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Everything posted by topt

  1. I am surprised if you were surprised...... This used to happen frequently in Pattaya at Songkran pre Covid and often remarked upon in the forums. PS - you may want to check your volume levels as for me I had to almost max out the level on my lap top to hear very clearly - and no my ears weren't full of water.......
  2. Thanks for posting that. I have seen him before but I found this one pretty irritating and the IFixit segues especially so but the overall message does not surprise me. Its a shame however that he didn't give a link to a video clearly explaining how the average punter could use ADB to check if they wanted.
  3. Not sure you can just pay extra NICS (buy missing years as you put it) just like that. From the gov.uk info -https://www.gov.uk/voluntary-national-insurance-contributions/deadlines This is what I did after speaking to a pensions adviser and a few years ago it still took some months before I received a reply - now likely to be longer.
  4. He has if they know he lives in Thailand......... Depending where you live.........
  5. Can you translate the above please...........
  6. There are 2 exchanges with similar names - https://www.superrichthailand.com/#!/en (green sugnage) https://www.superrich1965.com/home.php?language=en (orange signage) Neither has branches in Pattaya - one of them did for a short while years ago from memory but no more. In Pattaya the chain TT Exchange (yellow with black writing) has probably the most branches and reasonable rates. Lots of others to compare although during Songkran you are going to get wet doing so.......
  7. If you don't file SA109 or need other supplementary pages you can file online probably without a VPN as you would do in the UK if normally tax resident. The problem is SA109 (and others) are not available for online completion direct to HMRC except via commercial software.
  8. Perhaps he has other sources of income..............
  9. For me the telling comment is in the secondary headline and then repeated in the text - Agreed. Which is why it would help if all financial/personal info sites would insist on a minimum 10 character and minimum Upper,lower case, number and special character. It always surprises me that many don't.
  10. I did an hour or so ago. 2 small bars on Soi Lengkee opposite Opey de Place, Nans Plaza at front centre of Tree Town - the owner had a hosepipe, and Maki bar just up the right turn opposite the market in Soi Buakhow - a motor cyclist turned back from there as it was pretty full on with powder as well.
  11. If you are completely legal then you shouldn't have anything to worry about.. By that I mean including having the green book or copies if on a bike as well.
  12. Define "pay attention to" Some I read and some I don't.......
  13. You have no issue with online banking and OTPs - or you don't do any online banking either?
  14. I have claimed for about the last 8/9 years including last year. However having added my TIN to a couple of accounts it only leaves my fixed account so worth only 2-3k max in withheld tax. With the potential increased scrutiny from the Thai revenue service/CRS implementation I decided to not bother this year and try and stay below any radar - probably a forlorn hope since I have a TIN. AS to point 5 - even though I think I am 100% legal on the current basis I have no interest in providing any income details from outside Thailand if I can avoid it.
  15. If you mean the tax return it is not possible if you need to fill in SA109 unless you pay for approved commercial software.
  16. That's what I was thinking even though some of the feeds/downloads specifically said Cam in the description but the ones I looked at didn't. Can't trust anything these days......
  17. Thanks - that may explain it.
  18. Anybody watched John Wick 4? I tried last night but the picture first couple of minutes just seemed off....... Initially on Kodi and then downloaded from PB. I only watched about the first 5 minutes due to the, to me, perceived quality issue and both sources had irritating french subs. Is it just me?
  19. You have obviously never spent time in Pattaya.......or got your dates mixed up The big day here is the 19th. @zombie nights the water throwing will finish here late on the 19th.
  20. So you'd be ok if she did it on your house wall for example............................
  21. Thanks for posting that. A shame it does not appear to have been picked up in mainstream media and hence appear as a news item on here. It will be interesting to hear going forward what, if any, impact it may have on posters on here.
  22. Why won't you just post it on here - surely that is the point of the thread........?
  23. Oh yes I had forgotten that minor detail........
  24. No, Lloyds unfortunately do not. Neither UK onshore or International off shore.
  25. I renewed my extension 3/4 weeks ago and was not given the paper to come back. In previous years I have been. Since it is so random I don't think you risk anything - anyway your bank book will prove the relevant funds so as others have said I personally would not bother.
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