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Arab Town To Be Built In Bangkok


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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

Articles regarding issues like this one will always provoke comments like the ones already posted.

With 2 sheik's from UAE and Saudi(countries used to host foreigners and is quite open for foreigners) are financing the project maybe just maybe they will have major influences??

I also think that they might already thought of these delicate matters before they initiated the project.

I think that the muslims in general, in Thailand is really not causing a lot. I do not mean the problem areas in the south. Have not stayed for a long time in Bangkok so I really dont know this but maybe someone can fill me in.

In general I think it is a good idea....

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How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok.


it'll take forever ....

not nearly as long as that

Muslims call for special bank holidays in the UK


10:27am 15th August 2006

But, in what she admitted were 'sharp' exchanges, some senior Muslim figures turned the tables yesterday and made a series of demands which also included the introduction of Sharia law for family matters.

Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland, said: 'We told her if you give us religious rights, we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.'

Dr Pasha said Miss Kelly had agreed to look at the proposals, though her spokesman insisted later that she did not favour any legal change which would give 'special treatment' for the Muslim community.

Some of the 30 moderate Muslim leaders at the meeting told Miss Kelly that important days in their two main religious festivals - Ramadan and Eid-ul-Adha - should be made public holidays for followers of the faith.

Sharia law, which is practised in large parts of the Middle East, should also be introduced in Britain, they argued. While it specifies stonings and amputations as routine punishments for crimes, Dr Pasha said he wanted it only for family affairs.

Under the law, a husband pays his wife a dowry on marriage, and money and assets are shared out between family members in specified amounts after someone dies.

'We are willing to co-operate but there should be a partnership,' Dr Pasha said.

'They should understand our problems then we will understand their problems.'

A recent poll suggested that a third of British Muslims would rather live under Sharia law, while a similar number said they also hope Britain will one day become an Islamic state. But Dr Pasha claimed the legal changes he proposed would help convince young Muslims to integrate better into British society.


to all the people that call the racialist card, look to the realism of this,

why in MY country can another culture call for changes in the laws to suit thier culture,

again i reiterate if they can not intergrate then they have no right in another country or culture,

how do you see the thais taking something like this on board as they are more nationalistic and i dare say proud of thier country than the majority of brits.

personaly i want to live in los to get out of this country of mistakes and shambolic leadership, but i would not want to go to another country to encounter the same problems we have in the uk.

i would wish thailand to remain predominantly thai.

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On the face of it, it is good news. More free spending Arabs in the stores (good for the Thai economy and someone to fill the vast shopping malls). Less Muslims from any nation in the UK. All in one spot so they can be watched and any bad apples can be spotted.

However, common sense, no left leanings and seeing what has happened in the UK tells me that if you give these people an inch they demand a mile and then demand you say sorry for not giving them the mile in the first place.

As individuals they are fine, but as a group, a more backward, sexist, demanding and volitile people can not exist.

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How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok.


it'll take forever ....

not nearly as long as that

Muslims call for special bank holidays in the UK


10:27am 15th August 2006

But, in what she admitted were 'sharp' exchanges, some senior Muslim figures turned the tables yesterday and made a series of demands which also included the introduction of Sharia law for family matters.

Dr Syed Aziz Pasha, secretary general of the Union of Muslim Organisations of the UK and Ireland, said: 'We told her if you give us religious rights, we will be in a better position to convince young people that they are being treated equally along with other citizens.'

Dr Pasha said Miss Kelly had agreed to look at the proposals, though her spokesman insisted later that she did not favour any legal change which would give 'special treatment' for the Muslim community.

Some of the 30 moderate Muslim leaders at the meeting told Miss Kelly that important days in their two main religious festivals - Ramadan and Eid-ul-Adha - should be made public holidays for followers of the faith.

Sharia law, which is practised in large parts of the Middle East, should also be introduced in Britain, they argued. While it specifies stonings and amputations as routine punishments for crimes, Dr Pasha said he wanted it only for family affairs.

Under the law, a husband pays his wife a dowry on marriage, and money and assets are shared out between family members in specified amounts after someone dies.

'We are willing to co-operate but there should be a partnership,' Dr Pasha said.

'They should understand our problems then we will understand their problems.'

A recent poll suggested that a third of British Muslims would rather live under Sharia law, while a similar number said they also hope Britain will one day become an Islamic state. But Dr Pasha claimed the legal changes he proposed would help convince young Muslims to integrate better into British society.


to all the people that call the racialist card, look to the realism of this,

why in MY country is that Thailand? can another culture call for changes in the laws to suit thier culture, Because that is the law of your culture silly .... remember the law of the land? Anyone that is a citizen can call for anything ... doesn't mean they get it ... but if you are crying because they have the right to ask for more ... move somewhere where those rights are not present!

again i reiterate if they can not intergrate then they have no right in another country or culture, Not by the laws of your land ... so which is it .. are you a proud Brit? or just gonna whine because ...

how do you see the thais taking something like this on board as they are more nationalistic and i dare say proud of thier country than the majority of brits. The Thai people won't be giving them citizenship ... pretty simple

personaly i want to live in los to get out of this country of mistakes and shambolic leadership, but i would not want to go to another country to encounter the same problems we have in the uk. OK ... you have a problem living in a Democracy ... got it ... Maybe saudi Arabia would suit you better?

i would wish thailand to remain predominantly thai. and let YOU move here and stay ... but not them ###### A_RABS!

geeeze grow up already ... stay in the UK and stand up for a ban on Muslim people if you feel that way ... but please don't bring your racist stuff here to Thailand!

ps ... sorry I should have used GREEN or another color ... forgot Red was used above

Edited by jdinasia
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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

RAJTHANEE REALTY this is the same company under Boon Vanasin , which is trying to implement the mountainside rape of Koh Samui...............This lot dont give a ###### for Thailand , they will stop at nothing to make money. These are the sort of projects to be afraid of, not the individual Farang with a Thai wife who just wants to make the place his home by owning a house on a small portion of land.

Wake up Thailand !

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God help Arabs in Thailand if there is a terrorist attack in Bangkok...

It will get really ugly for them, and for the Thai economy.

I hope this arab town is done in a way that is popular with tourists like chinatown in singapore. i hope that it is not segregated. i hope that they the rich muslims do not bring over a bunch of uneducated muslims to work in their resterant and be their driver, etc and then decide to become a terrorist.

Edited by austallia_1980
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"could you please tell me where there is a Muslim Arab town settlement outside of the Arab nations, where it has been integrated and working within a different community successfully."

Sure can...Fremont, CA has a large ME Muslim community, including a showcase mosque, open to the entire community. Although dubbed "Little Persia", there have been no uprisings, no bombs, no threats, no problems. How about toning down the racist tirades? It's not becoming to ThaiVisa, but it's becoming a nuisance.

It seems to me that its the Muslims of the Middle East who are causing all the troubles, not so much as those from Asia. Whilst on Samui i often go to the Muslim village where the people are just like everybody else , no problems at all.

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I wonder how a exchange would work......Let Thailand build a "Thai Town" development in UAE or Saudi Arabia , with all the Thai culture,nightlife, Wats , etc. and they could build their town in Bangkok.


Isn't there any exsisting new condos for sale in Bangkok !!!!???? I think so.

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i would wish thailand to remain predominantly thai. and let YOU move here and stay ... but not them ###### A_RABS!

geeeze grow up already i have it's my children that i am concered about... stay in the UK and stand up for a ban on Muslim people if you feel that way childish in the exteme ... but please don't bring your racist stuff here to Thailand! the reason i want to live in thailand is to get away from people with unrealistic views and ideas a bit like yourself really

ps ... sorry I should have used GREEN or another color ... forgot Red was used above

very sad of you again to call anyone who doesn't have your holier than thou views a racist.

these are my views and opinions definately NOT RACIST



the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races:

now where did i say my race is any better than another race???

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i would wish thailand to remain predominantly thai. and let YOU move here and stay ... but not them ###### A_RABS!

geeeze grow up already i have it's my children that i am concered about... stay in the UK and stand up for a ban on Muslim people if you feel that way childish in the exteme ... but please don't bring your racist stuff here to Thailand! the reason i want to live in thailand is to get away from people with unrealistic views and ideas a bit like yourself really

ps ... sorry I should have used GREEN or another color ... forgot Red was used above

very sad of you again to call anyone who doesn't have your holier than thou views a racist.

these are my views and opinions definately NOT RACIST



the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races:

now where did i say my race is any better than another race???

LOL ... nice job skipping all the rest .... but when you suggest that Arabs <muslims in particular> that exercise their rights in your own country to ask for change are bad ..you are a racist/bigot ...

But when you come to Thailand ... you'll be dealing with people like me. You'll also be dealing with the fact that racist/bigoted/anti-religion remarks are in fact illegal :o On BOTH sides ...

Could be why we'll have a reasonably calmer more decent life here in Thailand. And truly if Muslim people scare you ... Maybe Iceland would be better?

Living in Muslim village in Thailand may give me a different perspective ... but really remember your complaints about those other people when you get to Thailand! When you deal with the daily consequences of being different ... when you realize that you will NEVER be able to assimilate completely into the society here based upon your looks.

Really if dealing with a minority in the UK is hard on you ... then moving here and BEING a minority may just be too much for you!

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not much i can say that hasn't been said already in this thread, but i still want to put in my 2 cents' worth:

- saudi money has been and is still responsible for a lot of bad stuff, both before and since 9/11. this is thoroughly documented. i hope the thai government knows what they are getting into and keeps a very, very close eye on this entire scheme.

- muslims are pretty much the ethnic group the least inclined to try to integrate with their host communities. this is also well-documented. they'll go out and buy lots of pu**y, but otherwise will seal themselves off from their surroundings. just watch.

- question: the thai authorities have been saying for some time that there is outside agitation involved down south. why would they open the doors to even more (wahabi!!!) muslims immigrating here with who-knows-what intent?

- answer: money. people should stop accusing thaksin of "selling the country" and start looking at the people who are really doing that.

why don;t they go to malaysia or indonesia instead? why here? there must be a reason...

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i would wish thailand to remain predominantly thai. and let YOU move here and stay ... but not them ###### A_RABS!

geeeze grow up already i have it's my children that i am concered about... stay in the UK and stand up for a ban on Muslim people if you feel that way childish in the exteme ... but please don't bring your racist stuff here to Thailand! the reason i want to live in thailand is to get away from people with unrealistic views and ideas a bit like yourself really

ps ... sorry I should have used GREEN or another color ... forgot Red was used above

very sad of you again to call anyone who doesn't have your holier than thou views a racist.

these are my views and opinions definately NOT RACIST



the belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment of members of other races:

now where did i say my race is any better than another race???

LOL ... nice job skipping all the rest .... but when you suggest that Arabs <muslims in particular> that exercise their rights in your own country to ask for change are bad ..you are a racist/bigot

jd this is the problem i can not get my head around, if the people do not like our way of life and culture, do not come here and definately do not break up 150 years of harmonious living together by CHANGING OUR WAYS TO THIERS ...

But when you come to Thailand ... you'll be dealing with people like me. You'll also be dealing with the fact that racist/bigoted/anti-religion remarks are in fact illegal :o On BOTH sides

i've spent an awful lot of time in thailand and have no problems whatsoever...

Could be why we'll have a reasonably calmer more decent life here in Thailand. And truly if Muslim people scare you ... Maybe Iceland would be better?

muslim people do not scare me it is what they want that scares me and the way they are going about it

Living in Muslim village in Thailand may give me a different perspective ... but really remember your complaints about those other people when you get to Thailand! When you deal with the daily consequences of being different ... when you realize that you will NEVER be able to assimilate completely into the society here based upon your looks. p would not have liked to be in palestine or syria when the 9/11 happened, the jubilation on the faces of the countries people spoke volumes to me how about you

we have in the uk gone through the afro carribean influx the indian influx the pakistani influx

without a head ache why can we not have an easy transition with the muslims???

Really if dealing with a minority in the UK is hard on you

..when i see riots in london and birmingham between 2 different races that are not indigrnous to this island yes i am getting somewhat concerned that things maybe getting out of hand. then moving here and BEING a minority may just be too much for you![/color]

i have settled very well being the minority in the small village that i will one day call my home, thanks for your concern

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How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."

[This says it all.They kill anybody that disagrees with them.and now you want these fine bunch of arabs moveing into bangkok.good luck time will show exactly what they will do to thailand

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What a lot of prejudiced rubbish. How many of you self-righteous posters have tried to "fit in" in Thailand by converting to Buddhism or learning to read/write and speak the language? And have you failed to notice the number of existing mosques here? My first thought is good, may be able to get some decent babaganoush!

I agree. What would all the anti-arab and anti-islam comments be if the two inverstors putting down $160m were americans or germans? Where did it say that you will need a visa to enter that "arab city"? And do you feel as if you were in Thailand when going to Pattaya? Associating everything and everybody coming from middle east with terrorism is really poor. What a painful life would we expats have here in Thailand if Thais were as intolerant and latent racist as (we) westerners?

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So a couple of hundred really rich (by Thai standards) Arabs will move to Bangkok. What's the problem?

People scream at the top of their lungs like there are no muslims living here already. Someone mentioned 250,000. I don't know where this number came from, but it would dwarf most Thai towns. Have they caused any trouble in many years and decades they have lived here? Have they demanded any special laws? Apparently the loudest mouths here haven't even noticed their presense.

People have noticed arabs around Nana ok, but what have they got to do with this new project? I bet security won't even let that "arab trash" non-residents inside the compound, like in any other decent condo.

Someome warned: "Don't let them buiild a mosque", as if there are no mosques in Bangkok already. I think the nearest mosque to that area is not more than 2 km away.

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How long will it take for the this London scene to play out in Bangkok?These Pictures tell it all!

Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take over!

These pictures are of Muslims marching through the streets of London during their recent "Religion of Peace Demonstration."

I'm not meaning to insult anyone here but will just say it out loud and straight.

Maybe these muslim people feel isolated in U.K. and many other places caused by the locals oppinions of them. They're already hated so this is what some of them can grap on. It's a two way street, remember?

It's very different situation in Asia, where muslims used to travel even before European colonialists. To trade and live in, not to kill and rob and pillage. In Burma, Singapore, Thailand etc. you will meet so many muslims. Very nice people. Sometimes there's always a trouble or few with the local population but people have gotten used to it. Basicly all the different groups in Asia like to have their privacy and won't go to get involved with someones culture of which they have not much knowledge about. I have been invited and visited mosques in Thailand and Burma.

South Thailand problems are part of the world Jihad. Terrorists fighting against USA for pretty twisted reasons mostly. Then again USA's strategies are kinda twisted too.


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SonnyJ ... Southern Thailands issues are far different from any Jihad

you only have to look at a map of SEA <Thailand and Malaysia in this case> prior to 1902 to get it

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There was a great issue of the Economist magazine last month, titled "Eurabia" and it had fairly insightful articles about Muslims and integration into other (Western) societies. Ironically, their conclusion was that the nation in which Muslims were the best integrated, is the USA. They attributed that to a pluralist society that allows Muslims (especially those who are tolerant and disagree with the hardliners) to speak out and not be silenced, either by force or intimidation of those from their own faith. It's the same thing that allows that debate to happen in the Christian community in the USA, and helps to keep the rightwing Christian crazies at bay too.

The articles did not paint a rosy picture of how things will evolve in Europe and England, and suggested there are very violent times ahead. So real question is: will the ME town, if built, allow for this kind of discussion, or will it become highly insular, and therefore a breeding ground for extremists who leverage the majority who feel unassimilated? It only takes on bomb in BKK to disrupt the relative peace BKK has known. After the recent arrests in England, a reporter interviewed a prominent member of the English Islamic community, and his direct quote was: "In Islam, there is no compromise!" So much for assimilation.

It takes the action of the silent majority to kill the hotheads amongst them, and that is not happening fast enough. Thank goodness, one of the silent majority stood up and ratted out the airline bombers before 10 planes went down.

I've been in the ME (Syria, in particular) and really enjoyed some aspects of the Arab culture. So I'm not willing to tar and feather everyone for the actions of a few. That area of the world is a mess of corrupt leaders who make it easy for extermists to get a voice. It's an area of the world that's never known democracy, and still embraces the Arab Strongman mentality -- very tribal. It is the opposite of pluralism. I hope the if there is a new ME in BKK, we get to enjoy the benefits without the ugliness. But when I see Arabs (not Thais) with long beards exiting the mosques on Pra Khonong, I worry, as it's this group that have invaded the mosques of Malaysia, and are perverting the unique Islam that was Malaysia.

Me, I think the remedy is the bar girls. One hopes that they infiltrate ME and cause mass trife and confusion, lol, as only they know how to do. After all, they are experts at stealing men's hearts!

- FlightRisk

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Great Plan. Instead of "Thai" Thailand can be multi-cultural like Singapore.

I got this email the other day. Pretty well sums it up:

(I of course blame the authorities for allowing this cockamamie plan to ever get past the "wish" stage. :


IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take It Or Leave It. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some

individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we

have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.

However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the

"politically correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility

hat our patriotism was offending others. I am not against

immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is seeking a better life by coming to Australia.

However, there are a few things that those who have recently come to

our country, and apparently some born here, need to understand.

This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only

to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians,

we have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles,

trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought

freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic,

Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you

wish to become part of our society, Learn the language!

Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right

wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on

Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly

documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, Because God is part of our


We will accept your beliefs and will not question why, all we ask is

that you accept ours and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.

If the Southern Cross offends you, or you don't like " A Fair Go",

then you should seriously consider a move to another part of this


We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we

really don't care how you did things where you came from. By all means

keep your culture but do not force it on others.

This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done

complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our

Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take

advantage of one other great Australian freedom, "THE RIGHT TO LEAVE".

If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.

You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.

Pretty easy really, when you think about it. I figure if we all keep

passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or

later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please.




If you are going to quote stuff like that then I suggest that all farangs in Thailand should do the same. Unfortunately 95% of farangs would have leave because most are not conforming to Thai culture and most can not speak Thai. All non Thai speakers are invited to pack their bags and leave according to your email.

I'm not asure if I read the original post correct but it sound like you like to have a homogenous cultuture in Australia. So it will be possible in democracy to pass the laws that forbid any outsider to land there. (Kinda reminds me of this pure Aryan thing). It's up to the people to vote, right. I thought Australia is very happy with the foreing cheap work force, as most countries are. It's not the borders anymore man, it's a planet where you're living on. Progress.

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I guess it's the idea of building a ghetto for the Arabs we disagree with. Of course it is their country & they can do what they like.

In Saudi Arabia a Church would not be permitted. I lived there 10 years so I know.

When Muslims move to somewhere like USA they build a Mosque. Then they start to blast the call to prayer 5 times a day beginning at 5 am. If you are a non Muslim living nearby you have 2 choices. Buy earplugs or MOVE.

The Spanish speakers have hijacked the USA to the point that we are forced to grant driving lisences & free schooling to illegal immigrants. And the Motor vehice dept need to be fully conversant in Spanish so as to facillate issuing said lisence.

What we are saying is - I f you want to move to USA Austraila or UK - learn to speak English. It is our mother tongue. In other words integrate assimilate, forget the apartheid stuff. USA Aust is a homogeneous mix. People building enclaves is not wanted.

The Arabs will be speaking English in Thailand - it's the lingua franca of planet Earth.

HEY I can't buy a house here - why should some Arab be able to???????????

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Can't see why people are getting so cross. We lived in the ME for three years andhad no problem at all. Most muslims are moderate and tolerant, itis the mental few that give them a bad name. Same as everyone.

I have worked on & off in Thailand for over 8 years, both in Bangkok, Sattahip and Pattaya - ever see the look on a Thais face by the mear mention of a Muslim, or Arab.....the comment you will get is 'they are tolerated', but the facial expression defy's that - they will be as welcome in the thai mainstream as a fox in a group of hounds. fact of life

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SonnyJ ... Southern Thailands issues are far different from any Jihad

you only have to look at a map of SEA <Thailand and Malaysia in this case> prior to 1902 to get it

What I'm stating is that southern problems are caused by the world wide Jihadists, the time being right for that with all this anti westernism going on already.

Do you see many local people causing problems in S.Thailand? Who are they? Nobody knows really? Where does the money come from? All we know it's all international thing going on.

Malaysia financing to get some extra land? Come on. This is a great opportunity for the world wide terrorim to have a new front. And they use history as an excuse, guess thats the human nature.

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Although these muslim communities seem innoculous to some, they do breed.

Most importantly they do not reflect Thai culture or Thai values as a whole.

They have moved into my nieghbourhood and it will never be the same.

The young adolescent boys are aggressive, start many fights and try very hard to sneer and bully the people who have lived here for a long time.

I fear that Bangkok will be worse off, not better because of this secular type of cultural invasion.

This is my opinion and may not be too acceptable in the politically correct world of today, but I am living it.

It ain't so nice.

It will only take one or two extemist "clerics" to whip up the young into a frenzy.

My heart is broken for Thailand. It is. Call me what ever names you want.

These peole are not moving to Thailand to smile.

Canadian Visitor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

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The following seems like a very likely scenerio. Rich Arabs come to Arab Town. Arab Town continues to grow because Thailand is a great place to live compared to the desert. Arab Town grows and grows, and of course, Arab women are only allowed to marry Arab men. They of course are already building their own school. And will build more schools for Arabs only taught by Arab teachers.

Now, the population will continue to grow. It will become seperate from the rest of the Bangkok population. You will also have alot of noneducated Arabs in BKK who are working for the rich Arabs, visiting their Uncle, whatever. They will love the night life, lets not forget 9-11 Hijackers were known to have spent time in strip clubs.

Now, all you need is some sort of incident to cause distrust or resentment between the Thai and Arab population. Unlike Farang, who know their place in Thailand, Arabs will not back down from their holier than thou Alah is God Religious ideology. At the sametime, Thai people will not take any flack from someone who they preceive as being lower than them, and certainly not in Thailand as we all know.

A terrorist attack occurs, perhaps something very small. A couple of teens throw a pipe bomb in a shopping center and kill 5 people.... That is all you need to set it off...

While the above scenerio is not nessecarily 100% to happen, it is certainly not unrealistic. The current arab population are here as tourists. Having a small tourist area, is not the same as building a town with schools and mosques. Anyways, I hope the Condiminium is very High-So and very expensive. If they build a condo of studio apartments and cheap accomodation - LOOK OUT.

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A huge increase in visitors from the ME for medical care is one reason you see so many nowdays.

In year 2000, Bumrungrad saw appx. 5000 ME patients.

After 9-11, they stopped going to the US for medical.

Last year, Bumrungrad saw 70,000 ME patients.

Now, they bought the Hospital my doctor told me.

Screw you & and your doctor :D

whole tourist from middleeast were nearly 150,000 (not including india, bangladish,..) so you

are telling me half of them were sick? :o

One of us is wrong and it's not me or my Doctor that has a senior position in there.

Screw you.

There was a comprehensive article about this in the Bangkok Post a while ago.

Guess you missed it?

70,000 ME patients a year.

That's less than 200 per day.

They built a new wing on Bumrungrad that can service 5000 patients a day.

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Arab town in Bangkok

BANGKOK: -- Thai-based Rajthanee Realty, two Saudi investors and a UAE sheikh are building a $160m "Arab Town" in Bangkok, according to the Bangkok Post. The 2m sqft development will include a hotel, residential and office buildings, general amenities and a mosque.

Rajthanee chairman Dr Boon Vanasin says more Middle Easterners are moving to Asia, particularly Malaysia, because they felt less welcome in Europe and America due to issues related to terrorism.

--Agencies 2006-08-17

Great.......they'll soon use Bangkok as their new launch pad to plan terrorist plots within S.E. Asia

As it is, you can already find them loitering with intent in Soi 5 & 7 Sukhumvit.

But then again, better to have them in one place so that the Thai authorities can monitor effectively.........


I totally agree with you. Thailand already has problems with the Muslim extremists in the South and now they are going to have their own enclave in Bkk. Nothing good will come of this. Unless the Thais really keep close tabs on the Mullahs and the "visitors" this could turn into a total disaster for Thais and farangs alike.

And for those of you who think that the Muslims will be easily assimilated into Thai culture, think again. Muslims have never been assimilated into any society they have trespassed into.

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I think it is healthy to let out all of this anti-Islam sentiment. Sometimes we do keep it bottled up, and that is one of the beauties of an on-line forum.

Yet, I haven't yet heard any good solutions to the problem.

From wikipedia:

"The first tin cans, invented in 1810, were heavy-weight containers that required ingenuity to open, using knives, chisels or even rocks. Not until... 50 years later were any dedicated openers developed."

Okay, so it took us 50 years to get through the problem of how to open a tin can. This Muslim terrorist issue is a much more complex problem, so it would be foolish to think that we can create a solution within our lifetimes. As far as I can see it, this is cancer that just won't go away.

So, how to deal with it? I think it would be foolish to think that a 160 million dollar luxury development would be a hot bed for fanatacism. Many Muslims are deeply disappointed with their culture and people (as many of us Westerners are too), and they are looking for "outs." They want to get away from the small-mindedness, the limitations. For those with some money in their pockets, a fat condo in the heart of BKK is a nice proposition.

To resist the project would be to vote against these people from being liberated from their own culture. That sucks- let them out. I'd be pissed off it Americans lost access to much of the world, and I was "forced" to stay Stateside. Doesn't sound so nice to me. So, why do that to them?

And since when does an investment in luxury properties marketed to one ethnicity become an exclusionary thing. I love going to Muslim establishments. I enjoy the vibe of it. For me, an Arab town would be part of my BKK tour- get some yummy food (a break from all the Thai standards), check out the sexy stewardesses and Dubai tourists, do a little flirting with the concealed hair ladies. Sounds great! (This) one can only take so much monocultural women experiences. Let's throw these fine ME specimens into the mixture. They've always been open to me on BKK streets- seem to really enjoy getting noticed.

So, for their sake, let's be supportive.

And, for our sake, let's be supportive.

And if you want to worry about extremist, don't look to the posh quarters of the city. That isn't where it spreads so quickly, as they have little to complain about. Most of them are simply happy to be out of the repression they grew up with- yet still want to eat, speak, and live with people they can connect with.

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