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Baht Simpson

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Everything posted by Baht Simpson

  1. That'll be the next fraud to be investigated. The government has started referring to state pension as a benefit not an entitlement. It's easy to stop benefits.
  2. As I understand it the DWP can look at your bank account now but only with a specific request if they suspect fraud. This new regulation will put the onus on the banks to monitor accounts for customers receiving benefits to ascertain there is no money coming in not declared to DWP, rather like KYC regulations. I imagine if the banks do see monthly income they will inform them and a request for details will be issued to investigate the matter. The banks should be informed who is receiving benefit so other accounts shouldn't be monitored but the worry is that of eventual overreach. Another worry is that banks will see this as substantial extra work and will levy a charge on all customers.
  3. Could be a Thai Guava tree. We have a huge one in the garden and it usually starts to shed its fruit this time of year. The fruit is green and hard and could easily brain you.
  4. I'm not sure if I'm impressed or appalled.
  5. Give him The Cat. :😀 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cat_o'_nine_tails
  6. The locals were teasing me the other night. "Are you David?" 😄 They said David is black and we know you are white. Amusement was had all round.
  7. So you're going to give up your property, business and family because you're fed up. That's the spirit.
  8. Remind me which country doesn't have its own rules and laws? When you go to Laos and you fill in the temp visa application and hand over your fee there's a box at the bottom with the words "Our country, our taxes." This is obviously in response to people complaining.
  9. Cowardly violence is never a slight transgression.
  10. 20 years or so ago we used to see a plethera of butterflies and moths in the garden including the odd enormous Atlas Moth. One day a year the garden would be alive with thousands of small yellow butterflies. Sadly I haven't seen either for many years, possibly because of the pollution.
  11. This article is very helpful. https://dokmaidogma.wordpress.com/2012/09/01/how-to-make-a-butterfly-friendly-garden/ In my garden the Vinca (Periwinkle) plants seem the most popular and are easy to grow.
  12. "How do you resist temptation?" Grow up?
  13. The prospect of a second Trump presidency has intelligent people on edge.
  14. You don't understand the point I was making, which was germane to the original post and JohnnyF's assertions. And it's not up to you to police what is relevant or not.
  15. Certainly. I was responding to JohnnyF's post linking Islam to Sunak's mob rule, the subject of the thread. I did show the post.
  16. Remind me again of the chosen religion of the 2,000+ mob who attacked the democratic capital of the U.S. on 6/1? Were they all muslims?
  17. In 2020 a Tennesse School District had to be taken to court to stop trying to religiously brainwash children. "The Smith County School District admitted it delivered Christian prayer over the school’s address system, posted Bible verses on posters in hallways and distributed Bibles to all fifth-grade students, according to a consent decree. Promoting religion and coercing religious exercise is a violation of the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause, the consent decree filed Monday in federal court in Nashville stated. “I’m relieved the school district recognized that its widespread promotion of religion was unconstitutional,” plaintiff Kelly Butler said in a news release. " They're quite happy to abuse children and ram their religion down people's throats (sic), so some of you (the usual names) shouldn't act so high and mighty about a flag.
  18. Tourists or 10,000 TikTokers boasting how they've found paradise? They make me laugh some of those Thai TikTok vids, but I guess they're making money.
  19. Craft beer will be o.k. They just need to bring out an Old Liver Rot IPA with a blackened liver already on the can. 🙂 It's so preposterous. There's so much good they could do to get people to cut down on alcohol but they just love their restrictive and prohibitive measures.
  20. No, of course not. It's desperately unfair. But unfortunately it's the rule. I'm in that situation myself with a pension that's frozen, not because it's the right and moral thing to do but because they can get away with it. That doesn't excuse fraud though. Even worse is that it's not everyone that lives outside the U.K.; certain countries are excluded. I can't see it ever being changed. A few years ago it was referred to the European courts and they sided with the U.K. govt., so it's a bit of a dead duck now.
  21. Sorry, I'm getting my terms mixed up but it's still pension fraud.
  22. Agreed, but surely the real toxic ones are the people who commit tax evasion, a serious criminal offense, not the ones who provide evidence against them.
  23. Weren't there people on here claiming they haven't informed HMRC that they live abroad and who continue to receive the increases? Probably nearer 0.1 per cent. 😀
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