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I have friends who plan to come and live in Thailand. Their budget for 2 is 1000 euros per month.

Do you think it is enough to live here ??..

According to me, more is needed...even if they don't know exactly where they want to settle and if it is easier to live for example in I-San with this amount.

Your comments are welcome

Have a nice day...


It all really depends on the type of lifestyle that your friends want to have whilst living in Thailand. Some people will find that amount adequate, someone like monochaser would not. That amount would afford a comfortable life with the occassional luxury.

Fine for some, not for others.


I agree with Toursleadersi, it merely depends on lifestyle and location. That would be more than sufficient if someone wanted to live comfortably, but on a budget. If someone wants to eat out everyday and have western food everyday, it will cost more. If they want a super nice luxurious condo or apartment, they'll pay more. My wife has a second home that she rents out to another Thai lady in Buri-Ram for about 1,000 bt a month. It's not a palace, but it's comfortable. We've thought of remodeling and leasing to a Farang. Finding a suitable place is doable. I wish them luck and welcome them to the LOS. I also have a Brit friend in BKK that has rented a one room studio for 4,000 bt a month. It too is very simple, but comfortable. There's the full gamut of prices and amenities as in any western culture. I believe the Isaan is far more affordable, that's where my home is, in a small village in Buri-Ram province. Of course, I eat Thai food, by produce and meat at our local market and cook my own western recipes when I crave.


i spend most of my money on girls and beer, the rest i just waste!

seriously through, when i've finished pouring money into my house and pool, i think i can live on 50k/mth


Isaan or anywhere but BKK, Yes. :o

How old are they?

What do they want out of life in Thailand?

1,000.00 EUR = 48,731.86 THB

Try to get that figure up to 60KB for a worry free existance.

Don't forget airfares back home and medical insurace is not included.


In my opinion those spending more than Bt 10,000 pm are selfish monsters given the average Thai wage.It's very important that farangs don't spend more than the average Thai.I know my Thai friends respect me when I decline to buy a round of drinks:they appreciate my commitment to Thai culture and don't at all see me as a khiniaw cheapskate.I live in a reconditioned oil drum just outside Udon with my ex-bargirl "wife" and our fighting cocks.It's a bit of a squeeze but we manage on a diet of somtum and the odd soi dog.

The worst farangs of all are those smarmy educated ones with their fancy degrees from Harvard and Oxford.They most strangely came to Thailand to do a job of work, and some of these wretches earn Bt 500,0000 or more not to mention free housing etc.How the Thais despise these farangs with their East coast good manners,charming wives and clean limbed kids.They much prefer retired ex-sex tourists like myself.

So in short Bt 10,000 per month is about right.

The worst farangs of all are those smarmy educated ones with their fancy degrees from Harvard and Oxford.They most strangely came to Thailand to do a job of work, and some of these wretches earn Bt 500,0000 or more not to mention free housing etc

Smarmy indeed :o

In my opinion those spending more than Bt 10,000 pm are selfish monsters given the average Thai wage.It's very important that farangs don't spend more than the average Thai.I know my Thai friends respect me when I decline to buy a round of drinks:they appreciate my commitment to Thai culture and don't at all see me as a khiniaw cheapskate.I live in a reconditioned oil drum just outside Udon with my ex-bargirl "wife" and our fighting cocks.It's a bit of a squeeze but we manage on a diet of somtum and the odd soi dog.

The worst farangs of all are those smarmy educated ones with their fancy degrees from Harvard and Oxford.They most strangely came to Thailand to do a job of work, and some of these wretches earn Bt 500,0000 or more not to mention free housing etc.How the Thais despise these farangs with their East coast good manners,charming wives and clean limbed kids.They much prefer retired ex-sex tourists like myself.

So in short Bt 10,000 per month is about right.


I guess Scampy's shipping container would be sheer luxury to you. :D

I spend 120K in BKK monthly for 2 people

You must be one of the real success stories in LOS Mono.

Less than 2 years ago you were living on 10,000 a month!


In my opinion those spending more than Bt 10,000 pm are selfish monsters given the average Thai wage.It's very important that farangs don't spend more than the average Thai.I know my Thai friends respect me when I decline to buy a round of drinks:they appreciate my commitment to Thai culture and don't at all see me as a khiniaw cheapskate.I live in a reconditioned oil drum just outside Udon with my ex-bargirl "wife" and our fighting cocks.It's a bit of a squeeze but we manage on a diet of somtum and the odd soi dog.

So in short Bt 10,000 per month is about right.


Yes, how much you need does despend on your lifestyle. IF you eat Thai food, then my basic rule of thumb would be to take the amount you spend back home and divide it by 1/3.


IMHO E1000 per month is marginal, although as others have noted it really does depend upon where and how they want to live.

We are spending around 60-80k Baht for two (1 Thai). Decent condo in Pathum Thani (15k) running (and paying for) a vehicle (15k + 9k fuel). We try to eat out twice a week, 3-4k a week in Tesco.

The rest of my meagre expat salary goes on paying for the 1.5 Rai of swamp that my other half intends building our retirement home on :o

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


I spend 120K in BKK monthly for 2 people

You must be one of the real success stories in LOS Mono.

Less than 2 years ago you were living on 10,000 a month!


'Ol mono's moved up in the world! :o


some months i'll spend THB400'000 others only THB150'000 in BKK.

Its a bit of a dumb question to ask on a faceless internet forum imo. Some people go out and blow in 1 night what others will consider to be enough to live on for 1 month. :o


Poor ole Cass must have it tough. A 55 gallon drum would be ba tight fit. Poor guy! I can off a couple of extra drums if he'd like to add on an extra room or two. Seriously, it's not right to critisize others for their choice of lifestyle or spending habits. I believe the question was could someone live on 1,000 euros a month, not what does anyone think about people that spend more than that. I'll bet that before he became the "Reformed Sex Tourist", he spent a great deal more than the shameless 10,000 a month. Nothing worse than a reformed anything... :o

Location, Lifestyle and Needs will determine the actual need. However, that would be a sufficient amount to live comfortably. There wouldn't be alot of "extras". The isaan would be very affordable, but then it's rural and there wouldn't be the crazy party lifestyle of say a BKK or Pattaya. For me, that solitude is what I was after. I stay with my family on my holidays, we tend to the shoe store, and fish farm and work in our yard and on our house. Our expenses are very low, aside from my car payment. We built our home a section at a time and did some of the work ourselves. It's a matter of choice vs. need.

In my opinion those spending more than Bt 10,000 pm are selfish monsters given the average Thai wage.It's very important that farangs don't spend more than the average Thai.I know my Thai friends respect me when I decline to buy a round of drinks:they appreciate my commitment to Thai culture and don't at all see me as a khiniaw cheapskate.I live in a reconditioned oil drum just outside Udon with my ex-bargirl "wife" and our fighting cocks.It's a bit of a squeeze but we manage on a diet of somtum and the odd soi dog.

Wind up for sure.

I think its doable on the money stated by the OP for one. For 2 then its still doable but you will be on a vrery tight budget and wont enjoy yourself as much. If they plan on living around Sukumvit then you are really pushing it. Many nights spent at home watching TV are on the cards. If as was said by someone else. Can they can get it up to 60k? Then they will have a much better time. Are they going to work or just do nothing? Even Doing nothing can cost money.Eating, drinking etc.


They come to retire and will have 2 children studying in France (but they can cover these expenses with savings they have)

For me it is necessary to have for 2 people 60.000 to 80.000 to live without hassle..

Live full year in I-San is OK for holidays but seems quite difficult for me, all along the year.

Eat like thais is also OK for me.. but not everyday when you spend years in Thailand..

I wouldn't say 80.000 is necessary each month, but in this country you have to have a "security" and not count every single baht according to me..

I also told them that good hospitals are quite expensive and basic hospitals are useless, so according to me a health insurance is also compulsory.

As you say and as I told, you can live with very less.. but I don't think for very less you can have a good life, being european..

Thanks for answers anyway

In my opinion those spending more than Bt 10,000 pm are selfish monsters given the average Thai wage.It's very important that farangs don't spend more than the average Thai.I know my Thai friends respect me when I decline to buy a round of drinks:they appreciate my commitment to Thai culture and don't at all see me as a khiniaw cheapskate.I live in a reconditioned oil drum just outside Udon with my ex-bargirl "wife" and our fighting cocks.It's a bit of a squeeze but we manage on a diet of somtum and the odd soi dog.

Wind up for sure.

I think its doable on the money stated by the OP for one. For 2 then its still doable but you will be on a vrery tight budget and wont enjoy yourself as much. If they plan on living around Sukumvit then you are really pushing it. Many nights spent at home watching TV are on the cards. If as was said by someone else. Can they can get it up to 60k? Then they will have a much better time. Are they going to work or just do nothing? Even Doing nothing can cost money.Eating, drinking etc.


I spend 100k/month between myself and my TGF, and live very well...

A holiday a month, in thai or get a airasia deal.

Car hire once a month for 2 days, to go and see the missus kid.

A basic apartment in an average location (BKK) with TV, hot water and 3,000 aircon bill

2 or 3 resturants per week, the rest eating thai food.

Clothes shopping every month, T-Shirts, Shoes (For the missus!)

Thai Lanuage School

400B on taxis every day

Entertainment once a week (Bowling, Cinema etc.)

The only thing I don't have fun with is the bars, which would take a good chunk out of my wage.

So, other than my apartment, which is just a room with shower, I live very well. Alot better than I did in London!

Hope this will guide you a little!


CAn we PLEASE make a "Costs of Living in Thailand" topic and pin it in flashing letters at the top of each forum ?

Better yet, give it it's own Forum.

After all, it's such a popular subject that we get at least one new thread on it every week, and it seems the same people have to give the same answers every time.

The forum could have sub-forums such as:

"What do you pay each month"

"Cost of living in LOS"

"How many euros/pesos/dollars do you spend each month"

"Can I retire on xxx pounds/dollars/lira per month"

"Your monthly budget"

Having a forum like this would greatly reduce the amount of searches being done for similar topics. :o

Just a thought :D

Oh yeah, I budget to get by on about 20,000 baht a month, including rent, utilities, food and fun money. I could get by on less if I really wanted to (many Thais get along nicely on a quarter of my budget).

However, due to the lifestyle I like being accustomed too, I tend to overspend my budget by about 40,000 a month ! :D


I have friends who plan to come and live in Thailand. Their budget for 2 is 1000 euros per month.

Do you think it is enough to live here ??..

According to me, more is needed...even if they don't know exactly where they want to settle and if it is easier to live for example in I-San with this amount.

Your comments are welcome

Have a nice day...

I would say for most Europeans they'd find that an inadequate sum for living in a manner they are accustomed to. I would urge your friends to begin thinking in Baht, rather than Euros. The euro is nearer the high end of it's 10 year historical exchange rate against the Baht. 6-7 years ago a Euro bought something like 35 baht vs. the 49 or so it is now. I would probably use a 10 year average when computing my likely available budget (maybe 43-44 Baht/Euro). That would give your friends even less to spend.

So, unless they are rather frugal I'd say it would be a difficult transition at this time IMO.


Many Thai families have to manage with less than 1000 Euro a month.They are not the poorest,but given that most thai families are large,theyr standard of life is not satisfactory(for them),most have a lot of debts.

On the other side a middle-class thai family,two or more salaries,with a budget of about 100K Baht a month can afford to live comfortably in Bangkok,or have a big house,cars,money to spend,if living in the country.

IMHO a farang family needs 20-25% more to live up to the standard they are used to.

My better half doesn't agree,she needs more! :o


I dont think it is wise to even mention what Thais live on as it is totally irrelevant. A high percentage of farangs cant just pack up from their home countries and expect to live on a thai budget. I think this is ludicrous. Who cares what a Thai budget is, farangs are not Thais and never will be. OK so you get the oddballs who can live on these pittances; these ppl are few and far between and some dont last here very long.


Before you can answer the question whether the OP's two friends can live on X amount per month, as others have infered in so many ways, you've got to first ask a few questions about these two :

1. Do they know who Smokie Robinson was ? Specifically, have they ever heard the song 'Shop Around' ?

2. Do they really think that Thailand is the Land of Smiles (As opposed to the land of surprises) ?

3. Do they think that their Euros will be valued by any business that is not a money exchange ?

4. What is the reason they want to live in Thailand ? If their intents are really set on taking advantage of a lower cost of living (with no particular interest in Thai people, culture, food, etc.) just to live the same exact lives they lived back in farangville, then perhaps they should stay out of this country.

Okay, I'm kind of delerious from a fever right now so forgive the lack of obvious sense in me post. So anyway, I'm one of the farang that gets by like most Thais, well perhaps a little more classy than the average with my my techy toys, tools, projects, imagination, and visions, but as far as food and living, I pay the 'real' (local) market prices, and would feel guilty paying the idiot farang inflated market prices even if I did have that much to spend.

Did someone say they're paying 15k for a condo in Pathum Thani ? ? That's like paying 10 k for the same condo in Buri Ram. Are you aware that you could buy 3 large houses in the area for that amount of rent ?

Sometimes, people who make / have X amount 'choose' to spend X amount (so is usually their defense). My theory is that most (though certainly not all) of these folks actually have no clue let alone really care that they're being taken advantage of--- kind of like my first time in Bangkok, I hopped in a taxi in front of Oriental hotel and agreed to pay him 800 baht for round trip to Bang Bon, thinking that I was getting a fair deal using the the state's taxi / cheoffer standards for comparison. Only after I found out that all taxis in bkk are supposed to be metered starting at 35 baht did I understand why that taxi driver was so happy that day.

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