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How Much Do These Jobs Pay?


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How much do these jobs pay in Thailand. You can give the total in baht, and this is for a 1 month wage, generally working 6 days a week I believe, if im wrong please tell me :o


7 Eleven

Teacher (Thai)

Teacher English (Thai)

Teacher English (Native Speaker with TESOL)


Also if you are unemployed in Thailand does the goverment have any benifits you can claim if you are Thai?

Thanks for your replys!

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How much do these jobs pay in Thailand.  You can give the total in baht, and this is for a 1 month wage, generally working 6 days a week I believe, if im wrong please tell me :o


7 Eleven

Teacher (Thai)

Teacher English (Thai)

Teacher English (Native Speaker with TESOL)


Also if you are unemployed in Thailand does the goverment have any benifits you can claim if you are Thai?

Thanks for your replys!

A lot depends on where you work. Bangkok wages are higher than for example Chaing Mai's for the simple reason the cost of living is higher in Bangkok. Approx 30%

I think the basic wage for a policeman is around 5,000 baht a month, plus OVERTIME :D

Have'nt a clue on the others. There are no benefits for people not working or who are unable to work, it is the Family's responsibility to take care of them.

Out of interest why do you want to know?



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Basic wage for Macdonalds is 21 Baht per hour, the prime ministers daughter worked there for a couple of weeks last year and that was her reported salary 168 Baht per 8 hour day. I currently have 4 people working on a wall around my house and they get 250 Baht per day plus several bottles of beer at the end of each day, thats pretty normal where iI am living.Skilled independant workers electrician, carpenter etc can get 500 Baht per day here in Patum Thani.

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Basic wage for Macdonalds is 21 Baht per hour, the prime ministers daughter worked there for a couple of weeks last year and that was her reported salary  168 Baht per 8 hour day.

Good thing she's got 1.1 Billion baht in SHIN Corp. stock holdings as a

back-up, eh??... :o:D

In the humble town of Sriracha:

7-11 pay here = 1,300 baht per month

Teacher (Thai) = 5,100 baht per month (newly hired-Govt. school)

Teacher English (Thai) = 8,200 baht per month (Govt. school)

Teacher English (Native) = 25,000 per month (30K the 2nd year) (ECC)

Police = 8,800 baht per month (extracurricular activity not included)

Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

B1300 = US$31.67

B5100 = US$124.24

B8200 = US$199.67

B25K = US$609.01

B30K = US$730.81

B8800 = US$214.37

Cost for the privilege of living here: Priceless :D


*edit* oops, forgot one conversion:

1.1 Billion baht is



Edited by sriracha john
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Native Thais who finish a uni degree to teach English (or other subjects) start around 8K per month, but with a master's and many years' experience they can make up to 30K. Depending on their luck, appearance, education, and experience, foreign (native speakers) of English can make 20K to 120K per month. The TEFL string is a long piece of string.

If you work for a company for a long time, a labor law supposedly entitles you to separation pay if you're laid off (redundant) but laws in Thailand are not evenly followed or enforced.

Again, why do you want to know? Care to tell us your qualifications?

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Native Thais who finish a uni degree to teach English (or other subjects) start around 8K per month, but with a master's and many years' experience they can make up to 30K.  Depending on their luck, appearance, education, and experience, foreign (native speakers) of English can make 20K to 120K per month.  The TEFL string is a long piece of string.

If you work for a company for a long time, a labor law supposedly entitles you to separation pay if you're laid off (redundant) but laws in Thailand are not evenly followed or enforced.

Again, why do you want to know?  Care to tell us your qualifications?

Hmm... Just guessing, but possibly to compare his salary with the locals here? :o

Workng (spelling left as it is) In Thailand

westybrook Posted on: 2005-06-16 03:08:48

Hi everyone.

Im hoping to get my wife over in Jan (UK) but if all fails I would like to move back over to Thailand to live with my wife and be with my soon to be daughter. But I would need to work, I would love to teach, im 24 and English and would love to teach.

I was thinking of 3 options I coud take, please tell me which you think are best.

1) Work for a school, college, with no qualifications and no work visa.

2) Work for a school, college, with qualifications (TESOL) and no work visa.

3) Work for a school, college, with qualifications (TESOL) and obtain a work visa.

I don't have any qualification to teach now, so I would do a course in Thailand, could you give me some advice and prices if you know any good ones.

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Thanks for posting that additional information about the original poster's qualifications. Without 'any qualification to teach now' - while anything is possible - he might get the lowest-level EFL teaching job (not in a college or uni or rajabat), for 25K. Getting the TEFL certificate (please, the acronym is better with F than with S) might help get a job. But it would be very hard to get either a teacher's license or a work permit. It appears very unlikely that he'd ever be legal. He should get the TEFL training in order to understand what he's going to do.

That's just my two centavos worth. What visa would he get?

Maybe he's asking the other questions about Thai natives' salaries in hopes his lady can find work. Maybe Grandma will take care of the baby. But if his ladyfriend is already in Thailand, she should know what kind of work she can find.

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Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

I've an idea for those paying into the government's Social Insurance scheme, unemployment benefit is soon to be introduced. I've no idea of the rates and can't find the relevant documentation but I'll post it if I find it.

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Cook/Cook's Assistant (Hot Pot restaurant) = 180 baht/day (5,000/month)

Waitress (Service Girl) - (**** a-Go-Go) = 4,500/month + tips

Dancer (at same club) = 30,000 baht/month + tips + "extras" on ocassion.

(These are people I know)

Another thread listed what the minimum wages per day are in various parts of the country.

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Well thanks for all those replys everyone!

Its good to see the current wage system in Thailand.

The reason I did it was just to get an idea of what money they are on.

Sadly not much :o

If you have any other jobs you know about then post them in here!

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Wife's niece working at BKK 7/11 5,000b/month

Policeman in Sukhothai Province 12,000b/month

Police Inspector in Kanchanaburi about 15,000b/month (wife's uncle)

Hotel Clerk w/Uni. education 8,000b/month

Thai Teacher - 7 - 8,000b/month starting

Thai Teacher with 20 years experience - 28,000/month

Advertising Exec - 190,000b/month

Advertising Project Mgr. 60,000b/month

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I used to drink with a chief of police, he said that his basic was 30,000, at the time less than me, when I was teaching.

I believe the police salary scale starts from around 5,000 and finishes at around 80,000 for the no 1 guy.

Multiply that by 10 and get the actual money coming in from extras.

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Dancer (at same club) = 30,000 baht/month + tips + "extras" on ocassion.

I cant see any bar owner paying this much to a dancer......the ads around Pattaya cetainly dont advertise this as a wage for a dancer....

usually about 8000 a month and 10000 for nud_e dancers which of course dont exisit under the new regime.

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sriracha john Yesterday, 2005-06-19 19:40:31

In the humble town of Sriracha:

7-11 pay here = 1,300 baht per month

Teacher (Thai) = 5,100 baht per month (newly hired-Govt. school)

Teacher English (Thai) = 8,200 baht per month (Govt. school)

Teacher English (Native) = 25,000 per month (30K the 2nd year) (ECC)

Police = 8,800 baht per month (extracurricular activity not included)

Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

B1300 = US$31.67

B5100 = US$124.24

B8200 = US$199.67

B25K = US$609.01

B30K = US$730.81

B8800 = US$214.37

Are the calculations correct? OMG I can never live on 30Kbaht = $730.81USD a month! But how much are living cost in Thailand? My rent in the US is $975USD/month for a 2 bedroom home. What is the exact currency today? $1 USD = how many bahts? I dont want to get ripped off when i go there on vacation. :o

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Sandy I guess you have never been to Thailand right?

www.xe.com is a good currency convertor I use a lot.

Living on 30k a month in Thailand is more than enough I think? What does everyone else think?

If your single

If you are married to Thai or other

You have small family living in Thailand

Those 3 scenarios!

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Basic wage for Macdonalds is 21 Baht per hour, the prime ministers daughter worked there for a couple of weeks last year and that was her reported salary  168 Baht per 8 hour day.

Good thing she's got 1.1 Billion baht in SHIN Corp. stock holdings as a

back-up, eh??... :o:D

In the humble town of Sriracha:

7-11 pay here = 1,300 baht per month

Teacher (Thai) = 5,100 baht per month (newly hired-Govt. school)

Teacher English (Thai) = 8,200 baht per month (Govt. school)

Teacher English (Native) = 25,000 per month (30K the 2nd year) (ECC)

Police = 8,800 baht per month (extracurricular activity not included)

Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

B1300 = US$31.67

B5100 = US$124.24

B8200 = US$199.67

B25K = US$609.01

B30K = US$730.81

B8800 = US$214.37

Cost for the privilege of living here: Priceless :D


*edit* oops, forgot one conversion:

1.1 Billion baht is



Hardly believe for 7-11 , ppl earning 1,300. Bahts a month. Lowest wages in Thailand is around 70- 100 Bahts a day. Bangkok teachers who teaching Math, Chemi, Science or language, they shall earn 5 times more on weekend by giving tutors. They earn more than 50,000.- a month extra. I know some, who using her house as a school for Sat- Sun, with 45-50 students and 4-5 extra tutors at the same school and each student pays at least 1,500.- 2,000. Baht a month + 45 students. Good business for teachers in thailand ( Bangkok). Thai people likes to make part-time job or selling Amway or anything if they dont earn enough. They know where to get cheaper stuff to buy and to eat. :D

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1300 baht per day is less than minimum wage. Maybe this is the amount the people who just stand around get paid...or maybe this is a part time employee.

What is the minimum wage now? About 160 baht per day in Bangkok and about 130 baht per day elsewhere?

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Farm Workers (full time) about 3000-4000 bhat a month

Day labour 150 bhat a day

Skilled labour 250-350 bhat a day

Police starting 5000 bhat a month

Police Captian 20,000 bhat a month

Lorry/truck driver 300 bhat a day

Contract tractor 400 bhat an hour (sometimes day rate or per rai)

Digger 1000 bhat an hour

Docter/lawyer ect about 15,000 a month

Office work about 5000 bhat a month

I'd agree that the 7-11 rates mentioned must be for part time.

All the above are "abouts" in central thailand

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sriracha john  Yesterday, 2005-06-19 19:40:31
In the humble town of Sriracha:

7-11 pay here = 1,300 baht per month

Teacher (Thai) = 5,100 baht per month (newly hired-Govt. school)

Teacher English (Thai) = 8,200 baht per month (Govt. school)

Teacher English (Native) = 25,000 per month (30K the 2nd year) (ECC)

Police = 8,800 baht per month (extracurricular activity not included)

Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

B1300 = US$31.67

B5100 = US$124.24

B8200 = US$199.67

B25K = US$609.01

B30K = US$730.81

B8800 = US$214.37

Are the calculations correct? OMG I can never live on 30Kbaht = $730.81USD a month! But how much are living cost in Thailand? My rent in the US is $975USD/month for a 2 bedroom home. What is the exact currency today? $1 USD = how many bahts? I dont want to get ripped off when i go there on vacation. :o

Can rent a 2 bedroom bungalow where I live (20 miles from Pattaya) for $75 a month.

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First hand knowledge... has MBA from outside Thailand, multi-national experience, multi-lingo, very smart and ambitious. Strong experience. 90,000 / month. Which is a lot based on this thread but still gives an idea of the top end. Assume most would agree that at that wage they are living very well. But compare to a US or UK person in a similar situation. That's the difference.

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Actual Remuneration of Thai People i know in Bangkok :

Maid - Bt 6,000 working at hotel plus Bt 2,500 working part time for me = Bt 8,500

Junior Accounts Officer - Bt 10,000

#1 Company Driver - Bt 12,000 does not include tips and allowances, probably another Bt 3,000, drives CEO and his family

Investment Officer - Bt 20,000 with about 4 years post graduate experience

Human Resource Manager - Bt 40,000 with about 6-8 years experience

Lawyer - Bt 50,000 with about 10 years experience

Senior Project Manager - Bt 80,000-100,000 with about 15-20 years experience

Biomed Scientist - Bt 200,000+ working for a multinational pharmaceutical that produces a small blue pill :o

Director of Marketing - Bt 200,000 plus car, no driver

CFO of a listed company - Bt 300,000 plus car, driver and first class medical insurance

CEO of a listed company - Bt 400,000 plus car, driver, memberships, perks etc

Self-employed Interior Contractor - Bt 20,000,000 net profit last year

MD of an American Investment Bank - Bt 1,000,000 per month before bonus

Actual Remuneration of Non-Thai people I know in Bangkok :

Manager at a Singapore Company - Bt 200,000-250,000 with about 8 years experice

Associate Director of an American Financial Advisory - Bt 380,000 with about 10 years experience

CEO of a listed Thai company - Bt 700,000-800,000 plus car, driver, insurance, medical for family, apartment, maid, memberships, use of company villa, part payment to offshore tax shelter, not including bonus

MD (part owner) of a medium to large consulting business - Bt 1 million with about 15 years experience in Thailand

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sriracha john  Yesterday, 2005-06-19 19:40:31
In the humble town of Sriracha:

7-11 pay here = 1,300 baht per month

Teacher (Thai) = 5,100 baht per month (newly hired-Govt. school)

Teacher English (Thai) = 8,200 baht per month (Govt. school)

Teacher English (Native) = 25,000 per month (30K the 2nd year) (ECC)

Police = 8,800 baht per month (extracurricular activity not included)

Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

B1300 = US$31.67

B5100 = US$124.24

B8200 = US$199.67

B25K = US$609.01

B30K = US$730.81

B8800 = US$214.37

Are the calculations correct? OMG I can never live on 30Kbaht = $730.81USD a month! But how much are living cost in Thailand? My rent in the US is $975USD/month for a 2 bedroom home. What is the exact currency today? $1 USD = how many bahts? I dont want to get ripped off when i go there on vacation. :o

They were current *and correct* as of the same time I made my post through currency converter:


A nice, modest 3 bedroom home can be rented here for 20% (even as low as 15%) of what you are paying (location, of course, playing a major factor in that quote).

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Basic wage for Macdonalds is 21 Baht per hour, the prime ministers daughter worked there for a couple of weeks last year and that was her reported salary  168 Baht per 8 hour day.

Good thing she's got 1.1 Billion baht in SHIN Corp. stock holdings as a

back-up, eh??... :o:D

In the humble town of Sriracha:

7-11 pay here = 1,300 baht per month

Teacher (Thai) = 5,100 baht per month (newly hired-Govt. school)

Teacher English (Thai) = 8,200 baht per month (Govt. school)

Teacher English (Native) = 25,000 per month (30K the 2nd year) (ECC)

Police = 8,800 baht per month (extracurricular activity not included)

Unemployment compensation in Thailand = mai mee... "no have"

B1300 = US$31.67

B5100 = US$124.24

B8200 = US$199.67

B25K = US$609.01

B30K = US$730.81

B8800 = US$214.37

Cost for the privilege of living here: Priceless :D


*edit* oops, forgot one conversion:

1.1 Billion baht is



Hardly believe for 7-11 , ppl earning 1,300. Bahts a month. Lowest wages in Thailand is around 70- 100 Bahts a day. Bangkok teachers who teaching Math, Chemi, Science or language, they shall earn 5 times more on weekend by giving tutors. They earn more than 50,000.- a month extra. I know some, who using her house as a school for Sat- Sun, with 45-50 students and 4-5 extra tutors at the same school and each student pays at least 1,500.- 2,000. Baht a month + 45 students. Good business for teachers in thailand ( Bangkok). Thai people likes to make part-time job or selling Amway or anything if they dont earn enough. They know where to get cheaper stuff to buy and to eat. :D

The 7-11 quoted rate was from a 16 year old and I understand that under-18's aren't part of the minimum daily wage scale. That was for an 8 hour shift 5 days a week during summer break.

Thai teachers making 50,000 baht in tutoring fees outside their normal teaching hours is a very, very small minority. It's possible to make extra baht tutoring, but certainly out-of-the-norm to make that kind of money.

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s.'s wife cutting the sugar cane: 100 baht /day buriram area ( i tried to cut my sugar cane and tore up my hands and killed my back)

day labour house construction (friend last year) 150/per day udon thani area

how much did the women i saw in udon doing piece work (twirling fringes on scarves) make? i remember i was shocked when i heard since same scarves in bangkok duty free cost a fortune and they were payed a pittance ; i think 5 baht per scarf

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  • 4 weeks later...
How much do you rekon a physician earns? Someone posted 15K, which to me is hard to fathom. Is this true?

Gf's brother is village doctor and earns just over 20,000 Baht per month

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