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Everything posted by renaissanc

  1. @RSD1 Do you know that CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NYT, W. Post, and so on are propaganda media for the Democrat-Marxists? They don't tell the public anything about what is really going on. Try to broaden the media you watch and read.
  2. On the one hand, I feel sorry for the Australian because times are hard for him. If he is deported he probably has nowhere to go. But he brought this on himself. He must have known that he would be arrested eventually. ... I'm disappointed that the automatic response by many posters lacks empathy. You may have money now, but you may be very poor in a year or more. Our thoughts, feelings, and emotions attract our future. Bear in mind too, that the US, China, and Taiwan et al are preparing for World War 3 in 2027. How wealthy will you be then?
  3. Trump doesn't need to debate her. She needs the debate because nobody knows her policies. Why help your opponent? It's strategy. Ignore what the Dem-Marxist media says.
  4. The FBI has become an assistant to the Dem-Marxists Party. If Trump wins, he'll clean it out. The integrity part has long gone from the FBI.
  5. When I saw the destruction caused in the North and North-East I thought about all the expats who are married to bargirls, and the amount of money they will be spending on house and car repairs.
  6. Generally, expats in Thailand seem to love the Democrat-Marxists and hate Trump. They probably couldn't say why they hate Trump. Nor could they probably say what Comrade Kamala's policies are and why she would be better for the USA and the world. For sure, they would not like to live in the USA with the corrupt Marxists in charge. Maybe that's why many Americans live in Thailand now, not in the USA. But it is fashionable to be a Trump-hating expat, so if they wish to be politically respectable in the bars, I have no problem with that.
  7. You probably also believe Morning Joe's version of January 6th. The truth came out yesterday that proves General Millie was behind the refusal to obey Trump's order to protect the Capitol with 10,000 troops or National Guard. Investigate the truth yourself and ignore the Dem-Marxist state media.
  8. You sound like you get all your information from ABC, CNN, and MSDNC. You probably watch The View and Morning Joe with passion and explosive joy. Well, ballot harvesting fraud was discovered many times, but what can you do with the corrupt Merrick Garland running the justice show? The cheating has already started such as in Nevada where the Dem-Marxists are fighting subpoenas to clean the voting lists of about one million voters who are dead or illegal immigrants or double registered. Many expats here should learn to think for themselves rather that watch Morning Joe.
  9. Not everyone can sit inside all day with the air-con on 20-23 degrees Celcius or afford an electricity bill of X(X) thousand Baht per month. Some people have work or business to do outside the house/condominium. They feel the heat. Also, the weather is getting hotter each year. Last March to May was the hottest I can remember since 1984. 39 - 41 degrees Celcius was common every day for weeks. Who knows what 2025 will bring?
  10. She's on holiday having fun. Let her enjoy herself.
  11. Expats in Thailand love to support the authoritarian and corrupt Democrat-Marxists. I wonder if they will be keeping silent out of embarrassment today.
  12. If you believe the state Democrat-Marxist media and the Washington Swamp Harris is the second voting of Christ. She is the front for an authoritarian, Socialist regime with price controls and the annulment of free speech, for example. My cats would make a better President. If Americans want her I don't mind because the price of gold will rocket upwards.
  13. He's a threat to the power of the corrupt Democrat-Marxist party and the Washington Swamp as they are called. They are trying to scare the population away from voting for him. You'll find that a lot of expats have bought into this narrative of the party and their obedient media watched by many expats
  14. A driving license will be fine. I have used mine a few times.
  15. Too many posters here get ALL their information about Trump from ABC, CNN, MSNBC, etc. You probably even believe that he's Hitler as they say. LOL!
  16. I don't know about the tax laws, but I find it hard to believe that the government would let foreigners with 5-20-year visas get away with not paying tax. There has been no mention before of any categories of foreigners being able to avoid paying tax on worldwide income. If that's the case I'll change my marriage visa to a long-term visa in order to save millions on tax.
  17. Cedel, you've said what the government and Immigration can't understand. I don't know if that's because of their intelligence, traditional thinking, or stupidity / a lack of common sense and wisdom. They seem to be saying ... "Look! We're making our visas better so you'll come and stay longer. And to encourage you to stay longer, while you're here, we'll tax, even double-tax, your income everywhere in the world. Isn't this wonderful for you?" ... Mabe they think that foreigners are stupid.
  18. I've done a Google search about this. The man has been affected by the pigeons next door. Tew should feed them elsewhere.
  19. Reading through the comments I think that many posters either won't admit it or didn't notice that the ABC moderators rigged the debate in Harris's favour. The plan to rig the debate is revealed here: https://dailycaller.com/2024/09/12/rooke-abc-moderator-straight-up-admits-they-had-to-tip-the-scales-against-trump/
  20. Some posters are complicating this. If you hit another vehicle, you stop and take responsibility or at least find out what exactly happened and who was in the wrong. But you don't do a runner. When you die and have your life review, you will discover the effect this had on the person hit and on your soul. (Atheists, ignore this last sentence.)
  21. Google says: " LASIK eye surgery in Thailand can cost between $690 and $4,215, which is much lower than the average price of $4,000 in the United States. The price can vary depending on the complexity of the procedure, the doctor's qualifications, and any complications that may arise." The fancy hospitals in BKK will probably charge a fortune plus an arm and a leg.
  22. Solution: Announce that first-time offenders will clean sewers daily for 1 year. Second-time++ offenders will clean sewers daily for (5) years. Their vehicle will be sold to pay for their food expenses. Something like that anyway.
  23. When will human beings stop supporting the goals of a tyrant with their life? Tyrants use people to achieve their evil goals.
  24. He simply miscounted the number of days left until his visa expired. It can happen to anyone.
  25. Sorry to burst your bubble, but this is a fake post.
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