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Senator Urges Curbs On Full Moon Parties


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Senator urges curbs on Full Moon parties

BANGKOK: -- The famous 'Full Moon Parties' in Koh Pha-ngan in the South of Thailand could soon be radically altered although they attract young backpackers from all over the world, drawn by the allure of sea, sand and large quantities of alcohol, as Thai politicians become increasingly irritated by the sight of foreign tourists kissing in public.

Leading the calls for change is a senator from the country's northeastern province of Khon Kaen, Rabiebrat Pongpanit, who today fended off allegations that she was out to destroy the tourism industry on the island in Surat Thani Province.

Insisting, instead, that she was merely concerned about inappropriate behaviour on the Thai soil, she told her fellow senators this morning that investigations had shown that alcohol was served in copious quantities and that foreigners were kissing in public places.

She also noted that 'sarongs' depicting Buddha images were being sold to tourists, and called for an investigation.

Other senators this morning joined her pleas for members of the Senate's tourism committee to visit Koh Pha-ngan for themselves.

But controlling the Full Moon Parties is not going to be an easy task.

On the one hand the politicians are concerned that foreigners are engaging in inappropriate behaviour, but on the other, they realise that the parties bring large amounts of foreign revenues to Koh Pha-ngan.

The dilemma that the politicians find themselves in over the Full Moon Parties was highlighted today by Sen. Suradech Yasawasdi, Chair of the Senate's tourism committee, who spoke of the need to respect the Thai laws and traditions, while also organize parties that are international in nature.

--TNA 2005-05-03

Original story from yesterday:


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no worries !  $$$$$ will every time in this country , cos the thais who make the rules have no moral backbone.

Sometimes the thought process is just amazing, Forget walking street, someone kissed someone. Oh well I picked this place and nothing has changed, it's my home. It must have been the right choice, as it appears that the Government doesn't have really big problems to deal with.

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Whatever happened to the last official concerns voiced about gratuitous sex all over the place?

In any case, the only Thai people that are there are either participating happily, or are raking in huge amounts of cash.

Another moral splutter!


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I would much rather watch someone kissing in public than have someone picking their nose whilst talking to you. Strange priorities these Thai politicians have :o The almighty baht will win out, and to placate all concerned, a few notices might be posted saying..."no kissing in public places" but nose picking is fine!!

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Selling sarongs with Buddah images imprinted?

Who made them ? Who is selling them ?

Are they going to blame it on the farang back-packers or the Muslims ?

Because of course no one else would have any hand in profiting from such images, would they ?

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I would much rather watch someone kissing in public than have someone picking their nose whilst talking to you. Strange priorities these Thai politicians have :o The almighty baht will win out, and to placate all concerned, a few notices might be posted saying..."no kissing in public places" but nose picking is fine!!

Popping zits in public is always a feast on the eyes too :D

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At least sarongs with Buddha images is getting CLOSE to a legitimate excuse for curbing the KP moon parties.

Never mind the drunken louts who spend all night p*ss*ng and vomiting in the ocean. :D

Or the motocy drivers who speed down Haddrin's crowded pedestrian alleyways, completely loaded and (gasp) helmet-less. :D

How about the kids who are (allegedly) bouncing off the walls on Burma's number one pharmaceutical export? :o

Don't get me wrong, I have enjoyed many a KP Full Moon party; after all, there is a time and place for everything (and frankly that place being KP is probably a better idea than say... Phi Phi or Phuket). I just think that clamping down with the excuse of stopping kids from kissing each other is...well...now that I think about it, hardly surprising at all. :D

Ahhhh, Thailand. :D

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Drunken revellers frequently engaged in heavy petting

BANGKOK: -- A number of senators yesterday called on law enforcement agencies to rein in rave parties held every full moon on Surat Thani’s Koh Pha-ngan.

“Many foreign visitors have displayed inappropriate behaviour and acted in disregard of local customs,” Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit said.

Rabiabrat said that drunken revellers frequently engaged in heavy petting along a 700-metre beach area on the resort island.

“I have no intentions of undermining the tourism industry but it should be promoted in ways that are compatible with Thai traditions,” she said. Senate Speaker Suchon Chaleekrua said two Senate committees, one on tourism and another on women, children and the elderly, would push for tougher law enforcement on the island.

Senator Wallop Tangkananurak said that police and local authorities should better supervise the all-night parties.

Senator Suradej Yasawat said his Senate committee on tourism would hold a hearing on the matter.

“I suggest that the Interior Ministry intervene and address the lack of law enforcement on Koh Pha-ngan,” he said.

--The Nation 2005-05-04

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Drunken revellers frequently engaged in heavy petting

BANGKOK: -- A number of senators yesterday called on law enforcement agencies to rein in rave parties held every full moon on Surat Thani’s Koh Pha-ngan.


“I have no intentions of undermining the tourism industry but it should be promoted in ways that are compatible with Thai traditions,” she said. Senate Speaker Suchon Chaleekrua said two Senate committees, one on tourism and another on women, children and the elderly, would push for tougher law enforcement on the island.


“I suggest that the Interior Ministry intervene and address the lack of law enforcement on Koh Pha-ngan,” he said.

--The Nation 2005-05-04


Traditions such as Patpong, walking drive...etc.... :o

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the sheer hypocracy of thai govt officials beggars belief, i remember a ploice major general who told the press that there was NO prostitution in thailand, how could there be "its illegal", no doubt he then whisked off in his merc to the nearest massage parlour for a "committee" meeting ! tit.

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Funny.. Look in her own backyard.. KKU... The lovely ladies.. and Undergrads... lead the way in their own expression of "individuality"

The Amphur Muang.. leds the way in "a healthy expression" of sexuality.

The village elders, the business folks.. laugh at this Fossil of vested interest.

But of course.. this Senator. has vision.. beyond her own "little rice paddy"

The Senator is on a vision .. KKU.. is P..Tang U.. of the ISSAN.. That is her quest.. Another Hub.. of blub The Kosa, Soffitel, Kaen Inn...

YET.. as we all know.. do tell.. her child..lead the way.. She's the Woman..of the Month.. :D PARTEEEE ALL NIGHT LONG... Please more .. support of the local industries.... Bailff whack her Phi Phi.. :o Da be Up DA BTT BOB

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[quote=george,2005-05-04 15:46t

“Many foreign visitors have displayed inappropriate behaviour and acted in disregard of local customs,” Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit said.

Senator Rabiabrat Pongpanit should visit NANA PLAZA at 2 AM to see the real local


Edited by hardy1943
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What the good senator forgets in her double-standards oriented way is that when you invite tourists into your country - they are then invited guests and the host must be as prepared to tolerate the traditions and customs of the guests (in fact they should cater for them), as the guest should be prepared for the traditions and customs of the host.

The senator's attitude is a perfect example of how the high and mighty fail to look to the consequences of their national actions, and consider only today's income. If Thailand fails to continue accomodating tourists in the way to which they have become accustomed, they will find alternative venues, and ex-British Empire Malaysia is fast becoming a viable alternative, as are the Maldives, and other Indian Ocean island groups.

Edited by Gaz Chiangmai
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Ah, they will just make some new laws, that will be impossible to implement, so they wont be enforced like all the other impractical laws that arn't enforced. TiT.

Thus don't worry about it; I mean a couple of silly new laws won't change the status quote. Thailand needs tourists, and money speaks!

On the other point about kissing and affection in public. I have seen alot of young Thais doing this in Bangkok recently. I was quite surprised, because its taboo. Thus, I can only assume you cannot stop the march of progress or the modernisation (and globalisation) of Thailand. Such is life. Its still a pretty amazing place, though.

Land of Contradictions :o

Edited by MaiChai
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Another silly and useless whinge. Sure its not April 1 all over again? This lady really needs to shut her gob - she always has a way of embarrassing Thailand.

-if I recall she was the one that proposed Tsunami Theme Park for Phuket?

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Funny.. Look in her own backyard.. KKU... The lovely ladies.. and Undergrads... lead the way in their own expression of "individuality"

The Amphur Muang.. leds the way in "a healthy expression" of sexuality.

The village elders, the business folks.. laugh at this Fossil of vested interest.

  But of course.. this Senator. has vision.. beyond her own "little rice paddy"

  The Senator is on a vision .. KKU.. is P..Tang U..  of the ISSAN.. That is her quest..  Another Hub.. of blub    The Kosa, Soffitel, Kaen Inn...

Right- she should be more interested in what is going on in her own backyard.

Where is the good senator From Surat Thani, whose backyard is Ko Phangan? Why hasn't he said anything?

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It is pretty safe to say that now that the politicians have made ALOT of money they feel full (of themsleves) enough to start putting out stupid laws, maybe the partys, foreigners and money should travel on to a different province? Then they will say "KIssing by foreigners IS allowed, come back and BRING YOUR MONEY! LOL ....so dumb!

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Thai "culture" and Thai "traditions" are also “supposed” to be draped within Buddhism as the master guide. Yet Buddhism is a religion that as has, unquestionably, a number one precept, which professes accepting change as part of the flow of life.

But yet there are still lots of Thais (well actually a lot of them) who contradict their own "customs" and "traditions" by attempting to defy this fundamental Buddhist precept. These people RESIST change IN THE NAME OF Thai tradition & morals!

A beautiful contradiction is seen by anyone who can contemplate this on a higher conscious level. Accepting change is fundamental to life because resiting change (Ie: this new kissing in public is wrong because I grew up with that belief & it cannot change etc...) prevents blocking the Buddhist path to enlightenment.

The irony is also both overwhelming and hilarious, admittedly frustrating sometimes – all dependant on my mood at the time….

The truth of it all is that the morals police have yet to learn to accept (or even contemplate) that perhaps their morals need to change, rather than their world/country needs to change in order to suit their morals.

Obviously this same situation has occurred a lot in Thailand in recent years (early bar closings etc…) since the morals police started fearing their subconscious desires…

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It is pretty safe to say that now that the politicians have made ALOT of money they feel full (of themsleves) enough to start putting out stupid laws, maybe the partys, foreigners and money should travel on to a different province? Then they will say "KIssing by foreigners IS allowed, come back and BRING YOUR MONEY!  LOL ....so dumb!

Question, who was the female Senator, that caused a ruckouus ( wonder how you spell that) with a farrang news group, in that general area, is this the same lady?

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Devil Dog must be American? A hetroflexible brain fart for sure! Always retracting his initial statements. I am not a constant reader but every time I browse there he is with his 10 cents of banality. In contrast seems like Typhoon has blown himself out? :D:o

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The good senator should get off her ass in her Govrnment provided free limo and try taking public transport. I live 25 kms from Bangkok, morning and afternoon teenage students in buses and trains are french kissing and fondling and strangely I dont recall ever seeing one farang in their company. How many Thai do gooders are secretly raking off the spoils from the Thai sex industry. Here its do as I say not do as I do. The ALMIGHTY BAHT at work again.

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