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Everything posted by cardinalblue

  1. The dogs got excited….and the guy didn’t de-escalate the situation unfortunate but little can be done…
  2. The snake couldn’t find it…
  3. Doesn’t anyone find it embarrassing that picking up and managing garbage in the culture are lacking? yet image is so important to the gov….
  4. Why didn’t the police capture one of his goon buddies and water board the bitch until he gave up his friend? need to fight the primitive with severe punishment
  5. Always an excuse - sleeping, dogs, wet pavement, dark outside etc what about speeding for road conditions and losing control? drivers are never blamed for driving mistakes…
  6. I have come to the conclusion thailand is not democratic….
  7. I really hand it to the doctors to re-attach his limb....
  8. You break the side window furthest from the driver side…it looks like driver’s window they broke?
  9. sad or tragic...You would disappoint JD Vance
  10. And yet almost two decades younger than Trump....enough said
  11. Looks like a bunch of uneducated white supremacists on this board...Like-minded are revolting in UK over mis-information via social media...
  12. Most puzzling is he moved up his departure just 4 days after his arrival…. those who speculate he wants to dip his wick buying more time as his behavior runs counter to this speculation could be a bad ending
  13. Why can't they currently manage it as they do in the west? Its not that costly if they properly lined huge dug pits, remove as much recyclables/re-usable materials as possible, and then cover the designated pile of trash. I can't re-call as they have height. exposed time and coverage inch requirements. I believe it is non-contaminated dirt... CM does seem to have the land necessary but it involves knowledge, resources and competent planning/management..
  14. When your road safety system is solely based on u-turns and your trash collection system is based on 10 guys sorting garbage on a open moving 1970 truck, thailand is so removed from a cutting edge society it’s embarrassing
  15. In dog pack attacks, its not like every dog took 3 bites a piece...there is always a leader and a more aggressive dog. While the attack is usually 1 to 2 dogs, the other dogs run around excited not knowing what to do.... Doubt the Thai authorities can manage a vicious assessment scale, but it is time for Thailand to try to quantify dog attacks just like car drivers
  16. Steal like a loaf of bread or you bought them for her knowing that the titles would be in her name? I have had 2 friends now not married to their Thai GFs but we’re smart enough to keep all the money transfer receipts and both westerners won their cases in a court of law rewarding home ownership (meaning ability to sell) to them for one year and other assets they had paid for… bottom line is both Thai women could not prove in court where they got the money to buy houses and other assets like cars and home furnishings
  17. Again, another poorly written story...But if the insurance companies paid the original owners, then they are the rightful owners of the cars...It makes no sense to me why they were held in police custody for 7 years? One would think the insurance companies would have taken possession asap so they could have re-sold/auction them off
  18. Sounds like an unnecessary test which rests the primary care doctor to inform...The patient needs to be informed what is the test, the purpose of it, why necessary and the pricing ahead of time... This is an example of bad medicine and unethical practice I have for the most part experienced fairly good quality care here...That said, Thailand is known for a lack of checks and balances by a third party whether internally or externally....It's a huge cultural problem that exists in many industries here...Bottom line is a lack of accountability to evaluate care given
  19. TM 30 enforcement is determined by individual immigration offices so it's your job to find out how they are handling it...
  20. never seen a bicyclist amateur or pro wear the above helmet....
  21. article quite incomplete about accident details.....
  22. Why don't you give us some evidence rather than spew hatred and contempt...The FBI has you in their sights
  23. Thai gov will take their 3 million baht off the top and her greedy relatives and friends will beg, manipulate and borrow the rest she is a sitting duck w/o financial mgt skills and will be back to square one…I give her 3 years and then she can bone up on her pattaya salad skills
  24. Maybe he is southern and worse yet a confederate…don’t generalize
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