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Everything posted by wwest5829

  1. Once upon a time I thought I could view this in other countries and critique but now ... yes, in large measure because of available technology, I am quieted as an American. Oh, certainly, I can recognize different nuances but ... US corruption? Sadly widespread.
  2. Before retiring to Thailand I did what I have been educated to do ... and so read Thai history, Thai sociology, Thai psychiatry, Thai culture books in addition to coming for two monthlong trips in 2009 and again in 2010. Oh, there have been cross cultural experiences for sure, but I cannot say there have been any real surprises. In this current issue? I think it is quite within the expectation of a country which is socially based on a structure giving status to both wealth and social standing. This reinforces the recognition of kreng jai with those with wealth/power giving and those lower, giving due diffidence. Thus, I am not at all confident to think that there could be substantial change without a deep social change expectation.
  3. Seems to me that there should be a threat of charging official wrongdoing with, "lese majeste" charges as the wrongdoing caused embarrassment to the Kingdom of Thailand and so the King. If not used currently, OK but let the word go out that, in the future this is a probable charge for wrongdoing while serving in an official capacity.
  4. Traveled 23 Mexican states in the VW Camper during the 1979-1980 academic year while on an unpaid sabbatical leave. Loved it ... Thailand certainly has the potential to further develpop their national parks with camping facilities.
  5. Unless I am sadly mistaken, the recruiting of ex military into police forces is part of the attitude of fighting an enemy leading to far too much use of force. I have not seen the statistics so I am speculating here. Dept. of Justice says 25% ...
  6. I applied your idea to encouraging watching movies based on historical events, often pointing out that students were to keep in mind that most movies are focused on entertainment and earning money not a dedication to historic accuracy. That said, I wanted them at least exposed to the history even if they did not read a book the movie was based upon.
  7. Broaden the reading, “After nearly three weeks of being pressed to explain their decisions, Florida’s education officials shared 5,895 pages of documents showing what the state’s textbook reviewers saw in the volumes that led to their rejection.” - Washington Post. There is a lot to be digested, reflection on “unintended” or intended consequences being discussed. My reflection on what I taught certainly is questioned by some reviews of the books, if they allude to systemic rascism in the US, inequality in gender or racial treatment, stating that there is such a thing as climate change … My main concern is limiting what can be taught, by whom, and denying documented facts in favor of a political agenda. My political agenda as an educator is “academic freedom” to investigate, discuss, explore, discuss any topic. It appears to me in history that those who seek to restrict/control education are doing so to keep control politically over their citizenry.
  8. According to some, my teaching about the growth of the institutional Christian Church and the actions taken against those who were not Christian (or not the right “brand”) … the exposure to the slavery and its results, the result of Europeans (including my DNA in MA, RI, Southern NJ) colonizing on the native cultures including the documented purposeful actions of genocide, would be cited as some as being wrong. I sought to teach the historically documented good, the bad and the ugly in order for students to reflect on how we got to where we appear to be. Fortunately, I chose to study European and American History (including Latin America) in addition to study in 7 countries so my background is rather broad in comprehending much of the various influences affecting our current human condition. And the more I have learned, the more I recognize that which I do not know. Not something that, apparently is faced by many.
  9. Absolutely agree, political theatre initiated by DeSantis and his ilk. Actually, I am quite open to seeing discussion of the books forbidden out of fear of legal prosecution.
  10. And then when these students get to me (well, before I retired) in college, I will be condemned for providing a damned "liberal" higher education because I would be teaching ideas that Florida students never previously encountered in their censored education.
  11. Yes, Fidelity did not/would not conform to the required format allowing us to make an EFT directly to the Bangkok Bank, NYC Branch. Since that time, I set up a Wise (previously TransferWise) Account. After setting this up through Wise, once a month, Wise draws $2200.00 from my Fidelity Account (this is just my determined amount, yours can differ). When ordering the transfer into my Bangkok Bank Account, Wise asks for the reason of the transfer. By “checking” the long term stay living expenses box, the transfer is noted by Bangkok Bank as an FFT satisfying Thai Immigration (I use the monthly transfer to meet the income requirement.
  12. A asset to be developed in Thailand is its national parks. So much potential ... oh, and change the park charges for those of us on long term Visas/Extensions.
  13. My thought was for the Chinese, coming in increasing numbers and having only the less efficient Chinese vaccine shots. As short term, they would pay for their shots, if I understand the wording.
  14. Hmmm, were they on active duty at the time? I am reflecting on police serving as security guards on their own time ... certainly allowed in the USA. The rub only comes if they were on duty and/or using official police cars, etc.
  15. Careful P might decide he needs to protect Russian speakers and claim to annex … additional vacation spot and place to retire …
  16. I would never claim this. Both the spending and the lack of a workable immigration policy are the result of both parties “kicking the can down the road” so they do not upset their chance to be re-elected (and here I observe that the ultimate responsibility is on the citizen voters not demanding change). Reality under the last administration? Raise the spending and reduce the tax on the corporations/wealthy … which party held the majority and passed both these things?
  17. Allowing that the Royal Thai government does not care ... I agree that, after 10 years retired residence in the Kingdom of Thailand I am not a "tourist". I am a resident of Thailand as my only global country of residence.
  18. "City girls just seem to find out early How to open doors with just a smileA rich old man and she won't have to worry She'll dress up all in lace and go in style - Your Lying Eyes (Eagles).
  19. Ha! yes, some years ago my Son was on the bike behind me and had no helmet. We knew there was a checkpoint around the corner so I thought I would let my Son off, he could walk past the checkpoint and we would resume after a distance. Policeman stepped around the corner just as I was letting him off the bike. Foiled again!
  20. Yes. A "bridge too far" for me to give up citizenship. I do not know the facts but it appears to me that many of those giving up citizenship do so thinking they can avoid taxation (a large difference with my income). Although as a student of US and European History (generalist) I am quite attuned to wrongs that have taken place (currently watching the PBS Series on, "The U.S. and the Holocaust". So sad to be reflecting on the events and personalities. As to Thai being able to claim welfare benefits? A bit complicated since we are not citizens. On the other hand if one works here then the public health care and retirement benefits are available (such as they are). Guess we would also need to decide what we consider "welfare" ... sorry, I am just reflecting on some in my country defining paid, earned benefits as "welfare".
  21. Only discussing. So ... if I retire to Thailand, I am disenfranchised from voting anywhere? In my case, I do feel very strongly about my ties to the USA. My DNA goes back to forbears before it became a country and what the country does has global implications for Americans and others currently. In addition, my DNA remains in my children and Grandchildren so I am also concerned with domestic policies (including not being allowed to utilize my earned Medicare). No, I definitely want a vote as an American. Just because I am "outpriced" in the USA and have joined millions of other Americans retired to a lower cost country so that I can have a working middle class life, does not equate with my giving up my citizenship.
  22. Can I play, “Devil’s Advocate”? Here I am, American subject to worldwide US Income Tax. I have the right to vote in the last US area where I lived. I own no property in US, thus I am not a resident of any U.S. state (not subject to state income taxes). My income is low enough so that, as an aging retiree, I do not earn enough to be subject to US Income Tax. In that sense … a pretty free ride. PS … don’t tell the “Freedom Caucus” in the US House … they will want to take my citizenship away … or at least, no vote if you don’t pay taxes.
  23. OK … except the rich thingy. You see I taught in the U.S. for 41 years and thus needed to join millions of other retired working middle class folk retired to a lower cost country. Understand the family tree comment … being interested in history my USA roots go back before the country was established.
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