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About lungbing

  • Birthday 01/20/1948

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    Khon Kaen

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  1. Why is it Muslim refugees always want to go to non-Muslim countries?
  2. For some years now I have been to renew my retirement visa on my own. My wife sits outside the office. I found I was getting better treatment from the IO without my wife being with me. This may just be a feeling, but it seems to work for me. Khon Kaen office.
  3. Search for " Scott Rea project sausages". I've been using his recipes for a while and am very happy with them.
  4. My certificate was accepted at Wolverhampton yesterday. That took a little over 2 weeks from posting here.
  5. And of course the scrap yard was equipped with fire extinguishers, wasn't it?
  6. My HSBC UK banking app refused to work with the keyboard I had installed. I had to install the Google keyboard again.
  7. Don't forget the Big Bopper and Ritchie Valens died too.
  8. I returned my form to Wolverhampton three days ago. The cost was 250 baht. According to the receipt the weight was 20 grams as there was another sheet of paper attached with a copy of the signers ID card. There's also a 13 character tracking number which currently reads Departure from [ Air carrier ] to [ (United Kingdom) International - GBDOH ] dated 30th Jan. I can't remember whether I asked for registered mail or recorded mail, but it's definitely not EMS.
  9. A 1936 Ford 8 horsepower, registration JU 9779. The windscreen wound out, the doors opened forward and the windscreen wipers worked of a vacuum tank that you had to re-charge by taking your foot off the accelerator when going up a hill. It had a chassis and wooden floorboards you could remove to get to work underneath. Only three forward gears. I spent many a happy hour stripping the engine and lapping in the valves, side vale of course. That was followed by a Ford Prefect E93A sit up and beg, and a Ford Consul Mk 1 with a bench front seat and column change. Happy memories
  10. You're like little children, the pair of you. This where the mods should step in.
  11. Set up a direct debit, which is a pain to do, then forget it. I did this 20 years ago and haven't given it a thought since.
  12. I received my life certificate through the post today. Posted in UK 6th Jan. It's exactly 2 years since I received the last one.
  13. Many years ago I had four consecutive 'Under Consideration, come back next month'. And this was before Khon Kaen had its own office and I had to go all the way to Nong Khai, which was not the friendliest of offices to start with.
  14. The police should have freed him from his car and then left him alone with the parents of the children he injured.
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