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Soi Dogs to transform street mutts into high-tech watchdogs


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On 8/26/2017 at 1:20 PM, hansnl said:

Please neuter the dogs before pulling on the vest.

Anti rabies shots might also be a splendid idea.

Soi Dog Foundation routinely sterilize and vaccinate every dog they get their hands on. This has been a central mission of theirs since their inception.

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While the practical benefits of this initiative remain to be seen, I think it's a wonderfully creative way to create understanding and (god forbid!) empathy for soi dogs.


While there really shouldn't be any soi dogs in a perfect world, it is clear that the problem cannot be solved with simplistic methods like mass culling and/or sheltering.


Many studies by authoritative bodies such as the World Health Organization show, that systematic and sustained sterilization of strays is the only strategy with a realistic chance of succeeding over time. Not as satisfying as putting a few 9mm slugs into some poor mutt for some people on TV, I know. But them's the facts.

Edited by fstarbkk
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While the practical benefits of this initiative remain to be seen, I think it's a wonderfully creative way to create understanding and (god forbid!) empathy for soi dogs.
While there really shouldn't be any soi dogs in a perfect world, it is clear that the problem cannot be solved with simplistic methods like mass culling and/or sheltering.
Many studies by authoritative bodies such as the World Health Organization show, that systematic and sustained sterilization of strays is the only strategy with a realistic chance of succeeding over time. Not as satisfying as putting a few 9mm slugs into some poor mutt for some people on TV, I know. But them's the facts.

Paragraph 2 contradicts what you mention in paragraph 3.
Does mass culling work or not?

Another issue with this current approach is that people who want to get rid of their dog but dont want it to starve/die will just dump it as it will be taken care off by the foundation and the dog might get new love in another neighborhood. Thats why many people leave their dogs at temples; they dint have the balls to euthanise the dog so they make it someone elses problem and can still feel good about themselves.
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27 minutes ago, Bob12345 said:

Paragraph 2 contradicts what you mention in paragraph 3.
Does mass culling work or not?

Another issue with this current approach is that people who want to get rid of their dog but dont want it to starve/die will just dump it as it will be taken care off by the foundation and the dog might get new love in another neighborhood. Thats why many people leave their dogs at temples; they dint have the balls to euthanise the dog so they make it someone elses problem and can still feel good about themselves.


No contradiction at all. In graph 3, I merely conceded that some of the more, ahem, maladjusted individuals on TV might find killing the dogs more emotionally rewarding. But as you and I know, logical problems are rarely solved through emotional responses.


Beside being distasteful to most people, it is also a fact that large scale killing of strays is very resource intensive and economically impossible for even the most determined government to sustain. Even if you could completely "cleanse" a territory of all strays (never really happens), the resulting vacancy would quickly be taken over by dogs from adjacent areas. The higher availability of food (garbage and other food waste, neighborhood cats, rats etc.) would accelerate the breeding efficiency of the new population up to the saturation point. 


On the other hand, it is proven that systematic and sustained CNR (catch, neuter and release) will be effective if you can reach about 70% of a territory's dog population. It will lead to a healthier and stable population with much less aggression and risks to public health and safety. At that level, the natural attrition will outpace the breeding activity and gradually lead to a decline of that population. It's a long game, but the only one that has scientifically been shown to work.

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It will lead to a healthier and stable population with much less aggression and risks to public health and safety. At that level, the natural attrition will outpace the breeding activity and gradually lead to a decline of that population. It's a long game, but the only one that has scientifically been shown to work.

In the mean time they are left to roam around causing accidents,root through rubbish,spread disease,defecate,howl all day and night,form packs that intimidate walkers ,cyclists and other dogs being walked by responsible owners.

A 100% full on sustained cull would be quicker and effective
If an animal is out roaming around without its "responsible" owner it should be rounded up and put in the pound..if not claimed by the owner or a new "responsible owner" then put it to sleep....this works in other countries.
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24 minutes ago, VocalNeal said:

The charity is called Soi Dogs. Self sustaining prophecy? If they eliminate Soi Dogs there would be no charity. 


Do they have different coloured vests so the "blue" pack can bark at the "green" pack.

You clearly know nothing about the Phuket Soi Dogs organisation/charity - so probably better to inform yourself, or (better still) restrain from posting on topics about which you have zero knowledge.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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