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Everything posted by topt

  1. As others have noted Signal is probably the most secure and private of nearly all those mentioned so please explain how it is "dodgy"?
  2. Depends what bank and what type of account but can be an issue. You need to look up all the relevant banks details to see if anything would work for you. Pension payments - presume you just tell your provider the new bank details. Although offshore if based in IOM/Channel Islands then they have local (UK) sort codes. You can pay bills/transfer the same as if using an onshore UK account.
  3. So should be no problem to close all the tax threads until some new "official" news appears........... Unfortunately not a snowball in hell's chance ............
  4. Thanks for that. I somehow seem to have been getting points but had no idea what to do with them. Unfortunately I guess you are still limited to 1 year total validity so need to be aware of what you already have before using them?
  5. Unless you live with a view of it how does that really help anybody - or is there an online link to its "friendly" output?
  6. Unfortunately to wield his influence he apparently doesn't need to does he........
  7. I am very jealous . I am still waiting for mine to be updated even though I have chased twice and supposedly referred to a case worker. Now nearly 13 weeks........
  8. Tax residents - you spend more than a 179 days in a calendar year in Thailand you are officially a tax resident here. The term "expats"means nothing in this context. Have you read the tax guide?
  9. This has been discussed before in one of the many long threads and I think it is somewhat misleading. Above that point it says this - I think the phrase you quoted is because the payments are made gross and no tax is deducted before payment. They may also be expecting it to be taxed wherever you are resident hence the word "usually"........(pure guess ) I found this but not sure how old it is - https://taxvol.org.uk/index.php/hrf_faq/is-my-state-pension-taxable/ At the end of the day if it is pension income coming out of the UK and the overall figure is above the PA and recorded on the tax form you will pay tax on it as other posters have confirmed. Repayments - IMHO zero chance
  10. Not how I understood it - Chalao being the father.
  11. I know I am not them but I will reply anyway Your understanding was my understanding. I was paying some tax on a company pension for about 18 months via PAYE and as I have other income declaring all in a tax return. On my last return I ticked some boxes to say I wanted to pay any outstanding tax and not to collect via tax code. About a month later (1 or 2 months ago) on my next pension payment they (the pension provider) paid back most of the tax they had already taken. It makes no particular difference to me at the moment as I will still pay the same amount of tax however it may be an issue in the future if I try claiming any credits against UK tax paid on a Thai return especially due to the mismatch in tax years. Also as a non resident for tax you are not taxed on most Capital Gains - apart specifically from property. (no idea on crypto).
  12. Now back to normal - please close.......
  13. I had already posted on this but now notice it is back to how it was. At least I know it wasn't just me
  14. For starters Just having a TIN doesn't obligate you to file a return. UK tax return already has boxes to put where you are tax resident (if you are being honest)........and you do not have to give a TIN. If you are still saying you are resident for tax in the UK or haven't said you are not then HMRC are not going to know anyway - and yes I am aware of the days test.........
  15. Is it just me but is this a permanent change? I switched off for a couple of hours and now I come back and all the layout is centred rather than left aligned as before. Is there any way to change it back as could not find it in Settings?
  16. Did that make you happy? How about trying to contact their head office or similar if important to you.........
  17. May be worthwhile having a read of this - https://www.moneysavingexpert.com/savings/voluntary-national-insurance-contributions/
  18. You need to call and check first if paying any extra amounts now will actually add to your payments. Every one is different and depends on how many years you had when the change was made in 2016 and under which system, old or new, you would be better off. The 35 years is what you need at your state retirement age for a full "new"pension - as long as not contracted out - nothing to do with adding 35 to 20216 Do you have a Govt. Gateway account as that will give you an idea?
  19. Yes rooting is a big no no if detected but you can root and relock the bootloader in some cases. I gave up trying to spoof it (no Google either....) with my Thai banking app as it got more and more difficult so now have a separate phone just for that.
  20. Google safety Check I think looks for a locked bootloader to pass - as that is how phones come originally?
  21. Does "undersover" here just mean not in police uniform otherwise why would you send supposedly undercover police to a "disturbance"?
  22. For what?.......as it certainly does not stop them from pulling out in front of me. I fully agree about them not turning and looking especially on bikes. I have also noticed a lot of scooters recently without any mirrors at all......
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