own sense of self-importance. And now the jackboot is definitely on 27 other feet ... Tough!

spoken like a true Brit, or maybe not, more like an interloper getting in his 2 pence worth.


we beat the jackboot once before

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On 21/08/2017 at 11:11 AM, webfact said:

The British government’s hopes of opening discussions on a future trade relationship this autumn will definitely be dashed by the European Union due to the slow progress of Brexit negotiations, one of 27 prime ministers who will make the decision has said.


And what did the other 26 Prime Ministers say?


Very selective reporting by The Grauniad, which comes as no surprise.

(Does have an excellent crossword though).

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So far, contrary to all the Britain über Alles hopefuls, the 27 seem to be fairly united (at least in regard to Britain). Let's face it, it would be surprising if ANY of the 27 weren't just a LITTLE less than receptive to the wunnerful British symbolism of an Up Yours and F You!


Still, some might still hope for the 27 to split up when it comes - if it ever does - to the details of trade negotiations, if they see individual advantage in going down a different path. But that would merely mean that NO AGREEMENT would be possible before the UK's exit from the club.


Oh well, sad but there we go. Life is tough at the bottom, and the bottom of the UK socio-economic snob ladder will certainly be suffering over the next 10 years, whatever happens over the next 2.

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Most of the Europeans who join the brexit discussions first establish their credentials by insulting and belittling the UK. They then go on to great lengths to tell us how strong and united the EU is. There is always a strong smell of fear in their posts, whistling in the graveyard-type fear.

Edited by Khun Han
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