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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. I wish you well in your pursuit to gain official Thai government recognition of Permanent Residency. Unfortunately for me, retired in Thailand for over 12 years with Chiang Mai as my only global residency, I am blocked from ever getting official recognition of this fact (aside from a political gaining of that official designation).
  2. A familiar saying came to mind. "The beatings will continue until morale improves".
  3. If I were interested in this, I would ask my Thai wife as she reads Thai. I am stopped by my lack of Thai language reading ability. The sites you listed, I think, are mostly used by non-Thais.
  4. Congratulations on becoming part of the club. Hundreds of young, pretty girls find me fascinating … immediately blocked. Could some few be real … oh, be still my beating heart. But bottom line . I am quite happy here in Thailand with my Thai wife and Stepdaughter.
  5. Same ole, same ole ... appealing to non-thinkers on the gut reaction, emotional appeal level rather than providing a thought based reasoned, workable solution. But those are the Americans he is appealing too in order to gain their support due to their justified frustration/anger.
  6. Not a pickup but I just replaced my Firestone 205-70 15 with Michelin. Firestone still had plenty of tread but they were 6 years old. TyrePlus has a promotion going on. Lifetime tire balance/rotate/align included in the tire cost.
  7. Apnea was my first thought also. C-pap readily available here. I sometimes use Benadryl or sometimes an aspirin (aches and pains in the night can disturb sleep).
  8. Retired over 50 addendum: No, you do not need 800K baht in bank if you use the monthly income method (65K baht a month transferred in). No, you are not required to have medical insurance with an "O" Visa for retirement. Only those getting the "O-A" Visa for retirement from their home country are required to have this insurance.
  9. Upon my Wise app request, Wise does an EFT from my US bank and transfers it to my Bangkok Bank account as a FTT. I would think this would be as easy (or now possibly easier) than using a Debit Card? ' Course it could just be a current, "glitch" you are facing.
  10. I retired to Chiang Mai from the USA 12 years ago. Indeed, in the beginning I did use the U.S. Consulate affidavit as to income. It changed since I have been here and so I have used the 65K monthly income method ever since. The understandable action was based on the fact that they took our word about the income, they were only certifying that it was ourselves declaring this. When the Thai Immigration wanted the declaration to equal a “proof of income”, that is when the U.S. stopped as they were not about to deal with verifying income from the various sources were we get our retirement income. Quite different from countries where retirees receive their retirement/pension from one government source. In my case the US Consulate would have to certify my Social Security, plus my drawing on retirement savings account, plus privately earned income from stocks … not feasible to expect as a gov’t responsibility. No “pensions” as such involved.
  11. Historically a very dangerous time … when the populations rising expectations are not met.
  12. Lost in (cultural) translation. Many valid comments already. Keep on doing what you are doing if that is what you want. Over time you will change or decide the culture in not working for you. Many of us have had this bit of culture shock. Love the Thai guys, they love them, leave them (oft with the baby). Older westerners arrive facing a huge pool of cute Thai females of the ages you cite. 1. How old are you 2. What do/did you do for work 3. How much income do you have. (Not in order). The Thai social pecking order … and you have already read the comment … age and security play heavily into the judgements made. I retired here and have had only great memories before settling down with my Thai Wife 26 years younger than I … but then I am ancient!
  13. I confess I came with hopes of finding a great house at a considerable reduced cost. Gave up that thinking some time ago. I just changed from an OA Visa for reason of Retirement to an O Visa for reason of Marriage to a Thai national. When asked about income by the Immigration interviewers who came to the house, I said I knew that I would only be required to bring in 40K a month but that I would continue brining in 65K as that is what we spend almost every month.
  14. Cute good to know other nations do not express their own views publicly or behind the scenes.
  15. I enjoy reading through much of Asiannow news but … Faux News is a discredit. They have been publicly discredited.
  16. Very funny … or sad for anyone who has studied biology in nature. There is all kinds of diversity out there. Only the ignorant declare there is only yes/no, right/wrong, black/white, male/female.
  17. Agreed, depends on the individual. It was my unwise financial choice to remain in Kentucky to teach after earning the B.A. All other aspects were great, just financially an unwise decision. So, my fault that I cannot have a working middle class retirement in the USA on my $2400.00 USD per month ($1526.00 of that from SS). Very happy for over a decade to have been economically forced to retire to a lower cost country such as Thailand.
  18. May not be applicable but Chiang Mai. Bought my "Eagle Creek" roll-on years and many miles ago. Lifetime guarantee. The wheels were shot. Eagle Creek directed me to the "North Face" shop in Central Festival Mall (they sell/sold the Eagle Creek brand). They replaced the wheels under warranty.
  19. Without question, not the exact same thing. But I had to recall that in my country, hand picked Senators were selected by the state legislatures before the passing of a Constitutional Amendment making Senators (2 from each state) elected by the citizens.
  20. So, listing all Thai Senators names and how they voted or abstained would not violate as a matter of public record? Listing next to the names the major source of income from the public filing they must do every year, also a matter of public record?
  21. My next US Passport renewal is 2030. At age 76 ... well, as the Zen Master said, "We'll see" (tip of the hat to the movie, "Charley Wilson's War".
  22. Agreeing and just clarifying for those who may not get the connection.
  23. What great timing ... Bastille Day and the cry of the French, "Liberté, égalité, fraternité"
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