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  1. Article is an excellent summary of Farage's lack of suitability as a leader for HMG. It’s strange that we spend so much time talking about Nigel Farage. The one-time leader of Ukip and full-time agent provocateur has stood for election as an MP seven times, and successfully managed to become an MP precisely zero times. If you repeatedly reject somebody for a job and then they show up to work anyway, you don’t patiently listen to him rant about his ideas on how to run the company – you lock the doors and call security. Voices: With his Putin comments, Nigel Farage has reminded us who he really is (msn.com)
  2. And prior Taliban leaders, I guess it's called Realpolitik. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar–United_States_relations
  3. States often act purely out of self interest. More info below... https://time.com/6160282/arab-world-complicit-china-repression-uighurs/
  4. The owners of Al Jazeera, Qatar, is a major US ally. You are referring to opinion pieces, not news reporting. Below is an example of an Al Jazeera opinion piece. which you may find interesting. https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2023/12/3/what-tunnels-and-hostages-mean-in-gaza
  5. Make excuses as much as you wish, but Farage made numerous assertions on the benefit of Brexit. If as you seem to claim he had zero ability to deliver on promises he was a waste of time. Perhaps better stated voters were truly stupid to believe in him.
  6. Farage failed to take ownership of any of the outcomes he promised. Unworthy to be a future leader of HMG, plus a known conman.... https://thefinanser.com/2018/07/much-nigel-farage-make-brexit
  7. Did he ask for a role - No, he just walked away and Brexit failed, specifically with his BS promises.
  8. So what, Brexit failed in it goals. Naturally Farage also holds responsibility as he just walked way when it got voted in. How anyone can justify voting for Farage in the upcoming election is beyond me; same mould as trump.
  9. \ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-06-25/brexit-big-short-how-pollsters-helped-hedge-funds-beat-the-crash
  10. Conservatives have stuffed up for the past decade or so. If Labour get into power one hopes they have learnt some lessons; have to wait and see if they can make overall improvements. Whoever gets info power they're going to face some very tough challenges. IMO Farage definitely is not the man...
  11. Farage is a lair, not a leader of any consequence. He has never won a seat as an MP. He walked away when Brexit was voted in by a very thin margin (big mistake by Cameron). Since then Brexit UK has increasing gone downhill. I doubt any pro Farage people actually read his manifesto, if they did and had some intelligence, they will not vote for him unless they want a loser PM leading HMG. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/17/farage-unveils-reform-uks-140bn-pledges-that-economists-say-do-not-add-up
  12. More to the point Israeli government ignores UN and US policy decisions if contrary to their wishes = been going on for years e.g. Settlers in West Bank and administrative detention without trail. l
  13. One of the outcomes for being treated for ongoing prostate cancer in the OP topic is under going hormone treatment to reduce tostestorone. It is unpleasant as one experiences loss of self image
  14. In the same tone as your post. "Tripe", the guy is a bottom feeder.
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