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Immigration Suvarnabhumi Novotel

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They moved or are closed? Previous report yesterday said that they were permanently closed (after several weeks of temporary closure) but did not suggest a move.

What a bummer if they have closed.Was a fairly well kept secret but always feared the worst. Can't imagine the hotel was too impressed with a lot of peple trooping through their foyer and not spending any money on the way out. A quiet oasis of peace, tranquility and smiling, helpful service.

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The staff at the hotel said the office "closed" and moved to "Bangkok Airways" - I will definitely miss that immigration desk. I am not exactly sure where the office moved to and there were no signs directing you to a new office. I would love to know where this new office is because a visit to Suan Plu would bite.

Maybe someone can research this.

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Did a bit of calling around, there is apparently a counter at Suvarnabhumi, but it only does re-entry permits, they don't do tourist visas. That came from one of the immigration 24 hour call centre girls (she had to check though). It's near the APC building apparently. Haven't seen it yet. There is a number to try: 0 2325 6900

I'm still going to give them a call early tomorrow, just to make sure (I need an extension). Probably be heading to Suan Phlu though.

Do remember, if you can get down to Suan Phlu early enough (before 9 am) it can take less than 30 minutes to sort things out.

Hope this helps.

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OK, called them up and went there. They DO do all tourist visa extensions. So much for the 24 hour call centre!

Its the same people who worked at the Novotel. Nice, friendly, chatty bunch. No queues, all smiles. They said their workload hasn't changed much. I guess it was too expensive at Novotel.

Getting there is a bit tricky. It's about 15 km from the main airport complex. One way is to go to the airport bus station and take a taxi (I guess around 60 baht). You need to go to the ASM building near the Bangkok airways building. The taxi driver I went with did not know this place.

If you are driving, there is a junction at the bus station with one road running from the airport to On Nuch. Don't take this road, but, if you were travelling from the airport to On Nuch, then you would turn right at that junction (the bus station would be on your left). Carry on down the road, passing the long term car parks on your right. Further on you will see a bridge, take the turning on the left before the bridge and drive under the bridge. You should see a big 'Bangkok Airways' building on your left. Turn right toward the guards in the small hut. Follow the signs for 'Visa extension services' and AMS. Its a small, single storey, white complex.

Alternatively, from the opposite direction, travelling along the Bang-na trad Rd, go to Kerk University, passing it on your right. The Bangkok Airways building will be on your left as you go over the bridge. I don't know the exact way around there, but you can probably pull a U turn if it's not too busy.

It may be difficult to get a taxi from that visa place as it is off the road, so it might be an idea to ask the taxi driver to wait for half an hour or so. We were lucky and got a lift with the staff who were going to the airport. Great people.

Well, it was worth the effort in the end.

Good luck everyone!!

Edited by PenangGuy
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One other thing, if you want to save a bit of money and still travel comfortably, you can take the sky train to On Nuch station, then take a van from On Nuch Market (opposite side of BTS to Tesco Lotus) for 25 Baht per person to the Airport bus station, where you can take a taxi the rest of the way. The vans are often half empty in the middle of the day, and are mostly new and clean, with the bigger seats, so it should be comfortable.

Enjoy extending your visa!

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Excellent information, PenangGuy. It seems difficult to find that new place of the Suvarnabhumi immigration office. Can anyone pinpoint it a on a map?


Click and drag to move the map around. When you find the ASM (AMS?) building, right-click on it and click on "Center map here". Then click on “Link to this page”, press Ctrl+C, paste the link (Ctrl+V) into your post. This link will give me the exact coordinates and I can then mark it on the map and post it here.



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Even though I took the trip out to the airport Novotel to find it was closed and had relocated I do find it funny (in retrospect) there were no signs for the new location post at the Novotel and that the new location seems a tad bit difficult to get to by taxi. I do agree the workers at the Novotel Immigration were great - who can complain when the alternative is Suan Plu? Wow, so I didn't have to fly to Malaysia afterall...

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and another thought... my taxi driver had enough of a time just trying to figure out how to get to the Novotel from the main terminal (shuttle would have been easier but I figured i'd come this far...) how the heck is he going to find the new immigration office?

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  • 1 month later...


It's about 15 km south of the from the main airport complex and near to Bangna-Trat road entrance to the airport (just past Thana city if coming from BKK down the Bangna-Trat road).


Find the airport bus station. There is a cross-road there with traffic lights. Coming from the airport terminal direction you will need to turn right (south) at that crossroads (the bus station would be on your left) – after turning, pass the petrol station (PTT) on your left and the long term car parks on your right and the road will run about 10 km parallel to the east runway. Further on you will see a flyover bridge that the road will travel over (its easy to see in the distance at the end of the runway), take the small turning on the left IMMEDIATELY BEFORE the flyover bridge and drive UNDER the bridge. You should then see a big 'Bangkok Airways' building on your left. Turn right [the road has become a dirt-track] toward the guards in the small hut in front of you. Go through and follow the signs for 'Visa extension services' or ‘AMS’. You will be now travelling north and on the exact other side of the east runway. Pass the white Airport Authority of Thailand buildings behind the large pond and when you can travel no further the road will turn left in to a complex of small white buildings. These were the consultant’s offices during the construction phase. The building you want is to the left of AMS building. It’s a small, single storey, white complex marked ‘Immigration’.


Travelling along the Bang-na Trat Rd, take the entrance to the airport (km 15), then go straight staying on the frontage road at all times – there’s currently lots of construction works here building flyovers – the Krik University will be on your right. Go right to the end of the frontage road – do not take the flyover in to the airport – and the Bangkok Airways building will be on the left of the road. Go straight [the road has become a dirt-track] toward the guards in the small hut in front of you. Go through and follow the signs for 'Visa extension services' or ‘AMS’. You will be now travelling north and on the exact other side of the runways. Pass the white Airport Authority of Thailand buildings behind the large pond and when you can travel no further the road will turn left in to a complex of small white buildings. These were the consultant’s offices during the construction phase. The building you want is to the left of AMS building. It’s a small, single storey, white complex marked ‘Immigration’.

It sounds complicated but it’s not at all.

Office is open 8.30 to 4.30 (through lunch also I was told). Takes about 2 minutes to do a 90 day report, parking outside, take a sandwich and sit and watch the planes taking off/landing after you’re done!

Their number is 02-325-7006 & 7.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Office is open 8.30 to 4.30 (through lunch also I was told). Takes about 2 minutes to do a 90 day report, parking outside, take a sandwich and sit and watch the planes taking off/landing after you’re done!

Their number is 02-325-7006 & 7.

In and out in under 5 minutes and smiles all the way

your route description is excellent...

they handle all visa issues, just no workpermit....

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Office is open 8.30 to 4.30 (through lunch also I was told). Takes about 2 minutes to do a 90 day report, parking outside, take a sandwich and sit and watch the planes taking off/landing after you're done!

Their number is 02-325-7006 & 7.

In and out in under 5 minutes and smiles all the way

your route description is excellent...

they handle all visa issues, just no workpermit....

One year extensions of the Non-O retirements too?  That'd sure be handier for me out here at Klong 10 rather than heading to Suan Plu.


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...they handle all visa issues, just no workpermit....

No immigration office handles work permits. Perhaps you meant extensions of stay for the reason of employment, for which possession of a work permit is one of the requirements.



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  • 2 months later...
...they handle all visa issues, just no workpermit....

No immigration office handles work permits. Perhaps you meant extensions of stay for the reason of employment, for which possession of a work permit is one of the requirements.



Correct, I am used going to a one stop service so I tangled the wp together, my bad

Nowadays the one stop service visits the Industrial Estate where I work so no need to go anywhere anymore and spend time.....

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  • 2 months later...

The directions above are super. I even took coordinates on my GPS to post here - then I reached the front door of the office. It will close permanently on 15 January 2009.

According to the very nice ladies working there, no replacement office at Suvarnabhumi. :o So folks. it is back to Suan Phlu or Rasa Tower for my next 90 day report.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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