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Everything posted by kokesaat

  1. You can pay for these tickets online. No need to go to the station.
  2. I don't mess with them......but you have to appreciate their construction. They build and build....then, poof, one day they disappear
  3. Hopea odorata (Takhian) Our neighbor has several in his yard that border ours. Huge trees. I like to watch the helicopter seeds flutter down
  4. Do a recce run around your neighborhood. You can usually spot telephone/fiber lines as they're a few meters below the electric lines. If you see one of those lines going into someone's home, stop and inquire what company they're using. Several years ago TOT started stringing fiber lines to small villages.......3BB followed suit. I consider our home 'in the sticks'......off the beaten path.......but TOT and 3BB service the area.
  5. You'll have a hard time buying anything these days if you boycott the companies that shrink sizes rather than raise prices. It's no different in the US.....what was 1 pound cans of ground coffee turned into 14 oz then 12. My recent favorite is the 6 pack of soda now offered as a 5 pack with one free. What a deal! To be honest, I prefer snacking on 15 gram bags of dorito chips.........I feel like I'm pigging out when I have 2 bags. In the US, I could go through a pound bag in one or two sittings.
  6. A number of years ago I was visiting my ill gardener who lived a few hundred meters from our home. While there, the sky darkened, the wind started to howl, hail fell, and all the women in the area came out of their homes banging empty pots with large spoons. Not to scare the storm away..........just to scare off the bad ghosts associated with the storm.
  7. Many years ago driving a highway in Texas, a pickup truck putting a large flatbed full of household items.....a mattress on top, was ablaze. Having been a smoker myself, I couldn't help but wonder if the driver flicked out his cigarette only to have it blown into the flatbed. A few sparks at 60 mph and there you have it.
  8. I have occasional bouts of restless leg syndrome.....middle of the night sort of stuff that can keep me awake. I've done exercises on a homemade set up similar to the photo. I do a few minutes about an hour before going to bed. That seems to solve my problem.
  9. We typically get 2 or 3 large hives (I believe Apis dorsata) way up in our santol trees (กระท้อน). They typically show up in a wave (sometimes a noisy incoming wave). Right now we've got one very large hive in the santol tree, along with 2 much smaller hives going on near our flowering jasmine bush. I believe the bees are dwarf honey bees (Apil Florea). Last year, we cut down a large pine tree and soon after, tiny apidae bees started building underground nests with amber colored hollow columns extending up from the earth. Each kind of honey has their own distinctive taste. The apidae honey is pricey stuff......sweet and sour taste.
  10. Can't speak for peppermint oil, but we live in the countryside, have mice/rats on a regular basis. We place a few small mothballs inside the top of a spraypaint can (or similar) and put it in the engine compartment. That's taken care of the problem, even after being in the US last year for 13 months due to covid.
  11. I found this trick.....tried it as a test. Very easy. Here's a workaround. Gives you EMLs, but only allows 50 at a time. 1. Select all emails you want to download. 3. Email to self as attachment. 4. Open that email. 5. Download all attachments or save to drive (right side). 6. Delete original email (optional - to save gmail space).
  12. Name of the bank? Photo of the notice on the doors? Easy to solve if you can provide.
  13. That "pretty nice thing in Ban Dung" is the grave of a "Chinese Aunt Chester" (as my wife likes to say. There's a Chinese cemetery a few km SW of Udon. Some very elaborate sites overlooking their own private lake. No expense spared!
  14. I've had mint for two full years now. I use it when I'm in the US, and while in Thailand on those rare occasions to receive verification texts/codes. I just renew for a year....cheap....chalk it up to the cost of living overseas.
  15. Sometimes it's just the little things in life: Today my wife and I went to Homepro to buy some new bed pillows. Three sales girls helped my wife and 2 helped me. Took a wide variety of pillows out of their bags, invited us to lie down on one of their display beds and test each out. My wife tested close to ten, me about 5. No rush, plenty of time to try each out. Then lunch in the S&P-like restaurant in Homepro. A big dish of seafood with noodles for my wife, my with cashew chicken and rice, and a big plate of pak bung fai daeng with rice.....a lemon drink for me and a water for my wife, topped off with a durian ice-pop.....320 Baht. Oh, and it was 13C in the jungle today.
  16. I just completed my US tax return for the past year. One question they now ask: Did you sell any form of crypto currency during the past year?
  17. It's so much easier once you learn to read Thai! Same same for the pronunciation of Udon after Thais finally gave up spelling it Udorn......it's อุดร
  18. I bought a bidet seat from Lazada for less than 500 Baht. No electric required. Doesn't use hot water, no whistles, bells, just a nice cool stream of water to wash things off. Extra simple to install. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i1696722612-s4794324012.html?urlFlag=true&mp=1&laz_trackid=2:mm_150551077_51752951_2010952694:clkgg2elf1frp385b9pkgi&mkttid=clkgg2elf1frp385b9pkgi
  19. I used embassy letters for years......but when the US Embassy stopped providing them, it was simple enough to park the money in the bank. Many Americans I know (in Udon) use the monthly transfer method. If any expats left because their embassy stopped issuing income letters, they probably shouldn't have been here in the first place (inadequate income).
  20. HARD MODE: click on top right hand corner of Wordle. Select Hard Mode.
  21. Not true. I've bought 4 Toyota trucks......all in cash.....all with a variety of freebies.
  22. I've read the article, in Thai and in English. I'm trying to figure out how 'Innocent' comes into the equation??
  23. I do the same thing, except I don't let the water run 15-20 sec......more like 5-10. When the water comes rushing out, I think it creates a suction that draws out any gunk. I keep a bucket under the drain valve and use the ac water to water various plants. If I find there's not as much water as normal, I know it's time to do like Andre0720 advised.
  24. I use phonenet calling cards, available from the CAT telephone offices throughout Thailand....and available online. Calls to the US are 1 baht per minute. I use my mobile phone to call from anywhere in the country. Been using this method for many years.....crystal clear calls. https://voicebycat.com/catvoice/index.php/en/individual/cat-phonenet-thaicard/cat-phonenet-thaicard Free calls.......I use LINE to call our daughter in the US. The app is free and the calls are also crystal clear.
  25. Some years ago, in the middle of downtown Udon, an older woman was trying to cross a busy 4-lane street, just before a roundabout. She was in a crosswalk. I was in the righthand lane (of the two lanes). I stopped and waved her on......as she started to walk past my truck, I quickly found out that the people in the lefthand lane weren't going to stop for her. I cringe at the thought that my stopping could have resulted in her injury/death. I realized the error in my judgement......Thais don't stop for people in crosswalks. Pure and simple
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