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War with N Korea. Any impacts on Thailand?


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With all the tension occurring at the moment in the region, what do you think are the chances of military conflict?? My gut feeling is that there will be war in that region sometime this year. 


Putin seems to think that the U.S and NK are on the brink of war....



I can't see Trump backing down from conflict if NK steps over the line, e.g. if they hit Guam. 


Are there any implications for Thailand if NK detonates a nuclear war head on Guam or South Korea?

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Given that there is always a war going on somewhere, why should Asia be exempt?

Of course us western people only think it matters if it's happening somewhere that affects us.

It's like the flooding in Texas, on every news channel and it's the "end of the world" because 30 odd people died, while in India/ Bangladesh/ Nepal over 1,200 people have died so far :sad:.

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6 minutes ago, RikDao said:

Aside from SK, NK borders Russia (a little bit) and China (a lot). 


There will be no US attack on NK. 

Don't count on that if NoKo attacks the US, China already said they wouldn't do anything if NoKo started it, and I doubt Russia cares about NoKo.

However, I think China has warned NoKo not to do anything that would result in them being flooded with refugees. I'm sure they are enjoying the farce in the US though.

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The question should really be, would Trump start a war to deflect from the looming charges he's going to face.  Or... How nuts is he.  That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.  The other question should be, if he does give some harebrained orders that would see lots of people die, would someone in the inner circle put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.  Not advocating that, just saying its not inconceivable.


That crooked money hungry Putin is right on this one.  Let NK have nukes.  Mutually assured destruction is a wonderful deterrent.  India has them.  Pakistan has them.  The cats been out of the bag for a long time.


If I was president, Hey Kim Jong, tell you what, you're a good old fart.  Let's sign a peace deal to officially end the Korean war and we'll give you some nukes to insure your security.  China would shit.

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We may get a bit of ash blow over from a total annihilation of that maniac. Every one of his artillery pieces, factories , nuke sites AND his fat little butt has a big target on it. Who needs it? No one. But if he is crazy enough to pull the trigger he and his piss ant little country will be wiped off the map.

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Let's see. 

1) Small accident / incident causes other party to start shelling 

2) As nobody is giving an inch away, this eventually leads to nuclear exchange

3) Depending of the winds, either China or Japan will be under the nuclear clouds.

4) China is not happy and takes their money away from USA

5) USA economy collapses, causing civil war

6) World economy almost collapses

7) Lot's of unrest around the world, Thailand included


.. and that's the positive version, without full scale nuclear war between big nuclear powers. That would be the end of life, even here in Thailand. https://tennessine.com/ScienceFunFacts/NuclearWar/NuclearWinter

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16 minutes ago, johnmcc6 said:

We may get a bit of ash blow over from a total annihilation of that maniac. Every one of his artillery pieces, factories , nuke sites AND his fat little butt has a big target on it. Who needs it? No one. But if he is crazy enough to pull the trigger he and his piss ant little country will be wiped off the map.

Yup and the same applies to Kim Jong Un and North Korea as well.

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1 hour ago, just bob said:

The question should really be, would Trump start a war to deflect from the looming charges he's going to face.  Or... How nuts is he.  That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.  The other question should be, if he does give some harebrained orders that would see lots of people die, would someone in the inner circle put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.  Not advocating that, just saying its not inconceivable.


That crooked money hungry Putin is right on this one.  Let NK have nukes.  Mutually assured destruction is a wonderful deterrent.  India has them.  Pakistan has them.  The cats been out of the bag for a long time.


If I was president, Hey Kim Jong, tell you what, you're a good old fart.  Let's sign a peace deal to officially end the Korean war and we'll give you some nukes to insure your security.  China would shit.

Might you be suggesting Trump shouldn't ride in a motocade through Dallas ?

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2 hours ago, RikDao said:

Aside from SK, NK borders Russia (a little bit) and China (a lot). 


There will be no US attack on NK. 

"There will be no US attack on NK. "


How do you 'know that' or even think you know that?


What insider information do you have to support your statement?


Without such backup evidence your statement is worse than useless - it is dangerous propaganda. Please provide the backup information to support your statement or withdraw your comment.

Edited by thongplay
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1 hour ago, just bob said:

The question should really be, would Trump start a war to deflect from the looming charges he's going to face.  Or... How nuts is he.  That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.  The other question should be, if he does give some harebrained orders that would see lots of people die, would someone in the inner circle put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.  Not advocating that, just saying its not inconceivable.


That crooked money hungry Putin is right on this one.  Let NK have nukes.  Mutually assured destruction is a wonderful deterrent.  India has them.  Pakistan has them.  The cats been out of the bag for a long time.


If I was president, Hey Kim Jong, tell you what, you're a good old fart.  Let's sign a peace deal to officially end the Korean war and we'll give you some nukes to insure your security.  China would shit.

What looming charges would that be? Is he going to be prosocuted for paying More in federal income tax than all of the leading Democrats combined? Funny how I haven't heard anyone saying anything about that. Rachelle Madow had a hard time swallowing that pill 2 days ago. Just for the record, he paid 38 million dollars in federal income tax in a leaked tax record for 2005. That doesn't include state and local taxes.

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3 hours ago, RikDao said:

Aside from SK, NK borders Russia (a little bit) and China (a lot). 


There will be no US attack on NK. 

It's not if, but when we attack NK...Most likely it would be in the winter, that is when the ground is frozen.

And at the same time, China would make it's move on Thailand. And that day will come!

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1 hour ago, oilinki said:

Let's see. 

1) Small accident / incident causes other party to start shelling 

2) As nobody is giving an inch away, this eventually leads to nuclear exchange

3) Depending of the winds, either China or Japan will be under the nuclear clouds.

4) China is not happy and takes their money away from USA

5) USA economy collapses, causing civil war

6) World economy almost collapses

7) Lot's of unrest around the world, Thailand included


.. and that's the positive version, without full scale nuclear war between big nuclear powers. That would be the end of life, even here in Thailand. https://tennessine.com/ScienceFunFacts/NuclearWar/NuclearWinter

Agreed. Spot on. Well thought through and articulated.


That's just my opinion by the way.

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2 hours ago, just bob said:

The question should really be, would Trump start a war to deflect from the looming charges he's going to face.  Or... How nuts is he.  That doesn't give me a warm fuzzy feeling.  The other question should be, if he does give some harebrained orders that would see lots of people die, would someone in the inner circle put a bullet in his head for the good of humanity.  Not advocating that, just saying its not inconceivable.


That crooked money hungry Putin is right on this one.  Let NK have nukes.  Mutually assured destruction is a wonderful deterrent.  India has them.  Pakistan has them.  The cats been out of the bag for a long time.


If I was president, Hey Kim Jong, tell you what, you're a good old fart.  Let's sign a peace deal to officially end the Korean war and we'll give you some nukes to insure your security.  China would shit.

China would shit if SK & NK became one...

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Even if NK were stupid enough to strike with a nuke first I don't think the USA would respond the same way. I think the USA would use their newest conventional stuff to ensure NK wouldn't do it a second time. This would then allow China to take action against NK also, knowing that there wouldn't be radiation risk. However, whether SK and Japan would remain unscathed is debatable. However, it could destabilize the position in the south China sea etc. and that could possibly have an effect on the rest of the region, including Thailand. I don't think it would be worse than that...or am I indulging in wishful thinking?

What would Thailand say if NK did strike first...oh just somebody just went asleep at the 'wheel' and accidentally fell on the button...

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Weapons of mass destruction all over again......do you really think the Americans wouldn't have systems in place in South Korea Japan and god knows where else to NOT be able to shoot down missiles?


Second do you really believe the North Koreans are that well advance technology wise to be able to reach New York or LA?


Its sabre rattling in a new form....as an adult you should be now smart enough reaching your mature years to think it out.

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2 minutes ago, KIWIBATCH said:

Depending on weather conditions (wind flows)...depending on whether it turns into a nuclear war.....you have 3 days before the nuclear fallout (radioactive particles)...rain down on Thailand..


So it all "depends" :coffee1:

Most of the radioactivity reduces to minimum within 48 hours. It's not a real issue, when it comes to the nuclear war and it's aftermath. 


It's just what people are afraid, as we can't see or feel it... at first.


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