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Everything posted by nattaya09

  1. ...and besides, there was never an "insurrection" anyway
  2. Cheney supporting Harris works in Trump's favor. Kind of like Putin supporting Harris yesterday
  3. They will go with the standard George Stephenopolous Democrat tonguebath interview with no extras such as serious policy questions
  4. The Heritage Foundation has been publishing this wish list since Reagan’s first term. They update it every election year
  5. https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2024/08/14/trump-votes-in-florida---heres-why-he-still-can-after-felony-conviction/
  6. I doubt he really wants that either
  7. The RCP Average for Aug 12 shows Trump leading in 5 of 7 top battleground states. All 7 are within margin of error so everythings open. She will likely get a short term bump immediately after the Convention. See where they are in October https://www.realclearpolling.com/elections/president/2024/battleground-states
  8. The first female USMC officer killed in Iraq was also in the same branch as Vance (Public Affairs). Hit an IED while escorting civilian media into Ramadi
  9. She's used to giving stupid answers to the few questions she's willing to take
  10. Pelosi shut off wall funding when she regained House control in Jan 2019. Trump negotiated "Remain in Mexico" with the Mexican Pres and migration then slowed to a trickle. The border was more secure than it had been in decades until Biden blew it up one month into office
  11. Carroll couldn't remember the year that her alleged assault occured
  12. Obama bumped Carter after entrenching Identity Politics on steroids as the Democrat platform. Biden bumped O. Jimmy C can now go on to his great reward knowing he is 2 spots removed from the trophy he held for three decades
  13. Of course the GOP wanted Biden. They considered him the weakest alternative
  14. What he lacks in critical thinking he overcompensates for in dogged persistence
  15. I'm shocked to hear that a professor at an Ivy League school would have something derogatory tp say about Trump...absolutely shocked!
  16. She was also one of the most tyrannical Governor's during COVID
  17. So far Obama, Pelosi and Schumer have withheld endorsement. I'm not sure the Democrat Party Politburo led by Obama doesn't have someone else in mind
  18. Not sure the 12th amendment would allow it anyway. Besides, Newsom doesn't want to associate himself with Harris and destroy his future options
  19. He won't remember any of it
  20. Wonder if they've told Joe yet?
  21. Yeah, last year. He was good, an old school Democrat before the party crossed the Rubicon
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