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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Just drove Highway 11, and Highways 1 & 31 today, Chiang Mai to Bangkok. Four highway spots but only two operating. First one, waved through. Second one just a hello, as my Thai Wife said she was from the Bangkok area … a handshake and off we went. Personally, I do not find Highway stops objectionable whether on the motorbike (always with our helmets) or in the car.
  2. Sansai Noi
  3. A little off center in my reply as I have not lived in KK. I spent 4 months in 4 different visits, traveling around "casing" Thailand in order to find my retirement city. Excluding Bangkok (too big for me), I found Chiang Mai to have everything I would possibly want. It has been home for 12 years and I am still quite happy here.
  4. So, they changed that from the $10,000.00 USD limit for reporting? I would recommend checking on this as we must still report any foreign bank balance (and/or combination of accounts) holding more than $10,000.00 annually.
  5. One possible alternative I was told about was, switching your UK Bank Account to the Isle of Man. Might be something worth checking out for my Brit Cousins.
  6. Boston Legal M.A.S.H. The West Wing come immediately to mind. Not in that order.
  7. My air conditioners have a setting on the remote symbolized by water drop(s). This is the setting I usually have on any time the Air conditioner is used. It acts as the dehumidifier and, if I recall correctly, uses less electric than the snowflake air conditioner setting.
  8. USA, England, Australia and Denmark, if I am up to date, have not issued these letters for some years.
  9. I suppose it can vary with which immigration officer handles the renewal. I have been here 12 years, the Bangkok Bank letter showing that I have 12 monthly deposits as FTT has been enough although my bank book accompanied (I do not have every deposit entered in the book as I do not update regularly). I however, have always found using an agency clears away any issues I may not be aware of. I would add that I had been on an O-A Visa for Retirement. This year I switched to an O Visa for Marriage to a Thai Spouse. I still bring in the 65K from the USA every month as that is what we spend in Chiang Mai as a family of 3 (includes teen Stepdaughter).
  10. Then again, the Great Wall was not so successful in the long run. Og course, more than a wall or a Maginot Line is involved.
  11. Agreed, although I would observe that this is true with other belief systems, as well. In my home country, those who believe they will get good in try urn or at least will avoid the fires of hell in eternity.
  12. As the Zen Master said, … we’ll see (tip of the hat to the movie, “Charlie Wilson’s War”).
  13. All of us Americans are required by law to report our worldwide income on which we are under USA taxation law. As we already are subject to taxation on that income, where the USA has taxation treaties with other countries, we are protected from double taxation on that same income. From all that I am reading and listening to from companies filing our tax returns from here in Thailand, our US- Thai tax treaty remains covering us. My only income is derived from US retirement sources, I anticipate no change in my annual US tax return. If you are in Chiang Mai, the last Saturday of the month, a speaker from American International Tax Advisors will address this at the meeting of the Chiang Mai Expats club scheduled for 10:00 at the Melia Hotel.
  14. Chiang Mai is interesting in that parts get drenched while other areas remain dry. Yesterday (Sunday) the Daughter was home to experience a real “gully washer” resulting in flooded Sois in the Moo Baan. Wife and I were South of San Sai Noi and … only a light intermittent spray barely wetting the ground.
  15. I can appreciate that you fail to see the relevance since the topic is the age difference.
  16. I have that beat! When my Wife was 12, I was 40! Damn! Deal with it! It can be stated as FACT! Then again, for those capable of critical thinking … I would have been in the USA and my future Wife in Thailand … that too is FACT. Additionally, while there is a 26 year difference in age … FACT … we did not meet until 2017. Thus FACT needs to have some thinking applied (for those who are capable). Today, I am 76, my Wife 50.
  17. Had a Thai attorney draw up the prenup. Registering the marriage, the prenup is to be filed at the same time. Amphur office lady refused saying it was contrary to Thai law …
  18. Cannot identify with the former but Tai Pan is one of my all time favorites. A step down and it is watching the movie, Noble House.
  19. From what I understand, Thai banks would issue me only a "secure" charge card. As stated by a reply already given. So, I have maintained my US credit cards which are based on my credit history. I think I could "charge" close to a million baht on the cards.
  20. Well, they can be “ideals” … you and I would probably agree that they are not positive ideals but ideals by definition need not be positive. Don’t you agree?
  21. My ballot was just handed over to the US Consulate in Chiang Mai. Voting in Kentucky it will be Democrat. Oh, I have plenty to take issue with the Democrat Party but, as you note … there is precious little in the way of alternatives. Republican? Not today’s US Republican Party …
  22. And not one comment about how to motivate students and their parents to take school seriously. OK … same challenge faced by teachers the world round. Over my 41 years as an educator I had the cross section of humanity … some self motivated, some outstanding, some lacking self confidence, some fighting anti-education sediment at home, some … well, some incapable of gaining knowledge at the level or time in their life when in my classroom. One of the most challenging and most rewarding careers but it will break your heart if you truly care … and do not look to be financially compensated for the role you play in society. All that said, no … I cannot definitively speak for this particular teachers motivation.
  23. I have, evidently failed to communicate with you. I received 3300 baht more on this month’s transfer over last month’s transfer for “long term living” in Thailand (one option for those of us living here on retirement Visas).
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