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Everything posted by gamb00ler

  1. Such a great leap is worthy of an Olympic gold medal in the long jump.
  2. @spidermike007made no claim of criminal charge or conviction. You've exaggerated his statement. Contempt of court can be elevated to a criminal charge and can lead to incarceration. Giuliani is definitely aware of the potential punishment but is adamantly resisting the judge's orders.
  3. You are in serious need of a lengthy remedial reading course. You constantly ignore the context of a conversation. Maybe for your benefit I should include several paragraphs of context..... 😂
  4. This is one of the greatest weaknesses of democracy. Too many voters have a short memory, a long term addiction to comfort and an aversion to economics.
  5. It's safe if you restrict your flights over Russia and its environs.
  6. I dunno.... does quantum entanglement make sense to you? Perhaps it's time to incorporate a greater measure of faith in my worldview.
  7. By firing all the IRS auditors with the skills required to audit the tax returns of high net worth individuals.
  8. The income that is excluded from taxation by US is only wage/salary income. Business income, investment income and other non-wage earnings are not included in the foreign earned income exemption. In another post you indicated that this US exemption would be of benefit to dual nationality tax payers. I don't think that's true as it only exempts the earner from US taxes not all taxation.
  9. I don't think you know much about water. of course water appears to "curve" due to gravity. Gravity actually bends the fabric of space as well. Gravity keeps pretty busy and its affects are felt unimaginably far away.
  10. then all humanity suffers some weird hallucination when looking at large bodies of water?
  11. How's your math? The acceleration required to keep material from leaving the Earth's surface at the equator is easy to calculate. Show us you can do this! The answer is .034 m/s². That is very small when compared to Earth's gravitational acceleration of 9.8 m/s². While I have your attention..... please give the flat earther's explanation for why the same object appears to weigh more at Earth's poles than at its equator. The answer is..... the object weighs the same but a scale shows the apparent weight not the true weight. The apparent weight is less at the equator because ....... wait for it....... the round Earth is spinning which creates a countervailing acceleration (.034) away from the Earth.
  12. Not only that but each star emits light in a manner that creates a unique "fingerprint". It can be conclusively proved that the stars visible from the Southern Hemisphere are different from those visible on the opposite hemisphere.
  13. The Blues Brothers 5-6X Shawshank Redemption 3-4X Pulp Fiction 3-4X Léon: The Professional 3X Godfather 1&2 2-3X V for Vendetta 2X Dune (2021) 2X Silver Linings Playbook 2X
  14. Discussion of gravity is relevant because gravity is what caused all the planets to be "round". The foolish flat earthers need to also deny the "theory" of gravity to quash that "round" rumor.
  15. Our perception is just that.... our subjective view of the universe. In the Earth/Moon system, both objects revolve around the system's virtual center of mass, which lies within the Earth's circumference. The oceans being more "pliable" move more than the solid portion of the Earth. https://www.scienceisart.com/B_Tides/EarthMoonCOG.html
  16. How is your math? It's not hard to figure it out given the purported diameter of the Earth. Start here: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/chords-of-a-circle/ Show your work!
  17. Jethro said it best with his album.. Thick as a Brick.
  18. but... .density has no effect without gravity
  19. I grew up in a light pollution free area. On moonless nights my siblings and I would sometimes lay on the ground and look up at the Milky Way and occasionally we could see a satellite traversing. @rattlesnake do you believe in/understand gravity?
  20. What Trump certainly doesn't realize is that maps using the Mercator projection method severely exaggerate the size of Greenland. Even though he loves to downplay climate change, Trump figures that soon Greenland will be prime waterfront property. Don't forget he's the greatest at whatever he does or even thinks about.
  21. My mistake.. I haven't looked at my ATM card for many months... it is indeed MasterCard... sorry for the error.
  22. I've had a Bangkok bank VISA debit card since Oct. of 2020. Since I learned how to do cardless withdrawals, I don't carry around my Bangkok bank ATM card. That's my excuse for thinking it was VISA when it is in fact MasterCard. Sorry!
  23. We have 3 light switches (Panasonic) in our house that are in a location where you can't see if the light is on or off. For one of the switches that's OK because it is the only switch for that circuit and the physical switch position is sufficient. However the other two are both in 3-way circuits so a switch's physical position is not indicative of circuit power. I bought a Panasonic illuminated 3-way switch thinking that's the solution. It does work but the indicator LED is illuminated when the light is off and dark when the light is on. I want the opposite functionality. Google tells me what I have is referred to as locator switch so you can easily find it in a dark room. The functionality I want is called a pilot light switch. I don't think Panasonic sells that type. I'll just have to get used to using reverse logic when using the indicator light to make sure the circuit is not powered. I wonder how the switches indicator LED is powered when the light circuit is not. Would it be feasible to rewire the switch from locator to pilot light mode? I don't know if the switch would survive disassembly.
  24. Boonthavorn has a good selection of mixer faucets for the kitchen. I bought two Franke brand for our house. They have detachable spray heads but are not the tall kind you showed. I prefer lower ones as it's easier to prevent the water splashing outside the sink.
  25. TRD basically said that any income earned outside Thailand from 2023 and before will never be assessable whether remitted or not. I cannot see them now treating income from 2020 that spent some portion of the intervening time in an IRA/SEP/401K differently.
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